

【作者】 赵付科

【导师】 李安增;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 稳定是中国的最高利益。中国的统一和稳定,是中国人民之福,也符合世界各国人民的共同利益。维护国家统一和社会稳定,历来是我国各族人民最关切的头等重要的大事。社会稳定是一个具有丰富内涵的概念,包括政治稳定、经济稳定、思想稳定、社会秩序稳定和国际环境稳定等内容,其中政治稳定是社会稳定的核心,而政权稳定则是政治稳定的关键。保证政权稳定对中国意义非同寻常。目前中国的改革与发展处于关键时期,加之国际金融危机的影响,各种社会矛盾和利益冲突出现了随之加剧的趋势,各种群体性事件频发,影响政权稳定的因素是客观存在的。现代化对政权稳定是一柄“双刃剑”,对政权稳定来说具有正负双向的功能。针对现代化的负面影响进行相应的规避性制度安排,是新的历史时期保证政权稳定的有效途径。由于政权稳定是一个涉及多学科的重大研究课题,本论文在辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的研究方法指导下,综合运用马克思主义、政治学、社会学、哲学、历史学等学科的研究方法,围绕当代中国政权稳定这一核心问题主要从五个方面进行了分析和论证。各章主要内容概述如下:第一章作为开篇章,对政权稳定的有关理论进行了界定,设计了政权稳定的理论框架。论文认为,政权稳定是政权系统在运行过程中呈现出的秩序性与持续性。它具有动态性、相关性和可持续性等特点。政权稳定主要表现在国家主权安全、民众对政权系统的高度认同、社会政治心理稳定以及国家权力结构合理有序四个方面。权威和秩序是政权稳定的两大要素。权威本质上是一种意志的服从关系,政权稳定需要权威,但权威并不意味着专制,民主也是一种权威。第二章主要对中国共产党保持政权稳定的探索进行线性考察。论文首先对中国共产党政权稳定思想的理论渊源即马克思、恩格斯、列宁的国家政权理论进行了阐释。接着对以毛泽东为核心的党的第一代中央领导集体,在建国初期如何巩固新生政权的基本经验进行了详细考察;对以邓小平为核心的党的第二代中央领导集体,在十一届三中全会后维护政权稳定的探索进行了深入分析。在此基础上,又对世纪之交以江泽民为核心的党的第三代中央领导集体保持政权稳定的做法进行了阐释。最后,对以胡锦涛为总书记的新一届党中央在新世纪新阶段实现政权稳定的做法进行了深入探讨。第三章主要对影响当代中国政权稳定的主要因素进行了阐释。本章首先概括和分析了影响当代中国政权稳定的四大外部因素:经济全球化、网络化、西方敌对势力的“和平演变”以及三股势力,然后对主流意识形态淡化、贫富差距、腐败等影响当代中国政权稳定的三大内部因素进行了概括和分析。论文认为,这七大影响因素不是彼此孤立的,而是彼此之间有着紧密的联系。第四章着重对20世纪部分政党和国家政权的兴衰成败进行了分析。本章首先从反面对国民党政权在大陆覆亡的深刻教训进行了总结,接着对苏共亡党亡国的悲剧进行了深刻反思。在此基础上,论文又从正面详细考察了古巴、越南等社会主义国家在保持政权稳定方面的主要经验,同时对西方主要资本主义国家保持政权稳定的做法进行了简要概括。为当代中国政权稳定提供历史镜鉴。第五章主要对中国共产党在新时期是实现政权稳定的路径选择进行了深入思考。维护意识形态安全,夯实政权稳定的思想根基;促进经济社会又好又快发展,拓展政权稳定的绩效基础;稳步推进民主化进程,健全政权稳定的体制依托;永葆执政党的先进性,抓住政权稳定的关键环节;正确处理各种内外关系,优化政权稳定的生态环境;加强人民军队建设,筑牢政权稳定的坚固盾牌。

