

A Study on the Selections of Different Approaches for Rural Labor Force to Seek Employment in Cities and Related Influencing Factors

【作者】 周毕芬

【导师】 许文兴;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 虽然我国城市化进程迅速,但城市化仍然落后于工业化,在农村还有数额巨大的剩余劳动力,并且每年还产生大量新增劳动力,要把农村地区的剩余劳动力全部转移完毕,需要几十年的时间。农村剩余劳动力转移方式很多,包括发展现代高效农业就地消化、进入乡镇企业就近转移、发展小城镇、进入大中城市就业等。农村剩余劳动力的非农就业转移是发展中国家城市化的普遍规律,从我国来看,农村剩余劳动力转移的方式主要是进入大中城市就业,包括经商、做零工、进入企业务工,以进入企业务工居多。因此本文所研究的农村劳动力“进城就业”,主要是指“进城并到企业务工”。农村劳动力进城就业的途径包括老乡或亲戚朋友介绍、政府统一组织、看到招工广告而来、职业介绍所介绍、劳务派遣机构组织、先进城后直接上门询问等。调查数据表明,多数人选择通过“老乡或亲戚朋友介绍”这一途径进城就业,而选择通过政府统一组织或通过劳务派遣机构组织等组织化方式进城就业的比例较低。本文综合运用二元经济理论、人力资本理论、信息不对称理论、成本—收益理论、交易费用理论、外部性理论以及公共政策理论,以经济学、社会学、管理学等学科理论为指导,采用社会调查方法、统计分析方法、比较分析方法,坚持规范分析与实证分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合,对影响农村劳动力进城就业途径选择的各因素进行全面分析,并对各进城就业途径进行比较分析,找出对于农民工就业收益相对较高的进城就业途径,与实践中最多人选择的进城就业途径进行比对,并据此提出相应的政策建议。研究结论主要体现在以下几个方面:第一,农村劳动力进城就业途径多样,但多数人选择“老乡或亲戚朋友介绍”这一途径;第二,在性别、年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、外出务工经历等可测量的个人特征中,logistic回归模型分析结果显示,只有文化程度对进城就业途径选择有显著影响,而且文化程度越低的农村劳动力越倾向选择通过老乡或亲戚朋友介绍进城就业;第三,由于厂商对农村劳动力个人信息的不了解,同时出于尽可能降低招聘费用、节约培训成本等考虑,不愿花费高额成本去招聘属于低端劳动力且具有高流动性特点的农村劳动力,实际促进和强化了“老乡带老乡”这一进城就业途径;第四,农村劳动力输出地政府在就业信息传递、外出务工培训与就业指导等工作的不到位,以及劳动力输入地政府的绩效考核目标导向和财政“分灶吃饭”等原因导致缺乏关心外来务工人员就业问题的动力,都使得农村劳动力进城就业更多依赖老乡或亲戚朋友;第五,劳务派遣机构组织农村劳动力进城就业正处于上升阶段,尚未大规模开展,再加上宣传不够,使得农村劳动力对此了解不足,另外,一些劳务派遣机构存在侵害被派遣劳动者利益的行为,从而导致农村劳动力较少选择这一途径;第六,城市公共职业中介机构提供的岗位以面向城镇职工为主,有一定的就业门槛,而民办职业中介机构又良莠不齐,黑中介坑害农民工现象时有发生,从而在一定程度上打消了农村劳动力“先进城后找工”的想法,转而选择通过老乡或亲戚朋友介绍进城就业;第七,比较分析结果表明,“政府统一组织”或“劳务派遣机构组织”等组织化的进城就业途径,能够带给农民工相对较高的就业收益,而并非多数人所选择的“通过老乡或亲戚朋友介绍”这一途径。基于以上的研究结论,为了促进农村劳动力在进城就业时更多选择通过政府统一组织或通过劳务派遣机构组织等途径,降低对老乡或亲戚朋友的依赖性,从而提高农村劳动力进城就业的组织化程度和有序性,增加农民工在城市务工的就业收益,本文提出如下政策建议:加快农村就业信息服务平台建设;加大对农村进城劳动力培训力度,提高进城劳动力人力资本存量;政府要担负起维护农民工合法权益的责任;实行进城农民工与城市职工平等的就业制度;提升公共职业介绍机构的就业服务职能,整顿规范社会中间机构。本文在研究内容和研究视角上有一定的新颖性,在研究结论上有一定的创新性,从而加深了理论界对农村劳动力转移问题的认识。

