

A Study on Changes of Chinese Publishing Technology in the 20th Century

【作者】 匡导球

【导师】 王思明;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 二十世纪的一百年间,中国社会的政治、经济、文化都发生了深刻的变革,世界范围内的科学技术更是日新月异。在这一特定的社会和科技背景下,中国出版技术完成了从传统技术向现代技术的转型。对二十世纪中国出版技术的历史变迁进行系统、全面的梳理与分析,探索中国传统出版技术向现代出版技术转型的动因、机制与变迁模式,为二十一世纪中国出版技术发展提供历史借鉴,既有学术价值,也有现实意义。而从技术史的角度研究中国出版业的变迁,目前仍是学术界很少涉足的领域。界定出版技术的定义、性质及其构成是研究出版技术变迁的前提。出版技术是指传播主体对作品信息进行编辑、复制以及“原样”传输的操作技能,是反映在物质形态的工具、机器等装备,网络形态的系统、程序等软件,以及出版过程中体现的信息组织理念、工艺流程和实施手段。出版技术是观念形态与操作形态的统一,而非出版过程中具体工艺过程的简单拼加。出版技术至少包括编辑技术、复制技术、介质制造技术和发行技术四个方面。出版技术的每次重大创新,都大大增强了人类获取信息的能力,改进了人类文化交流的方式,给人类政治、经济、文化和社会生活带来深刻影响,因而被誉为人类“文明之母”。科学划分出版技术的发展阶段是研究出版技术变迁的基础。从社会形态、技术手段分析,二十世纪的中国出版技术变迁可划分为三个阶段:1900年至1949年;1950年至1984年;1985年至2000年。由于政治、经济、文化、科技等因素的影响,不同阶段呈现出不同的特征和变迁轨迹。世纪之初,西方传教士带来的新技术、出版救国的新思潮、近代资本主义的兴起,推动了中国出版技术的近代化。铅活字技术与半机械化印刷技术的结合,提高了出版生产的效率,出版物的外在形式、印装水平、发行方式也得到全面更新;在新技术条件下,传统编辑形态和编辑手段发生了根本性的变化,现代编辑形制基本形成。中国出版业核心技术、工作流程、组织形式、经济规模均发生了重大改变,从生产力到生产关系都实现了深刻变革.1950年后,出版业整体过渡到半机械化、机械化生产阶段,出版各部门产量、质量都得到显著提高,编辑、制版、印刷、装订及发行等环节实现了整体配套.但此后较长一段时间,出版技术总体发展较为缓慢,没有实质性突破,且各技术门类发展不平衡。80代初,造纸工业基本实现机械化,但因原料供给、科研能力等因素的制约,与国际先进水平的差距仍然很大。而此阶段编辑技术从选题、内容编排到校正、定稿等环节日益完善和规范,标志着编辑技术体系更加成熟。专业化的发行体制解决了发行覆盖面小、渠道残缺堵塞等技术难题。在出版技术自主创新方面,受工业制造水平影响,投入生产环节的新产品、新设备不多,但在研发方面仍有不少突破,为80年代中期出版技术实现革命性突破奠定了基础。现代出版技术体系的形成始于1985年,以北大激光照排技术通过国家鉴定为标志。随着计算机排版技术的发展,出版业彻底告别“铅与火”而走向“光与电”,“数字化工作流程”将印前、印刷和印后过程整合成一个具有统一数据格式的不可分割的系统;由于计算机技术的广泛应用以及光纤通讯技术的发展,编辑技术趋向于数字化、自动化和一体化;各种适合海量存储的磁、光等新型出版介质的问世使信息存储不再局限于单一纸介质,出现了风格迥异的数字出版技术;在高科技手段的有力支撑下,依靠功能强大的办公、营销管理等应用软件,出版发行和销售环节的信息化管理成为现实。现代高新技术的广泛运用极大地拓展了出版的外延,建立在“机械复制”技术基础之上的出版形态已不是出版业的全部,出版产业开始走向以文化资源整理和内容创作为表现形式的信息生产和再生产。纵观二十世纪中国出版技术史,我们可以看出,出版是一个技术驱动的行业,出版技术的形成和发展是一个复杂的历史过程,具有其独特的进化规律,呈现出加速性、累积性、一体化和数字化等特征。出版技术并不是按照一种内在的、固有的技术逻辑发展的,而是一定社会历史条件的产物,驱动二十世纪中国出版技术变迁的因素包括:(1)经济发展与社会进步的历史推动;(2)文化启蒙、民族运动与文化建设的政治推动;(3)科技革命与相关技术群落的技术推动;(4)技术创新政策与科研体制改革的制度推动;(5)出版产业迅速发展的市场推动。出版技术的转型机制,表现为技术——需求双重诱因模式、政府行为诱因模式与企业行为诱因模式。不同的创新机制,产生不同的创新效应。在计划经济体制向市场经济体制转型的过程中,中国出版技术的创新机制也呈现出相应的演变轨迹。1978年以后,由于国家发展战略的调整,出版技术创新开始由政府推动向市场推动转变,其结果是技术进步的速率加快、周期变短,对产业发展的推动作用增强.随着体制改革的不断深入,市场为主导的多维整合效应逐步显现。二十世纪中国出版技术变迁的历史经验和教训表明,吸收国外先进科技成果,推进出版技术创新的方向是正确的。但一味引进成套设备,实行以市场换技术的方针,不仅在一定程度上形成了技术依赖性,制约了民族工业的发展,更严重的后果是,在出版这样一个特殊行业,缺乏技术自主性,稍有不慎,将危及国家信息安全。出版传播技术的变迁是自然世界的动态进化过程,从印刷、网络出版到跨媒体出版,出版技术的每次创新,都增加了出版媒介对受众的影响力,都给人类的政治、经济、文化和社会生活带来了巨大影响,表现在出版技术进步不断增强人类获取信息的能力、出版技术发展推动人类文化交流模式转变以及网络出版技术对现代社会发展的影响等方面。中国出版技术创新已走过“引进创新”阶段,正致力于技术的“集成创新”,其未来方向应是“自主创新”。为此,必须改善技术创新的政策环境,改进技术引进方式,建立新的技术创新主体和技术创新平台,形成新的技术激励扩散机制,并以市场为导向,坚持高起点与延续性,实现出版技术创新的跨越式发展和可持续发展。基于此,文章提出了推动出版技术创新的环境、目标和途径,以及通过制度创新促进技术创新的政策建议。

【Abstract】 During the ten decades of the 20th century, a great many profound revolutions had taken place in politics, economy, and culture in China, and particularly, the whole world had seen the rapid development of science and technology. Chinese publishing technology had finished the transition from traditional technology to modern one.Through researching and analyzing the evolving history of Chinese publishing in the 20th century in a systematic and comprehensive way, and exploring its motivations, mechanisms and changing patterns to provide a historical reference for the development of Chinese publishing technology in the 21st century, which both has the academic value and practical significance. However, it is still a new field in current academic community from the view of the history of technology to study changes of publishing in China.Defining the meaning, properties and its compositions of publishing technology is the premise of the research. Publishing technology refers to the operating skills of editing, copying chosen information and transferring samples possessed by communication subjects; equipments such as tools and machines which reflects in material forms; software like systems and procedures in the form of network and it also embodies the idea of information organization, work flow and implementing measures during the process of publication. Publishing