

The Research about the Space for the Survival & Development of the Local Newspapers in China

【作者】 陈亚旭

【导师】 罗以澄;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文运用媒介生态学的理论框架对我国地市报当前的生存现状、竞争态势与未来前景进行了较为全面的分析研究,试图回答地市报到底能否生存;地市报应该怎样生存;地市报的前景如何等三个主要问题。(一)围绕地市报能否生存的问题上,本文从以下几个方面展开了论述:首先,本文运用媒介生态学原生态理论,对于地市报业的生态位、生物钟、食物链及捕食技能等进行研究;特别是对地市报媒介生态位生存竞争的技能,包括生态位分离术、生态位整合术、生态位创造术及生态位细化术等进行分析;运用媒介的生物钟规律来研究地市报的生物状态与生物节律。通过对于地市报原生态状况的分析,我们可以清楚地看到地市报所具有的生态位位置及所处的生物钟时段。其次,以媒介生态学的内生态原理,对于地市报业的生态种群进行分析,在时间与空间的架构之中,研究地市报的传者种群、信息种群、符号种群、营销种群及受众种群等种群之间的个性与共性,从而达到对其空间特征、遗传特征、数量特征和系统特征等特征的把握,特别是通过对地市报种群密度的比较,分析其生存发展的空间。第三,运用媒介生态学外生态原理,对地市报业外生态环境,其中包括产业生态、精神生态、政治生态、文化生态、信息生态、符号生态、受众生态以及组织生态等地市报周边环境进行研究,从而明确地市报外围生态环境的优劣。与此同时,本文运用生态能量分析理论对地市报业生态能量进行考量,对地市报的生产能量、社会能量、经济能量、人才能量、信息能量、设备能量和新闻能量等方面的分析,同时也力图阐明地市报食物链与各种能量之间的辩证关系。在对地市报业能量分析在中,本文把人才能量作为重要部分加以论述,通过对人才内外生态环境的分析,了解人才能量的内涵与结构,把人才能量与报业能量的相互关联进行比对,强调人才能量的最大限度的聚集与释放,充分认识人才能量在报业能量中的地位和作用。本文还认真研究了地市报聚能方法,提出了从物质、精神、策略三个方面聚能的韬略。本文没有停留在对报业生态能量表面的一般性分析,而是再深入一步,运用热力学理论,对于能量内部中的可用性进一步研究,对报社能量“(?)”(exergy)与“熵”(entropy)进行探讨分析。“(?)”概念的引入是从研究能量的品质问题入手的,在热力学中,它还有另一个名字:“可用能”,其意即能量中可用的部分。它表明,能量并不都是可用的,包含在可用能只是能量中的一部分,不同的能量所包含的可用能比例是不同的。与“(?)”相对应的另一个概念是“熵”(entropy),熵是在热力学中用以表示一个物质系统中能量衰竭程度的量度。爱因斯坦曾经说过:“熵理论,对整个科学来说是第一法则。”广义“(?)”、“熵”分析法的推广应用,使我们对报社可用性能量分析,找到了一把很实用的钥匙。首先,这种分析法可以考量报业生态系统与环境的差异。当系统变化与环境变化不平衡时会产生势差(potential difference),从而产生各种能量和物质的交换。事物成长的功力来源于某种差势:如温度差、压力差、流速差、高度差等等。这些差势驱动着万物的生存演进,也驱动着物质的交换和能量的流动。其次,这种分析法也可以考量媒介生态系统的有序化。正因为熵是系统无序程度(又称混乱度)的度量,熵值越大则无序度越大。熵与系统无用能中的可变部分成正比。分析报业能量中“(?)”与“熵”的比重,对于报业生存有序化程度分析可作依据。再次,这种分析法还可以深入探究地市报的能量耗散,即作熵增的分析。熵增问题是地市报能量耗散的关键所在,其中主要包括人事熵、机构熵、内容熵、价值熵等耗散源的存在。本文通过“(?)”、“熵”的分析,探究了地市报能量耗散的重要原因和遏制能量耗散的具体措施。本文还运用媒介的最小量定律和木桶原则,剖析了媒介生存的限制因子,尤其是阻碍地市报生存的限制因子。由此,通过对地市报生态能量中“(?)”、“熵”的分析,初步建立起了“地市报业能量分析体系”。(二)在全面分析了地市报生存的有利与不利因素之后,我们得出结论:地市报可以生存。那么,地市报应该怎样生存?这里就牵扯到一个地市报成长壮大的问题。谁动了地市报的奶酪这是地市报人最关心的问题关键。地市报的奶酪在不断地被切割,面积不断地缩小,本文在三个层面上解析地市报的奶酪被争夺的现状:一是其他同城异质传媒对地市报的奶酪争夺,即当地的电视、广播等对奶酪的争夺;二是纸质媒介的争夺,不同纸质媒介种群如中央、省级报纸、都市报和杂志等对奶酪的争夺;三是网络媒介的对奶酪的争抢。围绕地市报到底有多大的市场发展空间这个问题,本文从宏观和微观的角度出发,首先运用SWOT市场分析矩阵将地市报市场所体现的优势、劣势、机会和威胁等因素通过调查列举出来,依照矩阵形式排列用系统分析的方法,把各种因素相互匹配起来加以研究,从中得出一系列相应的结论。通过分析地市报市场构架、市场定位、受众市场、广告市场、发行市场,使地市报人了解和确定地市报在市场上的准确位置,真正明晰其潜力市场所在。通过对地市报市场诸多因素的比对,旨在让使地市报人充分认识自己在报业市场中所处的境遇,以便根据自身条件来决策合适的市场路线。本文援用欧洲工商管理学院W·钱·金和勒妮·莫博涅两位教授在2005年提出的蓝海战略概念,指出通过探寻现有竞争边界看市场并将不同市场的买方价值元素筛选与重新排序,地市报就有可能重建市场和产业疆域,开启巨大的潜在需求,从而摆脱“红海”这已知市场空间的血腥竞争,开创“蓝海”——新的市场空间。在如何开拓地市报的蓝海战略问题上,本文强调地市报重新构筑市场的边界与走宽生态位道路有些异曲同工之妙,地市报走宽生态位道路是开创其蓝海战略的重要部分,文中列举了新疆地市报走宽生态位道路的典型案例,并以诸多案例说明地市报的蓝海战略还包括地域文化、本地民生、项目策划等多个方面。蓝海战略使我们尽量避免两败俱伤的血腥竞争,但是,必要的竞争也是生存的一种形式,地市报步入报业市场,迎面而来的各种竞争防不胜防,为了生存,地市报必须具有一定的竞争手段。波士顿矩阵为地市报参与竞争、分析市场提供了一种方法。该矩阵可以比较直观地显示出地市报的市场竞争实力,以及其销售增长率与市场占有率,可以显示报业产品发展的良好前景。本文还在地市报参与竞争过程提供了一些实用的战略战术,像:如何进行集群竞争、如何保护好本地市场的方略、如何与大报竞合、如何改良自我特性,适应市场等等。面对当前国内报业的严酷竞争,地市报如何应对,笔者站在地市报人的立场上,收集中外地方报业的若干成功的经验和失败的教训,力图为地市报业提供一套切实可行的生存战略、竞争策略和经营策略。(三)本文在最后的章节对地市报的发展前景也进行了一番勾画,提出了地市报未来集团化、资本化和数字化的三大趋势。特别论述了地市报的数字化建设的过程和前景,并将烟台、宁波等地市报报业数字化方面的成功经验进行总结,试图回答地市报为什么要走数字化之路,数字化给地市报带来了什么,地市报走数字化之路所面临的困境等问题。在地市报为什么要实现数字化的问题上,本文从实现数字化是时代需要、实现数字化是地市报生存需要、实现数字化是绿色传播生态的需要等三个方面论述了地市报未来实现数字化的必要性,指出实现数字化是地市报发展的必由之路,是地市报在我国越来越激烈的报业竞争中谋求一席生存之地具有决定性的作用。报业数字化对于地市报人来讲,不再是遥不可及、神秘莫测的未来之事,而是迫在眉睫,不能不做的事情。在回答数字化给地市报带来了什么的问题上,本文从数字化再造地市报传播流程中分析了数字化将地市报从传统报业到数字化的传播方式、生产流程以及各种运营平台的全新的传播过程展现出来,这是地市报具有战略意义的未来。在数字化能够创新地市报新闻运作模式的论述中,介绍了烟台日报数字化报道的立体方阵,其“五轮齐转,多维报道”的做法,显示了数字化报道的巨大优越性。同时,数字化在扩大和细化地市报受众群体方面的作用也不能小觑,本文以美国马萨诸塞州的《波士顿环球报》、英国《卫报》、美国《华尔街日报》等国外报纸为例,分析了报纸在实现数字化之后受众结构与数量所发生的巨大变化。