

Research on Operational Mechanism and Efficiency Evaluation for Integration of Regional Comprehensive Transportation

【作者】 姜革锋

【导师】 欧国立;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 区域综合交通运输是在一定区域内由铁路、公路、水运、航空和管道等各种运输方式构成、相互协调及合理利用、共同完成旅客和货物运输的系统。在目前国内外研究文献所涉及的概念里,区域综合交通运输一体化是指依托现有各种运输资源进行合理配置,使区域综合交通运输运行效率达到最优的行为。区域综合交通运输一体化运作机制不但受到运输基础设施等硬件因素的影响,还受票价机制、清算机制等软件因素的影响。因此,对区域综合交通运输运作的研究必须因地、因时制宜,并结合经济、制度等因素,以运作效率为标准进行选择,以实现区域综合交通运输的高效一体化为最终目标。如何在社会主义市场经济条件下,实现有效整合和配置交通运输资源,发挥政府宏观调控的作用,确保社会和经济各层面的运输需求都得到充分满足,实现各种运输方式有序竞争、优势互补、协调发展,提高综合交通运输的效率和竞争力,是当前中国国民经济和社会发展中需要研究和解决的重大问题,同时具有重大的理论价值和实践意义。本文在对国内外综合交通运输理论与实践进行认真梳理与分析的基础上,运用综合交通运输理论,从如何加强综合交通运输的硬联接和软联接方面,对区域综合交通运输运作模式进行了深入研究,建立了区域综合交通运输一体化的评价指标体系,并结合内蒙古的具体情况,对内蒙古综合交通运输一体化的运作模式与效率进行了实证分析与评价,最后提出了提高区域综合交通运输一体化效率的途径及政策建议。本文的主要创新点有:(1)研究视角的创新本文对区域综合交通运输一体化的运作机制从硬联接和软联接两方面进行了深入分析,从区域综合交通运输一体化研究的内容分析入手,比较不同研究内容所使用的研究方法,从而为理解综合交通运输的概念逻辑提供帮助。(2)综合交通运输一体化机制研究的创新本文依据理论分析结论和内蒙古在发展综合交通运输过程中的实践经验,从战略、规划、硬联接、软联接四个方面提出了提高区域综合交通运输一体化效率的途径及政策建议。(3)区域综合交通运输评价体系的创新本文采用综合评价方法对区域综合交通运输一体化效率进行评价,并结合内蒙古区域的综合交通运输发展状况进行分析。(4)区域综合交通运输规划理念的创新本文将战略与规划相结合,将逻辑思路理顺,在区域综合交通运输规划上进行创新,结合内蒙古的实际情况为内蒙古综合交通运输发展的提出了战略对策和战略方案。

【Abstract】 Regional comprehensive transportation network is a system of passenger and cargo which consists of the railways, highways, waterways, aviation, and pipeline and other modes of transport in certain regions. In the current research literature, the concept of comprehensive transportation means rational allocation of transport resources in order to achieve optimal operating efficiency. Operation mechanism not only depends on the factors of hardware, but also the software factors such as ticket pricing and clearing mechanism. Therefore, the research on regional comprehensive transportation should combine with the factors of economic, institution and operational efficiency as the standard in order to achieve ultimate goal of integration.It is of great value to achieve effective integration and configuration of transport resources, to play the role of the government’s macroeconomic regulation and to ensure that the social and economic demands for transportation at all levels are fully met. Moreover, it is also great theoretical value and practical significance to realize the various modes of transport complement each other to coordinate the development of the comprehensive transportation system to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the current national economic and social development in China.Based on studying the literature, this paper use the theory of comprehensive transportation to analyze how to strengthen the connectivity hard-links and soft-links of comprehensive transportation, and to build up an evaluation index system for regional comprehensive transportation. In addition, combining with the specific situation of Inner Mongolia, the paper makes an empirical analysis and evaluation for the mode and efficiency of operation of transportation, and finally put forward some policy recommendations in order to improve the efficiency of regional comprehensive transportation.The conclusions of the paper are as follows:(1) Innovation on study perspectiveThis paper made depth analysis on operational mechanism for integration of regional comprehensive transportation from hard-links and soft-links, from the integration of regional comprehensive transportation, compared different research methods used in different studies to help to understand the concept of comprehensive transportation. (2) Innovation on the study of mechanism of comprehensive transportationAccording to the conclusions of theoretical analysis and experiences on the development of comprehensive transportation in Inner Mongolia, this paper from strategic, planning, hard-links and soft-links proposed channels and policy recommendations which can improve the efficiency of comprehensive transportation.(3) Innovation on evaluation system of regional comprehensive transportationThis paper adopted integrated evaluation method to evaluate the efficiency of regional comprehensive transportation, and combined with the actual situation of Inner Mongolia made futher analysis.(4) Innovation on the concept of regional comprehensive transportation planningThis paper connected strategic with planning, made the logic fluently, made innovation on regional comprehensive transportation planning, proposed countermeasures and strategic programs for the development of regional comprehensive transportation which combined with the actual situation of Inner Mongolia.