technology is a unity entity of ideology and operation rather than simple collections of specific technical procedures. The technology includes at least four aspects: editing, copying, medium production and issuing techniques. From the perspective of the historical development, every significant innovation of publishing technology all greatly enhanced human’s ability of acquiring information, improved the way of communication between human beings and brought the profound impact on people’s life in politics, economy, culture and social life. Therefore, it is reputed as the mother of human civilization.Scientifically dividing the developing periods is the foundation of studying changes of publishing technology. From the view of social formation and technical methods, Chinese publishing technology in the 20th century can be divided into three stages:1900-1949; 1950-1984; 1985-2000; Because of the influences from politics, economy, culture, science and technology and other elements, different stages had presented various characteristics and changing traces.New techniques from western missionaries, new ideas of saving nation by publication, the emerging of modern Capitalism at the beginning of the 20th century all pushed the modernization of Chinese publishing technology. The combination of lead-type and semi-mechanization printing techniques promoted the production efficiency. On the other hand, its outer forms, printing levels and ways of issuing were also fully renewed. With the help of the modern techniques, traditional editing forms and measures had changed fundamentally, and basically formed modern editing institution. The core techniques, manufacturing procedures, organizational patterns and economic scales of Chinese publishing all changed greatly. Besides, it also achieved a dramatic reform from productive forces to relation of production.Publishing as a whole moved on to the production stages of semi-mechanization and mechanization after 1950. Quantity and quality of its sectors were all improved remarkably. All the links were wholly matched, such as editing, plate making, printing, binding, issuing and etc. However, after a long period, the overall growth of technology became slower, and did not make a substantive breakthrough; in addition, the development of each sector didn’t keep the same pace. At the beginning of 80’s, paper industry basically accomplished mechanization, but due to the limitations of raw materials’ supply and research ability, the gap between the world top levels and China was still quit large. Nevertheless, editing techniques at this stage became increasingly perfect and formed specific norms in every links, such as selecting title, setting contents, correction and final version, which represented the mature of the system of editing techniques. Specialized publication institution solved technical problems, like limited areas of covering and deformities and blocked channels. In the aspect of self-dependent technical innovation, new products and machines were few due to the industrial making levels. But it still had some breakthroughs in research and developing fields, which laid a foundation for a revolutionary breakthrough for publishing technology in the middle of 80’s.The system of modern publishing technology formed in 1985 and marked as the laser typesetting of Beijing University passed the national identification. With the growth of computer typesetting, publishing bid farewell to "lead and fire" and walked toward "light and electricity"; meanwhile, "digital work flow" has integrated the process of pre-printing, printing and post-printing into a united data format and undivided system. Owing to the wide use of computer technology and development of fiber optical communication, editing techniques tended to digitalization, automation and integration. The born of new types of publishing media like, magnet and light with mass storage which were no longer limited