

A Study of Government Environmental Responsibility in Constructing an Environment-friendly Society

【作者】 许继芳

【导师】 方世南;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 服务型的责任政府理所当然地包括了政府在环境治理中的责任。政府环境责任问题是当代中国因环境问题日益严重而凸显出来的重大问题。政府环境责任的重要性既体现在其有充分的理论依据,亦彰显于强化政府环境责任对于构建和谐的府民关系所具有的现实意义。政府环境责任主要由环境政治责任、环境行政责任、环境法律责任和环境道德责任等四大要素构成,形成政府环境责任系统。政府环境政治责任包括积极的政府环境政治责任和消极的政府环境政治责任。其保障机制包括权力制约机制、透明政府机制、政府官员个体道德的培养机制。政府环境行政责任包括政府环境主观行政责任和政府环境客观行政责任。其保障机制包括行政责任主体的环境责任意识、外部控制机制的构建、内部控制机制的生成。政府环境法律责任包括政府环境行政法律责任、政府环境民事法律责任和政府环境刑事法律责任。其保障机制包括政府环境法律法规体系的设立与健全机制、宣传与实施机制、监督与反馈机制。政府环境道德责任包括义务型政府环境道德责任和理想型政府环境道德责任。其保障机制包括以行政良心为核心内容的自律机制和以行政名誉及立法监督为主要内容的他律机制。当代政府环境责任的发生既包含着鲜明的国内背景,又存在着可资借鉴的国际经验,还与国际政治的绿化趋势密不可分。科学发展观和建设社会主义和谐社会的战略目标的确立、环境保护制度的逐步完善、公众环境意识的不断提高以及国际合作与交流的加强等构成了当代政府环境责任发生的国内背景。日本、韩国、德国、美国等国家的环境战略转型实践为中国政府环境责任的强化提供了国际经验。在国际政治的绿化趋势影响下,中国对全球环境治理机制的参与以政府为主,以环境NGO为辅,合作领域广泛,合作方式多样。基于上述情境确立的当代中国政府环境责任的基本目标是建设环境友好的公民社会、规范要求是形成健全的政府环境管理制度、外在表现是形成规范的环境管理行为。强化当代中国政府环境责任的主要动因是为了走出环境治理时政府失灵的困境。将环境问题还原和简化为一个经济学问题即可发现,环境问题是人类经济活动无限扩张的副产品,人类经济活动的外部性所导致的市场失灵是环境问题产生的经济根源。而政府在解决经济外部性问题过程中因环境责任的缺失同样会存在失灵现象。政府环境责任的缺失主要表现在环境责任意识层面和环境责任执行层面。其严重后果有公众环境利益受损、政府合法性衰降、社会发展的环境不公平等诸多方面。导致政府环境责任缺失的原因主要有,政府对环境公共产品的垄断供给、政府的有限理性、公共利益理念的缺失等等。针对上述表现、后果及原因,亟需通过强化政府环境责任来解决政府失灵问题。面对日益凸显的生态环境困局,政府环境责任的强化应着重从奠定政府环境责任的能力、搭建政府环境责任的制度框架、构建政府环境责任的问责机制以及形成政府环境治理的善治局面等四个方面着手。为了奠定政府环境责任的能力基础,关键在于提高政府在环境行政中的科学决策能力、执行能力、利益协调能力和危机管理能力。鉴于政府在生态环境管理中的种种“失灵”,需要通过搭建政府环境责任的制度框架来实现政府环境责任的嵌入。在政治领域的嵌入要求政府建立和完善一整套精确完备且有较强操作性的制度规范,在经济领域的嵌入要求政府高度重视科学发展,在文化领域的嵌入要求政府重视生态文明,在社会领域的嵌入要求发扬环境民主和培育环境自治。政府环境责任的多元问责机制包括立法机关的政治问责机制、司法机关的法律问责机制、传媒与公众的社会问责机制以及行政机关的行政问责机制。政府环境责任的强化还要求政府推进环境善治局面的形成。为此,需要推进跨区域环境合作治理和全球环境合作治理。地方政府间的跨区域环境合作治理有助于开启一种扩大开放、横向合作、共谋发展的“双赢”之路。积极参与全球环境合作治理则需要各级政府像招商引资那样,认真借鉴和吸收各国环境治理中的成功经验,在强烈的环境责任驱使下,将环境友好型社会建设不断引向深入。当代中国政府环境责任评价价值取向的理论基础是人地关系论、容忍区理论、环境经济学。政府环境责任评价价值取向的基本构成主要包括可持续发展、环境友好、代际公正。当代中国政府环境责任评价指标体系在建立原则上包括全面性原则、科学性原则、信息真实与完整原则、透明性和公众参与原则、独立评价原则、可测性原则;在内容上可分解为政府环境责任评价的制度维度、政府环境责任评价的行为维度、政府环境责任评价的人员维度;在指标体系构成上包括3个层面、3大方面、25个具体指标。

