

The Historical Research of the Formula Preparation before the Song Dynasty

【作者】 许霞

【导师】 朱建平;

【作者基本信息】 中国中医科学院 , 中医医史文献, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 方剂学史的研究历来较为薄弱,而剂型史的研究涉及更少。中医方剂剂型历史悠久,种类繁多,剂型经过历代医药学家不断探索和总结,大致经历了从少到多,从初级、简单、经验的水平向着高级、复杂、深化的方向和水平发展,形成了丰富多彩的剂型特色。然而现有的剂型研究主要为剂型的改革研究,尚未见对剂型史进行系统的整理研究。本研究以宋以前所有涉及剂型的文献为研究范围,史志结合,以内史为主,兼顾外史研究,按历史顺序汇总宋以前的医方书以及涉及剂型和剂型理论的文献,对其中所载剂型进行统计和分析,逐个剖析各本书中所载的剂型,并对其中剂型进行比较,探讨宋以前各个历史时期剂型及剂型理论的发展和变化。采用史志结合的写法,按剂型内容,将散、汤、丸、膏等主要传统剂型的历史源流逐个进行解析,以期理清宋以前方剂剂型发展的脉络。本研究开篇伊始,简要考证了“方剂”、“方剂学”、“方剂学史”、“方书”,以及“剂型”等相关概念的源流,并对研究中出现的所有传统剂型进行分类。阐述方剂剂型史研究的目的有两点:一是为方剂学实验研究与临床运用提供有益借鉴;一是完善与发展中医方剂学史研究。本研究首次系统梳理宋之前方剂剂型文献,对后续研究起到铺垫作用;有助于对古代方剂剂型进行继承和创新,故本研究具有重要的历史和现实意义。前言部分进一步明确本研究的范围和研究过程所使用的方法,并简要介绍论文结构与内容梗概。宋以前方剂剂型的发展按历史顺序,结合方剂剂型的发展特点,将其分为先秦两汉剂型奠基时期、魏晋南北朝剂型专科化倾向时期和隋唐剂型丰富多样时期。先秦两汉时期,社会生产力水平较低,社会形态有奴隶社会过渡到封建社会。这一时期也处于医学发展的早期,流传至今以及后世相继出土的文献表明了当时的医学发展水平,同时,文献中所载的方剂剂型也显示了当时之制剂水准。我国现存最早的医方书《五十二病方》中收载饼剂、补牙剂、搽剂、丹剂、膏剂、胶剂、浸剂、散剂、食疗剂、汤剂、丸剂、洗剂、熏剂、浴剂和熨剂等剂型共15种,帛书中尚无剂型名称出现,外用剂型的方剂较多,所出现的剂型均较简单,制剂工艺相对粗糙,但也出现如丹剂类的化学制剂。马王堆出土医籍收录医方的其他3种医书《养生方》、《杂疗方》、《胎产书》也出现了数种剂型形式。《养生方》共有10种剂型,其中如酒剂、栓剂、药巾剂是《五十二病方》所未见的。《杂疗方》和《胎产书》没有新剂型出现。马王堆汉墓帛书的出土为研究先秦时期方剂剂型提供了一份珍贵的原始资料。中医理论经典著作《内经》的辨治理论,长于针灸刺法,而略于方药。故所含方剂只有13首,涉及剂型7种,未见有创新剂型出现,书中以“半夏汤”作为方剂之名,首见“汤”剂作为方名,为后世以汤命名的各种方剂名奠定了基础。甘肃武威旱滩坡汉墓出土的《武威汉代医简》反映了我国东汉以前的剂型发展情况。医简中收录的剂型共9种,出现了我国医药史上最早的滴鼻剂、耳栓和鼻栓,开辟了耳、鼻用药的新途径。医简中的“千金膏药方”可膏摩,可涂抹,也可内服。这种一膏多用的使用方法以往未见,同时,它也是中国医学史上出现的最早的内服膏方。东汉著名医家张仲景所著《伤寒杂病论》创立的辨证论治的原则和防治疾病的方法,对中医学独特医学理论的形成及中医学术发展,起到了巨大的作用。书中的方剂,古人誉之为“经方”,其组成药精味简,力专效宏。经方的疗效确切与剂型的精确选择也有着密切的关系。《伤寒论》所含剂型5种,以内服剂型为主。新出现了灌肠剂和肛门栓两种新剂型,表明《伤寒论》创制了固体和液体两种直肠给药形式。《金匮要略》收载剂型8种,以汤剂为最多,并且大量运用煮散,未见新剂型出现。《伤寒杂病论》在方剂剂型的变化方面,有其因病而易、因势利导的特点,所载剂型均各有所宜。此时期除医学文献涉及方剂剂型之外,《史记·扁鹊仓公列传》所含的《诊籍》有医案25则,其中所治愈的15则病案,治病方法有针灸、方药、食疗等,出现方剂数个,涉及剂型7种,其中含漱剂为中国医学史上首见,开辟了口腔用药的新方法。《诊籍》也从一定程度上反映了西汉的剂型发展水平。先秦两汉时期是中国药物与方剂及其学术体系奠基的时期。在大量临床实践经验积累的基础上,方剂所涉及的领域大大开拓。剂型也从简单的天然药物制剂发展至较为复杂的种种剂型。同时出现了最早的剂型理论,为后世剂型的发展和完善作出了重要贡献。魏晋南北朝时期政局动荡,战祸不断,数朝更迭,加之当时科技尚不发达,因而大部分医方书于天灾人祸中佚失。今人只能从后世医方书以及历代史志目录的著录中管窥一斑。故本时期所见医书多为经后人辑佚而成。东晋葛洪的著作《肘后备急方》为一本“临床袖珍急症手册”。所载方剂大多价廉效著,治法简便易行。全书含有剂型24种,其中首次记载了滴耳剂、锭剂、膜剂、舌下含剂、香囊剂、眼膏剂、含化剂、药枕剂等剂型。最早记载了用舌下含剂治疗卒死尸蹶,为后世舌下含剂治疗心脏病方法奠定了基础。书中不仅大量使用煮散,还较早的出现“煮散”这一词,对后世煮散剂型的命名起到直接的指导作用。同时,书中还出现了蜜蜡丸和浓缩丸这两种丸剂的新类型,进一步扩大了丸剂的使用范围。《肘后备急方》还记载了我国现有文献中最早的一例硬膏剂。足以说明《肘后备急方》的剂型学成就是巨大的,对丰富传统方剂剂型内容、推动祖国医学方剂剂型的发展作出了重要贡献。辑佚医书《小品方》乃南北朝刘宋时期陈延之撰,是我国南北朝著名的医方书。惜原书宋以后渐渐亡佚,现人高文铸据后世许多医书载录其数量不等的佚文辑录而成现有《小品方》。全书方剂所涉剂型23种,与以往文献相比,首次出现了咀嚼剂、眼药粉和眼药水等新剂型。《小品方》中记载了“蒺藜薄方”“生地黄汁薄”“练石薄”等“薄”剂,说明“薄”作为膏剂的一种于南北朝时已广泛使用。风眩专著《风眩方》为南齐·徐嗣伯著作,全书内容较少,载方只有11首,收录5种剂型,以汤剂为主。我国现存最早的外科学专著《刘涓子鬼遗方》共计载方150余首。所有方剂包含剂型9种,以外用膏剂为多。本书中的膏剂不仅数量大、种类多,且赋型剂品种也颇丰。书中载有我国医学史文献中所见到的第一例洗发膏剂。