

The Boisterous But Lonely Rural Edification

【作者】 袁媛

【导师】 曲铁华;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 农村教育在我国全面建设小康社会进程中具有基础性、先导性、全局性的重要作用,发展农村社会教育是直接关系8亿多农民切身利益,满足广大农村人口学习需求的一件大事。由于民族性格、历史传统、当代政治影响等等因素,现今的中国农村有着强烈的独特性,所以国外有关社会教育方面的经验、理论在农村社会教育领域中很难发挥理想的作用,因而回溯历史,总结经验和教训成为研究的必要。本研究以地处江苏省中部的具有一定代表性、典型性的行政村——石村为田野地点,借鉴人类学的田野调查法,综合采用口述史、教育叙事以及教育史研究中经典的文献研究法,深入而系统地研究建国后石村社会教育60年的嬗演历程;在此基础上结合国内相关研究反映的有关情况,反思当今乡村教化的渴与求,并对其在城镇化进程中的发展路向进行一定的探索。全文主要内容如下。首先,导论部分。论述了研究的缘起、国内外相关研究现状和研究的意义等前提性的问题,阐明研究思路与方法,界定本研究的两个核心概念——农村社会教育、乡村教化,为下一步的研究提纲挈领。论文第一章,通过追根溯源“石村”村名的由来,阐述其地理概况,分析其建国后的“政治历史”(行政归属的变迁和村内区划变迁)及经济简史,介绍乡俗民情等等,将石村进行透视式的全景呈现,以阐明该村社会教育所处的背景。论文的第二、三、四、五章,分四个阶段考察石村从1949年至2009年60年间社会教育的嬗演历程。第一个阶段是第二章具体阐述的建国后至“文革”前,这一时期的社会教育以冬学、民校的扫盲和思想教育为主,教育形式还有灵活的标语和寓教于乐的电影、扬剧。第二个阶段是第三章具体阐述的“文革”时期,这期间石村的社会教育有着同时代氛围相似的“汹涌澎湃”之处,如全民学习毛主席语录、唱革命样板戏进行宣传,但也有不同于时代的平静的一面,如生产生活基本正常、阶级斗争声音微弱。第三个阶段是第四章具体阐述的八九十年代,这一时期从全国到石村都经济迅速发展,生活水平迅速提高,民众的思想意识也发生了巨大变化,但石村的社会教育却表现出不同时宜的平淡和寂静。第四个阶段是第五章具体阐述的1998到2009年,因被划入工业园开发区,石村在这一时期大规模动迁,大多数农户离开乡土田园入住镇上的安置小区,社会教育在剧变的社会背景下呈现出“旧”与“新”的交锋。论文第六章,以石村社会教育60年的嬗演图景为缩微图,结合国内相关研究反映出的情况,借助有关理论,研究农村社会教育难尽“乡村教化”之功效的原因。通过不同历史时期的纵向对比,从乡村教化存在的方式、乡村教化主人等方面反思乡村教化的渴与求,分析、研究,最终诊得乡村教化的症结不在经济条件的限制与束缚,也不在“政策”的原因,而是在于对乡土文化的背离。最后是结语部分,在以上研究、分析、反思的基础上,结合当下时代发展趋势和社会、民众所需,对“天生地”植根于乡土文化的乡村教化在不可回避的城镇化进程中的发展路向进行了探索性的展望,并总结了口述史这一研究方法在教育史研究和乡村教化研究中的重要价值。

【Abstract】 Rural Education plays a vanguard and fundamental role and has an overall bearing on the construction of a moderately prosperous society in all respects in China. Having directly effects on the vital interests of over eight hundred million farmers, the development of rural social education is a major event for meeting the learning needs of the vast rural population. Rural China has a uniqueness resulting from some factors such as the national character, historical traditions and contemporary political influence, so the experience and theory on social education abroad in the rural community is hard to act an ideal role. Therefore, it is essential to look back to history to learn from experience, and looked forward to the future. In this study, a small village called Shi located in the central part of Jiangsu province was selected as a representative and typical field. Field investigation of anthropology was introduced, and methods of oral history, educational narrative and the classic literature analysis in educational history study were integrated to research the evolution of social education in Shi village since 1949 systematically and deeply. On this basis, learning from related research results at home and abroad, reflecting current demands of rural edification, the direction of urbanization process was explored tentatively.The structure and content of this study are introduced hereinafter.The first part is instruction. Antecedent questions such as the background and literature review of the study, as well as aims, significance, approach and methods, were discussed. The two core concepts, rural social education, rural edification, were defined as premise for future research.The second part is chapter I of this paper. A brief survey of the geography and customs of Shi village, with an analysis of political history and economic history after the founding of the PRC was given. A perspective panorama of this village was present to clarify the background of social education.The third part, chapter II, III, IV and V of this paper, is the investigation on 60 years’evolution of social education in Shi village divided into four phases from 1949 to 2009. The first stage started from the founding of the state to the beginning of the Great Cultural Revolution. The main forms of social education in this period were the winter school, anti-illiteracy in private schools and ideological education; with flexible forms of slogans, films and Yang operas containing education in addition. The second stage is the period of Cultural Revolution. Social education of Shi village carried out by national studying Chairman Mao and publicized through "model operas" in an emotionally charged atmosphere relative to the society and history background. But there were also some quiet characters different from the enthusiastic era, such as the normal production and living, weak voice of class struggle. Social education in the eighties and nineties was expounded in chapter IV. With rapid economic development and greatly rising living standards, dramatically changes of public consciousness across the country, the performance of social education in Shi village held out a stillness prospect out of keeping with the times. The fourth stage was the period from 1998 to 2009. Having been assigned to industrial park, Shi village experienced a large-scale relocation during this period; most farmers left to the resettlement of local rural communities and lived in town. The social education showed the supersession of the old by the new in such dramatic changes.The fourth part is chapter VI of the paper. Based on the historical analysis of 60 years’evolution of social education in Shi village, combining with domestic research results and relevant theories, the reasons why rural social education was not sound enough to carry out its function were explored. Through comparison among different historical periods, reflecting the demands of the rural edification from such aspects as subjects, forms of existence of that, the final diagnosis on the sticking point of the rural edification was given.The last part is the conclusion. Based on the research above, current trends and the demands of society and people, the direction of rural edification which is rooting in the local culture and in the unavoidable process of urbanization process was explored tentatively. Meanwhile, the important value of the methods of oral history applied in research on history of education was summarized.


