

The Research on Democratic Technology of Contemporary China

【作者】 王海稳

【导师】 方世南;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 民主技术是政治学的一个新话语。当今时代,在民主作为一种普适性的价值理念越来越被人们接受之后,人们对民主的关注也越来越从价值层面转向价值层面与技术层面相结合的方面。因为民主本身的实现在很大程度上更加依赖民主技术的发展程度。从雅典城邦用抽签、贝壳放逐(也译为陶片放逐)、投豆子等民主方法,到近代代议制民主技术的出现,再到当代电子民主技术以及协商民主技术的问世,都体现了人类对民主技术的探索和不懈追求。中国特色社会主义民主的实现也离不开民主技术的支撑,对民主技术的研究和实践是中国特色社会主义政治文明的题中应有之义。这一问题也是当代中国政治生活中的重要课题。作为政治学研究的一个新视角,如何构建民主技术的基本理论,是有效地进行当代中国民主技术实践研究的前提。本论文正是从民主技术的理论构建出发,进而分析其在当代中国的发展现状、困境及其产生原因,并试图通过揭示民主技术的发展创新途径来推动中国特色社会主义民主制度的有效运行,保障社会主义民主价值的逐步实现。论文首先对当代中国民主技术的研究进行论域界定。本文所言的“民主技术”是基于政治学的学科范围而非技术哲学的学科范围,区别于程序民主,并且对民主限定为“现代民主”即代议制基础上的宪政民主,进而分析在这一民主过程中的民主技术的具体类型及发展演变。这是进行本课题研究首先需要确定的前提。论文尝试对民主技术的基本理论进行构建。通过对民主技术的概念和内涵,本质与特性,结构、形态与功能等具体范畴进行分析,建立对民主技术的初步认识;进而从宪政民主过程视角对民主技术进行选举民主技术、决策民主技术和监督民主技术三大技术类型的分类,并分别详述了各自发展演变的历史和具体的技术内容;最后,在对民主技术进行合理性和可行性的综合评价体系的构建的基础上,对一些典型的民主技术进行分析,使之更能清晰地了解民主技术的功效及其运行环境。论文的落脚点是阐述当代中国民主技术的发展。在第四章、第五章的内容中,首先是对中国民主技术的发展历程进行梳理,接着,重点对当代中国民主技术的发展成就和困境进行具体分析,认为,当前我国已经建立起一套较为完整的民主技术体系,在一定程度上保障了社会主义民主制度的正常运行。但不可否认的是,我国民主技术还处于发展的初期,还存在很多缺陷和不足,主要表现为民主技术的供给与合理性不足,民主技术的人为操作或违法操作导致民主技术运行的形式化和结果的负向化,在很大程度上抑制了社会主义民主价值的实现,使社会主义的民主理想仅仅是“看起来很美”,与民主实践形成反差。导致这种发展困境的原因除了民主技术本身的原因之外,更重要的是受制于当代中国的政治生态环境的不成熟。最后通过对民主自身的发展逻辑及当代中国民主政治建设的重点方向的分析,得出选举民主技术是当代中国民主技术发展的重点领域,详细分析了当代中国选举民主技术的不足与缺陷,并提出了相应的完善措施。当代中国社会主义民主价值的实现还要建立在立足我国国情基础上对民主技术的突破与创新,论文第五章详细分析了当代中国民主技术运用和创新对中国民主政治发展的重要意义。即训练和培养生活在得到长足发育的公民社会基础上的现代公民、促进民主的“增量”发展、增强执政的合法性基础和形成和谐、有序和稳定的政治秩序。还通过对当代中国民主技术创新的内在动力与外在条件、创新的原则进行剖析,进而分析当代中国在选举民主、决策民主和监督民主的民主过程中民主技术的具体创新方向,为当代中国加快民主政治建设进程提供一定的借鉴。论文最后对当代中国民主技术的发展趋势进行展望。认为虽然当今中国甚至当今世界的代议制民主制存在着自身无法克服的一些缺陷,需要通过进一步扩大参与式民主来弥补,但代议制依然是当代中国民主运行的主要民主机制。因而得出当代中国民主技术的发展趋势有四:一是代议制民主技术的不断完善和精确化;二是参与民主技术的不断发展,如协商技术的发展;三是新技术在民主政治中的作用日益凸显,如电子民主技术等;四是推进民主技术的制度化建设,以科学的制度设计确保民主技术的客观真实性和有效性。

