

A Study on University Specialization Policy Change in Korea

【作者】 梁荣华

【导师】 孙启林;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 大学特色化是国内外高等教育界关注较多的一个问题。在全球化、国际化、市场化的背景下,各国间的高等教育竞争和国内大学之间的竞争越来越激烈,大学特色成为大学的生命力和竞争力,特色化更是成为大学扩张生存与发展空间的必然选择。二战后,韩国是后发现代型国家中高等教育发展最快的国家之一,也是对大学特色化的政策性关注起步较早的国家,从1973年大学特色化政策正式出台至今已有近40年的历史,在促进韩国高等教育系统的多样化、特色化以及大学个体特色的生成等方面发挥了重要的作用。尽管韩国的大学特色化水平还远远谈不上领先世界,但其在推进大学特色化政策的过程中积累了较多的成功经验和失败教训,值得研究和借鉴。公共政策的动态运行过程中,政策变迁是一个自然的过程环节,韩国大学特色化政策自出台以来同样历经了多次变迁。本论文运用政策变迁的意识形态理论将韩国大学特色化政策的变迁分为三个阶段:权威主义阶段(1973~1979)、后权威主义阶段(1980~1992)和权威自由主义阶段(1993年以来),构成了论文的主体部分。在每一阶段,先从教育政策的决定主体、决定过程和决定特征以及大学特色化政策的政策背景、政策内容、政策过程进行全面论述,然后再从政策价值观、政策取得的实际价值和政策有效性三个方面对政策进行价值分析与总结。本论文包括引论在内共分为六个部分。引论部分由选题缘由、国内外研究现状、概念界定、研究内容、研究思路、研究方法与研究价值等组成。第一章在对意识形态进行再认识和对政策变迁的动力因素进行诠释的基础上,从意识形态及意识形态的变化对政策变迁产生影响的角度构建政策变迁的意识形态理论。第二章论述了权威主义阶段的大学特色化政策。该阶段大学特色化政策完全由政府掌控,权威主义色彩浓厚,“经济中心主义”与“实用主义”的政策价值观使大学特色化政策成为政府用来发展经济的手段和工具,注重追求经济成长。第三章论述了后权威主义阶段的大学特色化政策。该阶段民主斗争持续不断,新军部统治势力被迫妥协,向后权威主义过渡,“形式平等主义”的政策价值观使大学特色化政策以稳定政治和迎合大学的自主要求为中心,注重追求形式公平。第四章论述了权威自由主义阶段的大学特色化政策。随着民主化进程不断加速,在“脱权威主义”和“新自由主义”意识形态的共同影响下,该阶段的大学特色化政策表现出明显的权威自由主义倾向,“均衡主义”和“人力资本主义”的政策价值观使大学特色化政策将国家均衡发展和等级式人才培养作为政策目标,注重追求人才产出。第五章是对韩国大学特色化政策的反思。通过对各意识形态阶段的大学特色化政策进行比较分析的方式对政策进行重新审视,既便于从整体上把握大学特色化政策的变迁轨迹,同时也是对政策变迁的意识形态理论的一次验证,并在此基础上对韩国大学特色化政策在内涵认识、价值观念、路径选择与变迁方式等方面存在的误区进行了分析。

【Abstract】 The subjects of university specialization are noticed by many researchers at home and abroad. In the background of globalization, internationalization and marketization, educational competition among countries and universities are growing more and more intense, that made specialized feature an energetic and competitive power for a university, and made university specialization an inevitable choice for a university which wants to expand its existence and development space.After the world warⅡ, Korea is one of the fastest developed countries in higher educational field, and paid close attention to university specialization policy earlier than other countries. It has been more than 40 years, science 1973, and the university specialization policy was published, which has promoted the Korean higher education system into a high level of diversification and specialization. Although the developing condition of Korea is far from world leaders’level, the positive and negative experience accumulated during its growing process is also worthy of learning.In the process of public policy’s dynamic operation, policy change is a normal part of procedure. Form beginning to now, the Korean university specialization policy has experienced many changes. According to ideology theory, this thesis divides the change of Korean university specialization policy into 3 periods which constructs the main part of the paper: authoritarianism period (1973~1979), post-authoritarianism period (1980~1992), authoritative-liberalism (1993~ ). In each period, firstly makes a comprehensive exposition including the determine subject, determine process and determine characteristic of educational policy, and the background, details and process of university specialization policy, then, makes a value analysis and summarize on these policies from 3 angles: policy values, the material value that policies obtained and policy validity.This thesis consists of 6 parts: Introduction, including the reason for selecting this subject, a thorough review of research on this subject at home and abroad, conceptual refinement, chief contents, research frame, research methods, value of this research, etc. Chapter 1, based on the foundation of re-cognition about ideology, and annotation of some motility factors which influenced the process of policy change, the author constructs an ideology theory about policy change which from an angle of ideology and ideology change that influenced policy change. Chapter 2 expounds the university specialization policy in authoritarianism period. In this period, the university specialization policy was totally controlled by the government. The economism and pragmatism outlook of policy value made the university specialization policy an instrument to promote economic prosperity. Chapter 3 discusses the university specialization policy in post-authoritarianism period, during which the fights for democratic rights continuously deepened, the military government was forced to compromise, transited to post-authoritarianism. Policy value based on nominal egalitarian view inclines university specialization policy to helping stabilize the politics and accommodate requirements of universities, and only court a nominal equity. Chapter 4 analyses the university specialization policy in authoritative- liberalism period. With the accelerating democratization drive, the university specialization policy in this period, which influenced by out of authoritarianism and new liberalism, showed a marked authoritative-liberalism tendency. The equilibrium and human capitalism outlook of policy value made the country’s balanced development and fostering talents of varying rank the object of the university specialization policy, for this reason, the policy place particular stress on talents training. Chapter 5 is a reflection about Korean university specialization policy. This part made a comparative analysis on the specialization policies in every different ideology period, and then tried to reexamine these policies, which can help recognizing the course of change in Korean university specialization policy as a whole, meanwhile, demonstrating the ideology theory of policy change. Finally, the author analyzed the misunderstanding of Korean university specialization policy in some aspects such as connotation, values, routing selection and way of transition.

  • 【分类号】G649.312.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】680
  • 攻读期成果

