

Jiulio Aleni and Kouduo Richao

【作者】 罗群

【导师】 何俊;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 古典文献学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文从传播学的角度出发,以《口铎日抄》为主要研究文本,围绕艾儒略在1630-1640年间在福建期间与当地士人的对话,尝试探讨天主教东传过程中中西文化在特定时间和区域内的交流与融合。本文认为:由于利玛窦之后耶稣会传教政策开始倾向民间,这使天主教在其传播主客体、传播媒介、所传信息等方面都与早期有了明显的不同,集中体现在中下层士人教徒群体已经代替上层士大夫,成为天主教传播的主要对象。不仅如此,他们已作为地方的“意见领袖”(opinion leader),在传教士与广大平民教徒之间起着中介作用,他们对天主教教义的理解,直接影响着当地天主教存在与发展的状况。以艾儒略为核心的福建教区可视为这一阶段天主教传播状况的一个典型。本文一方面关注艾儒略等传教士的言论与活动,讨论他们在具体的传教过程中如何看待和处理文化差异所带来的实际问题,使天主教走向本土化;另一方面着重研究福建中下层士人群体的宗教活动与修练状况、他们对中西文化差异的理解以及他们是如何调和两者之间的矛盾,将两者结合起来的。在研究方法上,本文除继承传统的文本分析之外,主要以传播学方法为主,从传者、受者、传播信息、传播手段及结果入手,兼用社会学与人类学的方法,以传教士——福建中下层士人教徒为主体,尝试进行跨学科视野的理论考察:包括从艺术史角度讨论传教士所展示和出版的宗教艺术作品;从比较文学角度讨论传教士及中国士人教徒的证道故事;从伦理学角度讨论西方伦理道德的中国化;从宗教社会学角度讨论中国民间宗教对天主教社群的影响;等等。全文分为四部分:一、关于《口铎日抄》的文本、内容分析。二、关于接受者的群体研究,即对福建中下层士人教徒的活动及言论的考察。三、关于传播方式研究。四、艾儒略在福建社会中的身份定位及其在南明隆武朝的传教情况。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of Communication Studies, with Kouduo richao as its main object, this dissertation tries to discuss the dialogue between Jiulio Aleni and the local people in Fujiang during 1630-1640, so as to make a survey of the communication and integration of Chinese and Western culture in a specific region and period of time when Catholism was spread eastward.The main point is as follows:After Matteo Ricci, Society of Jesus paid more attention to non-governmental missionary work, which makes the subject, object, media and context of the spreading of Catholism in late Ming dynasty quite different from that in earlier period, epitomized by a noticeable phenomenon that Confucian scholars from the middle and lower class, instead of the scholar-officials from the upper class, had become the object of missionary work. In addition, being the local opinion leaders, the Confucian scholars from the middle and lower class mediated between the missionaries and the poor Catholics, with their understanding of the Catholic doctrines directly influencing the existence and development of the local Catholism. Fujian diocese which was directed by Jiulio Aleni was a typical case in this period of time. On the one hand, the major concern of this paper is the speech and action of Jiulio Aleni and his fellow missionaries, discussing how they viewed and treated the practical problems brought by cultural difference in their missionary actions and how they made Catholism localized; on the other hand, this paper also stresses on the religious activities and the spiritual training of Confucian scholars from the middle and lower class, and their understanding of the difference between the Chinese culture and western culture and how they reconciled and integrated the conflicts.Apart from the traditional text analysis, the research methods of this article include mainly the methods of Communication Studies, which, starting with giver, recipient, information, media and result, combined with the methods of sociology and anthropology, seeing missionaries-the Confucian religious followers from the middle and lower classes in Fujian as the research subject, giving an overall and systematic survey of the cultural communication from the perspectives of both the givers and recipient. This article also tries an interdisciplinary theoretic investigation, which includes a discussion of religious artistic works by the missionaries from the angle of Art History, a discussion of the miracle stories of missionaries and the Chinese scholar followers from the angle of Comparative Literature, a discussion about the localization of Western ethics in China from the angle of Ethics, and the discussion about the impact of Chinese local religions on Catholic community, etc.There are four parts in this dissertation:Part 1, the text analysis of Kouduo richao; Part 2, a discussion about the recipient, that is, a survey on the activities and speeches of the scholar followers from the middle and lower classes in Fujian; Part 3, the studies of methods of communication; Part 4, the verification of identity of Jiulio Aleni in Fujian and his missionary works during Longwu period in Nan Ming dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

