

A Research Study on the Political Activities of the First Jebtsundamba Khutuktu

【作者】 乌日图

【导师】 乌云毕力格;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 17世纪30年代哲布尊丹巴活佛转世系统在喀尔喀土谢图汗衮布家族形成,这本身就是藏传佛教与喀尔喀土谢图汗政治势力结合的产物。被五世达赖认定为嘉央活佛转世的第一世哲布尊丹巴呼图克图成了喀尔喀藏传佛教领袖,亲历了喀尔喀从稳定到内乱、从独立到归附清朝的整个过程。在这个过程中积极致力于治理喀尔喀内乱,维护喀尔喀汗国的政治利益和领土完整。后来喀尔喀被噶尔丹侵略后,由于寡不敌众,率众投降清朝,在清朝与准噶尔策妄阿喇布坦矛盾斗争中,奉命积极进行斡旋,争取和平解决争端,为清朝实现大一统做出了自己的贡献。对这样一个重要历史人物的研究还远远不够,值得深入研究。本文在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,充分利用清朝内阁蒙古堂档文献档案,将档案资料与史书记载结合互补,相互印证,对第一世哲布尊丹巴政治活动专题研究。有补白的愿望。全文由八个部分构成:“绪论”,介绍论文的选题意义、国内外研究状况、论文内容和新意、史料来源、研究方法等。第一章“第一世哲布尊丹巴呼图克图早期政治活动”,将论述第一世哲布尊丹巴家族简史和他的出生、出家以及去西藏谒见班禅和五世达赖喇嘛等活动以及他奉命回喀尔喀进行传教活动。第二章“罗布藏之乱到库伦伯勒齐尔会盟之前的第一世哲布尊丹巴呼图克图的政治活动”,主要论述1662年罗布藏之乱之前的喀尔喀及周边局势;论述喀尔喀内讧的起因及经过;探讨这一时期哲布尊丹巴治理内乱和调解喀尔喀内乱及左右翼间的属民纠纷活动。第三章“库伦伯勒齐尔会盟到噶尔丹侵略喀尔喀之前的第一世哲布尊丹巴呼图克图的政治活动”,将论述1686年哲布尊丹巴与达赖喇嘛代表、清朝代表共同主持库伦伯勒齐尔会盟,为解决喀尔喀左右翼间部民牧地之争进行了大量的调解工作;会盟上发生的哲布尊丹巴与达赖喇嘛代表之间所谓宗教礼仪之争,成为噶尔丹入侵喀尔喀的借口等。第四章“噶尔丹入侵到喀尔喀归附清朝的第一世哲布尊丹巴呼图克图”论述喀尔喀军队抗击噶尔丹入侵失败后,哲布尊丹巴率众投奔清朝的原因、经过及对清朝实现大一统的意义;还探讨噶尔丹和清朝围绕哲布尊丹巴、土谢图汗争夺喀尔喀统治权的深层原因。第五章“哲布尊丹巴抗议沙俄侵略喀尔喀蒙古领土的活动”探讨了哲布尊丹巴抗议沙俄侵略喀尔喀蒙古领土的活动,积极维护喀尔喀的领土完整。第六章“喀尔喀归清后的哲布尊丹巴呼图克图的主要政治活动”主要探讨了喀尔喀入清后的哲布尊丹巴如何奉命与准噶尔策妄阿喇布坦交涉以及如何稳定和安抚了喀尔喀之众;探讨他与康熙帝之间的关系以及如何安排他自己的转世问题等。“结语”,对第一世哲布尊丹巴呼图克图一生政治活动作一简要总结,提出了自己的看法和认识。

【Abstract】 In the 1630s, the reincarnation system of Jebtsundamba Khutuktu was formed in Khalkh Tusheet Khan Gombu family. It is a result of the alliance of Tibetan Buddhism and political force of Khalkh Tusheet Khan. Identified by the fifth Dalai Lama as the reincarnation of Living Buddha Jamiyan, the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu bacame the head of Tibetan Buddhism in Khalkh Mongol and underwent the whole process of Khalkh Mongols shifting from stability to internal disorder, from independence to submitting to the Ching Dynasty. During the time, he mediated actively between the disputing parties in the internal disorder of Khalkh Mongols, so as to safeguard the political interest and territorial integrity of Khalkh Khanate. After Galdan’s invasion of Khalkh Mongol, he submited to the Ching Dynasty, together with his subjects. During the war of Ching Dynasty and Dzungar leader Tsewang Rabtan, Jebtsundamba Khutuktu was active diplomacy and mediation, to promote peace and solve the issue of the dispute. This is a great contribution to the big unification of the Ching Dynasty. The research on such an important person is too little until now and a deep research is worth making. On the basis of full use of the former researches and the documents of the Mongolian Archival Materials of Mongolian Office of Grand Secretariat, combining document materials with historical records, this paper tried to add padding to the special research on the political activities of the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu.This text included eight parts. In the part of "introduction", this thesis provided a brief introduction of the meaning and value of the subject, the present status of related research in China and abroad, the content and new meaning of this paper, the source of the historical materials and the approach of the research. Chapter 1 of "the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu’s early political activities", discussed the family history of the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, the event of his birth and taking the tonsure, the event of going to Tibet and meeting the fifth Dalai Lama and Panchen lama and the missionary activities after his return from Tibet etc.. Chapter 2 of "the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu’s political activities before the Lovsan Rebellion and the Huren Belcheer Meeting", mainly discussed the situation of Khalkh and its neighbouring area before the Lovsan Rebellion in 1662; this chapter also discussed the cause and process of the internal disorder of Khalkh Mongol; this chapter discussed the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu’s activities of mediating between the left wing and right wing of Khalkh nobilities on the dispute of subjects too. Chapter 3 of "the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu’s political activities between the Huren Belcheer Meeting and the Galdan’s invasion of Khalkh", talked about the Huren Belcheer Meeting, which was directed together by Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, the representative of Dalai Lama and the representative of the Ching Dynasty in 1686; Jebtsundamba did a lot of mediations in order to resolve the subject and meadow dispute between the left wing and right wing of Khalkh Mongols; in this chapter we also talked about the religious rite dispute happened at the Huren Belcheer Meeting, which was used by Galdan as the pretext of the invasion of Khalkh later. Chapter 4 of "the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu from Galdan’s invasion to his submission to the Ching Dynasty", discussed the reasons and process of Jebtsundamba’s submission to the Ching Dynasty after the failure of military resistance against Galdan’s invasion and the meaning of this historical event for the big unification of the Ching Dynasty; we also discussed the deep reasons why Galdan and the Ching Dynasty contested the domination of Khalkh Mongol around Jebtsundamba and Tusheet Khan; Chapter 5 of "the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu protested the action of Russia’s invasion of Khalkh Mongol",he continuously negotiated with tsarist Russia so as to safeguard the territorial integrity of Khalkh; Chapter 6 of "the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu’s political activities after his submission to the Ching Dynasty", talked about how Jebtsundamba negotiated with Dzungar leader Tsewang Rabtan after his submission to the Ching Dynasty, how he stabilized and pacified Khalkh Mongols and how he arranged his reincarnation. The part of "conclusion" made a brief conclusion about the political activities of the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu all his life and put forward author’s own ideas and points.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