【Abstract】 The service-oriented responsible governments deservedly have the responsibility to protect and improve the environment. The environmental responsibility of the Chinese government is highlighted due to the worsening of environmental problems in China. The Chinese government environmental responsibility is of much significance for both the theoretical exploration and the practice of constructing harmonious relationship between government and citizens.Government environmental responsibility consists of four components: environmental political responsibility, environmental administrative responsibility, environmental legal responsibility, and environmental moral responsibility, which form the government environmental responsibility system. The government environmental political responsibility covers positive and negative parts. Its safeguard mechanism involves power check system, transparent government system, and the individual official moral training system. The government environmental administrative responsibility covers the subjective and objective responsibilities. Its safeguard system includes three respects: the executive environmental awareness, the construction of external control system, and the generation of internal control system. The government environmental legal responsibility covers the government environmental administrative responsibility, the government environmental civil responsibility, and the government environmental criminal responsibility. Its safeguard mechanism includes three parts: establishment and improvement system, the advocacy and implementation system, and the monitoring and feedback system for the government environmental laws and regulations. The government environmental moral responsibility covers: the compulsory and ideal responsibilities. Its safeguard mechanism involves the self-discipline system with administrative conscience as its core, and the other-discipline system with executive reputation and legislative supervision as its main content.With its national context, the contemporary government environmental responsibility can not only make use of the international experience, but also tightly connects itself with the green trend. The establishment of a goal for the scientific development and building a socialist harmonious society, the continuous improvement of the environmental protection system, the public awareness for the environment protection, and the enhancement of the global cooperation and communication etc, constitute the national context. The environmental strategic transformation practice of Japan, Korea, Germany, the United States and the other countries provides China with international experiences. With the influence of the global green trend, the Chinese participation in global environmental management in broad cooperation areas and diverse cooperation forms relies mainly on the government, supplemented by the environment NGO. Under such circumstances, the goal of the contemporary Chinese government environmental responsibility is to build an environment-friendly civil society, to develop a sound government environmental management system, and to shape an environmental management standard.The motivation to enforce the government environmental responsibility in China is to avoid the governmental ineffectiveness in improving environment. If the environmental problems are reduced and simplified to be an economic problem, it can be found that environmental problems are by-products of the infinite expansion of human economic activities. The economic root of the environmental problems lies in the fact that the externality of human economic activities causes the ineffectiveness of the market; meanwhile, the absence of government environmental responsibility may also cause the governmental ineffectiveness when dealing with the problems of externality. The governmental environmental responsibility may be absent on two major levels -- the awareness and the fulfillment of the responsibility. These may lead to the consequences such as the loss of public environmental benefits, the damage to the legality of the government, and the inequality of the development of social environment. The causes for the absence of the responsibility include the governmental monopoly of supply of public environmental products, the limited rationale of the government, the absence of public benefit sense, and so on. Therefore, according to these phenomenon, results, and causes, it is imperative to solve the governmental ineffectiveness through enforcing the environmental responsibility of the government.In face of increasingly deteriorating biological environment, the government should start from the following four aspects to strengthen the government environmental responsibility: laying the groundwork for the enforcement of government environmental responsibility, constituting the framework of government environmental responsibility, designing the accountability mechanism, and developing good environment governance. The key lies in improving scientific decision-making capacity, enforcement capacity, interest coordination capacity, and crisis management capacity in the environmental administration. Since various "mistakes" made in the government eco-environment management, the government should build the institutional framework for environmental responsibility so as to embed the government environmental responsibility. When it is embedded in the political field, the government has to establish a complete set of rules with easy operation. When it is embedded in the economic field, the government should attach great importance to scientific development. When it is embedded in the cultural field, the government should pay more attention to ecological civilization. When it is embedded in the social field, the government should promote the environmental democracy and self-governance. The multiple accountability of government environmental responsibility includes political accountability of administration, the legal accountability of the judiciary, the social accountability of the media and public, and the executive accountability of the government. The good environment governance is demanded by the enforcement of the government environmental responsibility. To this end, it is necessary to promote inter-regional as well as the global cooperation in the environmental governance. Inter-regional cooperation among local governments is beneficial in exploring a "win-win" path characterized by a wider expansion, horizontal cooperation, and common development. It is required that governments at all levels draw on the successful experience in global environmental governance just as they have done in inviting investments and actively participate in the global cooperative governance. Driven by strong environmental responsibility, the government will promote the construction of a environment-friendly society.The value orientation of the contemporary Chinese government’s environmental responsibility is the man-land theory, the tolerance-zone theory, and environmental economics. And its fundamental elements include sustainable development, environmental friendship, and intergenerational justice. The evaluation index of the contemporary Chinese government environmental responsibility is based on the following principles: the comprehensive principle, the scientific principle, the true information principle, the transparency and public-participation principle, the independent evaluation principle, and the measurable principle. In the content, it can be classified into the following dimensions: the system dimension, the behavior dimension, and the staff dimension. Its index system can be divided into three levels, three major areas, and twenty-five indicators.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