在数字化给报纸带来的盈利新模式方面,重点分析一些成熟的地市报网站经营模式所出现多种类型,认为地市报在互联网上应设立独立网站,所载内容应超过纸质媒介内容,从而形成一种跨媒体的综合信息平台,通过增加多种服务,开创赢利新模式,例如利用网络数字交易平台,开展网上购物、代缴费用、代办各种事物等电子商务活动;以网络推介和网上路演等信息传播为基础,开展线下商品直销业务,同时,还可以针对不同网络社区的消费群体,设计组织汽车、住房、耐用消费品和快速消费品等大型团购活动;利用品牌影响力,报社不同介质媒体联手组织行业会展、高峰论坛等活动,拓展多元化的数字媒体的盈利渠道。本文列举了烟台、宁波等地市报在数字化经营过程所取得了良好的经济效益的案例。地市报实现数字化能给报社带来的益处不胜枚举,但对于地市报实现数字化过程中所遇到的各种问题和困境也不能低估。因为我们清楚,地市报在当前情况下实现数字化并非易事。笔者在采访了宁波日报等地市报之后,对于地市报实现数字化,本文列举了四大障碍和五大困境。这四大障碍包括认知障碍、机制障碍、资源障碍和动力障碍;所谓五大困境包括思想困境、机制困境、人员困境、经营困境和其他困境。当我们对于这些障碍与困境有了充分的认识之后,在实行数字化的过程之中就可以不断地克服之。本文认为未来的数字技术必将逐步消除新闻出版业、广播电视业、娱乐业、信息产业等传统行业间的壁垒,也必将重塑报业崭新的形象,报业多种关联产业将共同整合形成规模一体化经营模式,加快数字化营销转型将在未来的一段时间按内形成一种必然的趋势,地市报业应紧随时代发展潮流,逐步确立数字化报业战略,加快网络数字化转型的进程,发挥传统新闻业的内容优势,积极谋求合作,通过创新资源整合方式,实现互利共赢。本文在最后的结语部分一方面归纳总结了整篇论文的观点,同时对于地市报之后需要建立的一些体系进行了表述,如建立地市报的生态评估体系以及自身个发展规划体系。生态评估体系是地市报对自身生态状况的自查系统,通过这种评估体系,使地市报对自己的生存概况能有一个非常系统和科学的认识。这个系统的作用在于:其一是地市报生态体系的考量;其二市场生态体系的分析;其三人员生态状况考察;其四地市报整体形象考察等等。地市报生态评估体系是一个繁杂而庞大的系统,需要一个不断完善、不断细化的过程。再就是地市报应建立起自己的生存发展的规划体系,使每一个地市报群体都有一个明晰的奋斗目标,将务虚的目标与务实的目标紧密地结合起来。对于实现每一个目标的具体措施与步骤具体化,让地市报每一个从业人员明了自己的报社正在朝着一个什么样的目标前行,在实现这个目标过程会给地市报及员工带来什么样的希望和实惠,实现本目标主要障碍是什么,大家如何共同努力克服之。当每一个地市报的目标真正成为该报员工的自觉行动,从而形成一种巨大的合力,那么,这家地市报就一定能够成功。

【Abstract】 In this paper, with the theory of the media ecology, this treatise comprehensively analyzed the current condition, the competition situation and future prospect of the local newspapers in China, trying to answer the following three questions:that is, whether the local newspapers can survive; how can the local newspapers survive; what the future of the local newspapers will be like.As for the question of survival, this treatise deals with the following aspects:First of all, using the original ecological theory of the media ecology, the prefectures and cities niche newspaper, zoological clock, food chains and foraging skills are studied; especially the skills of the media niche competition for survival, including niche separation technique, integrated operation niche, niche creation of operation and the ecological niche are analyzed, etc.; by using the biological clock rules, this treatise find the biological state and biological rhythms. Through the ecological conditions of the original analysis, we can clearly see the location and the ecological niche of the zoological clock.Secondly, by using the ecological principles of media ecology, this treatise analyzed the prefectures and ecological populations of newspapers, including the structure of space and time, mass populations, information stocks, symbol populations, marketing stocks and the audience between the populations and other populations of individuality and commonality so as to achieve its spatial characteristics, genetic characteristics, characteristics of the number of features and characteristics of the system to grasp, especially through the comparison of the population density of the local newspaper, analysis is done in their survival and development of space.Thirdly, by using the media outside ecological principles of ecology, this treatise analyze the outside ecological environment of the local newspapers, including industrial ecology, spiritual ecology, political ecology, cultural ecology, information ecology, symbolic ecology, ecological, and organizational ecology, thus the external environment is exposed.Meanwhile, the paper uses the theory of eco-energy and analyzes the energy, including the production