说明我们祖先于1500前就懂得运用膏剂洗发,可洗发护发,更具有药物作用,可治秃生发。总之,《刘涓子鬼遗方》剂型方面颇具外科学特色,对后世外治法的影响较大。北周姚僧垣所著《集验方》原本已佚,现根据高文铸辑校本《集验方》对其所载剂型概况进行分析。书中所载方剂量大,剂型丰富。共载剂型28种,并且出现了现存文献中第一例粉剂和牙粉剂,开辟了散剂用药的新途径,亦为这两种剂型在后世的广泛使用作了铺垫作用。《辅行诀脏腑用药法要》是一部流行于民间的敦煌医学卷子,卷子中大量保存着久已失传的中医古书的内容,如《桐君药录》、《汤液经法》等。共计方剂53首。其中经方46首,均为汤剂。其他方剂7首,每方1种剂型,均不重复,故共载剂型8种。本卷子于剂型上无创新之处,但却保留了多部已佚的重要的医学文献,故具有相当高的史学和医学价值。魏晋南北朝时期医书较多,由于战事连绵,故多数佚失。但魏晋南北朝临证医学的繁荣和发展,从现有医书和辑校本中可窥见一斑。方剂剂型在秦汉的基础上又有发展,滴耳剂、锭剂、膜剂、舌下含剂、香囊剂、眼膏剂、含化剂、药枕剂、咀嚼剂、眼药粉、眼药水、洗发膏、牙粉剂和粉剂等均为此时期书籍首载,同时扩展了旧剂型的使用方法。总之,魏晋南北朝方剂剂型呈现过渡趋势,老剂型有所发展,新剂型也有出现,剂型逐渐呈现专科化,为后世专科剂型的出现和丰富奠定了基础。隋唐盛世,文化绚丽纷呈,人们思维活跃,内外交流频繁,出现空前昌盛的局面,医学也得到了很好的发展。此时期不仅使魏晋南北朝以来医学实践经验得到继承和发扬,而且能获得来自国内外各方的新的医学信息,开始全面综合整理以前的医学成就。龙门药方是指位于河南省洛阳市南13公里处的龙门山药方洞内石壁上的药方。药方多用于常见病、重要病,处方独特,多由单味或二味药物组成,方便、效验、价廉、易得,多数处方至今仍具有研究和应用价值。龙门药方共约150首,涉及剂型15种。新出现了嗅剂这种新剂型,开辟了鼻窍用药的新途径。龙门药方保存了最原始的医学资料,真实地反映了当时民间临证的剂型特色,具有重要的研究价值。我国历史上最早的临床医学百科全书《千金方》为唐代著名医家孙思邈所著,本书收罗宏博,除了孙氏本人和当代的医学成就外,还保存了大量隋唐以前的古代医籍内容。《备急千金要方》分30卷,总计232门,合方论5300首,收录剂型39种。其中,染发膏、染发水、糖浆剂、吸入烟剂、洗发水、药豆以及澡豆为中医药文献史上首载,特别是洗发水、染发水、染发膏、面膜剂以及面膏剂的大量出现,表明唐初时期美容药物及剂型已经发展至一定水平。吸入烟剂、药豆、澡豆开辟了用药的新途径,同时也为后世的剂型改革指明了方向。《千金翼方》在《备急千金要方》的基础上增加了凌剂、霜剂、补牙剂和牙粉剂。其中凌剂、霜剂为以往文献所未见。总之,《千金方》不仅记述了制方理论方面的新观点、新成就,而且对于剂型的发展起到了汇总的作用。故对方剂剂型史研究贡献巨大。《外台秘要》是集唐及唐代以前诸家各科医学方书之大成,在理论书籍中有综述系统之理论者,亦有专题发挥者;在临床有专论某科、某种病的专辑,亦有综述各家之方书。全书共40卷,分成1104门,收录近7000方剂,包含剂型42种。汤剂是书中出现最多的剂型,并首载茶剂这种广泛运用于后世的新剂型。《外台秘要》不仅反映了当时方剂剂型的时代特色,也保留了大量已佚文献的方剂,从而看出其中的剂型,故具有极高的文献价值。《传信方》是唐代著名文学家刘禹锡所著,自元以后,渐次散佚。近人冯汉镛从各古方书中辑录45方,加以详解,名《传信方集释》。从而窥知《传信方》之部分面貌。本书虽载方量少,但所出现的剂型却不少,共收载剂型13种之多,并且出现了1例熔化剂,拓展了固体药外用的方法。我国现存最早的骨伤科专著《仙授理伤续断秘方》为唐代骨伤学家蔺道人所著。全书载方46首,共有剂型6种。出现了以“信朱为衣”的包衣丸剂和药包剂两种新剂型。《仙授理伤续断秘方》中的治疗原则、方法以及方药、剂型对后世骨伤科的发展起着重要的指导作用。《经效产宝》是我国现存的第一部妇产科专著,唐代昝殷撰。现存本共有41篇,载有方剂374首,剂型共有12种。与以往文献相比没有出现新剂型,但所载剂型的使用较具专科特色,为中医妇产科方剂剂型的使用奠定了基础。我国现存最早的儿科学专著《颅囟经》明代以后散佚,现所见《颅囟经》是清代修《四库全书》时从《永乐大典》中辑出的本子。全书分为2卷,载方42首,剂型7种,未有新剂型出现。《颅囟经》收载方剂数量不多,但均为切实可行之儿科专用方,其主要特点是药味不多,多丸散剂,酌情给药,多种途径。敦煌医学资料是指发现于敦煌地区千佛洞莫高窟石室中的中医药古文献。绝大部分医书则均系南北朝以后隋唐时代的著作。包含多部古医方类著作,以及涉及医方的其他类别的医书。所出现的剂型共有35种之多。其中鼻吸剂、药枣剂、药梳子等为新出现的剂型。赋形剂更是种类繁多,且颇具异域特色,与其他文献有别。日本丹波康赖所著《医心方》是日本现存最古的医书,成书于日本永观二年,即我国宋太宗雍熙元年(公元984年)。其书所引资料出自我国唐及其唐以前古典医籍,其中引述了我国现已失存的部分古医书的内容,故对研究中医学术或整理古医书均有较大的参考价值,也是研究唐及唐以前我国医学文献的重要著作。书中包含剂型总数达35种。由于《医心方》是汇集了多部唐及唐以前医书,剂型也多为以往多部医书剂型的总结,故未见创新之处。隋唐时期,无论是剂型的制剂工艺还是剂型理论方面都有了突破性发展。在方剂数量极其丰富的隋唐时期,方剂剂型的发展也随之出现了百花齐放的局面,新剂型层出不穷。嗅剂、染发膏、染发水、糖浆剂、洗发水、澡豆、吸入烟剂、药豆、凌、霜、茶剂、熔化剂、药包剂、鼻吸剂、药梳子以及药枣等都是本时期医书中所出现的新剂型。可见,隋唐时期的剂型非常丰富。特别是《千金方》和《外台秘要》这两部盛唐时期的医学百科全书,收载剂型均达40种左右。与魏晋南北朝记述剂型最多的医书相比,剂型多出10余种。而对于老剂型的用法也不再单一,呈现出不拘一格的多样化用法,对后世剂型的进一步丰富起到了承前启后的作用。宋以前主要方剂剂型发展史研究散剂是一种或数种药物经粉碎混合均匀而成的干燥粉状剂型。依其用法,可分内服散和外用散两种。贮存、运输或携带也较方便,而且制作简单,所以《五十二病方》就始载散剂,既有内服,也有外用。汉代张仲景最先提出了“散”剂的名称,并且指示出散剂的适应证以及制作方法,给后人提供了制备和使用散剂的典范。陶弘景《名医别录》则对散剂的制法及其规格,提出了具体的要求。