

A Study on the News Aesthetic Spread

【作者】 孙德宏

【导师】 王确;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 虽然过去学界从未明确提出“新闻必须实现审美传播”,但在事实上,新闻传播的根本动力就是审美;而在日常生活审美化的今天,自觉认识和把握新闻传播与审美能量之间的关系尤为重要。一、从审美高度认识新闻传播。美是人类的终极理想,新闻传播无疑是人类在精神层面把握物质世界和超越自身的一种方式。作为人类精神与实践活动的一部分,人们自觉自由的新闻传播活动显然也要遵循“美的规律”。优秀的新闻传播本身具有真实、客观、惊奇的审美品质。人文关怀是新闻审美传播的核心价值。在新闻传播上的人文关怀就是审美关切。审美关切是新闻传播的深层意识。这表现在:一方面,对新闻的接受者而言,是报道与当下人生的真诚亲近,是报道对受众的心灵呵护;另一方面,对新闻的传播者而言,对新闻的审美关切必须成为其自身的自觉追求。二、新闻的审美构成及其有效传播。这表现在:以审美的眼光发现和捕捉新闻素材;以“人是目的”的人文关怀作为题材展开的阐释立场;以尊重受众的审美诉求进行新闻采编。三、思想的力量与审美的传播。新闻的“引起受众的心灵共鸣”,新闻的“令人感动”,会通过新闻文本所展现出的思想的力量来实现的,是某种能够打动人的思想在人的情感维度上的审美反应。因此,在传递信息中坚定而感性地显现和传播思想,是实现新闻审美传播的重要追求。四、新闻传播之审美与艺术的审美既有某种联系,更有其自身的特殊性。在新闻文本中,想象、隐喻、象征等,都有着新闻传播规律制约的鲜明烙印,正因为如此,才使得客观报道事实的新闻传播具有了真实、生动、深刻,乃至惊奇的审美意味。五、我国新时期以来新闻传播的三大“热潮”(新闻评论热、深度报道热、现场短新闻热)以及那些优秀的文本所体现出的价值追求,虽然理论上并不十分清晰,但事实上都很大程度地遵循了审美传播的原则和方法。也正因此,它们才“引起了受众的心灵共鸣”,才“令人感动”。为此我们不能认为乃至期望新闻传播活动外在于审美化的日常生活。相反,我们更愿意看到,人们尤其是新闻业者对新闻传播拥有一种审美的自觉。

【Abstract】 “Aesthetic Communication of News”, thought never mentioned in the past, plays the role of essential motivity in news communication. Nowadays when aesthetic appreciation enters into daily life, it is of great significance to consciously realize and comprehend the relationship between news communication and the power of aesthetic appreciation.Firstly, to cognize news communication at the level of aesthetic appreciation. As a part of human beings’mental and practical activity, news communication is undoubtedly a spiritual way of mastering the material world and self-transcending and its free and conscious spread should follow the rule of“Aesthetic Pleasing”, which is the ultimate ideal of human race. Excellent news communication is endowed with the qualities of verity, objectivity and novelty. The core value of the aesthetic communication of news is humanistic concern, namely aesthetic concern, the deepest consciousness of news communication which can be demonstrated in two aspects: on the one hand, it is the frank proximity to real life and the spiritual care for audience; on the other hand, aesthetic concern should be consciously pursued by communicators.Secondly, the aesthetic construction and effective spreading of news. It requires that the facts should be discovered and collected from aesthetic point of view, gathered and edited to audience’s aesthetic appeal and elaborated centering on the humanistic concern of“people-oriented”.Thirdly, power of thought and aesthetic communication. Realized by the power of thought in news text, the effect of“inducing audience’s sentiments”and“affecting”is a kind of aesthetic reaction from emotional dimensions that can touch people’s thoughts. Therefore, the firm and sentimental communication of thoughts in information imparting is crucial for news to realize aesthetic communication.Fourthly, while aesthetic appreciation in news communication has some kind of connection with that of art, it also has its own particularity. News communication bears the aesthetic features of verity, lifelikeness, profundity and even marvelousness in reporting facts dispassionately just because in news context such rhetoric devices as imagination, metaphor and symbolization are used with the obvious restriction of news communication rules.Lastly, aesthetic communication discipline and method, thought not that obviously, could be largely found in the“three waves”of news criticism, in-depth reporting and short on-site news since China’s new period and the values quested for by first-rank news texts. That is why news communication could“induce audience’s sentiments”and be“affecting”. So we should note communicators’conscious aesthetic appreciation in news spreading rather than consider or expect news activity living irrelevant to the aestheticism in daily life.

【关键词】 新闻传播审美人文关怀理想真实客观惊奇
【Key words】 Communication of NewsAesthetichumanistictruthobjectivesurprise

