

A Study on the Cluster Development of Chinese Animation Industry

【作者】 耿蕊

【导师】 张金海;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 媒介经营管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 动漫产业是文化创意产业、娱乐产业以及数字内容产业的重要板块,作为无资源消耗的绿色产业,在二十一世纪得到了各国的广泛关注,纷纷作为优先发展的“朝阳产业”进行推进。目前,在文化创意产业发达国家,动漫产业已经形成了庞大的消费市场和产业集群经济。本文旨在通过分析中国动漫产业集群的发展现状,揭示中国动漫产业集群发展过程中的存在的现实困境与主要问题,结合中国动漫产业发展的实际,借鉴国外动漫发达国家发展动漫产业集群的成功经验,寻找中国基于动漫产业基地/园区为现实载体推动动漫产业集群的发展模式与现实路径,探析中国动漫产业集群发展的关键与方向,研究动漫产业集群发展的现实空间与虚拟空间,为中国动漫产业集群发展提供理论支持和现实指导。低集中度、过度竞争、缺乏规模经济是中国动漫产业的基本现状。从产业发展的规律来看,中国这种“小、散、弱”的动漫产业组织不能适应市场经济的发展要求,也无法适应目前文化产业的全球化趋势。特别是2009年,《文化产业发展规划》的出台,明确了包括动漫产业在内的文化产业作为国家战略产业的重要地位,使得如何发挥后发优势,积极赶超动漫强国,成为摆在我们面前的重大问题。近年来,在调整产业结构与转变经济增长方式的国内产业环境下,我国大力建设动漫产业基地/园区,旨在以动漫产业基地/园区作为动漫产业集群的现实载体和区域动漫经济发展的增长极,通过动漫产业基地/园区的极化效应,集聚动漫企业、整合动漫资源、提升产业集中度,由此推动我国动漫产业的集群发展。本文以长沙动漫产业基地为例,从地域分布、专业化、社会化协作、网络化、产业规模、产业链、根植性、投资主体八个指标进行考察,指出我国动漫产业“集而不群”是不争的事实。另外,动漫产业基地内动漫企业的OEM运营,“世界工厂”的现象成为现阶段我国动漫产业集群发展的现实困境和主要问题。我国动漫产业在落后的现实情况下,单纯地依靠市场的力量,经过长期的自动选择,最终形成动漫产业的集群发展是不可能实现的。借鉴国外动漫产业集群化的发展模式、结合中国经济发展模式以及根据后发优势理论,本文认为,“国家主导”是中国动漫产业集群发展模式的现实选择。在国家宏观调控下,充分发挥市场对动漫资源配置的基础性作用,同时,政府对经济活动保持着强有力的干预和指导,由此推动中国动漫产业集群的形成。“国家主导”的模式既与中国经济发展模式一脉相承,又符合中国动漫产业小、弱、散的现实景观,是一种具有中国特色的动漫产业集群发展模式,体现了中国发展动漫产业集群的国家利益和国家战略。同时也是一种在不断完善、丰富和演进着的中国动漫产业集群发展模式。在“国家主导”模式下,积极培育动漫龙头企业和完善动漫产业链,由此形成以龙头企业带动的动漫集群和动漫产业链集群是中国动漫产业集群发展的具体思路和可行方案。在动漫产业集群发展的过程中,本文认为“自主”与“创新”是中国动漫产业实施集群化发展战略的关键。自主研发、自主设计、自主经营具有自主知识产权的自主动漫品牌,不仅是动漫产业作为文化创意产业集群的独特之处,更是中国动漫产业获得国际竞争优势、提升中国软实力的关键节点。只有具有自主知识产权的动漫自主品牌,中国的动漫产业才能走出“微笑曲线”的中间环节——加工制造环节,向高附加值的两端——品牌和营销环节迈进,才能提升中国动漫产业在全球价值链中的地位,中国的动漫产业集群才能避免“空洞化”、“边缘化”风险,集群竞争优势才能从“低成本优势”向“品牌优势”转型。也只有这样,中国的动漫产业集群才能一石二鸟,一箭双雕,在获得集群经济效应的同时,获得文化品牌效应。另外,创新对于中国动漫产业集群发展而言,是内在动力和核心优势。对于我国而言,中国动漫产业集群从廉价的“低成本优势”向高附加值的“品牌优势”发展,从“低端道路集群”向“高端道路集群”转型的关键就在于“创新”。总之,培养动漫创意型人才,鼓励动漫产业集群内企业的自主创新,改善动漫产业集群的创新环境,推动中国动漫产业由“劳力型集群”向“创新型集群”转变,是中国动漫产业集群发展的方向。动漫产业集群是世界动漫产业发展的历史趋势和现实取向。本文认为,作为一种新兴产业,动漫产业不仅具有地理集群的产业特质,而且还具备虚拟集群的独特品质。动漫产业的地理集群是以“地理接近”而形成的集群,动漫产业的虚拟集群是以“组织接近”而形成的集群。前者注重的动漫产业集群的“现实空间”,后者凸显的是动漫产业集群的“虚拟空间”。动漫产业的虚拟集群拓展了地理集群的空间范畴,是信息时代新的产业组织形式,更是对地理集群的一种补充和超越。而动漫产业的地理集群是虚拟动漫集群的基础和保证。动漫产业的虚拟集群,只有在动漫产业地理集群的现实空间基础上借助信息网络,才能实现更大范围的动漫资源、动漫功能以及动漫服务和动漫产品的整合优化,以及跨区域的动漫企业间的合作。基于此,本文认为,对于动漫产业而言,现实空间的地理集群是一种发展战略,虚拟空间的网络集群也是一种发展思路。

