

Research on the Pork Quality and Safety Management from the Perspective of Agri-Chain

【作者】 刘军弟

【导师】 王凯;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 食品安全是消费者的基本需求,猪肉作为我国居民日常消费的最主要肉食品,其质量安全既受消费者关注也受消费者质疑。近年来,以“猪链球菌”、“兽药残留”、“瘦肉精”、“注水肉”、“猪流感”为代表的猪肉质量安全事件频发,消费者的身体健康和生命安全受到威胁,消费者对猪肉产品的质量安全存在质疑,期待生产者能进一步加强对猪肉产品的质量安全管理,保障安全供给。理论和实践证明,产业链实施质量安全管理可以有效保障农产品的安全供给。相关研究和实践表明,食品安全管理是个系统性工程,只有广泛地实施从“农田到餐桌”(From Field To Table)的全程质量安全管理才有可能在最终环节实现食品安全目标。农业产业链管理(Agri-Chain Management)作为一种全新的管理模式和手段,能够建立统一的质量安全管理和控制体系,通过约束和保证产业链各个环节主体的生产和管理行为,并对产品的质量安全风险进行合理的控制和防范,能够有效实现从“田头到餐桌”的全过程质量安全管理。可以说,通过在产业链各环节实施质量安全管理是提高食品安全供给的有效途径。猪肉产业链是从猪肉生产资料的供应、育种、养殖、屠宰、加工、流通、销售和消费等环节相链接的有机整体。猪肉产业链通过实施质量安全管理能有效链接和监控猪肉生产的各个环节,对猪肉质量安全能起到追踪(Tracking)和追溯(Tracing)的作用,这种链状(Chain)的新型管理模式要求实施“从田头到餐桌”的全过程质量安全管理,从产业链的源头如饲料和兽药生产环节开始,对生猪育种、养殖、屠宰、加工、流通、销售、消费等各环节进行严格的质量安全控制与管理,保障猪肉产品的安全供给。因而,本文基于产业链的视角对我国的猪肉产业链各环节的质量安全管理进行系统研究,探讨如何通过加强产业链各环节的质量安全管理提高猪肉产品的质量安全水平,保障猪肉质量安全的有效供给。从质量安全管理的角度来讲,产业链实施质量安全管理就是对分布在整个产业链范围内的产品质量安全的产生、形成和实现过程进行管理,从而实现产业链环境下产品的质量控制与质量保证。一方面,产业链质量安全管理立足于产业链的整体角度,从建立产业链质量安全管理体系的高度分析各环节质量安全管理活动,重点研究产业链各环节主体的质量安全管理行为;另一方面,消费者的需求变化作为产业链发展的指示器(Verbeke and Viance,1999),产业链质量安全管理必须不断注重对消费者需求及其行为的研究。因此,本文以保障猪肉的安全供给和消费为目标,对当前我国猪肉产业链的质量安全管理进行系统研究——通过对猪肉产业链各关键环节实施的质量安全管理进行分析,探讨产业链管理对保障猪肉质量安全的内在机理,论证在生产实践中实施产业链质量安全管理的必要性和重要性。本文的研究主要包括:首先,在借鉴产业链管理和食品安全管理现有研究成果的基础上,从产业链的视角对我国猪肉产业的基本概况进行分析,为后文的研究奠定理论基础和产业框架。其次,探讨产业链质量安全管理的基本内涵和目标,从政府监管体制、国家法规、质量标准等三个方面系统论述猪肉产业链质量安全管理体系,分析猪肉产业链各环节实施质量安全管理的现状及其存在问题,从整体上对猪肉产业链的质量安全管理状况进行把握。再次,重点对猪肉产业链实施质量安全管理的关键环节——养殖环节、屠宰加工环节、流通销售环节的质量安全管理行为和质量安全管理体系、以及消费环节的安全消费行为进行研究,探讨影响产业链质量安全管理的关键因素。在养殖环节,本文基于养殖户安全生产行为的研究视角,以影响生猪安全养殖的关键因素——动物疫病防治为例,构建Logistic模型对养殖户在生猪饲养过程中的疫病防治行为、防疫意愿及其影响因素进行实证分析,并为政府提出促进养殖户做好动物疫病防治工作的政策建议。在屠宰加工环节,本文在论述屠宰加工企业对猪肉产业链实施质量安全管理的核心作用和保障机制的基础上,从组织体系构建、产品质量安全计划的策划与制定、生猪屠宰工艺流程分析、产品检验检疫控制流程分析、危害分析与关键控制点确定、以及HACCP计划制定等方面对猪肉屠宰加工企业实施HACCP质量安全管理体系进行系统案例研究。在流通销售环节,本文首先分析猪肉产业链流通和销售体系的现状及其基本特征,以及在质量安全管理中存在的主要问题,而后分别从冷链管理和信息追溯管理二方面对猪肉流通和销售环节的质量安全管理进行详细论述和案例分析。在消费环节,本文以有机猪肉为调研载体,在分析消费者对安全猪肉认知水平与消费现状的基础上,采用条件价值评估法(Contingent Valuation Method, CVM)构建Logistic模型就消费者对安全猪肉的消费行为、支付意愿及其影响因素进行实证研究。消费者意愿是产业链发展的指示器,研究消费者支付意愿可以有效获知消费者对安全猪肉的需求状况,对提高安全猪肉的有效供给、完善猪肉的质量安全管理具有理论指导意义。最后,本文提出相关研究结论与完善我国猪肉产业链质量安全管理,保障猪肉产品质量安全供给的政策建议。