唐代的散剂不断创新,各种散剂运用的新途径如雨后春笋般出现,并服务于临床。汤剂,古称汤液,俗称汤药,是中药饮片加水煎煮,去渣取汁的液体剂型。相传汤液始于商代,伊尹肇其端,《五十二病方》中已有“水煮药物煎汁”的记载。《灵枢经》记载有“半夏汤”,是首次见到“汤”作为剂型出现于方剂名中。汤剂是《伤寒论》中出现最多的剂型,可见汤剂在汉代应用已极为广泛。经方中虽无“煮散”二字,但以煮散剂型应用的方剂不乏其例。“煮散”一词在《肘后备急方》中第一次出现。而“煮散”作为剂型名第一次出现者实属《千金方》。进入唐代以后,汤剂的发展可谓日趋鼎盛。不仅数量多,制剂工艺也较规范,煎煮方法完善丰富,溶剂种类更是繁多。此时,不仅煮散的使用相当广泛,饮剂也非常盛行。作为中医临证最主要的剂型,汤剂在宋以前的发展变化历程直接指导着后世汤剂的发展与改革。丸剂,传统丸剂系指中药材细粉或药材提取物加适宜的黏合剂或其他辅料制成的球形或类球形剂型,主要供内服。传统的水丸、蜜丸、糊丸、蜡丸内服后在胃肠道中溶散缓慢,发挥药效迟缓,但作用持久,故多用于慢性病的治疗。《五十二病方》有丸这种剂型的存在,但“垸(丸)”尚不能称为剂型名。《养生方》中记述了现存文献中第一例蜜丸。《黄帝内经》所载“四乌鲗骨一藘茹丸”,丸才作为剂型名出现。而最早的丸剂理论则见于《神农本草经》。东汉的《伤寒杂病论》记载用动物胶汁(如鳖甲煎丸)、炼蜜和淀粉糊(如乌梅丸)为丸剂的赋形剂,炼蜜为丸已很普遍,并且出现了第一例糊丸。《肘后备急方》中记载了蜜蜡丸,为较早出现的有关蜡丸的记载,为后世一些毒剧药的使用提供了经验。同时,该书还出现了有关浓缩丸的记载。唐代出现了3种新的丸剂,分别为蜡丸、包衣丸、蜡壳丸。丸剂发展至此时,种类丰富,基本构架了后世丸剂的几种类型。膏剂是具有一定黏稠度的半固态膏状药剂。有内服“药膏”和外用“膏药”之分。内服的药膏,包括膏糊、煎膏、流浸膏等不同;外用的膏药,根据其制作工艺及形态的不同,可分为软膏、硬膏、贴剂以及膏摩剂。《五十二病方》出现多例软膏剂、膏糊剂、膏摩剂等。武威汉简中“千金膏药方”,明确指出该方除了“涂之”、“摩之”之外,还可“吞之”,开启了后世一膏多用的先河,《金匮要略》所载的大乌头煎、猪膏发煎,其制剂过程已与现代煎膏剂的制作方法十分相象,完全可以看作是较早的煎膏剂。《肘后备急方》记述了我国医药史上第一例硬膏。此时,膏剂的各种形式基本已经出现,且社会临证使用亦已非常普遍,相关膏剂的理论层出不穷。外科专著《刘涓子鬼遗方》中外用膏剂已占到全部方剂的一半以上。至唐代,除了硬膏的制膏技术有待提高外,其他膏剂的制剂工艺已较成熟。《千金方》与《外台秘要》中所使用的膏剂的赋形剂达数十种之多,均为后世膏剂的进一步成熟奠定了基础。讨论药物的性质决定方剂的剂型,应根据方剂中药物的性质不同而将方剂制成不同的剂型。疾病的性质以及种类是剂型选择的关键因素。同时,剂型因素对药效的发挥也有积极作用,有时甚至起到决定性的作用,适宜的剂型确保了临床疗效。此即疾病与剂型之间的关系。方剂剂型的发展受各方面因素的影响,其中社会文化科技因素对其影响颇大。以煮散、丹剂、铅膏剂为例,分别探讨社会政治环境、文化哲学思想以及科学技术水平对其所起的作用,深层次的解析以上剂型发展变化的原因。纵观宋以前传统剂型的发展历史,不乏有剂型的改革和新剂型的出现。在中医基础理论的指导下进行剂型改革,是历史留给后人的经验。现代方剂剂型的改革研究必须与中医的脏腑、经络、气血、辨证论治、方剂、药性等理论密切联系起来。结论先秦两汉时期共出现剂型23种;魏晋南北朝时期共记载剂型32种,其中新出现剂型12种;隋唐时期共记述剂型51种,其中新出现16种剂型。宋以前方剂剂型的发展总体上呈上升趋势,各种文献中的剂型经历了从少到多,从初级、简单、经验的水平向着高级、复杂、深化的方向和水平发展。散、汤、丸、膏是宋以前各书记载频次前4位的剂型,散、汤、丸、膏均由制造粗糙、单一的用药模式发展至加工精良、众多用药途径的庞大的剂型体系,而每一种剂型又均有其独特的发生、发展历程。方剂剂型由药物性质决定,而疾病的性质以及种类是剂型选择的关键因素。同时,社会政治因素、文化哲学思想和科学技术水平对方剂剂型的发展又具有一定的影响。创新点1首次系统梳理宋之前方剂剂型文献,勾勒出宋以前方剂剂型历史分先秦两汉剂型奠基、魏晋南北朝剂型专科化倾向、隋唐剂型丰富多样3个时期的发展脉络。2系统整理宋以前方剂剂型文献后,对当代学者的部分研究成果进行更正。如阴道栓剂,以往研究认为最早见于《肘后备急方》,本研究发现最早出现于《养生方》,至少提前了500年以上3本研究将内史研究与外史研究相结合,采用史志结合的论述方法。总之,本论文对宋以前方剂剂型的历史进行研究,主要运用医史学、文献学方法,按历史顺序汇总宋以前的医方书以及其他涉及剂型和剂型理论的书籍,对其中所载剂型进行统计和分析,逐个剖析其中剂型,并对各本书中所载剂型进行前后比较,探讨宋以前各个历史时期剂型及剂型理论的发展和变化。按剂型内容,将散、汤、丸、膏等主要传统剂型的历史源流逐个进行解析。采用史志结合的写法,以内史为主,兼顾外史研究。初步勾勒出宋以前方剂剂型发展的历史脉络,揭示其内在历史规律。但愿这些研究能够抛砖引玉,为以后的传统剂型的历史研究及方剂学科发展提供一定的参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 The prepraration of TCM has a long history, and contains varieties. It developed from less to more, from lower and more simple level to higher and more complicated level after many generations of doctors’discovery and summary. Also it has colorful characteristics. But the current research focuses on the reforming, not including the systematic research of the history. Nevertheless, the author’s research