

【作者】 贾立国

【导师】 董国炎;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 侠是中国古代社会的特有产物,人们对侠的评价历来褒贬不一。自春秋战国时期侠产生后,历朝历代都不曾缺少他们的身影。侠的精神气质和人格理想对社会各个阶层的人都有着极大的吸引力,对我们民族性格的塑造也起到不可忽视的作用。但是侠毕竟有着以武犯禁的负面影响,是稳定的社会秩序的破坏者,因此《史记》、《汉书》以后,正史不再为其立传,侠从史家立传对象转为文人吟咏对象。文人借游侠以寄托情感的现象,当始于司马迁,他在《史记·游侠列传》和《刺客列传》中以含有诗意的笔法记录了先秦和西汉的游侠,热情地颂扬了他们的侠义品质,并借以宣泄自身的情感。汉末建安时期,曹植开始了文人咏侠诗的创作,对传统的侠义伦理、侠的人生价值取向进行改造和规范,树立起经典化的侠意象,为封建社会中的不遇文人找到了一种新的情感宣泄的模式。从此,咏侠诗作为新的一种抒情言志题材,很快就融入到中国古代诗歌发展的进程中,咏侠诗的创作日渐兴盛,到唐代达到顶峰。宋元明清咏侠诗相对处于低潮期,思想上艺术上都不及唐代。这是因为宋元明清时期武侠文学的主要领域转入叙事文学,转为小说戏曲。中国古代咏侠诗的发展,大致经历了四个阶段:先秦两汉为萌芽期,魏晋南北朝为初创与发展期,隋唐为高潮期,宋元明清为衰落期。中国古代咏侠诗不仅数量众多,而且思想内容极为丰富。在体式上乐府咏侠诗几乎占据了乐府诗主导地位,形成了以《白马篇》、《结客少年场》、《游侠篇》、《少年行》、《长安少年行》、《邯郸少年行》、《侠客篇》、《侠客行》等等乐府形式为主,兼以各种新题的创作模式。在思想内容的表现上则以三种最常见的模式为主:或是都市任侠,斗鸡走马,结客纵酒,借躯复仇,尽情张扬狂放任率之意气;或是侠行边塞,沙场报国,马上取封侯,抒发建功立业之理想;或是追慕古游侠,咏史伤怀,表现对知遇之情的渴望与怀才不遇的愤懑。从本质上来说,文人咏侠诗继承的是风雅传统,主要表现的是文人士大夫的理想抱负与济世情怀,呈现出鲜明的文人士大夫的人生理想与审美标准。这是现实中的游侠人格、侠义伦理与文人士大夫的人生理想相融合的结果。本文主要以宋前咏侠诗为研究对象,文章包括引言、正文和结语三个部分,正文共五章内容。引言部分主要是对侠文化的研究现状与本文的研究目的、古代侠文学发展概况、咏侠诗概念的界定作一简单介绍。第一章主要探究侠的兴起与游侠歌谣的萌芽问题。首先从社会历史文化背景来看,最初的侠起源于士阶层。春秋战国之际侠诞生以来,不断有各阶层的人加入其中,侠的人格模式和侠义品性已经初步确立。伴随着侠的活跃,先秦时期一些反映游侠事迹的歌谣也开始萌芽,掀开了中国侠文学的帷幕,启发了咏侠诗的创作。先秦游侠歌谣的生存与传播状态是与史相依,关联着某些重要的历史人物而被收入史书或野史小说当中。第二章主要阐述两汉咏侠歌谣俗谚产生与咏侠诗的萌芽问题。早期咏侠歌谣俗谚曾经以其丰富的思想内容和真朴自然的艺术风格广泛地传播于都市与乡曲。不仅真实地反映了当时游侠发展的真实状况及其社会评价,而且成为中国古代咏侠诗的源头,后代文人咏侠诗即由此孕育和发展。汉代除了游侠歌谣与民谚外,在乐府民歌中还有《东门行》、《雁门太守行》、《平陵东》等作品可以看作早期咏侠诗,也可称为咏侠诗的萌芽。第三章主要探究魏晋南北朝咏侠诗的发展状况。作为游侠从史传记载进入到文学创作的最初阶段,建安咏侠诗既保留着先秦两汉游侠歌谣那种质朴的写实作风,又开始了理想化的加工改造。曹植塑造了经典的游侠形象,立体化地展现出了侠者的人格魅力,并借侠意象达到抒情言志的目的。曹植规范并改造了侠义伦理中的某些品性,开创了侠行边塞的模式,将侠客的人生价值引导到“效功当世”,“捐躯赴国难”的一面,大大提升了侠的人格理想的境界,而使游离于主流社会之外的游侠逐渐被正统文化所接受。两晋时期,主要是继续沿着曹植所开辟的抒情传统向前发展。虽然作品留存数量仍然不多,但傅玄、张华、左思和陶渊明等人的咏侠诗在思想内容和艺术表现方面更加丰富和成熟起来。南北朝咏侠诗数量大增,而且表现的内容更加丰富。南朝诗人崇尚声色、追求艺术形式的完善与华美的作风在咏侠诗中也得到了充分地展示,浮华之风渐起。北朝咏侠诗作者和作品数量虽远不及南朝,但总体风格比南朝要刚健粗犷得多。第四章主要论述隋及初盛唐咏侠诗。隋代的咏侠诗呈现出南北合流的趋势,卢思道、柳庄、辛德源、何妥、隋炀帝杨广、王胄、弘执恭等人的作品成功地将慷慨悲凉与缠绵婉约、华辞浪漫与质朴实际融为一炉,体现了对南北诗风的巧妙融合,也有一些作品则继续沿着南朝的浮华柔靡风气继续发展。初唐是对传统咏侠诗继承与改造的关键时期,咏侠诗作品在承袭前代的基础上开始向自具面目的唐人咏侠诗过渡。初唐咏侠诗的主体是把任侠与从戎边塞、卫国建功主题结合起来,使咏侠诗与边塞诗水乳交融;同时咏侠也逐渐渗透到咏史、咏怀、赠别、咏物、闺怨等诸多领域,而呈现出多元化的面貌。作品中诗人的自我形象越来越突出。盛唐是咏侠诗创作的黄金时代、繁荣鼎盛时期。咏侠诗的创作方面,不仅群星璀璨、大家辈出,而且形成了一种作为大唐盛世精神及其文化体现的独特风貌。盛唐咏侠诗最突出的表现是将游侠的活动场所置于生活的两个极端:繁华的都市与荒远的边关,一处弥漫着声色犬马的喧嚣,一处充满了生死厮杀的呐喊。盛唐诗人创造性地将这两个对立的生活场景统一在自己的咏侠诗中,借以表现内心对功业理想的渴求和对世俗享乐的需要,这是唐人要求充分展现自身生命价值和享受生活乐趣的愿望的体现。李白是盛唐咏侠诗人的最杰出代表,其作品可归结为侠与儒的碰撞与统一。儒重秩序、强调整体利益;侠重个性张扬、强调个体自由;儒的行事是温和的,侠的行事是激烈的,李白把这两种差别较大的人格思想融合起来使之在功业理想的追求上得到了统一,形成一种新的完美人格,既可以实现建功立业的理想,又可以保持人格的独立自由,最终的目标就是功成身退。李白咏侠诗的艺术风貌代表了唐人共同的审美追求,其艺术个性又超越时代之上,而成为唐人审美理想的最高典范。第五章主要论述中晚唐时期咏侠诗。随着盛世光环的渐渐消隐,中晚唐咏侠诗虽然有些诗篇还延续着盛唐的袅袅余音,但毕竟已成绝响。盛唐诗人灌注在咏侠诗中的生命激情渐渐冷却,诗人们开始冷静地审视侠这一特殊的人群,在自己的咏侠诗中开始以批判的态度描述侠之堕落,即使颂扬也与之保持一定的距离。实际上这也反映出中晚唐诗人正以一种与以往不同的视角表现自己对社会现实的关注。

