

A Study on China’s Trust Problem

【作者】 何立华

【导师】 文建东;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 西方经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 信任对社会生活有着重要的意义,特别是对民主政治的实现和维持以及经济增长等发挥着关键的作用。本文对中国社会信任的一些基本问题——如在中国传统文化中,诚信始终是中国人道德体系的一种基本要素,但在具体的社会生活中,这种诚信的道德义务为何没有不分对象地适用于一切人?政府为什么不遵守事前的承诺而更多的是追求短期利益?为何身处诚信危机的中国依然能保持较高社会信任水平?——进行了系统的探讨。首先,我们介绍了研究的背景,尤其重点介绍了当前中国各个领域中存在的诚信缺失的事实。然后,在对相关文献进行归纳总结的基础上,我们指出了本文的研究动因,并对要研究的主要内容进行了简要的说明。紧接着,在第二章,基于(社会)心理学、社会学以及经济学等不同学科的相关文献,我们对信任的各种不同的定义进行了必要的梳理,并对信任的本质和分类进行了必要的说明。在第三章,在讨论了因“机会主义”而导致的“囚徒困境”之后,通过建立正式的博弈模型,我们探讨了声誉机制发挥作用的必要条件,并对声誉理论进行了较为全面的综述。在第四章,我们探讨了中国传统社会的文化、政治及经济等对社会信任的影响。通过构建一个演化博弈模型,我们认为,传统中国“内外有别”的信任模式并不是社会和政治家选择或人为教化的结果,它更多的体现为人们通过有意识地不断学习而形成的一个“进化”过程。第五章则主要探讨了当前中国政府的诚信问题。我们认为,以经济增长为基础的晋升锦标赛对政府诚信有着最为关键的影响。由于晋升锦标赛将那些不容易测度的指标排除在考核体系之外,这导致了政府官员不遵守事前的承诺,采取短期行为。也就是说,政府官员更为关注短期的经济增长收益而忽视普通大众的利益诉求以及因环境污染和能源耗损所导致的未来成本。在第六章,我们探讨了当前中国的社会信任状况以及产生这种状况的原因。使用WVS第2-5次调查数据库中的中国大陆数据,我们探讨了中国社会普遍信任的决定因素,并对“中国信任之谜”给予一个明确的解释。研究发现:(1)中国的社会信任水平存在明显的代际差异;(2)教育水平的影响不仅显著而且比所有其他因素的边际效应都要大;(3)代表乐观主义的因素,即相信可以自由选择和掌控自己生活的信念对普遍信任有不可忽视的影响;(4)个人的主观感受,即对家庭经济状况的满意程度以及对政府和司法系统的信任,是社会信任的重要决定因素。其中,我们认为后三者是解释“中国信任之谜”的关键因素。通过对中国信任问题的解读,要使中国的社会信任状况维持在较高的水平之上,我们提出了以下几点建议和意见:(1)通过放松对民间组织的监管并提供相应的资金支持等措施,建立政府与民间组织平行发展的模式;(2)以公平和正义为导向推动市场体制的建立;(3)以民主法治为目标深化政治体制改革。

【Abstract】 Trust has great significance to social life, especially to the achievement and maintenance of democracy as well as economic growth. In Chinese traditional culture, honesty and creditability is a basic element of the moral system. However, there are still many problems that need to be explained. For example, why this moral obligation does not indiscriminately apply to all individuals in the real social life? Why the government officials often do not comply with prior commitments? Why China is still able to maintain a high level of social trust even if we are living in a Credit Crisis? In this dissertation, we try to provide answers for these fundamental issues about Chinese social trust.Firstly, the dissertation introduces the researching background, especially the fact that the lack of honesty and creditability exist in all areas in China. Then, based on the review of existing related literature, we present the motivation and the main content of this dissertation. In chapter two, based on the literature of social psychology, sociology and economics, we sort out the definitions of trust in different disciplines, and illustrate the nature and classification of trust. In chapter three, after discussing the "prisoner’s dilemma" which is the result of "opportunism", we explore the necessary condition that the reputation mechanisms can play a role through a game model, and give a comprehensive overview of the thoery of reputation. In chapter four, we discuss the traditional Chinese society’s culture, politics and economy as well as its impact on social trust. By employing an evolutionary game model, we explain the trust pattern that people in China may mainly trust the person who have private relationship with themselves. The results imply that such a trust pattern in China is not determined by the choice of the society or the politicians. It results from the conscious learning process of the people in the social life. Chapter five investigates the honesty and creditability of the current China’s local governments. We argue that promotion tournaments, as an incentive system governing Chinese local officials, have a critical impact on the honesty and creditability of the governments. Because of the promotion tournament, some indicators which are not easy to be measured is excluded out of the evaluation system. This lead the government officials not to comply with prior commitments and neglect the general public interest demands in order to seek the short-term interests. On the contrary, they are more concerned about the short-term economic growth even the society needs to pay an expensive cost for this growth in the future. Chapter six discusses the current situation of social trust in China and the reasons for this situation arising. By employing the data of WVS, this chapter investigates the determinants of general trust in China and explains "China’s Trust Puzzle". The results imply that:(1) the general trust level in China has the obvious generation difference; (2) the education not only has important influence on trust but also shows the largest marginal effect among all factors; (3) the factors of optimism, which I believe free to choose and control own lives, show an effect on general trust that can not be ignored; (4) individual subjective feelings is an important determinant of general trust. Meanwhile, the dissertation also proves that the last three factors are the key points for explaining trust puzzle in China except the factor of social homogeneity.After reading and explaining the issues of China’s social trust through historical, cultural, economic, and political perspectives, in order to make China’s social trust level to maintain a high level, we propose the following suggestion:(1) establishing a parallel development model of government and non-governmental organizations by deregulation and providing a corresponding financial support to non-governmental organizations; (2) promoting the establishment of a market system which is based on fairness and justice-oriented; (3) speeding up the political reform which the goal is democracy and the rule of law.

【关键词】 信任声誉儒家文化中国信任之谜
【Key words】 TrustReputationConfucianismChina’s Trust Puzzle
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

