

A Study of Farmers’ Forest Management Behaviors under the Constraints of Logging Quota System

【作者】 黄斌

【导师】 张春霞;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 采伐限额管理制度是我国森林管理最重要的制度之一,这是“为合理采伐森林,及时更新采伐迹地,恢复和扩大森林资源,发挥森林的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益”而进行的制度设计。随着森林资源状况和林业经济实践的变化,尤其是林业产权制度改革将森林资源产权配置到农村家庭户,农户替代了集体成为新的森林经营主体,关于采伐限额管理制度的争论由此变得越来越激烈,要求改革采伐限额管理制度的观点倍受关注。所以,根据变化了的森林经营主体特征探讨采伐限额管理制度对林农经营的影响是一个有意义的研究课题。论文的主要内容如下:第1章阐述了论文的选题背景,研究目标、研究内容和研究方法,交代了论文资料的主要来源是对福建省500户林农家庭进行的问卷调查,总结了论文的创新点与不足之处。第2章梳理了森林采伐管理制度变迁的历史,这是一个随着宏、微观环境的变化而不断修订和完善的过程。从十一五采伐限额管理制度的执行情况看,采伐限额管理制度对农户的造林和采伐行为产生了不利影响,但究竟如何影响农户的森林经营行为则是本论文的主要研究内容。第3章对农户经济行为理论进行了回顾,并在调查的基础上把农户森林经营行为分为农户造林、管护和采伐等三种类型。以下的4--7章分别研究采伐限额管理制度对于这三类行为的影响。显然,受到采伐限额管理制度的直接影响的是农户采伐行为,所以是研究的重点内容,第4、5章分别从收入和成本的不同角度进行研究。第4章分析采伐限额管理制度对单个农户收入的影响,通过木材价格及采伐量的影响因素分析,结合农户调查数据的统计分析发现:采伐限额管理制度对农户的林业收入的有利影响是,延迟采伐时间能提高出材量,同时由于限制了供给量又可能导致木材价格的上升;而不利的影响是推迟采伐收入的实现时间会带来投资收益的损失。理论与实践数据显示,两个方向相互作用,最终使得农户的林业收入受采伐限额管理制度的影响不大。第5章探讨影响农户利润最大化的另一个变量--采伐成本。根据对农户及林业主管部门的调查总结出限额采伐管理制度下的作业流程,包括4个阶段17个步骤。分析得出,在17个作业流程中,农户要承担的成本包括与采伐限额管理制度直接相关的成本、变动相关的成本和不相关成本。农户采伐时为了躲避所有的成本可能选择无证采伐的行为方式;为了降低与采伐限额管理制度直接相关的信息成本可能选择整山出售的采伐形式;社会资本和林业从业经验丰富的农户选择自己组织采伐的方式。由于信息成本的差异,最终导致不同农户采伐获得的利润、可支配收入是不同的,从而影响了农户的采伐行为及林业总收入的分配。第6章以调查数据为基础,实证分析了采伐限额管理制度对农户造林行为的影响。根据预调查的结果,将农户造林行为影响因子分为3类10种,通过因素分析法得出采伐限额管理制度对造林意愿的影响较小,但是却对农户造林树种的影响较大,经济林和竹林的面积呈增加趋势,而用材林总体呈下降趋势,但是用材林中桉树等速生丰产林有上升趋势。第7章分析了采伐限额管理制度对幼林抚育、抚育采伐和防火、防盗和病虫害防治的影响,结果发现:森林采伐限额管理制度对农户用材林的幼林抚育没有直接的影响;在抚育采伐方面,森林采伐限额管理制度不影响农户抚育采伐决策,农户抚育采伐决策主要受到抚育采伐技术规程、抚育采伐的木材生产成本和短小材和小径材市场价格的影响,在抚育采伐技术规程的严格约束下,农户往往会推迟抚育采伐的开始期,并作出“砍中留大留小”的决策;在三防行为方面,采伐限额管理制度会推迟用材林分的主伐年龄,这将提高农户的森林病虫害防治、森林防火和森林防盗的成本。论文最后一章对基本研究结论进行了总结,并根据研究结论,提出修订森林法,简化采伐管理流程,降低农户采伐信息成本,规范采伐管理技术规程,试行预期分配的采伐管理制度等5条政策建议。

