

The Construction of the Knowledge-Base for Mongolian Conjunctive Form

【作者】 林八鸽

【导师】 那顺乌日图;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文面向蒙古文信息处理的实际需要,以自动识别蒙古语连接形式为目的,运用计算语言学方法对蒙古语连接形式的结构、意义和功能等进行了研究。该项研究中,描述了蒙古语连接形式的结构、功能和位置等特征,开发了囊括蒙古语连接形式词法、句法和语义等特征的《蒙古语连接形式信息词典》,并在此基础上建设了《蒙古语连接形式规则库》。全文共五章。第一章提出了研究对象、选题的必要性和背景、研究方法与内容以及资料的选择等。分析关于蒙古语连接形式以往研究成果的基础上,阐明了我们对蒙古语连接形式的命名、定义、分类和范畴等一系列问题的看法。第二章在语料分析的基础上,阐述了蒙古语连接形式的结构、功能和位置等特征。文中把蒙古语连接形式分为组合结构的连接形式和照应结构的连接形式等两大类。从连接形式在句中所处的位置和连接形式本身与所连接成分的前后位置等两个方面对其进行了研究。分析连接形式功能时,归纳了连接形式在语料中出现的次数、前共现成分以及连接功能等内容。蒙古语连接形式表示并列、递进、选择、转折、假设、对立、进层、因果以及顺承等九种关系。第三章基于连接形式在语料中的具体应用情况和传统蒙古语言学研究成果,分析连接形式的结构和功能,运用特征结构的方法,以数据库文件形式开发了《蒙古语连接形式信息词典》,设置其属性字段并填写了相应的属性值。该词典的字段不是以语法特征为主,而是以语义特征为主。这正是与《蒙古语语法信息词典》的区别所在。第四章基于短语结构语法,运用产生式规则,以文本文件形式建设了《蒙古语连接形式规则库》。把蒙古语连接形式的规则分为组合结构连接形式的规则和照应结构连接形式的规则等两大类。第五章详细阐述了《蒙古语连接形式自动识别程序》的研制和实现过程,介绍了该程序的结构、来源、功能结构图以及流程图等,并说明了用该程序进行测试的结果。

【Abstract】 In order to meet the requirements of Mongolian information processing, we focus on the research of Mongolian conjunctive form, including the structure, function, meaning as well as its automatic recognition from the perspective of computational linguistic. In this study, we develop the Knowledge-base of Mongolian Conjunctive Form which contains the information of morphology, syntax, semantics and usage. Based on the above knowledge-base, we also develop the Rule Database of Mongolian Conjunctive Form. This thesis consists of five chapters.Chapter 1 introduces the research object, significance, background, methods and materials. Based on the previous work on the Mongolian conjunctive form, we explain the naming, definition, classification, range of Mongolian conjunctive form as well as other related issues.Chapter 2 explains the attributes in the database such as the structure, function and position which comes from the analysis of the corpus. The Mongolian conjunctive form is divided into two classes:composite structure and anaphoric structure. We focus on two aspects:the position of the conjunctive form in a sentence and the relationship between the conjunction itself and its connected components. While analyzing the function of the conjunctive form, we record the number of occurrences in the corpus, the former connected components and the conjunction functions and so on. The conjunctive forms in Mongolian language have nine types of relations:coordination progression selection、adversative、supposition、opposition、going-ahead、cause-effect and hooking.Chapter 3 analyzes the structure and the function of the conjunction form based on its usage in the corpus and the traditional Mongolian linguistics. We set the attribute fields for Knowledge-base of Mongolian Conjunctive Form and fill in the fields on the basis of its structure and function. The attributes are not based on syntactic information but on semantic information. That is the difference with the Mongolian grammar information dictionary.Chapter 4 introduces the construction of the Rule Database of Mongolian Conjunctive Form which is based on the phrase structure grammar and presented in the text form. We divide the Mongolian conjunction rules into two classes:the rule for composite structure and the rule for anaphoric structure.Chapter 5 elaborates the development of the Automatic Recognition program for Mongolian conjunctive form, including the system architecture and data flow chart and so on. The performance of the program is also presented at the end of this chapter.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】H212
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】109