energy, social energy, economic energy, talent energy, information energy, equipment energy, and energy areas such as information analysis. At the same time, this treatise also sought to clarify the food chain and the relationship between the chain and all kinds of the energy. In analysis of the energy of the local newspaper industry, this treatise lays stress on the energy of intelligence. Through the analysis of the ecological environment of professionals, both inside and outside, by understanding the content and structure of the energy of professionals, making the comparison between the energy of professionals and the energy of newspaper industry, emphasizing the gathering and generating of the energy of professionals, fully understand the status and the usage of the energy of professionals.. This treatise also carefully studied the methods of gathering the energy by the local newspapers, putting forward the strategy of gathering energy in the material, spiritual and strategic aspects.This treatise does one step further, using thermodynamic theory, for the further study of internal energy of the availability, analizing newspaper’s energy-----"exergy " and the "entropy". The introduction of the concept began from the study of the quality problems, It also has another name:"available energy" which means the energy available in the part. It shows that the energy is not always available,The available energy is only part of the energy, different energy available can be included in the different ratio. The corresponding concept is "entropy", Entropy in thermodynamics is used to indicate a physical system, a measure of the degree of energy failure. Albert Einstein once said:"entropy theory, the whole of science is the first law."The concept of generalization and analysis of generalized exergy science popularization and application, gave us a very useful key to analyze the available energy. First of all, exergy analysis is to study the ecosystem and environment, the important measure of the potential difference. Thus the system changes and environmental changes arose from the imbalance between potential difference (potential difference), resulting in a variety of energy and material exchange. Ability comes from doing work in some bad influence:If the temperature difference, pressure difference, velocity difference, height difference and so on. The potential difference drives the evolution of the survival of all living things, but also drives the exchange of material and energy flows. Secondly, exergy analysis is ordering the media ecosystem considerations. It is precisely because of the system of disorder degree of entropy (or perplexity), If the entropy value is greater, then the greater will be the degree of disorder. Entropy and the system can be useless in the variable component is in proportion. Analysis of the Newspaper’s energy and entropy in the proportion of the degree of order for the survival and the analysis of the press to refer to is done in the treatise. Again, pairs of cities reported that analysis of energy dissipation, namely, entropy analysis. Entropy problem is that cities and reported that the key to energy dissipation, which mainly include personnel entropy, institutional entropy, the contents of entropy, the value of entropy of the source such as the presence of dissipation. In this paper, "entropy" analysis, exploring the energy dissipation and research measures to curb