involves all the medical books before the Song Dynasty. The research analyzes and compares the prepration and explores its development in different periods. In addition, the author made a horizontal research to sort it out before the Qin Dynasty. First of all, the origin of prescription, medical books and preparion, etc. was put to the textual research and all the traditional preparation was defined. Then, the purpose and the significance were briefly described. At last, the scope and the method were given.The development of prescription preparation before the Song Dynasty experienced the Pre-Qin, Han Dynasties, Wei, Jin and Nan Bei Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties.The human society originated from the Qin and Han Dynasties during which it experienced the primitive society, the slave society and the feudal society. The level of productive forces was gradually raised. Many literatures exsiting now show the medical development at that time. Meanwhile, the preparation documented in the literature displayed the current standard. Prescriptions for 52 Bing Fang was the earliest medical book. It has 15 kinds of preparation, including mastic, decoction and powder and so on.. But the preparation was not complex and the technology was relatively rough. Mawangdui also has three medical books, one of which, Health Preservation Prescription, has 10 kinds of preparation. It consisted of the preparation that didn’t emerge in Prescriptions for 52 Bing Fang. The books in the Mawangdui Tomb provided a valuable new data for the research in the Qin Dynasty. The TCM classics Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor was just famous for its acupuncture not preparation. Therefore it only involves 7 kinds of preparation. There are no creative one. But we can find decoction as the name of prescription for the first time, which layed the foundation for the future development. Wuwei Han Dai Yi Jian unearthed in the Hantanpo Tomb in Wuwei, Gansu reflected the development before the Dong Han Dynasty. There are 8 kinds of preparation in the book. The book has opened up new ways of how to use medicine in ears and nose. The book also had the earliest method of cream for oral use. Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases, written by Zhang Zhongjing, established the principle of differential treatment and the method of disease prevention and control, which played a significant role in the fonnation of a unique TCM theory and the development of TCM. The curative effect of prescription had a close relationship with the precise selection of preparation. The book has 15 kinds of preparation and most of them is for oral use. Synopsis of Golden Chamber has 8 kinds of preparation and decoction occupies the most. Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases was featured by obviousness due to illness and capitalization on the trend. All the preparation in it was beneficial for health. During this period Pandect on Diagnostics was a book that cannot be neglected. It has 25 cases of which 15 was cured. The method included acupuncture, medicine and diet. There are 7 kinds of preparation. The book has opened up new way of oral medication. The Qin and Han Dynasties are the foundation period of Chinese drugs and prescription and its academic system. The field of prescription has been greatly widened on the basis of clinical practice. The preparation has developed from natural medicine to comparatively complex one. The earliest preparation theory has made an important contribution to the future improvement.The Wei, Jin and Nan Bei Dynasty was in unsettled political condition. What’s more, the science and technology was not advanced. Hence, many medical books were lost and destroyed. Most of them were adapted by the descendants. The Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies written by Ge Hong was a pocket one of clinical emergency. There are 24 kinds of preparation of which nasal drop, ear drop and eye mastic, etc. occured for the first time. The book also recorded powder and this played a direct guidance role in its later development. There are also two new kinds of pill—honeyed pill and concentrated pill, which futher expanded the scope of pill’s use. The earliest mastic in literature history was recorded in the book.The book’s preparation achievement was great. It enriched the content of traditional preparation and promoted the development. Xiao Pin Fang by Chen Yanzhi was a famous book in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The book includes 23 kinds of preparation. The chewing preparation and eye drop emerged for the first time. At this period bo as a kind of mastic has been widely used. FengXuan Fang written by Xu Sibo has only 5 kinds of preparation of which decoction is the most.The earliest surgical book Liu Juanzi Guiyi Fang has 9 kinds of preparation most of which are mastic for external use.The book recorded the first hair washing mastic in the literature of medical history, which showed that our ancestor knew how to wash hair and care hair 1500 years ago. Ji Yan Fang written by Yao Zenghuan of the Zhou Dynasty ananlyed the preparation profile. It has 28 kinds of preparation. The first powder and tooth powder preparation were in the book. This opened up new ways of powder. Fu Xing Jue Zang-fu Yong Yao Fa Yao was a volume