【Abstract】 Stability is the highest interests for China. The unity and stability of China are the blessing of Chinese people, and also accord with the common interests of the people of the world. To safeguard national unity and social stability has always been the uppermost concern of the Chinese people of all nationalities. Social stability is a rich connotation, involving political stability, economic stability, ideological stability, and the stability of the social order and the international environment, of which, political stability is the core, to which, regime stability is the key. With China’s reform and development being at a crucial stage, together with the influence of the international financial crisis, various social contradictions and conflicts of interests tend to intensify, and various mass incidents frequently occur, which indicates that the factors obstructing the stable regime do exist. Modernization, which can act in a positive and negative way, is a double-edged sword for regime stability. Corresponding institutional arrangements to evade the negative influence are an effective way to guarantee regime stability in the new era.The research of regime stability being multi-disciplinary and of great importance, this dissertation, under the guidance of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, and with the research methods of Marxism, politics, sociology, philosophy, history, etc., mainly analyzes and demonstrates the regime stability in contemporary China, which is the core issue, from five aspects. The main contents of each chapter are as follows:The first chapter defines the relevant theories of regime stability and designs it’s theoretical framework. The paper believes that regime stability is the order and sustainability demonstrated in the operation of the regime system, and it is dynamic, relevant and sustainable. Regime stability is mainly manifested in four aspects, that is, the stable state sovereignty, people’s high identity of the regime system, the psychological stability of the social politics and the reasonable and orderly national power structure. Authority and order are two crucial elements for regime stability. Authority, in essence, involves a compliance of will. Regime stability requires authority, but it does not mean autocracy. Democracy is a kind of authority as well.The second chapter mainly carries out a linear study of the exploration of the communist party of China in maintaining it’s regime stability. Firstly, it explains the theory origin of the CPC’s regime stability thought which is Marx, Engels, Lenin’s regime theory. Then it investigates in details the fundamental experiences of the central collective leadership of the party’s first generation with Mao Zedong as the core, in consolidating the new regime at the early stage of the nation-building. And it analyses in depth the exploration of the central collective leadership of the party’s second generation with Deng Xiaoping as the core, in maintaining the regime stability after the third plenary session of the Eleventh Central Committee. Following these, the paper then elaborates the practice of the central collective leadership of the party’s third generation with Jiang Zemin as the core, in keeping the stable regime at the turn of the century. Finally, it carries out an in-depth exploration of the practice of the new Central Committee with comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary in realizing regime stability in the new era.The third chapter mainly expounds the major factors that affect the political stability in modern China. It firstly summarizes and analyzes four external factors:economic globalization, networking, peaceful evolution from western hostilities and three forces, and then deals with three internal factors, that is, the waning of the mainstream ideology, the gap between the rich and the poor, corruption, and so on. The paper believes that the seven factors are not isolated, but closely related to each other.The fourth chapter mainly analyses the ups and downs of some political parties and state regimes during the 20th century. This chapter first summarizes some profound lessons from the fall of the Kuomintang regime in mainland, then reflects deeply on the tragedy of the failure of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in building it’s party and nation. Based on what is mentioned above, the paper continues to investigate in details the major experiences of some socialist countries in maintaining their regime stability, such as Cuba, Vietnam, etc.. In the main time, it briefly summaries the practices of some major western capitalist countries to maintain theirs. It can provide history mirroring for stability of the regime d contemporary Chinese.The fifth chapter reflects deeply on the route chosen by the communist party of China to realize regime stability in the new period. We should protect our ideology, consolidating the ideological foundation for regime stability; promote the sound and rapid development of our economic society, expanding its performance basis; steadily promote the democratization process, perfecting its system support; keep the administration Party’s progressiveness, grasping the key to regime stability; handle the internal and external relationships appropriately, optimizing its ecological environment; strengthen people’s army-building, consolidating the strong shield for our political stability.