energy dissipation is done. We also use the minimum amount of media law and the principles of casks analysis, finding the limiting factor for the survival of the media, in particular the limiting factors of the survival of newspapers. Through the "exergy " "entropy" of ecology energy analysis, "local Newspaper energy analysis system" Is establishedAfter a comprehensive analysis of the favorable and unfavorable factors of the survival of local newspapers, I conclude that:local newspaper can survive. But how can they survive? Here involved a problem of the progress and maturity of local newspaper. The key to this question is who moved the cheese of local newspapers. The share of the local newspapers is getting smaller and smaller. This treatise says the condition of the local newspapers’ being squeezed smaller and smaller by three areas. One is the media in the same city but of different kind, that is, broadcasting and TV; one is the other newspapers such as the state or provincial newspapers; one is the internet.Focus on how cities reported that in the end the market development space for this problem, this article, the first market using to City newspaper market will be reflected in the strengths,, arranged of the ways to bring the match between a variety of factors to be studied, drawn from a series of. Focusing on the question of how big the space of the development of the local newspaper in the market, from the macro and micro perspective, this treatise first used SWOT analysis matrix and displayed the strong points, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and other factors enumerated through surveys, according to matrix form of systematic analysis, a series of relevant conclusions were drawn. By analyzing the market structure, market positioning, the audience market, the advertising market, distribution market, identify cities reported that the exact location of the market and really clear where their potential markets. Through comparing all the factors, more than right, aims to make cities reported in the newspaper industry to fully understand their market, in which the situation in order according to their own conditions to the decision-making niche markets route.This is from W·Qian·King and Renee Mauborgne, two professors from the European Institute of Business Administration. In 2005, those two professors proposed the concept of blue ocean strategy, according to the borders of existing competition and different markets, by re-arranging the elements of the buyer screening and re-sorting, it might be possible to restore market and industry boundaries, opening a huge potential demand, and thus get rid of "Red Sea"------the known market space of the bloody competition, and create a "Blue Ocean"-a new market space.As for how to develop the blue ocean market, the treatise emphasizes re-building the market niche and taking the wide road, The road of local newspapers is taking a wide ecological niche of its blue ocean strategy to create a major section, Taking the example of Xinjiang-----the typical case, and many other cases illustrate the blue ocean strategy also includes local culture, local people’s livelihood, many aspects such as project planning.Blue Ocean strategy has enabled us to avoid the bloody lose-to-lose competition, but competition is necessary for the survival of the newspaper market, in order to survive, local newspapers must have a certain means of