【Abstract】 The knight-errant is a unique product of ancient Chinese society, and the evaluations of the knight-errant by people are always quite different from each other. The knight-errant emerged in the Spring and Autumn Period, and existed in nearly every dynasty. Knight-errant ’s temperament and personality has a great attraction on all levels of society. It can not be ignored that the knight-errant plays an important role in shaping our national characters. But the knight-errant, after all, has a negative impact on military taboo, and is taken as the destroyer of social order and stability. Therefore, since the "Historical Records"and "Han", the historian is no longer his biography, knight-errant has stepped down from the history books and appeared in literary creations. Making use of chivalrous people to express the emotion and aspiration started with Sima Qian. In his "Historical Records ? Ranger Tales" and "assassins", he recorded the chivalrous persons of the Qin and Han by usig lyric strokes. He enthusiastically praised the qualities of their chivalry, and unbosomed his own feelings. During Jian’an Period of the Han Dynasty, Cao zhi, as one of the scholars, began to write knight-errant poetry. He has revolutionized and standardized the traditional chivalric ethics, as well as the knight-errant’s value of life,set up a classic image of the knight-errant, which formed a new model of emotional catharsis for the unsatisfied scholars in the Feudal society. Since then, knight-errant poems, as a a new way of expressing the emotion and aspiration, quickly melted into the process development of ancient Chinese poetry. Knight-errant poetry grew prosperous, and in the Tang dynasty reached its peak. Although the Ming and Qing experienced a downturn, showing a declining trend. Many famous poets have participated in knight-errant poetry creation.The development of Knight-errant Poetry of Ancient China has gone through four stages: Qin and Han is the initial stage, Wei-Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties is the formation and development period, Sui and Tang dynasties is the climax stage, Song-Yuan- Ming-Qing Period is on the decline. Knight-errant Poetry is not only very large in the number of poems, but also quite rich in its thoughts. Chivalry in style on the verse poems to dominate almost, formed the "White Horse Posts" and other verse forms based. And to create models of new themes. In the ideological content of the performance to recruit members are mainly of three of the most common mode: Or injustice, in the city,cockfighting cursory, drinking friends, murder revenge,enjoying the performance of wild laissez-faire rate of emotional or went to the border to defend the country,express the ideal of making contributions;missed the ancient knight-errant,want to be appreciated,express depressed mood. Knight-errant Poetry in the Late Qing Dynasty revival, or even become inspired passionate people save the horn. In essence, Knight-errant Poetry inherited the traditional elegance. Knight-errant Poetry is mainly the ideal of literati and Aspirations feelings. Poetry performance shows the main distinctive literati ideal of life and standards of beauty. This is the knight-errant Poetry’s life personality and literary ideal fusion of the results.In this paper, we take knight-errant Poetry before the Tang and Tang as the research object. This article includes three parts of introduction, body and conclusion. The contents of the main body has five chapters.Introduction briefly introduces the current status of knight-errant culture, and discusses