

Study on the Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Rural Ecological Environment

【作者】 梁流涛

【导师】 曲福田;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放30年以来农村社会经济全面发展,同时由于经济增长模式粗放,经济利益驱动以及对生态环境价值的忽视等原因,造成了一系列农村生态环境问题,主要表现为农村生态环境的复合型污染和生态资源退化,并对农村生产和生活造成了严重的负面影响,已经威胁到社会经济可持续发展的基础。因此客观上迫切需要解决农村发展、资源利用与生态环境保护之间的矛盾。大量的研究表明,农村生产活动、农村发展与农村生态环境问题的产生密切相关。因此,准确、系统地把握农村发展中生态环境演变规律,是有效控制与管理农村生态环境问题的基础和前提,对于改变城乡环境现状和管理的二元结构、实现农村社会经济和生态环境的协调发展、建设和谐社会,都具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。而目前对农村发展影响下农村生态环境演变的内’在机理以及农村生态环境问题的时空特征与演变规律的断面分析和系统考察均不多见。因此,本文在对农村发展中生态环境问题辨析的基础上,提出农村发展对农村生态环境演变作用机理的理论分析框架,然后从农业面源污染、农村工业污染、农村生态资源生态价值变化、农村生态环境压力等方面通过实证的方式详细分析不同经济发展阶段和不同地区的农村生态环境问题演变规律。文章综合应用总结和归纳的方法、环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)分析模型、农村生态环境演变驱动因素计量经济分析模型、统计调查法与投入产出法相结合的农村生态环境污染排放量的估算方法等研究方法。主要结论如下:(1)我国目前存在着严重的城乡环境二元结构,即不断改善的城市环境质量与逐步恶化的农村生态环境,造成这种状况的主要原因有二:一是由于农村发展模式粗放、农村产业结构及其空间布局不合理导致的自身污染加剧以及城市工业放任的梯度转移所引起的城市污染向农村转移;二是生态环境管理政策设计二元化,表现为农村生态环境管理制度设计和政策工具供给严重滞后于城市,污染防治投资绝大部分投放在城市,农村环保设施非常少且利用率不高。(2)从农村经济发展、农村生活方式转变和相应的制度安排三方面构建农村发展对生态环境作用机理分析框架。①农村经济发展是通过规模效应、结构效应和技术效应等方面对农村生态环境产生影响,规模效应反映的是经济总量对环境质量的影响,任何经济生产活动都要消耗资源,产生废物,对生态环境产生负面影响。结构效应反映的是不同产业产出份额的变化对环境质量变化的影响,不同产业的要素投入不同,生产过程和工艺不同,单位产出对环境质量变化的影响也存在很大差异。技术效应反映的是经济活动中的技术进步对生态环境的影响,给定产出的总量和结构,采用的技术不同,单位产出的污染排放强度会有很大的差异。②农村生活方式向城市生活方式的转变导致生活垃圾和生活污水的产量以及污染物种类大幅度增加,但传统的农村垃圾和污水处理方式仍然是直接排放和随意堆放,而农村分散居住的状况改观不大,环境基础设施供给困难,进一步加剧了对农村生态环境的破坏程度。③制度安排方主要通过市场机制、政府干预和社会机制等方面对农村生态环境变化产生影响。(3)农业面源污染时空特征和演变规律。①我国近年来农业面源污染对农村生态环境的压力日益增大,污染严重的地区主要分布在人口众多、农业集约化程度较高的省市,这些应是农业面源污染控制的重点区域。农业面源污染主要来源于农田化肥和畜禽养殖业污染,应是重点控制的污染类型。②我国农业面源污染的演变趋势符合环境库兹涅茨假说,目前大部分省市的人均GDP都低于临界点,并且仍然有较大差距,将长期处于环境库兹涅茨曲线的上升阶段,环境形势不容乐观。③区域经济发展水平决定了不同区域农业面源污染时空特征和演变趋势的差异,不同发展阶段的地区处在EKc的不同阶段,在农业面源污染的控制和管理中应采取差别化的政策措施。④农业结构的演化、技术进步、环境管理制度等方面是影响农业面源污染演变的重要因素,这几方面也应是农业面源污染控制和管理政策创新的重点。(4)农村工业污染时空特征和演变规律。①我国农村工业的高速增长是以高强度消耗资源和破坏生态环境为代价的,是一条先污染后治理的道路。20世纪80年代中期以来,农村工业发展对生态环境的压力呈现“增长-下降-增长”的趋势,并且农村工业污染区域分异特征明显,主要集中在东部经济发达地区以及部分中部地区。②江苏省农村工业主要污染物随经济增长演变趋势符合环境库兹涅茨曲线假说,同时不同经济发展水平的区域农村工业污染演变路径和趋势也存在差异,并呈现一定的规律性,经济发展水平较高的地区(处在工业化的中级阶段)已经或者即将出现转折点,经济发展水平中等地区(处在工业化的初级阶段)正处于EKc曲线的上升阶段,经济增长中将伴随着农村工业污染快速增长,经济发展水平较低的地区(处在初级产品加工阶段)正处在EKC曲线左部的低端,对环境影响较小。区域农村工业污染演变受农村工业经济规模、工业结构、技术进步、环境保护制度执行力度和执行能力等多种因素影响。(5)农村生态资源服务价值时空演变趋势。1989-2007年间我国农村生态资源的生态服务价值呈现先增长后下降的趋势,1996年以后农村生态资源退化较为严重,主要是由耕地和草地的生态服务功能下降造成的。农村资源生态服务价值较多的省份主要分布在西部地区。农村生态资源的退化普遍存在,不仅分布在生态脆弱的西部地区,并且已经开始在中部和东部的部分地区蔓延,其中江苏、浙江、山东、北京、天津、河北、辽宁、河南、广东等省市主要表现为耕地退化型;福建、江西、湖南、广西、云南等省市主要表现为林地退化型;贵州、西藏、甘肃等省市主要表现为草地退化型,不同区域应实行差别化的管理措施。(6)农村生态环境压力时空演变趋势。1990-2006年间农村发展对生态环境压力指数逐步增大。农村生态环境压力相对较大的地区主要分布在农业集约化程度较高、农村工业较发达、人口众多的地区,如浙江、湖南、广东、四川、河北、河南、江苏和山东等省市,同时不同区域农村生态环境环境压力的来源差异也较大。农村生态环境压力的主要影响因素包括农业生产、人口压力、区域经济发展、农村生态环境治理力度等方面。基于上述的研究结论,文章认为我国农村生态环境管理创新思路是:构建农村发展与生态环境保护相结合的农村生态环境管理模式,将生态环境保护融入到农村发展中;建立符合我国实际的、激励和约束相容的区域农村生态环境决策与管理体系;重视农村生态功能区规划。具体来说,主要是转变农村经济发展模式,提高技术进步在农村经济发展中的作用,优化农村产业结构,建立循环农业发展模式;适时对农村生态环境状况进行评估和战略定位;划定农村生态功能区,对其进行合理规划,实行差别化的管理政策;建立完善农村生态环境管理的公共政策体系,综合运用多种政策工具,特别重视激励类政策工具的应用;完善农村生态环境管理法律体系等。

