

Research on Digital Planning for Regional Forest Resources Based on Spiral Model

【作者】 唐代生

【导师】 边馥苓;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 摄影测量与遥感, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 森林资源管理历来是林业的核心问题。要实现林业的可持续发展,关键的问题是实现区域森林资源的可持续经营。随着当代高新技术的发展,全球信息化浪潮促使森林资源规划与设计必须进行信息化的改造和技术上的提升。传统以手工为主的规划管理手段与信息反馈的落后,以及管理过程系统性、整体性和综合性分析的缺乏,已严重影响到区域森林资源规划的科学性、适应性。以3S技术为核心的空间信息技术的发展和应用直接影响到林业规划工作的效率、效益和效果,森林资源数字规划就是在全球信息化和现代林业发展新要求的背景下应运而生。采用新技术和新的规划理论使特定区域内森林经营管理进入到数字化、集成化、智能化、网络化已成为必然趋势。本文以信息化时代区域森林资源规划理论需要拓展为契机,以实现森林资源可持续经营为目标,运用系统论、控制论、信息论等理论和数字工程原理与方法,在系统分析CAS理论、数字规划原理、动态区域森林资源规划理论的基础上,以螺旋模型为原型,以区域森林资源规划中的现状调查与分析、诊断与评价、规划审批与实施、实施后调控与反馈的动态过程为主线,探讨区域森林资源规划各阶段的数字化方法。主要的工作集中在四个方面:(1)提出了区域森林资源规划动态螺旋模型。针对当代区域森林资源规划思想方法正发生着以动态规划为核心的深刻变革的客观现实,在分析森林资源规划理论发展历程基础上,引用软件工程中的螺旋模型,提出区域森林资源规划动态螺旋模型。该模型将森林资源规划过程简化为背景研究、方案编制、规划实施和调控反馈4个子过程,子过程环环相扣,迭代循环,论文以此模型为主线分别就每个子过程中的关键数字技术与方法开展研究。(2)探索了区域森林资源数字规划概念框架、理论体系、技术方法。提出了基于螺旋模型的区域森林资源数字规划概念框架,构建数字规划理论体系;系统地研究了区域森林资源规划与管理动态过程机理;引入复杂自适应系统理论和遗传算法原理,实现森林收获调整模型的时间与空间动态预测。(3)将地学信息图谱的理论方法推广应用于森林资源规划与管理的实践。森林资源规划与管理信息图谱是一种典型地物地学信息图谱,论文从区域森林资源数字规划的角度探讨了森林资源规划与管理信息图谱的概念、类型及其建立过程。(4)探讨了顾及环境因素影响的区域森林资源数字规划四维体系结构,研发针对小班经营管理的在线智能决策软件系统。系统的外部环境,特别是科技与网络环境对区域森林资源规划的影响日益明显,结合区域森林资源数字规划内涵,在霍尔三维结构体系基础上增加第四维一环境维,强调外部环境对数字规划的重要性。数字规划实施与审批在本质上是一个以GIS为基础平台的综合办公系统,涉及到MIS、GIS、OA、工作流、网络等多种技术及它们之间的集成。通过林业信息化工程软件系统的开发实例,以森林小班经营管理为纽带,通过工作流机制将人、财、物联系在一起,实现规划审批向在线智能决策支持系统方向转变。论文由7章组成:(1)第1章为论文的引言,介绍论文的立题背景和研究意义。评述国内外区域森林资源规划与管理研究概况,阐述开展区域森林资源数字规划研究的必要性与可能性,分析我国目前区域森林资源规划存在的主要问题,提出解决的思路。介绍本文研究的主要内容。(2)第2章是关于区域森林资源数字规划理论框架的探讨。从区域森林资源规划与管理的角度,分析区域、森林、森林资源、区域森林资源规划与管理等基本概念的内涵;分析森林资源规划与管理理论发展过程、区域森林资源动态规划思想,从系统工程、信息论、控制论、地球空间信息学、知识工程等方面探讨森林资源数字规划的理论基础,提出描述动态规划过程的螺旋模型,系统阐述数字规划的概念、基本原理,包括其内涵、特点及其组成框架。为本文后续各章理论的形成、技术的实现及其在区域森林资源规划实践中的应用奠定理论基础,是本文研究的起点。(3)第3章是关于数字规划实施的前提条件与表现形式方面探讨,对应于螺旋模型数字规划框架中的背景研究。分析区域森林资源规划空间数据类型、数据来源和数据采集方法,为建立数字规划提供数据基础;将地学信息图谱的理论方法推广应用于森林资源规划与管理实践中,提出森林资源规划与管理信息图谱的概念、分析森林资源规划与管理信息图谱的设计及建立过程。(4)第4章开始进行实际性研究,对应于螺旋模型数字规划框架中的方案编制,探讨方案编制过程中关键技术之一的森林经营空间预测模型与经营决策。分析区域森林资源规划预测与决策的辨证关系,运用复杂适应性系统(CAS理论)理论分析森林资源系统的自适应性、空间性、动态性和多目标性,从区域森林资源管理角度剖析资源利用空间优化预测模型的特点,认为森林收获安排模型及森林收获安排问题是森林规划方案编制的核心问题。运用Pareto多目标遗传算法,以森林可持续经营为原则,选择木材收获量最大和期末蓄积最大为目标,实现森林收获调整多目标规划预测模型的求解过程,通过调整各分期采伐面积,解决收获安排问题。论文给出区域森林资源规划基础模型体系,提出基于工作流的智能空间决策支持系统框架,为区域森林资源预测评价及规划决策服务。(5)第5章仍为实际性研究,对应于螺旋模型数字规划框架中的规划实施审批与反馈调控,探讨两个子过程中的关键数字技术。分析了区域森林资源数字规划实施与审批的内涵与特点、实现方法,阐述林业电子政务框架下林业综合办公传输系统功能,提出基于工作流的智能空间决策支持系统框架;展开森林资源调控系统的理论分析和要素分析,提出GIS支持下的森林资源调控系统框架,分析我国现行的森林资源监测体系与信息反馈途径,讨论基于时态GIS的森林小班变化监测与信息更新方法。(6)第6章为实证,分别对应第2至第5章开展实证研究。首先阐述数字林场的概念、体系结构,接着以某林场为例,在构建面向数字规划的网络及数据库存环境的基础上,以森林可持续经营为原则,讨论森林经营方案编制过程中诊断图谱、征兆图谱和实施图谱的应用;探讨马尾松林多目标收获调整的求解过程,通过调整各分期采伐面积,解决收获安排问题;按工作流机制实现小班设计与预算的在线智能决策过程;森林资源二类调查数据为例,采用ArcSDE中间件技术,通过使用ArcInfo的版本化功能,实现小班数据的动态监测与更新管理。