

Research on Mulitimedia Web Couses and Tools Based on Knowledge System

【作者】 彭莹

【导师】 吴产乐;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 计算机系统结构, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 互联网的飞速发展使得网络教育迅速推广,发展到现在以视频、互动为特征的电子学习阶段,为企事业培训、政府培训、学校教育带来了巨大的发展机遇。网络教育的成功实施需要丰富的教育资源,网络课程的开设已成为一个全球化的趋势。多媒体课件决定了网络课程的质量,网络课程的质量决定了网络教育的质量,因此开发适用于网络教育的高质量课程和多媒体课件制作工具(如幻灯片和流媒体课件制作工具)已成为网络教育中一个非常重要而迫切的研究问题。本文以教育领域为背景,围绕网络课程和多媒体课件制作工具,重点研究了基于知识体系的多媒体网络课程的建模问题、基于知识点的网络课程建设技术规范、幻灯片课件制作工具的兼容问题和流媒体课件制作工具的集成问题,并依托国家863项目“电子学习系统平台和教育资源库研究与开发”,进一步研发网络课程原型系统和课件制作工具原型系统,具有较强的理论价值和实用价值。1.构建基于知识体系的多媒体网络课程模型当前学习资源的组织普遍缺乏语义结构,不符合人的认知规律,本文利用知识本体构建网络课程和教学资源之间的语义联系,解决海量学习资源异构无序、缺乏多粒度结构的问题。本文提出以知识点为核心的语义知识体系,分析各组成部分间层次及交互关系,设计一个基于知识体系的学习资源组织及网络课程的总体架构。2.制定基于知识体系的多媒体网络课程技术规范国内外已经有不少关于电子学习资源的标准,如SCORM和CELTS,但是缺乏专门针对网络课程的详细叙述,特别是技术实现手段和样例课程,而网络课程在远程教育中又具有非常重要的地位。本文制定了一套以知识体系为核心,符合实际应用、可操作性高的网络课程建设技术规范,并以网络课程原型系统“计算机硬件课程群”中的“微机系统与接口技术”课程为例进行验证。3.研究幻灯片课件制作工具的兼容性问题国内外现在已经有很多各式各样的幻灯片课件制作工具,如国外的PowerPoint,国内的方正奥思等,但是课件的兼容性问题一直得不到很好的解决,本文在多媒体课件制作工具MCAT (Multimedia Courseware Authoring Tool)的基础上,根据国家标准CELTS对课件格式打包,结合面向对象技术和XML技术,将PowerPoint课件转化为基于XML的MCAT课件,便于不同标准和文件格式课件之间的共享。4.研究基于PPT文本流的流媒体课件制作工具本文中的录制工具Record Tool对流媒体课件采用视频流和文本流(对授课场景记录视频流,但是是用文本流而不是视频流或图片流记录PPT课件信息)集成的方法,使得录制的课件既数据量小,又质量清晰,易于在网络上传输,并以申报中的国家精品课程“微机系统与接口技术”中的全程流媒体三分屏课件制作为例进行验证。本文主要创新点归纳如下:1.本文在领域知识和学习资源之间增加以知识点为核心的知识本体,构建学习资源-知识本体-网络课程三层资源组织模型,实现了知识关联和资源共享,给海量学习资源组织管理和个性化学习服务提供“物质”基础。本文在国家863项目“电子学习系统平台和教育资源库研究与开发”的基础上构建基于知识体系的网络课程原型系统“计算机硬件课程群”,提供了基于知识点的动态导航功能。2.本文在电子学习资源标准的基础上,以知识点为核心,制订基于知识点的网络课程具体实现的技术规范。网络课程技术规范包括了基于知识点的学习资源规范、知识点和网络课程关联、搜索规范、管理规范和评价规范,以网络课程原型系统“计算机硬件课程群”中的代表课程“微机系统与接口技术”为例予以验证。3.本文采用基于PPT文本流的方式录制流媒体三分屏课件(三分屏指的是教师视频、PPT等课件、大纲),用文本流而不是视频流或图片流记录课件信息,使得录制的课件质量清晰、数据量小,适合于互联网应用;课件用IE浏览器即可离线播放,无需播放器。本文设计和实现了录制工具原型系统Record Tool,重新制作2008年湖北省精品课程“微机系统与接口技术”全程流媒体三分屏课件,用于申报2010年国家精品课程(已成功)。

【Abstract】 With the development of Internet, network education has become a hot spot in modern education. Multimedia courseware determines the quality of web courses, and web course determines the quality of e-Learning, so it is very important to research on high quality web courses and courseware authoring tools.There are four research aspects:1. The paper constructs multimedia web course model. The paper uses knowledge ontology to construct semantic relation between web courses and learning resources, solve heterogeneous and disorder issues of massive learning resources. The paper proposes web course model based on knowledge system called three level’learning resources-knowledge ontology-web course’.2. The paper makes web course technology specification. There existed e-Learning standards like SCORM or CELTS, but lack of detailed specification about web courses, especially technology and sample web courses. The paper proposes web course technology specification which includes learning resources specification based on knowledge point, web course and knowledge association, research specification, manage specification and assess specification.3. There are kinds of courseware making tools based on different standards and formats, but the courseware products are difficult to extract data or convert formats with each other, which cause repeating development and serious waste of information resources.To solve the above problems, this paper does a research on an XML-based standard courseware building system MCAT. It takes CELTS as standard to define courseware elements, describes courseware using XML format, and importantly, supports to transform PowerPoint into MCAT files, thus achieving the reusability of educational resources.4. At present, there is a wide range of software tools to create triple-screen courseware, but both of teaching stream and content stream of the produced courseware still only adopt video streams to demonstrate, such transmission on the net work will occupy a larger bandwidth, which impacts the experiences of learners.The paper designed and developed Record Tool useing PowerPoint webpages to generate three-screen courseware and provides edit functions like splitting, script editing, so the courseware need much low bandwidth and keep good quality.There are three creative points:1. The paper adds knowledge ontology between knowledge system and learning resources, construct three-level model called’learning resources-knowledge ontology-web courses’, realize knowledge association and resource share.2. The paper makes technology specification about web courses around knowledge point. The web course technology specification includes learning resources specification based on knowledge point, web course and knowledge association, research specification, manage specification and assess specification.3. The paper shows a method to record and make streaming media courseware, especially three-screen courseware by PPT text streaming not video streaming or picture streaming. The method makes three-screen courseware have clear quality and small data size. The courseware can be played by IE while no internet connection and we don’t need courseware player.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