【Abstract】 The reform and opening up policy brought the prosperity of China’s rural socio-economy during the last three decades. at the same time, however, a series of rural eco-environmental problems, such as combined pollution of rural ecol-environmental and ecological resource degradation, began to emerge through out the countryside due to the extensive economic development mode, economic benefits, as well as the neglect of the ecological environment value, etc. These problems have put serious negative impacts on agricultural production and rural livelihood, and have threatened the basis of rural socio-economic sustainable development. Therefore, it is an important and urgent question to answer that how to resolve the contradiction between rural development, resource utilization and eco-environmental protection. Many studies have shown that the rural productive activities and rural development are closely related to rural eco-environmental problems. Therefore, accurate and systematic analysis on the rules of eco-environmental evolution in rural development is the base and premise to resolve the rural eco-environmental problems. It also benefits to change the dual structure of urban-rural environment management and facilitate coordinated development between rural socio-economy and ecological environment. At present, it’s rare to find the cross-section analysis or systematic research on the mechanism of rural eco-environmental evolution under the influence of rural development and evolution laws of eco-environmental problems. Therefore, this thesis aims to build a theoretical framework of rural eco-environmental evolution on the basis of rural eco-environment problems analysis. Then from the view of agricultural non-point source pollution, rural industrial pollution, the change of rural ecological resources ecological service value, I make detail analysis for rural ecological environment evolution problems in different area and on different stages of economic development. And several research methods were employed, such as the method of summary and inductive, the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) analysis model, the rural ecological environment factors drive the evolution of econometric analysis model, the survey method and the input-output combination of the rural ecological environment estimation of emissions methods of and so on. The main conclusions are as follows:(1)At present, it is a serious problem to have the dual structure of urban and rural environment in our country, namely the continuous improvement of urban environmental quality and the gradual deterioration of the rural ecological environment. There are two reasons for this status. First, the own pollution caused by the extensive pattern of rural development, rural unreasonable industrial structure and spatial distribution, as well as the transferred pollution by laissez-faire city; Second is the dual policies of ecological environment management which mainly performed as the lag of rural ecological environment management system and policy behind the city, the vast investment of pollution prevention and control has been spent on the urban. Which caused the rural environmental protection facilities are so limited and the machine utilization is not high.(2)We have built the ecological environment Mechanism analysis framework from three aspects, such as the rural economic development, social progress in rural areas and the corresponding institutional arrangements.①The influence from the economic development which puts on the rural ecological environment is mainly through scale effects, structural effects and technology effects. And the impact caused by the agricultural development and rural industrial development is different in the way and the path. In agricultural development, agricultural and economic growth mainly depends on the inputs of pesticides, fertilizers and other chemical, as well as the increased livestock and poultry pollution. On the other hand, the woodlands, grasslands and other important ecological barrier system have been damaged. So the result is the decreased quality of the rural ecological environment. In industrial development, the current emphasis on rural industrial structure, low-end industrial structure and the low technological level, resulting in emission intensity of industrial pollution in rural areas which caused many negative effects.②The change of rural lifestyle leads to the increased living garbage and sewage production, as well as a substantial increase in the types of pollutants. What’s more, the traditional rural way of garbage and sewage treatment is still not changed; and the living situation of rural decentralization changed little.All these further exacerbats the damage of the rural ecological environment.③The institutional arrangement changes rural eco-environmental mainly through the market mechanism, government intervention and social mechanisms.(3) The characteristics and evolution of agricultural non-point source pollution.①China’s agricultural non-point source pollution on the ecological environment in rural areas increasing pressure polluted areas are mainly distributed in a large population, a higher degree of agricultural intensification of the provinces and municipalities, should be the agricultural non-point source pollution control in key areas. Agricultural non-point source pollution comes mainly from the agricultural fertilizers and livestock and poultry industry pollution, the key points is to control the type of pollution.②China’s agricultural non-point source pollution in line with the evolution of trends in environmental Kuznets hypothesis, at present the vast majority of provinces and cities in per capita GDP is below the critical point, and still have a lot of the gap will be long-term rise in the Environmental Kuznets Curve stage, the environmental situation is not optimistic.