【Abstract】 The administrative institution on cutting quota is one of the most important institutions in China’s forestry administration, aiming to reach the goal of Rational Forest Cutting, Timing Renovation of the Cropped Land, Renewal and Expansion of Forestry Resources, and Giving Full Play to the Ecological, Economic and Social Benefits of Forest. Along with the changes on forestry resources and forestry economy while the institutional reform on forestry property, in which forestry households allocate forestry resource property rights, replaces the collectives by households as the new major stakeholders of forestry management, the debates on the administrative institution on cutting quota becomes increasingly fierce and the calls for reforms on the institution get much attention. It is a topic of significance to discuss the impacts of the administrative institution on cutting quota on forestry farmers in the context of changed features of major stakeholders in forestry management. The contents of the paper are as follows.Chapter 1 discusses the background, research objectives, contents and methodologies of the paper, points out that major data come from questionnaire survey from 500 forestry households of Fujian, and summarizes the innovations and weaknesses of the paper.Chapter 2 describes the history on changes of administrative institution of forestry cutting, indicating that it is a process of amendments and improvements along with the changes of macro and micro environments. From the execution results of administrative institution on cutting quota during the 11th Five-year Plan, the institution has negative impacts on household planting and cutting activities. How this institution affected forestry management activities of households is of major interest of the paper.Chapter 3 reviews the theories on economic activities of households and categorizes forestry management activities of households into planting, protection and cutting. Chapter 4 to Chapter 7 studies the impacts of administrative institution on cutting quota on these three activities respectively. It is obvious that the institution directly affects cutting activities of households; therefore, cutting activity is the focus of the research and Chapter 4 and 5 explores this topic from the perspectives of income and cost.Chapter 4 analyzes the impacts of administrative institution on cutting quota on household income. By analyzing the affecting factors of wood price and cutting volume, combined with survey data from the households, the paper finds that the positive impacts of the institution on household income are that delayed cutting time increases the output and that restricted supply may result in the rise in wood prices. The negative impacts are that delayed cutting income brings about investment revenue loses. Theoretical and empirical data indicate that the interaction of positive and negative impacts result in insignificant impacts of the institution on forestry income of households.Chapter 5 discusses cutting cost, another variable affecting profit maximization of households. Based on the surveys from households and forestry administration departments, the paper summarizes the operational procedures under the institution, in which there are 4 phases and 17 steps, and indicates that households incur costs include costs directly related to the institution, costs related to the institutional changes, and costs that are irrelevant to the institution. In order to evade all the costs, households may choose cutting without license. In order to decrease information costs directly related to the institution, households may choose cutting activities in the form of selling the whole forest land. Households with social capitals and rich forestry experiences may choose cutting under their own discretion. Due to the differences in information costs, different households have different profits and disposable income, affecting the cutting activities and total forestry income distribution.Based on the survey data, Chapter 6 empirically analyzes the impacts of administrative institution on cutting quota on household planting activities. Based on the preliminary survey results, there are 3 categories/10 types of affecting factors on household planting activities. Factor analysis method shows that the institution has minor impact on planting willingness but major impact on household planting activities. The areas of economic forest and bamboo displays an increase tendency and the overall timber forest an decrease tendency but the area of fast-growing and high-yield categories of timber forest like eucalyptus are on the increase.Chapter 7 analyzes the impacts of institution on protection of young forest, cutting against protection, guard against fire and theft, and pest prevention and cure. The paper finds that the institution has no direct impact on protection of young timber forest and has no impact on cutting against protection. Households’decision-making on cutting against protection is affected by the technical procedure, wood production cost, and market prices of short wood and small-diameter wood. Under the stringent technical procedure of cutting against protection, households tend to prolong the starting period of cutting against protection and make the decision to Keep the Big and Small while Cutting. For the perspectives of three Guards, the institution delays major cutting age of timber forest, resulting in higher costs on pest prevention and cure and guard against forest fire and theft.The last chapter of the paper summarizes the findings of the paper. Based on the finding, the paper put forward 5 solutions on cutting administrative institution. These include the amendments of forestry legislation, simplification of cutting administrative procedure, lowering of household information costs in cutting, standardization of technical procedure of cutting administration, and the trial of discretionary power.

  • 【分类号】F326.20
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】468

