

The Study on Public Service Performance and Assessment System for Township Governments under Local Governance Perspective

【作者】 张青

【导师】 闵春发;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 乡镇政府虽然是当前国家行政体系中的最低一级政权组织,却承担着规划和组织乡村公共设施、公益事业的建设、为农村提供公共产品和公共服务的重要责任,其履行职责状况直接关系到农村的稳定和发展,对整个国家和社会有重大影响,在新农村公共服务体制建设和公共服务型政府建设中发挥着其他层级组织无法替代的至关重要的作用。但在社会转型期,地方政府尤其是乡镇政府的公共服务职能薄弱,乡镇政府运行模式仍然存在着“越位”、“缺位”和“错位”现象,本文通过对乡镇政府进行职能解析,分析在新农村建设中公共服务面临的问题,提出乡镇政府以公共服务为取向、多元参与的地方治理模式的乡镇政府职能重构的可行途径,进而建立一套适应新农村建设和公共服务型政府所要求的,能够较全面、真实、公正地反映乡镇政府基本公共服务绩效的评价体系。乡镇政府公共服务绩效评价体系是指,运用一定的考核方法、量化指标及评价标准,对乡镇政府公共服务的提供、运行和管理全过程及其完成结果进行综合性考核与评价的系统,以促进其公共服务水平和应用绩效的提高。本文主要研究在上述分析框架下,如何构建广东乡镇政府公共服务绩效评价体系。这一评价体系要以农民是否获得较满意的公共服务质量和发展环境为标准,使农民真正成为政府公共服务的受益者。笔者遵循以马克思主义的基本立场与方法作为研究的基础与前提,并借鉴地方治理理论、新公共服务理论和政府绩效评价理论,以广东省乡镇政府为个案分析,以地方政府公共服务提供为切入点,提出构建乡镇政府基本公共服务绩效评价体系的基本设想。本文结构除导论外,共分为五章和结论。导论部分主要介绍论文的写作思路,第一章主要分析公共服务绩效评价研究的理论基础与借鉴;第二章主要对乡镇政府职能进行解析,主要是通过我国乡镇政府体制、职权与职能的分析,辅之以广东乡镇政府职能现状分析,进一步梳理乡镇政府职能的脉络;第三章主要分析乡镇政府公共服务及其发展局限,探讨我国乡镇政府在职能定位、地方治理及公共服务方面存在的发展局限;第四章主要分析公共服务绩效评价的方法与实践,通过国际层面、国内层面及广东个案层面进行述评;第五章主要分析乡镇政府公共服务绩效评价体系建设,以广东省乡镇政府公共服务绩效评价体系的具体建构进行进一步的说明;结论部分主要是对全文的研究归纳总结,并指出研究的不足及今后努力的方向。在本文中,笔者提出了以下观点:1、将地方治理理论引入本课题的研究分析框架,探索新农村建设及公共服务型政府建设背景下乡镇政府主导——多元参与的地方治理模式,提出构建乡镇政府公共服务绩效评价体系的基本设想;2、作为创新乡镇政府绩效评价机制的前沿探索,开展针对乡镇政府层级的公共服务绩效评价研究是有益的尝试。分析在新农村建设中公共服务面临的问题,并以广东乡镇政府为个案进行分析论证,在此基础上提出针对广东乡镇政府的公共服务绩效评价体系的基本设想;3、通过对公共服务绩效评价的国际层面的经验总结、国内一般层面的实践现状及选取广东乡镇个案层面的分析,提出的广东乡镇政府公共服务绩效评价体系的基本设想在一定程度上适合广东省情、镇情,并为全国的乡镇政府在公共服务绩效评价方面提供有益的探索性尝试和实践应用方面做出一点贡献。建立一套行之有效的乡镇政府公共服务评价体系对于改革乡镇政府、转变乡镇政府职能由管理型向服务型转换、提高乡镇政府公共服务绩效并促进其公共服务职能的转变进行地方治理模式创新具有现实意义。

【Abstract】 Although the township government is the lowest level in the current national administration system, actually it undertakes important responsibilities of planning and organizing the village public utilities, building the public cause, providing the public product and the public services for the countryside. Its condition of fulfillment to the responsibility directly relates to the stability and advancement in the countryside and has the major impact to the entire country and the society. The township government plays significant role that organizations at other levels cannot replace. While in the social transition period, the governments especially the township government function weakly in public services. Phenomenon as“the offside”,“the vacancy”and“the dislocation”still exist in the operation pattern of the township government. By analyzing the function of the township government, this article raised questions of public service in the new rural construction, proposed feasible measures of the township government function reconstructing which based on the public service-oriented and multi-dimensional local governance. Thus a whole assessment system reflects the basic public service performance of the township government in a thorough, true and fair way, which is adaptable to the new rural construction and the public service-oriented government demand. The township government public service performance assessment system utilizes a certain inspection method, the quantification target and the appraisal standard, to provide a comprehensive inspection and assessment to the installation, operation, process of management and the result of the township government public service. The purpose is to promote the public service level and its real performance. Under the above mentioned frame, this article mainly studies how to construct the public service performance assessment system for the township governments in Guangdong. This appraisal system must take the farmers’satisfaction on quality of the public service and development environment as the key standard and benefit the farmers with the governmental public services. The author follows the Marxism basic standpoint and the method as the foundation and the premise of research, profits from the local governance theory, the new public service theory, the social equity theory and the government performance assessment theory , takes township governments in Guangdong Province as the case and the local authority public service as the breakthrough point, and brings forward the basic tentative plan in building the public service performance assessment system. Besides the introductory remark, this article divides into five normal chapters and the conclusion chapter. The introductory remark mainly presents the paper writing mentality. The first chapter mainly analyzes the theory base and reference of the public service performance assessment research. The second chapter mainly carries on the analysis to the township government function in our country and also its situation in Guangdong Province. The third chapter mainly analyzes the public service and its development limitation of the township government. The fourth chapter mainly analyzes the method and practice of the public service performance assessment from international, domestic and Guangdong point of view. The fifth chapter mainly analyzes construction of the township government public service performance assessment system, dealing with the further explanation by the Guangdong cases. The conclusion chapter mainly summarizes the full text and point out the insufficiency of the research and future direction of effort.This paper consists of the following viewpoints: firstly, it introduces the local governance theory into this topic as the research and analysis frame. It studies the new rural construction and the local governance pattern led by the township government and with multi-dimensional participation under the public service government construction background. It proposes a basic tentative plan of the public service performance assessment system for the township government; secondly, as a front exploration to the innovation of the township government performance assessment mechanism, it develops the beneficial research attempt to the public service performance assessment in the township government level. It analyzes problems which the public service faces in the new rural construction, and carries on the proof analysis taking the Guangdong township government as the case. Based on this, it proposes a basic tentative plan of the public service performance assessment system for the township governments in Guangdong; thirdly, it summarizes the international experience, the domestic normal situation, and cases of the Guangdong township governments for the public service performance assessment. The basic tentative plan of the public service performance assessment system for the Guangdong township governments adapts to the local situation and contributes partly to the good exploration and practice on this issue in the whole country. It has the practical significance to establish a set of effective township government public service assessment system regarding the reform of the township government, the transformation of the township government function from the management-oriented to the service-oriented, the enhancement of the public service performance of the township government, and the promotion for it public service transformation and the innovation of the local governance pattern.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

