

High-accuracy Irradiance Responsivity Calibration of Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Spectrometer

【作者】 张振铎

【导师】 王淑荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(长春光学精密机械与物理研究所) , 光学工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 臭氧垂直探测仪是我国第二代极轨气象卫星风云三号上的有效载荷,其主要任务是测量臭氧总量的垂直分布,为气候预报、环境监测及全球气候变化研究提供重要参数。为了实现臭氧垂直探测仪在轨的高精度探测,仪器发射前实验室的高精度辐射定标至关重要。论文介绍了国内外星载臭氧遥感仪器的现状及发展趋势,在总结本项目组近年来紫外光谱遥感仪器研制过程中建立的辐射定标系统及定标方法的基础上,概括了臭氧垂直探测仪以往辐照度定标方法的潜在不确定度源,主要针对各项不确定度源及其影响进行了深入的分析研究。针对“大气定标环境”不确定度源进行了理论分析、数值模拟和实验验证。研究结果表明:受臭氧垂直探测仪光学元件铝+氟化镁薄膜光学性质的影响,在真空和大气两种环境下,仪器250-400nm波段的辐照度响应度存在约3.8%的相对偏差,直接说明仪器全波段定标在真空环境下完成的必要性。针对“标准光源辐射不稳定性”不确定度源,构建了光源辐射稳定性测试研究系统。研究结果表明:光谱辐照度标准石英卤钨灯辐射稳定;氟化镁窗口传递标准氘灯存在真空辐射衰减现象,且衰减结果具有波长相关性。提出并成功研制了一套液氮制冷屏装置,提高氘灯辐射稳定性达7%。针对“发散光照明方法”不确定度源,分析出发散光和平行光两种照明方法标定仪器辐照度响应度的影响因素,数值模拟和实验验证了两种照明方法定标结果的偏差值。研究结果表明:发散光和平行光标定仪器辐照度响应度结果的相对偏差均小于各自的相对定标不确定度,证明了发散光照明方法的准确性。直接消除了“光源辐照度三次样条插值法”和“标准光源辐照度非均匀性”不确定度源。前者通过使用插值精度更高的SSBUV公式代替三次样条插值,提高插值精度约0.3%;后者通过对标准光源的辐照度非均匀性及仪器视场响应函数的准确测量,实现了对标准石英卤钨灯和传递标准氘灯入射辐照度值的有效修正,分别提高光源辐照度值精度约1%和3.2%。最后,在上述研究工作的基础上,总结出臭氧垂直探测仪实验室高精度辐照度定标方法并完成了仪器的标定。不确定度分析表明:臭氧垂直探测仪160-300nm和250-400nm波段辐照度定标总不确定度分别为±4.3%和±2.8%,与以往定标方法相比,两波段分别提高定标精度达4.5%和1.6%,达到了臭氧垂直探测仪高精度辐照度定标的目的。臭氧垂直探测仪在轨地外太阳紫外光谱测试结果与国际同类仪器测得的太阳光谱平均值相比,一致性优于±5%,证明了高精度辐照度定标方法的精确性。

【Abstract】 Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Spectrometer (SBUS) is one of the remote sensing instruments in FY-3 meteorological satellite. Its major task is to provide essential data for environmental monitoring, climatic prediction and global climatic change by detecting the vertical distribution of total ozone. In order to achieve the in-flight high-accuracy detection, pre-launch high-accuracy radiometric calibration of the SBUS is crucial. In this thesis, it is firstly reviewed the research work of space-borne remote sensing probes for measurement ozone content at home and abroad, and on the basis of summarizing the radiation calibration systems and methods established during the process of developing the ultraviolet spectral remote sensing instruments in our project group recent years, the potential uncertainties sources in previous irradiance calibration method of the SBUS are proposed. Then, deep analysis and study on every uncertainty source and its effect are made.According to the uncertainty source of atmosphere calibration environment, the methods of theory analysis, numerical simulation and comparison experiment have been adopted. The study results show that the spectral responsivity of the SBUS under atmosphere environment has a relative deviation of about 3.8% to that under vacuum environment in 250-400nm and it is necessary that the whole waveband irradiance calibration of the SBUS is accomplished under vacuum environment.According to the uncertainty source of standard lamps’radiation instability, the lamps’radiation stability testing system is constructed. The study results show that spectral irradiance standard quartz-tungsten-halogen lamp radiates stably, and the MgF2 windowed standard source deuterium lamp has vacuum radiation degradation which is related to the wavelength. A liquid nitrogen cooled screen device is developed to improve deuterium lamp’s radiation stability by 7%.According to the uncertainty source of diverging light illumination calibration method, the influence factors of calibration result using parallel light calibration or diverging light calibration have been analyzed. The relative deviation of the calibration results between two calibration methods has been verified by numerical simulation and comparison experiment. The study results show that the relative deviation value is less than any one of the two calibration results’uncertainties and demonstrate the accuracy of the diverging light illumination calibration method.The uncertainty source of "standard lamp irradiance cubic spline interpolation" and "standard lamp irradiance non-uniformity" are eliminated directly. The former improves the interpolation accuracy by about 0.3% using the higher-accuracy SSBUV interpolation formula instead of the cubic spline interpolation; the latter achieves the effective revision towards the incident irradiance value of the spectral irradiance standard quartz-tungsten-halogen lamp and the transfer standard deuterium lamp, the accuracy of lamp irradiance value are improved by about 1% and 3.2% respectively.Finally, on the basis of the study work above, summarize a high-accuracy irradiance responsivity calibration method and accomplish the irradiance calibration of the SBUS. The uncertainty analysis shows that the total irradiance calibration uncertainties of the SBUS in 160-300nm and 250-400nm are±4.3% and±2.8% respectively. Compared with previous calibration methods, the calibration accuracy of the two bands were improved by 4.5% and 1.6%, achieved the purpose of high-accuracy irradiance calibration of the SBUS. The extraterrestrial solar ultraviolet spectrum measured by SBUS is compared with international spectrum average value and an agreement is better than±5%, which demonstrates the accuracy of the high-accuracy irradiance calibration method.


