

The Imagination of China in Chinese Poetry of Southeast Asia

【作者】 张晶

【导师】 赵小琪;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 想象是诗人的灵魂,也是文学艺术的源泉。东南亚华文诗歌通过艺术的想象在言说“中国”的同时,也言说了更多关于东南亚社会历史文化、东南亚华族命运以及华人身份认同等丰富的文化信息,达到了言说存在进而整合自我的功能。在远离中国本土的东南亚华文诗歌创作中,不同代际的华人作家对中国地理、政治和文化的想象已经不仅仅只是纯粹的文学审美活动,更关乎到想象主体在特定权力空间中客观现实的生存境况和文化境遇,也与东南亚各国不同历史时期具体的政治文化生态语境密切相关。同时,东南亚华文诗歌对中国的想象根源于一个种族难以更改的血缘身份和文化记忆,反映了想象主体构建民族属性、追寻身份认同的深层诉求。因此,运用比较文学形象学的研究视野来观照东南亚华文诗歌的中国想象,进而追寻想象本身及想象共同体所蕴含的美学价值和文化意义是本文研究的基本思路。在充满机遇和挑战的全球化时代,本文通过对东南亚华文诗歌的中国想象作具体而深入的文本分析和文化阐释,一方面可以加深我们对跨区域社会存在的权力关系、运行机制以及海外华族群体生存境遇、生命形态的了解,另一方面也有助于将作为华人文化记忆和文学想象的华文文学置于更加广阔的研究视野中,发掘其丰富的文化内涵和文本意义。这样一种由内而外、内外结合的研究范式能够克服目前国内华文文学研究领域由盲目自大的民族主义情绪所带来的先入为主、主观猜测的学术弊端,对跨区域华文文学的艺术特质和文学成就作出更加客观公正的评断,从而探索出一条将华文文学通向世界文学的诗学新路径。论文试图用一种客观开放的研究态度和多学科交叉的研究视野来观照东南亚华文诗歌中的中国想象,构建起文学审美和文化批评内外结合、东南亚整体文学与该区域各国文学相互映证的立体多层次的研究系统。论文既要对东南亚六国(新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、菲律宾、印度尼西亚、越南)的华文诗歌做大量细致的文本细读,又要灵活化用语言学、文化地理学、文化社会学、接受美学等其他社会科学的理论资源和研究范式,解读与阐释东南亚华文诗歌在地域、民族、社会与文化等多层面上对中国想象的移动与转化,从而挖掘出想象主体在历史记忆和现代转型中所作的身份构建和自我整合的深层文化内涵。绪论部分在东南亚华文文学以及东南亚华文诗歌的历史流变中,考察在东南亚不同历史时期、不同社会场域内影响并制约东南亚华文诗歌中国想象发生、发展的各种文学外缘因素。对东南亚华文诗歌的语境研究与历史考察是我们探讨东南亚华文诗歌中国想象的前提。剖开历史的横切面,东南亚地区任何一国华文诗歌对中国的想象都是在该国特定时空的文化场域和结构体制下权力较量的产物;同时从整体上看,东南亚华文诗歌对中国的想象又是东南亚华人在文学化与社会化过程中不断融合中国情怀与东南亚本土经验的历史过程。第一章东南亚华文诗歌的中国地理想象。它是以文化地理学的视野来观照东南亚华文诗歌中呈现的中国地景,从诗歌的意象系统、想象策略以及诗人的感觉结构三个层面阐释地理中国在东南亚华文诗歌中“地方”意义的确立。地方是一种存在方式。“江南”与“塞北”意象系统的构建让东南亚华文诗歌获得了认知、感觉并想象地理中国的物质实体,“古装策略”与“戏剧策略”下古典而浪漫的场所精神又是东南亚华文诗歌想象地理中国的灵魂,但由华人身份所决定的记忆与认同则是东南亚华文诗歌对中国地理想象的感觉结构。第二章东南亚华文诗歌的中国国族想象。它是从民族主义的视角来考察中国在东南亚文诗歌中现代民族国家意义的显现,关注东南亚华文诗歌在国族想象中重构民族记忆、抒发爱国主义情感和思恋故土的反复书写。东南亚华文诗歌对中国的国族想象离不开对中华民族历史和族性记忆的挖掘,这是东南亚华人强烈追求身份认同的政治诉求和生存理想在东南亚华文诗歌中国想象上的集中体现。东南亚华文诗歌对中国的国族想象在抗日战争的特定历史时空中达到高潮,以抗日救亡为核心的爱国主义情感成为这时期东南亚华文诗歌中国想象的核心意识。东南亚华文诗歌中抒发思念故土、企盼统一的“怀乡”主题是东南亚华文诗歌对中国国族想象的经典主题。第三章东南亚华文诗歌的中国节日想象。它是在符号学的视野下考察东南亚华文诗歌对中国传统节日在神话传说、饮食习俗和表演仪式三个层面上的艺术想象,揭示东南亚华人社会中共存的民族集体记忆和文化认同心理对东南亚华文诗歌构建中国节日符号系统潜在而深层的影响。文化是人类编织的意义之网,而节日则是民族用行动与符号书写的文化文本。在东南亚华文诗歌对春节、端午和中秋等中国传统节日的想象中,中国被构建为一个集神话、民俗、仪式为一体,充满着象征意义的符号世界。东南亚华文诗歌对节日中国符号系统的想象,其本质也是东南亚华人社会在东南亚多元族群生存背景下透过中华民族集体记忆与情感认同,构建民族文化结构和强化族群边界的艺术表现。第四章东南亚华文诗歌的中国历史想象。它以新历史主义“历史文本性与文本历史性”的历史视野将东南亚华文诗歌分为抒情感怀、抒情叙事和后设叙事三种诗歌类型,比较三者在历史观念、想象策略与美学形态上的差异,以此揭示中国历史与东南亚华文诗歌之间跨文本对话的文化意义。抒情感怀的东南亚华文诗歌通过想象中华五千年文明史、英雄人物的风骨气节和近现代民族衰落的苦难史来抒发诗人对于民族历史文化与民族精神的坚持与认同。东南亚华文诗歌中的抒情叙事诗则透过历史想象的铺陈与叙述,将个人的抒情感怀投射于中国历史的想象中,极力渲染出古典历史时空的时代氛围。而具有“后现代”色彩的后设叙事诗则突破传统历史叙事诗线性叙事的书写惯例,运用后设的语言技巧和解构的历史观念重构历史事件和历史人物。以上三种类型的诗歌共同构成了东南亚华文诗歌对中国历史想象的多样性。结语部分从人类学的二元身份理论出发,探讨东南亚华人在“天赋身份”与“获得身份”上的复杂性与流动性,揭示东南亚华人身份属性与东南亚华文诗歌中国想象之间深层的内部联系。东南亚华人是东南亚华文诗歌中国想象的主体,东南亚华人在东南亚特殊时空场域内的身份与认同对东南亚华文诗歌的中国想象影响至深。东南亚各国在不同历史时期的社会历史语境之所以能够对东南亚华文诗歌的中国想象产生影响,正是因为作为想象主体的东南亚华文诗人在诗歌创作中由外而内、由非文学到文学的转换与升华。

【Abstract】 Imagination is the soul of poets, is also the source of literature and art. Chinese poetry in Southeast Asia narrated "China" through the imagination of art, at the same time, they told more information about social history, cultural background and Chinese destiny in Southeast Asia. In the process of Chinese poetry creation far away from China, poets in Southeast Asia of different generation imagined "China" in the different aspects of geography, politics and culture, which was not only pure literary aesthetic activity, but also closely related to the real survival circumstances and cultural situations in a