

Study on Legal Issues of Joint Development of Offshore Oil and Gas in Controversial Area

【作者】 何秋竺

【导师】 黄进;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 国际法, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 争议区域的资源开发经历了一个从无序到有序,从冲突到和平,从各自为政到合作开发的历史发展过程。法律规范框架下的共同开发已成为一种趋势。本文即研究争议区域石油资源共同开发的法律问题。本文的研究首先从争议区域石油资源共同开发的若干基本问题开始,涉及影响共同开发的因素、共同开发的基本概念、共同开发的特点、共同开发的主体和基本类型,以及共同开发的法律依据和基本原则。具体来说,争议区域石油资源的共同开发受国家的能源需求和石油资源的战略意义影响,受争议区域的主权之争和该区域石油资源基本情况,以及相关国家间的国际关系和力量对比等因素的影响,具有临时性、功能性、政治性等特点。参与共同开发的主体包括国家、联合开发机构和石油公司,其中国家是最基本的主体,石油公司是共同开发活动的实际践行者,联合开发机构因共同开发模式的不同职能有所不同。《联合国海洋法公约》关于大陆架和专属经济区临时安排的规定是共同开发的法律依据。“搁置争议,共同开发”是共同开发的特殊原则。本文第二章、第三章分别对争议区域共同开发涉及的一些公法问题和私法问题进行了论述,但并未穷尽。本文认为共同开发不影响争议区域的状态以及相关国家对争议区域的主张和立场,也不影响国际法上第三方的权利或第三国的主权权利要求,但对第三方先存权的影响和处理应当依共同开发协定的有关规定。通过对不同管理模式下共同开发机构的职能和规范问题的研究,本文建议采用联合经营管理模式下的咨询协调型联合开发机构。本文强调对共同开发投资在征收与国有化、资金转移自由化和税收优惠方面的保护,强调投资保险机制在共同开发中的特殊性和重要作用。争议区域涉及的私法问题围绕共同开发合同展开,涵盖了共同开发合同的基本概念、效力、内容、风险及防范、法律适用等内容。本文扩大了共同开发合同的范畴,并对其特殊性加以分析,以区别于传统国际石油合同。重点论述共同开发合同的经济、管理和法律条款,并对稳定条款、平衡条款、重新协商条款、履约担保条款和索赔条款、权利义务转让条款以及环境保护条款等特殊条款进行分析。对共同开发的合同风险、政治风险和法律风险进行分析并提出防范建议。对共同开发的法律适用问题也有论及。争议区域共同开发的争端解决机制是本文重点研究的内容。第四章从分析与石油资源共同开发相关的若干多边条约和双边条约的争端解决机制入手,分析各条约对各争端解决方法的取舍。争议区域共同开发争端具有多样性、个案性等特点,对共同开发的进行、划界问题的解决、国际关系以及能源安全等问题都会产生重大影响。该章最后区分不同争端类型分别提出具体的解决方法,强调双边协商和仲裁的重要作用,提出构建一整套争端解决机制的建议。第五章是本文的落脚点。前述四章对争议区域共同开发相关问题的论述和研究,都是为我国将来参与南海争议区域石油资源共同开发做理论准备。在分析南海问题、南海资源战略地位以及我国参与南海争议区域共同开发的前景的基础上,指出我国与他国共同开发南海争议区域石油资源时,应首先做好国家的能源战略准备和政策支持工作,妥善处理好与邻国的合作关系、区域环境稳定、先存权、环境资源保护等问题,要坚持相关的基本原则,选择适合的共同开发模式,制定详尽的共同开发合同,并努力建立一套适宜的争端解决机制。

【Abstract】 Resources development in controversial area experiences a transition from disorder to order, from their own way to joint development. Modern joint developments in controversial area are in legal system. This thesis studies on legal issues of joint development of offshore oil & gas in controversial area.The study starts from several basic issues of joint development of offshore oil & gas in controversial area, involving factors affecting joint development, concept, characteristics, subjects and types of joint development, as well as its legal basis and principles. Joint development of offshore oil & gas in controversial area is affected by the state’s energy needs and the significance of oil resources. Dispute of sovereignty of the controversial area and the oil reserves in the area also affect it. And the relationship between states can not be ignored. So, joint development is temporary, functional, political and so on. Participants in joint development include nations, joint development agency and oil companies, in which nations are the most basic ones, oil companies are the actual operator and the joint development agency is different in every case because of its different develop mode. "United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea" on the temporary arrangement of the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone is the legal basis for joint development. And "Shelving disputes and seeking joint development" is the special principle of joint development.In the second and third chapter, the author studies on a series of issues about joint development in controversial area including issues on public law and private law, but not exhaustive. The joint development that does not affect the status of controversial area and countries’ views about it, also does not affect the rights of third parties. But whether pre-existing rights are affected depends on joint development agreement. After studying on joint development agency according different management mode, the author prefers the agency only offers proposal and communication. The author emphasizes on protection of nationalization, capital transfer and tax of investment in joint development, and the important role of insurance.Private law issues are mostly about the contract of joint development, including concept, effectiveness, content, risk and application of law. The author expands the scope of the contract of joint development and distinguishes it from traditional contract of joint development. Its economic, managerial and legal terms are the main point, as well as terms of stability and balance, terms of renegotiation, terms of performance guarantee, terms of claims, terms of contract transfer and other articles such as environmental protection. The author also studies on the risk of contract, political risk and legal risk, offering several preventive ways.Settlements of dispute of joint development in controversial area are the main topic of this thesis. ChapterⅣstudies on a number of dispute settlement systems in multilateral and bilateral treaties about joint development of oil resource. Disputes of Joint development in controversial area are divers and different in every case, which affect joint development, settlement of boundary, international relations and energy security greatly. The author studies different solutions according different dispute types, and builds a system of dispute settlement of joint development in controversial area.ChapterⅤis the end of the thesis. Preceding chapters’ studies on joint development in controversial area are prepared for our future participation in joint development in controversial area of South China Sea. Basing on analysis of the South China Sea issues, strategic position of resources and prospect of joint development in South China Sea, the author proposes that we should make a good prepare of national energy strategies and policies when we joint develop offshore oil & gas with other countries in controversial area of South China Sea. And we should deal well with the cooperation relation with neighboring countries, regional stability, pre-existing rights, environmental protection and other issues. We should insist on the basic principles of joint development, select appropriate mode of joint development, make a detailed joint development contract, and introduce an appropriate dispute settlement system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