competition. Matrix for the cities of Boston, reported that participation in the competition provides a way to analyze the market. The matrix can compare the visual display of local newspapers, showing the strength of market competition, as well as its sales growth and market share, Product development can show good prospects of the press. This treatise also provides some practical strategies and tactics, such as:how to cluster to compete, how to protect the local market strategy, how to competing with the major newspapers, how to improve self-characteristics and adapt to markets.In the face of harsh competition in the domestic press, how the local newspapers deal with, I stood in the position of the local journalists and gather a number of domestic and successful foreign experiences and lessons of failure in an attempt to provide local newspapers a set of practical survival strategy, competitive strategy and business strategy.The final chapter gave the outlines of the future of the local newspapers, giving out three major trends of combining, capitalization and digitization. In particular it discussed in a number of cities, the construction of the process and prospects, taking Yantai, Ningbo and other cities. Newspaper digitization is summarized as the successful experience, trying to answer the question why the local newspaper take the road of digital, reported that What digital brought about to the cities, and the difficulty the local newspaper might meet with in the process of digitization and so on.As for the reason of the digital technology of local newspapers, this treatise expressed in three aspects, for the demand of modern times, for the survival of the local newspapers, for the green spread. It is the necessity in the future and the only way out. In the increasingly fierce competition in the newspaper industry, just for the position and the survival of local newspapers, digital technology is so decisive. Digital Newspaper, for the journalists, is not distant, not mysterious, but imminent and it has to be done.In answer to the question of what digital has brought to the cities, this treatise analyzes from traditional press to the digital mode of transmission, production processes and a variety of operating platforms, which is the future of local newspapers. This treatise introduced the number of three-dimensional matrix of the Yantai Daily, Its "5 Qi turn, multi-dimensional reporting" approach, showing the great superiority of digital coverage.At the same time, this treatise took "Boston Globe," the British "Guardian", Massachusetts, the United States, and "Wall Street Journal" and other foreign newspapers, as examples, analyzing the tremendous changes of the newspapers after realizing digital coverage.As for the new profit models of the digital of the newspapers, focusing on analysis of many types of business models of the web site of the cities, The treatise shows that Internet should be set up and independent web site content should be contained in paper-based media content, thus creating an integrated cross-media information platform, At the same time, according to different consumer groups, online communities, design organizations, automobile, housing, consumer durables and fast moving consumer goods such as large-scale Group Buy; the use of the brand influence, a newspaper different media organizations, media, industry, joint exhibition, summit forum and other activities, a wide