particular power space, and the specific contexts of political and cultural ecology in different historical periods and countries of Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, the imagination of China in Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia was rooted in racial identity and cultural memory insurmountably, and reflected the deep pursuit of subjective of imagination constructing the racial attributes and identity. Therefore, tracing the aesthetic values and cultural meanings of the imagination of China in Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia in the interdisciplinary perspective of comparative literature is the ultimate goal of this thesis.This thesis attempts to take the imagination of China in Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia with an open and objective attitude and an multidisciplinary vision of research, in order to build up a tridimensional system of research which combines literary aesthetic and cultural criticism together, the literature in Southeast Asia as a whole and individual country. This thesis conducts a close reading of the Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia countries including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam as more as possible, and employs theories and methods of other disciplines of social science such as sociology, psychology, culturology, linguistics, geography and so on, in order to interpret the multiple meanings of Chinese poetry in Southeast Asia about China in the region, ethnic, social and cultural layers.Introduction of this thesis explores the peripheral factors which influence and restrict the development of Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia on the historical and sociological view. The study of context and history is the premise which the thesis continues to explore the imagination of China in Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia. The imagination of Chinese poetry in any other country of Southeast Asia was the result of the competition among various relationships in the specific field and structure. Meanwhile, the imagination of China in Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia is a historical process which Chinese in Southeast Asia mixed the Chinese complex and experience in Southeast Asia together continuously.The first chapter of this thesis explores the imagination of Chinese geography in Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia in the perspective of cultural geography. China is a geographical space objectively getting a meaning of’space’in cultural geography by poet’s artistic imagination in Southeast Asia. The image’s systems of South of Yangzi River and North of the great wall were the physical objects which Chinese poetry in Southeast Asia cognized, felt and imagined the geographical China. The genius loci of classic and romantic China with the strategy of ancient-costume and drama were the soul which Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia imagined the geographical China. At last, the structure of feeling composed of memory and identity in overseas Chinese society of Southeast Asia is crucial to the imagination of Chinese poetry about China.The second chapter explores the meaning of the imagination of China being a nation-state in the perspective of nationalism. Constructing nation-state is the primary appeals of politic and ideals of existence to the countries of Southeast Asia in the patterns of international politic of the 20th century, and therefore reconstructs the imagination of peoples in Southeast Asia about themselves and the world. Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia originating in the 1920s was destined never to get away from the historical flood of modernity, and constructed the imaginary space of China in its special way. The imaginative resources come from the history reconstruction to racial memory of overseas Chinese of Southeast Asia. The imagination itself is a concentrated reflection of patriotism in Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia, and nostalgia become the classical subject of the imagination of Chinese poetry in Southeast Asia about China being a nation-state.The third chapter explores the imagination of Chinese poetry in Southeast Asia about Chinese traditional festivals such as spring festival, dragon festival and mid-autumn festival in the inspective of semiology. Culture is a web of meanings weaved by human, and the festival is a cultural text written by a people via actions and symbols. In the imagination of Chinese poetry in Southeast Asia about the Chinese traditional festivals such as spring festival, dragon festival and mid-autumn festival, China has been a blend of myth, folk-custom and ceremony, and a world of symbols filled with representations and meanings. Actually, the imagination of Chinese poetry in Southeast Asia about the Chinese traditional festivals is essentially an artistic manifestation by which the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asian construct their national cultural structure and consolidate the racial boundary through collective memory and affective commitment of the Chinese nation in the multi-racial society of Southeast Asia.The fourth chapter explores the imagination of Chinese history in Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia in the perspective of the New Historicism. The Chinese poems of Southeast Asia are classified as lyric, narrative and meta-narrative according to the tactics and styles of imagination about Chinese history, The lyrics expresses the feeling of pride and affection to the Chinese history and culture via imagination about the achievements and heroes of ancient China. The narrative indulges the poets’ violent passion into the account of historical event and characters and pile on a classic atmosphere of times. The meta-narrative deconstructs and reconstructs the traditional narrative of history, in order to reveal the imaginary appearance of history.The epilogue explores the complexity and liquidity of the overseas Chinese identity in Southeast Asia between natural identity and given identity from the theory of identity in anthropology. Overseas Chinese of Southeast Asia are subjects of the Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia, therefore, the identity of Chinese in Southeast Asia is essential to the imagination of China in Chinese poetry of Southeast Asia. It is the identity that Chinese poets accomplish the transformation and sublimation from the outside to the inside, from the non-literature to literature by use of imagination.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】I33
  • 【下载频次】750

