

Study on Any Problems about Tibetan Buddhism in Tümed Region from Ching Dynasty to Republic of China

【作者】 乌云

【导师】 金海;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 区域宗教史是宗教史研究的基础,是一个地区整体宗教史研究的有机组成部分。宗教的变迁能够折射该地区政治、经济、文化、教育以及意识形态的演化。因而对土默特地区宗教史的研究,可以透视当地社会历史的发展历程。本文以清至民国时期土默特地区藏传佛教为研究对象,试图对土默特地区藏传佛教的寺院、喇嘛阶层、寺院经济、喇嘛印务处、蒙疆政权藏传佛教改革在土默特地区的实施及该地区社会变迁与藏传佛教衰落之间的内在联系等方面进行客观的考察,进而触摸内蒙古地区社会变迁的历史脉搏。本论文首次比较系统地利用了现存于内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市土默特左旗档案馆涉及宗教方面的相关档案。该馆收藏的档案包括清代形成的归化城副都统衙门蒙古文档案,民国时期形成的汉文、蒙古文档案,日伪时期形成的汉文和日文档案等类别,其中清代归化城副都统衙门档案18206件,民国档案47941件(包括成纪年档案2537件)。档案的形成时间为乾隆初年至民国三十八年。笔者拍摄档案千余件,实际使用三百余件(含少量蒙古文档案、日文档案)。本文以个案研究、统计分析、实证分析等研究方法,揭示土默特地区社会政治、经济、文化、教育变迁与藏传佛教之间内在的必然联系。全文由序言、正文、结语三部分组成。序言说明选题的目的及意义、相关研究概况、基本史料、研究方法及研究重点、难点和创新之处。正文分为五章。第一章阐述清代至民国年间土默特地区藏传佛教寺院从兴盛走向衰败的历史变迁过程。漠南蒙古宗教中心土默特地区在清前期出现了寺院兴建、修葺、扩建高潮。晚清以后,寺院佛殿僧舍日益破败,及至民国已然坍塌不堪。康熙年间,为加强管理和限制寺院势力的膨胀,设置了寺院管理专门机构--归化城喇嘛印务处。设立之初,归化城喇嘛印务处掌握归化城十五大寺院的管理大权。嘉庆以后,其权力渐被世俗政权剥弱。民国时期,寺院管理权转移至土默特旗署,喇嘛印务处有名无实。第二章在充分利用档案的基础上,梳理出清代至民国年间土默特地区藏传佛教僧侣阶层的数量及其变化。部分呼图克图转世系统的中断,僧侣人数的锐减等量的变化。在土默特地区藏传佛教历史演变中,世俗政权对僧侣阶层的法制化管理逐渐完善。第三章对寺院经济进行专题研究。清代至民国年间,寺院经济作为土默特地区社会经济的重要组成部分,反映了当地蒙古人的社会经济生活。本文将不同时期土默特地区寺院经济的表现形式、经营方式、经济状况等进行实证分析和考证,揭示该地区寺院经济从耕地市场向房地产市场转型的过程中,藏传佛教僧侣陷入经济困境的实况。第四章论述蒙疆政权藏传佛教改革及其在土默特旗的实施。蒙疆政权时期,自上而下对藏传佛教进行了改革。在蒙疆政权辖区内普遍采取的措施是向喇嘛普及国民教育,强迫喇嘛学习蒙古文,培养实业技能等。在乌兰察布盟和锡林郭勒盟等牧业区,侧重于采取限制出家为僧的比例及年龄,强令未通过考核的喇嘛还俗等多种手段并用的方法,减少喇嘛人数。针对土默特地区呈现出喇嘛良莠不齐、后继乏人的状况,主要以提高喇嘛文化素质、整顿喇嘛队伍为主。第五章从理论角度探讨土默特地区社会变迁与藏传佛教衰落的内在联系。土默特地区藏传佛教衰落是多种因素综合作用的结果。清朝嘉庆以后,清政府对藏传佛教采取疏远和限制政策,藏传佛教兴盛时期结束。农业化使山西、陕西等周边民人大量涌入,不但改变了土默特地区的行政建制,形成“蒙汉分治”的管理体制。还改变了当地的人口结构,形成汉族人口占绝对多数的蒙汉杂居局面。留在当地的蒙古人无论是其生产、生活方式,还是意识形态、风俗习惯等均已汉化,出现了蒙古人信仰的多元化趋势。晚清新政以后,随着新式教育的推广,新式学堂的设立,培养了一批受过近代教育的知识分子。报刊杂志及出版业的发展,传播了科学知识,使蒙古人传统宗教意识发生嬗变,重新审视藏传佛教,促成了蒙疆政权时期的藏传佛教改革。结语总结全文,并申明作者的观点、论文的创新之处及尚未解决的难点。