【Abstract】 Democratic technology is a new discourse in political science. As a universal value, democracy is accepted by more and more people. Nowadays, people’s concern for democracy is the combination of the value level and technical level, shifting from the value level. To a large extent, the realization of democracy itself is dependent on the degree of development of democratic technology. From the drawing of lots, baker exile, investing beans in Athens city and other democratic way,to modern technology, the emergence of representative democracy,and then to the advent of the contemporary e-democracy technology and deliberative democratic technology,all reflects people’s exploration and unremitting pursuit of the democratic technology. The realization of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics is also inseparable from the support of the democratic technology. The research and practice on democratic technology is the proper meaning of the title of socialist political civilization with Chinese characteristics. This issue is also an important subject on the political life in China.As a new perspective in political science study, the premise of the effective study in the practice of contemporary China democratic technology is how to build the basic theory of democratic technology. The study of this paper is just from the theory construction on democratic technology, further analysis of the development status, the plight and its causes in contemporary China. It also attempts to reveal the innovative ways of democratic technology to promote the effective functioning of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics, protecting the progressive realization of the value of socialist democracy.First, paper defines the domain of discourse to research on contemporary Chinese democratic technology.“Democratic technology”in this article is basing on the scope of political science disciplines rather than the range of subjects of philosophy of technology, which is different from the procedure democracy. And the democracy is limited to“modern democracy”, which is constitutional democracy basing on the representative democracy. Further analysis is the specific type,development and evolution of democratic technology in the democratic process. This needs to identify before the research on the issue.Paper tries to build the basic theory of democratic technology. Through the analysis of the specific areas of democratic technology, including concept and content, nature and characteristics, structure, morphology and function etc, it establishes an initial understanding of democratic technology. And then from the perspective of the process of constitutional democracy,the paper classifies the democratic technology three types as electoral democratic technology, decision-making technology and supervision of democracy technology. It details the historical and the specific content of each democratic technology on development and evolution respectively. Finally, basing on the construction of comprehensive evaluation system on the rationality and feasibility analysis of democratic technologies,it analyses some typical democratic technologies, which makes it more clearly understand the efficacy and operating environment of democratic technology.The ultimate goal of paper is elaborating the development of contemporary China’s democratic technology. In chapter IV and Chapter V, first, it combs the development process of China’s democratic technology; then, it plays a detail analysis on achievements and the plight of contemporary China’s democratic technology. At present, it has established a relatively complete set of democratic technology system in China, which guarantees the normal operation of the socialist democratic system to a certain extent. But it is undeniable that democratic technology still in its early stage of development in China, there are also many flaws and deficiencies. It mainly manifests the lack of supply and reasonable of democratic technology, human action or illegal action of democratic technology leading to the formal running and negative results of democratic technology. It inhibits the realization of socialist democratic values to a large extent, making the democratic ideal of socialism just“looks beautiful”, in contrast with the democratic practice. Apart from democratic technology itself, the reason of the plight is subject to the immature for contemporary China’s political and ecological environment. Finally, through analysis for the development logic of democracy and the key direction of contemporary Chinese democracy, it obtains the results that electoral democratic technology is the priority areas of contemporary Chinese democracy technology development. It detail analyzes the lack and defects of the contemporary Chinese electoral democratic technology, and puts forward the corresponding perfect measures.The realization of contemporary China’s socialist democratic values is basing on the breakthroughs and innovation of democratic technology on the basis of China’s national conditions. In Chapter V, paper makes a detailed analysis on the significance of use and innovation of democratic technology of China’s democratic development in contemporary China, namely, training and developing modern civil on the basis of civil society, promoting the development of democracy“incremental”, enhancing the legitimacy of the ruling and creating a harmonious, orderly and stable political order. It analyzes the intrinsic motivation, external conditions and principles of contemporary of democracy technological innovation in China. And it further analyzes the direction of the specific innovation of election democratic technology, decision-making democratic technology and supervision democratic technology in contemporary China. These provide a reference to speed up the process of building democratic political in contemporary China. Finally, the paper looks ahead the development trends of democratic technology in contemporary China. It considers that there are some flaws of the representative democracy, which can not overcome itself in China and even in the world, needing further expansion of participatory democracy to compensate for it. However, the representative democracy is still the main democratic institutions in contemporary China. Therefore, the trends of democratic technology development in contemporary China are four points: first, the representative democratic technology has to continues to be improved and more precise; second, the participation democratic technology has to continue to be developed, such as deliberative democratic technology; third, new technologies play an increasingly prominent role in democratic politics, such as e-democracy technologies etc; fourth, it has to promote the institutional building of democratic technology, which ensures that authenticity and validity of democratic technology with the scientific design of the system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