【Abstract】 Food safety is among the basic needs of consumers. Being the chief meat product above all in daily consumption, the quality and safety of pork is attached enough attention and query as well. In recent years, pork quality problems break out in a high frequency in the presence of "Streptococcus suis", "Residues of Veterinary Drugs", "Clenbuterol", and "Water-injected pork", which brings great threat and harms to the consumers’health. Consumers, accordingly, raise extensive doubts on the quality and safety of pork and expect the quality & safety management of pork products to be further enhanced and the supply to be secured.It is well proved theoretically and practically that chain management is effective in securing the safe supply of agricultural products. Food safety management is a systematic project, whose safety objectives in the final step can only be achieved through a comprehensive implementation of a so-called "from Field to Table" quality control in whole process. As a new mode and means of management, Agri-chain Management is able to set up a unified system in quality & safety management and actualize the quality & safety management from Field to Table via constraining and ensuring the manufacture and management behaviors of the principal parts in every chain section, and evaluating and preventing the risks of quality and safety reasonably. Correspondingly, it can be said that the chain management is an effective way in the realization of food safety.Pork chain, as an organic whole, is constituted by the supply of means of production, breeding, slaughtering, processing, storage, distribution and consumption. Chain management can effectively link and monitor every stages of the pork production, performing the functions of tracking and tracing for pork quality and safety. Aiming the "from Field to Table" total quality control, the new mode controls and supervises strictly from the origination, say, the production of feedstuff and veterinary drug, to the following stages in the industry chain. This paper, on the basis of quality and safety, systematically studies the pork chain management of China, and explores the ways to improve the quality and safety of pork products and secure the effective supply by strengthening the chain management. All these are of great significance in theory and practice.From the quality & safety viewpoint, to implement the quality & safety management in industry chain is to control the whole process, including the origination, formation and achievement of the quality and safety. Accordingly, quality of the products can be under control and guaranteed. The quality & safety management of industry chain is hereby established in an overall perspective of industry chain, and is organized through the quality & safety management system, whose focus is the behaviors of the principal parts in every chain section. On the other hand, the changes in consumers’demand are the indicators to the development in the Agri-Chain Management (Verbeke & Viance,1999). Moreover, chain quality & safety management also attaches increasing importance to the study of consumers’ demand.Consequently, this paper makes a systematic study on the pork chain management in current China, aiming at securing the safe pork’s supply and consumption, and basing on the viewpoint of quality and safety. The major research work and contributions in this paper are summarized as below:Firstly, based on the existing research of chain management and food safety management, this paper attempts to analyze the basic overview of pork industry in China from chain management perspective, and to provide a theoretical framework and realistic background for the further research.Secondly, on the basis of discussing the essential connotation and goal of quality & safety management in industry chain, a systematic discussion is given on the present situation and existing problems of the quality & safety management system in pork chain from the aspect of government supervision system, laws and quality standards.A further research stands on the analysis of the behavior in several key stages in industry chain——those are safety producing behavior during breeding, slaughtering and processing stages, and safety consuming behavior during consuming stage. The mentioned analysis above all in all explores the key factors that affect the quality & safety management in industry chain.At the analysis of breeding stage, this paper provides evidence from animal epidemic prevention to demonstrate the key factors that affect safety breeding of live pigs from the angle of farmers’safety producing behavior. An empirical study based on the Logistic model is also given in this part, the purpose of which is to quantify the epidemic prevention behavior, willingness to epidemic prevention and the influencing factors of raising live pigs. Moreover, some implications in this part are also pointed out for the policy makers.At slaughtering and processing stage, based on the discussions about the core functions and guarantee mechanism of slaughtering and processing enterprises to implement the quality & safety management in pork chain, this paper makes case study on the HACCP quality & safety management of these enterprises in the framework of construction of organization system, plans of product quality and safety, process analysis in technology of pig slaughtering and inspection and quarantine, determining HACCP, planning for HACCP, etc.In the sales intermediate links, first of all this article analyses the current situation of the industrial chain circulation and sales system of pork, together with their basic characteristics, and the main existent problems in the quality & security management; afterwards, it deliberates and does case studies on the quality & security management of the pork circulation as well as the its sales links in the respects of cold chain and info-tracing management separately.At the consuming stage, CVM is adopted to set up a Logistic model which is used to make an empirical study on the consuming behavior, willingness to pay and the influencing factors of safety pork. Discussions in this part are based on the analysis of the consumers’ cognition level of safety pork and present consumption situation. Consumers’ willingness is the indicator to the development of industry chain, the research of which makes it possible to show the demand status of the safety pork. It plays a theoretical and guiding role in promoting the effective supply of safe pork, and in improving the quality & safety management of pork.The end-of-thesis discussions are some conclusions together with policy suggestions to improve the quality & safety management of pork chain, and secure the safe pork’s supply.