【Abstract】 Despite the rapid process of urbanization, it is still lagging behind industrialization. In rural areas, there is a huge amount of surplus laborers, and an increasing number of new laborers are added to the force annually; however, it takes several decades to transfer this surplus. The transfer involves developing modern and efficient agriculture, transferring into the nearest town and township enterprises and developing small towns into cities so as to enlarge employment. Non-agricultural employment transfer of rural surplus labor is the universal law of urbanization in developing countries; and given the reality in China, the transfer is mainly that of rural surplus labor into the cities, including doing business, taking odd jobs or working in the enterprises, which accounts for a large percentage of rural laborers. Hence, this dissertation studies the employment of rural laborers into the city, mainly referring to those who go to cities and become enterprise workers. There are different approaches for rural labor force to seek employment in cities, including the help from their fellow-villagers, relatives and friends, the government support, the recruitment ads, the recommendation from employment agencies, the arrangement of labor-dispatched organizations, and directly walk-in inquiries. Statistics indicate that a large majority of rural labor force turn to their villagers, relatives and friends for help while less people choose to depend on the arrangement of government or labor-dispatched organizations.Employing a series of related theories, such as the dual economic theory, human capital theory, asymmetric information theory, the cost - benefit theory, transaction cost theory, externality theory, public policy theory and fundamental theories in economics, sociology, management and other disciplines, the dissertation, via social survey, statistical analysis, comparative analysis, a combination of normative analysis and empirical analysis and an integration of qualitative analysis into quantitative analysis, aims at a comprehensive analysis of various factors influencing the different approaches for rural labor force to seek employment in cities and a comparison among these different approaches so as to find out the approaches that promise higher income for rural labors and compare these approaches with those that are chosen by most of the rural laborers, and finally puts forward corresponding recommendations and strategies. The conclusions are as follows:First, despite various approaches for rural labor force to seek employment in cities, most people choose“to be recommended by their fellow-villagers, relatives or friends”.Secondly, according to an analysis of the measurable personal characteristics: genders, ages, education levels, marital status and migrant experiences, logistic regression model shows that only education levels have a prominent effect on the choices of different approaches to seek employment in cities, and rural labor force with lower education levels are more inclined to turn to their fellow-villagers, relatives or friends for helping them find employment.Third, manufacturers do not understand the personal information of rural laborers, and for the sake of reducing recruiting and training costs, they do not want to spend the high cost recruiting low-end rural labor force featured with high mobility, thus promoting and strengthening the above-mentioned most popular approach to seek employment.Fourth, the deficiencies in the work of the government where rural labor force is exported exist in many aspects including the transmission of employment information, the training of laborers to be exported and proper employment guidance, plus goal-oriented performance evaluation and financial phased implementation in the government where they receive those migrant workers, causes the lack of motivation to care for the employment of migrant workers, and as a result, rural labor force tend to be more dependent on their fellow-villagers, friends or relatives.Fifth, labor institutions and organizations that help rural labor force to seek employment in cities are still developing, which have not yet grown into a large scale, plus insufficient propaganda, and as a result, rural labor force lack of understanding of these organizations. In addition, some labor-dispatched agencies violate the interests of the dispatched workers, leading to less choices of this approach.Sixth, the vacancies provided by public employment agencies are often oriented towards urban workers, what’s more, there exist good and bad private employment agencies, which is not easy for rural laborers to tell one from another and some laborers, having been set up by illegal intermediaries, suffer a huge loss. Consequently, rural laborers abandon the original idea--“first enter the city and then looking for work”and instead turn to their fellow-villagers, friends and relatives.Seventh, the comparative analysis shows that the arrangement of the government or legal labor-dispatched organizations can bring migrant workers relatively higher incomes compared with the most popular approach that rural laborers seek employment with the help of their fellow-villagers, relatives and friends.From the above conclusions, in order to encourage more rural laborers to select employment approaches promoted by government institutions or legal labor-dispatched organizations, to reduce the laborers’dependence on their fellow-villagers, relatives or friends, to improve the orderly organization of the rural labor force working in cities and to increase the income of migrant workers, this dissertation puts forward the following proposals: accelerate the construction of the service platform for rural employment information;increase the training of rural labor force and improve the capital stock of human labor into the city;shoulder the responsibility of preserving the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers;establish an equal employment system for both rural and urban workers;improve services functions of public employment agencies, and rectify and regulate all intermediaries.With its novel contents and perspectives, together with its innovative conclusions, this dissertation can enhance the understanding of the rural labor force transfer issues in the theoretical circle.

  • 【分类号】F249.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1244