【Abstract】 Regional religion history is the basic and organic constituent part of researching of religious history. Changes of religion could reflect the development of politics, economic, culture, education and ideology in local region. Thus people can see the social development course of Turned region through researching on regional religious history. The dissertation researches Tibetan Buddhism temples, class of Lama and temple economic, printing workshops of Lama, religious reform in Turned region, relationship between social changes and vicissitudes of Tibetan Buddhism.The author of dissertation took advantage of the files saved in Inner Mongolia Turned Archives systematically. The collection of the archives includes Mongolian files of Guihua City Provisional Government office (18203 pieces), Chinese and Mongolian files formed in the Republic of China (47941 pieces). Those files were formed between period pf emperor Qianlong and 1949. The author of dissertation took pictures of more than thousand files and used three hundreds files. The author of dissertation opened out the necessity relationship between changes of social politics, economic, culture, education and Tibetan Buddhism in Tumed region.The whole dissertation is consisted of preface, main text and conclusion. In the preface, the author explained the intention, meanings, related researching situation, basic history materials, researching methods, emphases, difficulties and innovations of the subject.There are five chapters in main text. In the chapterⅠ, the author expounded the vicissitudes process of Tibetan Buddhism temples in Tumed region. As a religious centre for desert southern Mongolian region, Tibetan Buddhism temples had been built, widen, repaired in early Ching dynasty, ruined in late Ching dynasty and disappeared in republic of China in Tumed region.In the chapterⅡ, based on archives, the author set forth the number of Lamas and changes of Lama class from Ching dynasty to republic of China. Such as the sharp dropping of the number of Lamas, interruption of living Buddha succession system, improvement of administration system toward Lama class.In the chapterⅢ, the author carried through monographic studies about temple economic. As a important part of social economic, temple economic reflected the living situation of Mongols who lived in Tumed region. The author analyzed and made textual researching with styles, management models and financial situation of temple economic. In the chapterⅣ, the author discoursed upon the Buddhism reform and implementation of Mongolia regional regime government. Mongolia regional regime government had carried through religious reform from top to bottom with Buddhism. Such as popularizing the civil education to Lamas, teaching Mongolian to Lamas by force, training applied skills and so on. Because of the situation about different levels of Lamas, shortage of high level Lamas in Tumed region, Mongolia regional regime government had mainly improving quality of Lamas.In the chapterⅤ, the author discussed internal relationship between social changes and decline of Tibetan Buddhism in Tumed region theoretically. Declining of Tibetan Buddhism in Tumed region is was result of various factors. After Jiaqing emperor, Ching dynasty had taken the alienation and restrictive policies with Tibetan Buddhism, the period of Tibetan Buddhism flourished ended. The great deal of peasant immigrated into Tumed region under agricultural trend, changed not only the administrative system but also population structure. Mongols stay in local region began to Chinese-characterizing, either their production and living methods or ideology and customs. Promotion of modern education and the establishment of new style schools trained modern-educated intellectuals after late Ching dynasty. Development of newspaper and magazine disseminated the scientific knowledge changed the Mongolian traditional religious consciousness, made Mongolian survey the Tibetan Buddhism again. It contributed to the Tibetan Buddhism reform of Mongolia regional regime government.In conclusion, the author summarized the dissertation and affirming the views, innovation, unresolved difficulties.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