【Abstract】 The animation industry is an indispensable part of the culture creative industry, entertainment industry and digital industry. As a green industry, it has attracted worldwide attention in the 21st century. It has been considered in succession by different countries as a "risingsun industry", which has been prioritized for development. At present, in the countries where culture creative industry is highly developed, the animation industry enjoys a great consumption market and industrial cluster economy.Through an analysis of the development reality of the Chinese animation industry, the dessertation reveals the difficulties and main problems in its development. Based on the status-quo of the Chinese animation industry and the successful experiences of countries well developed in the animation industry, it seeks the development pattern and realistic route, analyzes the crucial points and trends of the animation industry, studies the actual and virtual space of its development, and provides a guide for its development both in theory and in practice.Low concentration, fierce competition, and lack of scale economy are the reality of the development of the Chinese animation industry. Judging by the rules of the industrial development, the animation industry, characterised as "small, loose and weak", does not satisfy the requirements of the development of the market economy and are not suitable for the globalization trend of the culture industry. In particular, the Development Planning of the Culture Industry, issued in 2009, lists the animation industry as one of the state strategic industries and makes it a huge problem for China as a late starter, how to surpass those countries which are well-developed in animation industry. Recently, in a domestic environment where the shift of industrial structures and economy growth model are greatly advocated, China makes great efforts in building animation industry zones, which could function as the actual bearer of the animation industry cluster and the growth pole for regional animation economy. Moreover, the polarization effect of the animation industry zones serves to centralize the animation enterprises, integrate the animation resources, and increase the industry concentration so as to promote the cluster development of the Chinese animation industry. Take the animation industry in Changsha as an example, it is pointed out that Chinese animation industry is beyond doubt intensive rather than integrative, from the following eight indicators, namely, distribution, professionalization, social cooperation, networking, industry scale, industry chain, roots and major investors. Besides, the OEM operation of the enterprises in the animation industry base as well as the role of "World Factory" are the main predicament and problem for the development of the Chinese animation industry.The cluster development of animation industry cannot be achieved through its automatic selection by the market force in the backward conditions. Based on the cluster development model abroad, the economic development model of China, and the Late-developing Advantage Theory, it is believed that the state domination is the right choice. Under the macro regulation and control of the country, the industry cluster is formed by the fact that the market plays a fundamental role in the distribution of animation resources and the government maintains powerful intervention and guidance. The state domination model is in line with Chinese economy growth model and fits the condition of the "small, loose and weak" animation industry, which is a model with Chinese Characteristics and embodies the state interests and strategy in the development of this industry. Within the state-dominated model, it is a feasible plan to cultivate the leading animation enterprises and improve the industrial chains, which are concrete steps for the development of the Chinese animation industry cluster.In the development of the animation industry cluster, it is asserted in this dessertation that "self-reliance" and "innovation" are the keys to the implementation of the development strategy of the Chinese animation industry cluster. Independent research and development, independent design and operation on the independent animation brands with independent intellectual property rights, is not only the uniqueness of the animation industry as a cultural and creative industry cluster, but also a critical node for the Chinese animation industry to gain competitiveness internationally and enhance the soft power of China. Only equipped by independent animation brands with independent intellectual property rights, can China’s animation industry get out of the "smile curve", of which the middle part are-processing and manufacturing, and stride forward to both higher value-added ends-the brand and marketing, in order to enhance the status of the Chinese animation industry in the global value chain. Therefore, China’s animation industry cluster can avoid the risks of "hollowing out" and "marginalization", which enbable the competitive advantage of the cluster to realize a transition from "low cost competitiveness" to "brand competitiveness". Only in this way can China’s animation industry cluster kill two birds with one stone, that is, obtain the economic effect of the cluster and gain the cultural brand meanwhile. In addition, innovation is the internal driving force and core strength for the Chinese animation industry cluster development. For China, the key for the transition of the Chinese animation industry cluster from the cheap "low cost competitiveness" to the high value-added "brand competitiveness", and from the "low end cluster" to "high end cluster" lies in "innovation". In short, the trend for the development of the Chinese animation industry cluster resides on the following aspects:to train creative animation talent, to encourage independent innovation by enterprises of the animation industrial cluster, to improve the innovation environment of the animation industry cluster, and to promote the transition from "labor-based cluster" to "innovative cluster" by the Chinese animation industry cluster.Animation industry cluster is a historical trend and realistic orientation for the world animation industry. This dessertation puts forward that as an emerging industry, animation industry not only has the industrial characteristics of the geographic cluster, but also the unique quality of the virtual cluster. The geographical cluster for the animation industry is based on "geographical proximity" and the virtual animation of the industry cluster is based on "organizational proximity". The former focuses on the "actual space" of the animation industry cluster, while the latter highlights the "virtual space". The virtual cluster of the animation industry expands the space area of the geographic cluster, which in the information age, is a new form of industrial organization and a complement of the geographical cluster. The geographical cluster of the animation industry is the foundation and guarantee for a virtual animation cluster. The virtual cluster of the animation industry, only by employing the information network based on the actual space of the geographical cluster in the animation industry, can it achieve integration and optimization of animation resources, capabilities, animation services and animation products in a wider range, as well as cooperation among cross-regional inter-animation enterprises. Based on this, this dissertation argues that, for the animation industry, the geographical cluster of actual space is a development strategy, and the network cluster of the virtual space is also a development scheme.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