popular in civil society which saved the contents of long-lost ancient books. There are 8 kinds of preparation. The book has higher historical and medical value. The period had many medical books. Because of war most of them were lost. However, the preparation has new development. Eye drops, shampoo and eye mastic, etc. were first recorded in the books. The Wei, Jin and Nan Bei Dynasty showed the transtional trend. The preparation was gradually specialized, which layed the foundation for the emergence of the future specialization.Up to the Sui and Tang Dynasties the culture was prosperous. Medicine developed very quickly. During this period a large number of new medical information can be obtained. Thus the doctors began to consolidate the former achievements. The Longmen prescription was one that was on the stonewall of the Longmen Mountain’s hole. The prescription was special, convinient and easy to get. It has 15 kinds of preparation one of which the olfactory was new. Also it saved the most primitive medical data and was extremely important for research. Another book was Qianjin Fang written by Sun Simiao which was the earliest clinical encyclopedia in the Tang Dynasty. The book was divided into several sections. Qianjin Yao Fang is one of them. It included 39 kinds of preparation of which hairdye mastic, shampoo and syrup, etc. were the first recorded. The occurrence of facial mastic, mask and shampoo, etc. showed the cosmetic drugs and preparation have developed to a certain level. Qianjin Yi Fang is the other one. The book added the new cream preparation. Qianjin Fang not only told the original idea and latest achievement with respect to the formula theory but also played a summaized role in the development of preparation. Waitai Miyao was the collection before the Tang Dynasty. It has 42 kinds of preparation of which decoction was the most and tea was detailed for the first time. The book reflected the characteristics of the time and had higher literature value. Liu Yuxi wrote Chuanxin Fang. But after the Yuan Dynasty it was lost. Feng Hanyong gave detailed explanation. So it was also called The Explanation of Chuanxin Fang. There are 13 kinds of parparation of which melting emerged and extended the external use of solid drugs. The Tang Dynasty had the earliest orthopedics book—Secret Recipes of Treating Wounds and Bone-setting Taught by Gelestials writthen by Lin Daoren. The book recorded 6 kinds of preparation of which cachet was new. The book had a great influence on the development of this subject in later ages. Tested Treasure in Obstetrics by Zan Yin was the earliest and extant monograph on obstetrics in China. There are 12 kinds