by paper only but appeared in various styles of digital publishing techniques. Publication Issuing and the information management during sales links came into being, under the strong support of the powerful hi-techs and application software of office work and marketing management.A wide use of modern techniques has greatly broadened the scope of publication. The conformation of publication, which was built on the base of mechanical duplication, was not the whole part of publishing. Publishing has begun to head for information production and re-production which were featured by the arrangement of cultural resources and content creation.Taking a historical view of Chinese publishing technology in the 20th century, we can see that publishing is a technique-driven industry. Its formation and development is a complicated historical process, and owes the unique evolutionary laws and presents the characters of acceleration, accumulation, integration and digitalization. It’s a product under certain social and historical conditions and its development is not according to the inner technical logical pattern. There are five major driving forces as changes of Chinese publishing technology in the 20th century:technological push force by technological revolution and relative techniques; political push force by culture enlightenment, national movement and cultural building; historical push force by economic growth and social progress; systematic push force by technical innovation policies and reform of scientific research; marketing push force by the rapid process in publishing.The transition mechanism of publishing technology embodied three driven patterns: the dual causality models of technology and need, government behaviors and enterprise behaviors. Different innovative mechanisms have different innovational effects. In the transitional process of the planned economic system to the market economic system, the innovative mechanism of Chinese publishing technology also presented its corresponding changing traces. As the adjustment of national development strategy in1987, its innovation was pushed by government towards the direction of market. In consequence, it accelerated the speed of technology progress, shortened the cycling periods and strengthened the influences of its growth. With the system reform constantly going deeper, the multi-integrated effects of market-directed have gradually appeared.The historical experience and lessons of changes of Chinese publishing technology in the 20th century showed that it was right to absorb the advanced scientific and technical achievements from abroad and make the right direction of pushing forward the innovation for publishing technology. But, if we blindly import the complete sets of equipment and practice the principle of preferring market to technology, we will not only form the technology dependence in certain degrees and restrict the development of national industry, but more worse, in such a particular industry, a slight error will endanger the safety of national information and cause passive situations in politics, economy and culture if we lack self-reliance.The innovation of Chinese publishing technology had passed the stage of "introducing innovation" and is striving for "integrated innovation" and the future will be the "self-dependent innovation". Hence, we must improve the policy environment for technical innovation, change and enhance the mode of technical introduction and build its new innovational body and platform to shape new technical promoting diffusion mechanism. Furthermore, we should also take the market as orientation and insist on the high starting point and continuity to accomplish the leap-forward development and sustainable development. On that basis, the article puts forward the environment,objectives and routes on the innovation of publishing technology and some suggestions to promote technical innovation by institutional innovation.


