

A Study of Post-1965 Immigration and Its Impact on American Economy

【作者】 欧阳贞诚

【导师】 梁茂信;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 自20世纪60年代以来,特别是在1965年《移民与国籍法修正案》颁布之后,美国的外来移民潮发生了显著变化,移民的教育程度与技能水平等均呈现出了新的特征与趋势。与此同时,美国也经历着一次前所未有的经济重构,即由工业经济向服务业经济的转型。在这种历史背景下,围绕着外来移民的经济影响问题,美国社会再次爆发了空前的激烈争论。许多美国人认为当代移民已不适应美国经济发展的需要,因而对美国经济产生了不利影响。对此,本文利用大量的美国政府原始文献、各类研究机构报告以及学者的相关著述,运用历史学的研究视角,综合其他学科的研究方法,对美国的当代移民及其经济影响问题做一历史考察。全文由绪论、五章正文、结语三部分构成。绪论部分介绍了本研究的选题缘由、研究目标与意义、研究的创新与不足,同时也对中外学者关于这一课题的相关研究做了一个概要的评述;第一章回顾了1965年以来的移民潮,着重探讨了1965年《移民与国籍法修正案》形成的历史背景、内容与影响,分析1965年以来入境移民的不同类别,并对移民潮形成的原因加以探讨;第二章考察了当代移民的人口、教育程度、职业类别以及居住分布等方面的特征,对他们呈现出来的一些新的特点与趋势作了详细分析;第三章从美国经济重构的视角探讨了当代美国经济对外来移民的需求,同时也考察了当代移民在美国就业市场中的经济同化。它表明,当代移民的到来仍是满足美国经济需求的一个直接结果,并且随着时间的发展,移民也将在美国逐步实现经济同化;第四章针对美国人关于移民的经济影响的争论,对移民的就业市场影响与福利影响作以历史的考察,表明当代移民并未对美国经济产生消极影响,相反,从一个长远的角度来看却产生了较为积极的经济影响;第五章探讨了当代移民对于美国经济发展所作出的贡献,分别从移民与劳动力供应以及高、低技术移民与美国经济发展的关系的层面,并结合以个案分析,来说明当代移民对于美国经济的重要意义;结语部分对当代移民的经济影响问题作以简要总结,认为当代移民仍对美国经济产生了积极的影响,是一笔巨大的财富而并非是妨碍经济发展的包袱。同时,笔者也提出了探讨移民经济影响需要注意的几个问题:(1)移民的经济性影响与非经济性影响;(2)移民的宏观经济影响与微观经济影响;(3)移民的长期经济影响与短期经济影响;(4)移民的显性经济影响与隐性经济影响。

【Abstract】 The new immigration has shown some new characteristics since 1960s, especially after the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was put into practice. At the same time, the United States was also experiencing an unprecedented economic restructuring, that is, from an industrial economy to a service economy. In this historical context, a fierce debate about immigration broke out again. Many Americans believe that immigrants no longer meet the need of contemporary American economy and thus adversely affected the U.S. economy. By utilizing a lot of original documents, various reports of research institutions, and scholars’writings and papers, this dissertation makes a historical investigation about contemporary immigrants and their economic implication on American economy.This dissertation is composed of the introduction, five chapters of main body and the conclusion. The introduction mainly introduces the reason of choosing such topic, the research objectives and innovations and shortcomings of this dissertation, and then makes an overview of the previous research works by foreign and Chinese scholars.Chapter one reviews the waves of immigration since 1965. It focuses on the historical background, content and impact of the Immigration Act of 1965, and then analyses the different types of new immigrants as well as the motivating force of immigration.Chapter two explores the demographic, educational, occupational and distributional characteristics of immigrants who entered America after 1965. It shows that contemporary immigrants had taken on some new characteristics and trends.Chapter three describes the demand for foreign immigrants of the U.S. economy and explores the process of immigrants’economic assimilation in the U.S. labor market from a perspective of economic restructuring. It indicates that contemporary immigrants meet the need of the U.S. economy as a direct result of economic reconfiguration, and that Immigrants will assimilate into the labor market of U.S. ultimately.Chapter four reviews the debate on immigration’s economic impaction in American history, and expounds immigrants’impact on the labor market and welfare system. It concludes that contemporary immigrants exert not a negative but a positive impact on American economy in the long run.Chapter five discusses the contribution that immigrant have made to American economy, and explores the significance of contemporary immigrants to American economy by analyzing the relationship between immigration and labor supply, between the high, low-skilled immigrants and the development of the U.S. economy respectively, combined with some case studies.The section of conclusion makes a brief summary about the economic impact of contemporary immigration on America. It insists that contemporary immigration still have a positive impact on the U.S. economy, and it also shows that contemporary immigration is a great asset rather than a burden to economic development. At the same time, in order to explore the economic impact of migration more easily, this dissertation also proposes to pay attention to several relations followed: (1) the economic and non-economic impact of immigrants; (2) the macroeconomic and microeconomic impact of immigrants; (3) the long-term and short-term economic impact of immigrants; (4) the implicit and explicit economic impact of immigrants.

【关键词】 美国移民经济影响就业市场福利
【Key words】 Americaimmigrationeconomic impactlabor marketwelfare