of preparation. Most of them were specilized and layed a solid foundation for the future development. Luxin Jing was the earliest extant pediatrics book. It had 7 kinds of preparation which were featured by more pills and powder and methods to prescribe. Dunhuang medical data was well known at that time. There are 35 knids of prepararion of which bixi and yaozao were new and differed from the previous ones In Japan we can find the most ancient book Yixin Fang by Danpo Kanglai. Most of the data came from the medical books in or before the Tang Dynasty. It had the reference value for the research of our country. The book inluded 35 kinds of preparation of which we can see no innovation.In the Sui and Tang Dynasties the preparation was rich and the development was stable. There were many new kinds of preparation occurring increasingly such as syrup, shampoo and hair dye mastic and so on. In particular Qianjin Fang and Waitai Miyao were the most outstanding. The ways of applying preparation were various. The period was a transitional one and had its unique place in the medical history.Then let’s come to the developing historical research of main prepation before the Song Dynasty. The research entails decoction, pill, mastic and powder.Powder refers to a preparation of drugs ground into dry powder and well mixed. There are two types, the powder for oral administration and the powder for external application. It is characterized by being easily absorbed, economical in administration, and liable to keep the effectiveness. The first record was in Prescriptions for 52 Bing Fang. Zhang Zhongjing in the Han Dynasty was the first one to use the name of powder. Famous Physicians Record by Tao Hongjing put forward the specific requirements of its method and specification. In the Tang Dynasty there was innovation and service in clinic.Decoction refers to the medicinal solution obtained by boiling for some time, the selected drugs in water and then removing the drugs. Miraculous Pivot was found it the name of preparation in the formula for the first time. There were more in Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases. While zhu san as the name of preparation emerged in Qianjin Fang for the first time. Entering into the Tang Dynasty there were more decoction and the technology was more standard. Hence, the development during this period guided the later one.Pill is a solid form prepared by grinding drugs into fine powder and mixing it with excipients such as honey, water, rice paste, flour paste, wine, vineger, drug juice, etc. It is characterized by being absorbed slowly, thus prolonging the therapeutic effect, being small in size, and convenient to be taken and stored. It is one of the commoly used form in the TCM clinical practices. Health Preservation Prescription recorded the first honeyed pill in the extant literature. In Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor pill just occurred as the name of preparation. Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases had the first flour and water paste pill. The Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies recorded honey-waxed and concentrated pills. Developed to the Tang Dynasty there had been a variety of pills.Mastic is a kind of viscous semisolid pasty medicine which can for oral administration and for external application. Prescriptions for 52 Bing Fang had more ointment, paste and cream, etc. The Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies detailed the first plaster in the medical history in China. The mastic for external application in Liu Juanzi Guiyi Fang occupied more than 50%. And the Tang Dynasty had more mature technology. Qianjin Fang and Waitai Miyao were good examples.The nature of the drug decides the preparation of the formula. And the variety of the disease is the key factor of how to choose preparation. Thus the suitable preparation ensures the clinical effect. The development of the preparation is influenced by many elements of which the social culture technology is a great one. Throughout the development before the Song Dynasty there is the preparation reform and new preparation. But the research of modern Chinese medicine preparation is closely related to the theory of zang-fu viscera, meridian and collateral and qi and blood, etc.From the above discussion we can conclude that there are 23 kinds of preparation in the Pre-Qin, Han Dynasties and 32 kinds of preparation in The Wei, Jin and Nan Bei Dynasty of which 12 ones were news. The Sui and Tang Dynasties detailed 51 kinds of preparation of which 16 ones were new. Of all the preparation powder, pill, mastic and decoction occupied the first four places. And each preparation had its unique origin and developing process. What’s more, various factors influenced its development.In the research there have creative points. It is the first time that the literature about the formula has been sorted out and analyzed. Part of the traditional preparation was defined for the first time. The research achievements of some contemporary scholars has been corrected. To sum up, the research involves a majority of preparation before the Song Dynasty. It combines the internal history and external history. The author hopes that the dissertation can be the reference for the future historical research and the prescription development.


