

On the Introduction and Influence of American Native Crops on Chinese Society

【作者】 郑南

【导师】 龚缨晏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 16世纪以来,约近30种可食性美洲植物品种相继传入我国,尤其是其中的玉米、甘薯、马铃薯、辣椒、烟草等品种的扩布,其影响更是重大深远。作者将这一历史阶段性现象称之为“美洲作物涌入中国”。本文从饮食史、中外食事交流史的视域展开,以对既往传入研究的得失检讨及关于美洲原产作物文献的勘识为基础,通过文献考订讨论了诸传入品种的异称名实、时间途径、传播分布。侧重讨论了美洲作物传入对中国社会饮食生活、食物结构、人口增长、生态环境、农业生产等相关方面的影响。同时辅以田野工作对作物传入的线路与分布实施深入的研究。文章认为:“民艰于食”是中国具有长久历史的基本国情。美洲作物涌入中国与人口增长是互为因果的关系,美洲作物的传种导致了人口增多、山地垦荒、生态环境破坏,这与当时的政体、国情紧密相关,百姓要存活,政府要稳定,于是都顾及眼前而忽略长远,没有人对社会做可持续性的长远考量。作为一桩持续性的历史事件,“美洲作物涌入中国”带给了中国社会和历史的影响可以高度简约为正负两个基本方面。积极意义是使中国人的食生产、食生活更趋丰富多彩,丰富了中国的食料作物品种,改变了中国传统的食料生产结构,改善了人们的餐桌,同时也开阔了中国人的视野、滋润了中国人的心灵。其消极方面,并非是作物本身的过失,那是政体、国情和文化机制作用的结果,所谓“因人因地而异”。一方面,易长高产粮食作物带来了社会粮食总产提高的积极结果,但继之却是人口滋蔓繁殖——加重土地压力,深度开荒——生态破坏扩大,灾害频发——饥馑严重,中国人生存心态危机加深。粮食总产增加了,但是饥饿问题并没有解决,人口和土地矛盾更趋尖锐。美洲作物涌进中国造成了更多的中国饥民和更严重的生态破坏。这种情况在整个有清一代都非常严重。17世纪中叶以后中国灾荒、饥馑节律呈现时间缩短、程度加深、危害严重,从社会经济着眼,根本上就是人口与土地矛盾的日趋尖锐化所致。在日益加深的人口和土地矛盾中,越来越多的中国人被吃饭难题苦恼,长久、沉重、普遍的生存压力最终会严重伤害承受者的心理健康,会扭曲人们的心灵。世世代代忍受肚子的基本需求而痛苦的人们,是很容易萎靡萎缩、缺乏信心,也易于使人们丧失理想和幻想能力。中国传统本草学与农学对新物种关注的观念、视角有明显的不同,因而有宋应星对明末全国粮食作物结构评估的失衡。同时指出:中国人嗜辣的根本原因是庶民大众的膳食过于粗糙贫苦,单纯地归于地理环境与维系文化现象的诠释是有片面性的。辣椒的传入对中国人餐桌、口味和族群心理、社会文化的影响是最具综合性的,与玉米、甘薯、马铃薯等淀粉质粮食作物的充饥活命作用不同,辣椒作为调味品不是生命的必须,却最终成了中国人生活的必需。在论及烟草的危害性时,文章还指出:中国人对烟草嗜好的迅速普及,不仅夺占了大量的良田肥壤,而且也是因循过渡到吸食鸦片的诱因,吸食黄烟与吸食大烟二者有行为习惯上的联通性。

【Abstract】 Ever since the 16th century, about 30 kinds of edible American plants have been introduced to our country, among which the spread of corns, sweet potatoes, potatoes, pepper, tobacco and the like, especially, has a far-reaching influence. The author thus terms this historic period as "Flows of American Crops into China". From the perspective of diet and diet communication history home and abroad, this paper analyses the literatures on all manner of introductive renamed varieties, introducing time and channels, spread and distributions based on critical conclusions of the past studies and comprehensive reflections on the literatures of American native crops, laying an emphasis on the introduction of American native crops and their impacts on Chinese society, diet life, diet constitution, population growth, ecological environment, agricultural production and other relevant aspects. Meanwhile, profound studies on field work and its influences on introductive routes and distributions are also involved in this paper. It is believed in the paper the situation that crops are not always available for the masses is an ever-lasting fundamental reality of our country. The flows of American native crops and population growth in China have been considered as a relationship between cause and effect:the spread of the former leads to the latter and consequently leads to wasteland cultivation and environmental disruption, which is closely related to the temporal system of government and national conditions of the day. The people have to survive and the government has to stay stable, both of which have caused the society to sacrifice the benefit in the long run for that in the short run, regardless the sustainable development as a whole. As a durative historic event, "Flows of American Crops into China" brings Chinese society tremendous impacts in history, which can be reduced to positive and negative aspects. The positive side is that it enriches Chinese diet production and life with varieties of crops species, thus changing the traditional diet production and constitution, improving the masses’food and drink, enlarging people’s horizons and nourishing their souls. The crop itself is not to be blamed for its negative side, which is actually the consequence of the governmental system, national conditions and cultural mechanism, so that we should suit our measures to differing conditions in terms of persons and locality involved. On one hand, growable and highly-yield crops bring a delightful increase in total production, and on the other hand, it consequently causes overpopulation—burdening pressure and reclaiming wastelands—widespread damage of ecology and frequent occurrences of disasters—server starvations, deepening mental crisis among Chinese survivals. The increase of total production of grains neither lessens the malady of starvation, nor the incompatible conflict between population and land, on the contrary, the flows of American crops cause more famine victims and more serious ecological damage in China, which has severely pervaded every aspect although Qing dynasty. After the mid 17th century, span of disastrous famines is shortened, extend deepened, and damage worsened, which is fundamentally rooted in the increasingly acute contradictions between population and land; involved in which, more and more Chinese are distressed by the dining problem, destroyed and distorted by the everlasting, heavy and widespread survival pressures on their mental health and even soul. The anguished people live generation by generation on the basic needs of being stuffed whereas they are also liable to fall in depression and lose confidence, and thus are deprived of dream and fantasy. Chinese traditional herbal and agricultural studies apparently differ from others in view of conception and perspective on new species; therefore, there exists an unbalance in the evaluation of national grain constitution made by Song Yingxig at the end of Ming dynasty. It is pointed at the same time that the root of the preference to hotness is due to the rough and poverty-stricken diet life, so it is partial to attribute it simply to geological circumstance and cultural maintenance. The influence of the introduction of pepper on Chinese dining, taste and psychology of ethnic groups differs from that of corns, sweet potatoes, potatoes and other starchy crops as satisfactions of hunger in its comprehensiveness and its role of a necessity in Chinese people’s lives rather than a must as a seasoning in life. As the tobacco is concerned, the paper also points out that the addiction to tobacco and its quick widespread have not only occupied a large amount of fertile farmland but also functioned as a trigger of using opium. Smoking cigarettes and using opium are actually relevant in behavioral habit.

【关键词】 美洲作物玉米甘薯马铃薯辣椒烟草传播影响
【Key words】 American cropsCornsSweet potatoesPotatoesPepperTobaccoIntroductionInfluence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】F752.7;K248
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1641
  • 攻读期成果