the purpose of this paper, the psychological differences of appreciating knight-errant,the rheological refined literature, and the definitions of the concepts of Chivalry Poetry.The first chapter is the rise of exploration Lantern problem with the Ranger Songs of the bud. First, from the historical and cultural background, from the initial scholar -class. knight-errant occasion of the birth of Spring and Autumn since there have been people from all strata to join, Chivalry and chivalrous character personality model has been initially established.With the active knight-errant, Qin Dynasty some of the songs reflect the Paladin began to sprout deeds, opened the curtain on China’s knight-errant literature, inspired knight-errant poetry.Pre Ranger Songs of the survival and dissemination of the history of the state is dependent, associated with some important historical figures have been among the earnings histories or unofficial fiction.The second chapter is the Han Dynasty knight-errant songs proverbs and poetry produced budding problem. knight-errant early songs proverbs have their rich natural ideological content and artistic style of Park real wide spread in urban and rural areas. It is not only a true reflection of the true state of development at Knight and social assessment, and knight-errant Poetry of Ancient China source.In the folk songs in there, "Pinglingdong" and "Yanmentaishouxing" and "Dongmenxing" and other works can be seen as early knight-errant poetry The third chapter is to study poetry Wei knight-errant development. Jian period of knight-errant poetry retains the realistic style of simple, idealized process began a transformation. Cao zhi shape the image of warriors in the classic, comprehensive show of knight’s personal charm, and by the lyric and chivalrous image to the purpose.Cao zhi specification and transformation of the chivalrous ethics of some of the character, to create a line of frontier model of knight, the knight’s values lead to the "efficiency function when the World", "died to go to national calamity" side, greatly enhance the personality ideal knight realm, Er Shi drifted away from mainstream society outside of the Ranger gradually accepted by orthodox culture.Jin period, mainly to open up the lyric tradition of Cao Zhi forward. Although the number of entries retained is still small, but Zhang Hua, Zuo si and Tao yuanming’s knight-errant poem and others in the ideological content and artistic expression has become more rich and mature. Southern and Northern Dynasties knight-errant Poetry increase in number, but also enriched the performance Southern poet advocate and sensual, the pursuit of perfection and gorgeous art form style of poetry in Chivalry has also been fully demonstrated, the wind gradually from Vanity Fair. Chivalry Poetry of Northern and Southern Dynasties number of works, though far less, but the overall style is much more rugged than the Southern to vigorous.Fourth chapter discusses the Sui and Tang knight-errant poetry .The Early Poems. Sui Chivalry poem shows the trend of convergence north and south, Lueth Road, Liu Zhuang, Xin de-Yuan, Ho