

Research on Wuxuezuyuan, a Monk of the Song Dynasty Going to Japan

【作者】 江静

【导师】 王云路; 王勇;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 禅宗东传在日本政治文化史上具有非常重要的意义。它巩固了幕府的统治地位,协调了朝廷与幕府之间的关系;它对日本五山文学的兴起,茶道、花道、剑道、武士道的形成和发展,以及朱子学的传播都产生了深远的影响。而在这一过程中,东渡日本的中国禅僧功不可没,其中,无学祖元是最具代表性的人物之一首先,作为在南宋灭亡之年赴日的高僧,他的东渡具有承上启下的历史意义。其次,他弘扬宋朝禅风,培养日本弟子,为禅宗扎根日本作出了杰出的贡献。最后,他积极参与文学指导与创作活动,留下了大量的优秀作品,为五山文学的繁荣奠定了基础。本文在充分发掘与整理祖元相关资料的基础上,考察、分析了祖元的生平事迹、著述思想及在日本文化史上的贡献和影响。全文由三篇十一章组成。上篇是对祖元赴日前后中日两国政治关系与文化交流情况的阐述。包括忽必烈的遣使与东征、宋元时期中日贸易往来及僧侣间的交流,藉此将祖元放在一个大的历史文化背景中进行考察。中篇是对祖元传记资料及生平事迹的研究。第一章探讨十种祖元传记资料的由来、特点及彼此间的关系。第二章是对祖元生平事迹的考察。重点是对祖元赴日后事迹的考察,除了住持建长、开山圆觉这类众所周知的事实,主要对其教化僧俗、祝圣祈祷的事迹做了比较全面深入的探讨。此外,本章专门介绍了祖元赴日传说,并首次探讨了此传说出现的原因。第三章通过对祖元在日期间与僧俗交游情况的考察,进一步阐述祖元在日活动的形式与内容,以及他为推进禅宗在日传播所作的努力。下篇旨在对祖元著述、思想及影响进行考察和分析,是本文论述的重点。第一章是对《佛光国师语录》的编者、内容、版本及流传情况的研究。第二章是对日本现藏祖元墨迹和文物的研究。在对墨迹的解读上,纠正了日本学者对祖元墨迹的若干错误判读。第三章是对祖元禅法思想、弥勒信仰、儒家思想及神道信仰的研究。本章首次对祖元的禅法思想进行了全面深入的讨论;探索了学界未曾注意的弥勒信仰对祖元思想的影响;比较系统地分析了祖元儒学思想的来源与表现;探讨了祖元与日本传统神道信仰的关系。第四章以祖元的法脉传承为中心,讨论其在日本禅宗史上的影响。第五章通过对祖元文学理论与文学实践活动的探讨,通过对其作品的分析和研究,以及佛光派弟子在五山文学僧人数及作品数上所占比例的量化分析,全面论述祖元在五山文学史上的地位和影响。

【Abstract】 The eastern transmission of Zen played an essential role in the political and cultural history of Japan, e.g. it strengthened the ruling of shogunate, coordinated the relationship between the court and shogunate, exerted great influence on the rising of Japanese Gozan literature, formation and development of sado, ikebana, kendo and bushido and the spread of Zhu Xi’s philosophy. During this process, those who counted a lot were Chinese Zen monks, among whom Wuxuezuyuan was a representative. Firstly, as a senior monk going to Japan in the year when the Southern Song came to an end, his activity marked a historical transition. Secondly, he contributed a lot for the Zen to take root in Japan by popularizing the Zen atmosphere of the Song Dynasty and cultivating Japanese students. Lastly, he was actively involved in the literary guidance and creation and left behind a large number of excellent works, which laid a solid foundation for the prosperity of Gozan literature.Based on a careful research and sorting out of relevant materials of Zuyuan, the dissertation explores and analyzes Zuyuan’s life stories, thoughts as well as his contributions to and influence on the history of Japanese literature. The whole dissertation consists of 11 chapters in three parts.The first part is a detailed explanation of Sino-Japanese political ties and cultural exchanges before and after Zuyuan going to Japan, including Kublai Khan’s envoy dispatching and eastward fights, Sino-Japanese trade contacts and communication between monks in the Song and Yuan Dynasties in order to display a large historic and cultural background for Zuyuan.The second part is a study on the biographies and life stories of Zuyuan. The first chapter explores the origin, features of Zuyuan’s biographies and their relationships. The second chapter studies Zuyuan’s life stories, in particular, after his moving to Japan. Apart from the commonly-known stories of his being abbot of Kencho-ji and Engaku-ji, it makes a comprehensive and detailed analysis of his cultivating monks and laymen and praying. In addition, the chapter gives an introduction to the legend of Zuyuan going to Japan and expounds on the causes to the legend for the first time. The third chapter probes into the forms and contents of Zuyuan’s activities in Japan and his contributions to the spread of Zen in Japan by studying the communication between him and Japanese monks and laymen during his stay in Japan.The third part, the key part of the dissertation, aims to investigate and analyze the works, thoughts and influences of Zuyuan. The first chapter is a study on the compiler, contents, edition of Quotations of Bukoukokushi and its transmission. The second chapter researches the handwritings and cultural relics of Zuyuan collected at present. Based on the correct interpretation of the handwritings, the dissertation rectifies some wrong ideas about his handwritings. The third chapter studies Zuyuan’s Zen ideology, Maitreya beliefs, Confucianist ideology and Shinto beliefs. In the first place, it makes a comprehensive and deep discussion of Zuyuan’s Zen ideology, explores the influence of Maitreya beliefs on his Zen thoughts once neglected by the world of learning, analyzes the origins and manifestations of his Zen thoughts and expounds on the relations between Zuyuan and traditional Japanese Shinto beliefs. The fourth chapter discusses his influence in the history of Japanese Zen by centering on the clues and inheritance of Zuyuan. The fifth chapter conducts a thorough description of his role and influence in the history of Gozan literature by studying his literary theories and practices, analyzing and researching of his works and making a statistical analysis of the proportion of Bukouha students in the numbers of monks and works of Gozan literature.

【关键词】 日本南宋禅僧无学祖元
【Key words】 JapanSouth Song DynastyZen monksWuxuezuyuan
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】K313
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】609