③Regional differences in the level of economic development in different regions of our country decide the agricultural non-point source pollution and the evolution of spatial and temporal characteristics of trends in different areas of different stages of development at different stages of EKC, in the agricultural non-point source pollution control and management should be taken to differentiate the policy measures.④The evolution of industrial structure, technological progress, environmental management systems are the important factors of agricultural non-point source pollution.(4) The characteristics and evolution of rural industrial pollution.①The rapid growth of China’s rural industry is taken by damage the high-intensity depletion of natural resources and destruction of the ecological environment for a price. It is the way of "treatment after pollution". In the 20th century, since the mid-80s, rural industrial development has "growth-fell-growth "trend. And rural industrial pollution in different regions had very obviously different features. The differences mainly concentrated in the economically developed eastern region and part of the central region.②In Jiangsu Province, regional economic development level of the three major region are very different, which leads to the differences of rural industrial pollution. For example, the regional economic development level in southern Jiangsu is quicker than the Soviet Union in mid of Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu area. And the pollution is mainly concentrated in the south of Jiangsu Province. In Jiangsu Province, the change of rural industries pollution with the increase of economic growth is in line with the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis, while different levels of economic development of the regional rural industrial pollution and trends in the evolution of the path there are also differences, and show a certain degree of regularity, The higher economic development areas (in the intermediate stage of industrialization) will soon appear inflection point; the middle economic development areas (in the initial stage of industrialization phase) which is at the rising phase of EKC curve, the pollution will increase with the rapid economic growth; the low level of economic development areas(in the initial stages of product processing) is at the low-end of EKC curve, less impact on the environment. In all, the evolution of regional industrial pollution in rural areas is affected by the rural industrial economic growth, changes in industrial structure, governance and investment, environmental protection system and so on.(5) The trends of China’s rural ecological resources of the ecosystem service value.1989-2007 years, China’s rural ecological resources of the ecosystem service value growth at first decline since 1996 in rural areas a more serious degradation of ecological resources, mainly from arable land and grassland ecosystem services declines. Rural Resources Ecological Services Value more provinces are mainly located in the western region. Degradation of ecological resources in rural areas the prevalence is not only located in ecologically fragile western region, and has already begun in some of the spread of central and eastern regions, one of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Henan, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shandong provinces and cities in the degradation of arable land is mainly expressed in type; Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangxi, Yunnan and other provinces and municipalities for forest degradation mainly type; Guizhou, Tibet, Gansu and other provinces and cities reflected mainly in grassland degradation type, for different regions should be so that management measures in line differentiation.(6) Time-space Evolvement trends on environment stress in rural development. During 1990-2006, the index of environment stress was increasing gradually. The high environment stress areas are those provinces with intensive agriculture, developed rural industry and large population, such as Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu and Shandong. On the other side, the sources of environment stress of the above provinces were quite different.Based on the above findings, the paper puts forward the way to improve the rural ecological environment management is:Firstly, build the rural ecological environment management model by mixing the construction of rural development with ecological environmental protection. Secondly, set up a set of practical rural eco-environment decision-making and management system which is in line with our real ability; Thirdly, pay attention to the ecological functions of rural planning. Specifically, it is necessary to change the rural economic development mode, enhance technological progress in rural economic development, optimizing industrial structure in rural areas. In all, set up the cycle of agricultural development mode. Then timely make assessment on the status of the rural ecological environment and make a change of the strategic positioning. Decline the rural eco-functional areas. According to the ecological functional planning, make differentiated management policies. Set up the public policy system to improve the rural eco-environmental management, in order to make the integrated use of a variety of policy tools, especially the incentive policy tools. At last, improve the rural eco-environmental management legal system.

  • 【分类号】F323.22;F224
  • 【被引频次】39
  • 【下载频次】3998
  • 攻读期成果