properly, Emperor Yang Guang, Joe Wang, Hong-executive Christine, who works successfully generous sadness and lingering graceful, China resignation Romantic and rustic for the actual melting furnace, embodies the clever poetry of the North-South integration, there are some works will continue along Southern’s flashy soft extravagant atmosphere continue to develop.Knight-errant Early poems of traditional inheritance and transformation of the critical period, Chivalry inherited poetic works based on the previous generation, began to face the Chinese from a poem Chivalry transition. The main body of the early Tang knight-errant poetry is to injustice, and enlist the border, the Great Patriotic theme meritorious deeds together, to make poetry and Chivalry Frontier harmony; while Chivalry is gradually infiltrated into the history of chant, Chanting, Farewell, Sing woe, and many area, while showing a diversity of appearance. Works of the poet’s self-image has become increasingly prominent.Tang Dynasty is the golden age of knight-errant poetry. Knight-errant poetry, not only the stars shining, everyone giving birth, and the formation of The Tang Dynasty, a spirit and culture, as embodied in a unique style. Sheng Tang knight-errant poetry is the most prominent performance venues ranger put the two extremes of life: the bustling border city and the shortage far, one filled with sensual pleasures of the noise, a cry full of life and death fight against the enemies. Poets creative life of these two opposing scenarios Chivalry unified in their poems to his inner vision of the exploits the desire and the need for secular pleasures, which is required to fully demonstrate their Chinese values and the enjoyment of life the embodiment of desire. Sheng-Tang knight-errant poet Li Bai is the most outstanding representative of his works can be attributed to knight-errant and Confucianism, and unification of the collision. Re-order, Confucianism, emphasizing whole; Knight-errant re-individuation, emphasizing individual freedom; Confucianism acting is moderate, knight-errant ’s acting is intense, Li Bai, a large difference between these two personality of the integration up to the ideal in the exploits pursuit has been unified to form a new perfect personality, not only make contributions to the ideal can be achieved, but also maintain the character of independence and freedom, the ultimate goal is to withdraw from the scene.The fifth chapter discusses the period of Knight-errant Poetry in the Middle and Late Period in the Tang Dynasty. As the Golden Age aura gradually vanished, the knight-errant poetry in the late Tang has become a lost art, though some poetry still sticked to the styles beforeward. With the passion in Knight-errant Poetry gradually cooled, the poets began to look calmly into this special chivalry population. They began to critically describe the depravity of knight-errant in their poems, or praised them with a certain distance. In fact, this also reflects that in the late Tang poets were putting their eyes on the social reality in a quite different perspective .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