range of digital media channels can expand the profitability. This treatise lists Yantai, Ningbo and other cities and took their the digital business process with good economic profit as examples.The digital technology can bring numerous benefits, but the process of realization have various problems and difficulties and they can not be underestimated. Because we are aware that it will not be easy to digitize. The author interviews Ningbo Daily News newspaper, and noticed the realization of digital cities has five four barriers and difficulties. These four barriers include cognitive barriers, institutional barriers, resources, obstacles and dynamic obstacles; the so-called five difficulties are, mechanisms difficulties, personnel difficulties and operational difficulties and other difficulties. When we fully understand these obstacles and difficulties, we can continue to overcome them in the digital process.This paper argues that the future digital technology is bound to the gradual elimination the traditional barriers between industries between press and publication industry, radio and television, entertainment, information industry and others, but also will reshape the image of a brand new newspaper, the newspaper industry will co-integrate a variety of related industries scale integrated business model to speed up marketing the digital transition in the future, within a period of time as the formation of an inevitable trend, prefectures and cities newspaper trend of the times should be followed, and gradually establish digital press strategy speeding up the process of transition to digital networks, The role of traditional journalism, the contents of the advantages, and actively seek cooperation and integration of resources through the innovative ways to achieve mutual benefit and win-to-win situation.In the final part of this treatise, the one hand, summarized the views of the entire paper also the establishment of the system of the local newspapers paper ecology assessment system and its own planning and developing system. Ecological assessment system is for the situation of their own self-examination system, through such an assessment system the local newspapers can have a very systematic and scientific understanding of the survival of their own profile. The system’s role is to:first, ecosystem considerations of local newspapers; second, the analysis of the market eco-system; thirdly, ecological conditions of the personals; the fourth, the overall image of the local newspapers. The environmental assessment of the system of local newspapers is a complex and huge system, It needs a continuous improvement, and constantly refine process.And then local newspapers should set up their own survival and development planning system so that each group of local newspapers has a clear goal, and retreat objectives and realistic goals closely together. For the achievement of each goal, specific measures and concrete steps should be known to each of their employees. They each understand what kind of target forward, in the process of achieving this goal, what kind of hope and benefits if they achieve the objectives, and what is the main obstacles, How shall we work together to overcome it. When each of the newspaper staff regards the goal as their conscious action, creating a huge cooperation force, then, this local newspaper is due to success.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