(7)第7章对论文的工作进行总结,提出有待进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 Forest resource management is the core issue of forestry of all the time, the key problem of realizing forest sustainable developments is to achieve sustainable management of the regional forest resource. With the development of modern high-tech, the wave of global information has pushed forest resource planning and design to be reformed in information and upgraded in technical. Traditional hand-based planning method and feedback backward, as well as the lack of systematic, holistic and integrated analysis has affected the science and adaptive of regional forest planning seriously.The development and application of spatial information technology which are based on 3S technical have a direct influence on the Efficiency, effectiveness and results. Forest resource digital programming is emerging from the global information and developing requirement of modern forestry. It becomes an inevitable trend that forest management in specific region has been changed into digital, integrated, intelligent and web-work by using new technology and programming theory. Under the opportunity of expanding regional forest resource planning theory and method, this paper take a comprehensive analysis to the present situation of regional forest resource planning. By taking forest sustainable management as the purpose and using systems theory, cybernetics, information theory, etc and digital engineering principles and methods, this paper, which considers the survey and analysis in regional forest resource planning, diagnosis and evaluation, planning approval and implementation of control and dynamic process feedback after the implementation and feedback as the main line, also discusses the digital methods in each period of regional forest resource planning based on systematic analysis of CAS, digital planning principle and the dynamic planning theory of regional forest resource. The main work focuses on the following four areas:i Proposes the dynamic spiral model of regional forest resource planning. For the fact that the idea of regional forest resource has been being changed to dynamic programming as the core of the profound revolution and based on analyzing the developing process of forest resource planning theory, this paper proposes the dynamic spiral model of regional forest resource planning which Simplifies the process into 4 sub-process such as background research, programming drawing up, planning implementation and feedback monitoring. The 4 sub-process are interlocking and in an iterative cycle. This paper studies the key digital technical and method by taking model as the main line.ii Analyzes and bring forward to the concept structure, theory chart and technical method of regional forest resource digital programming. It also made a lot of studies on the dynamic mechanism of programming and management in digital forest resources programming and introduced CAS and GA in order to realizing time and spatial prediction of forest harvesting model.iii Expanding the application of geo-informatics Tupu into forest resource management.The forest resource programming and the comprehensive managing informatics Tupu are a typical features informatics Tupu. This paper studies the concept, types, and the building process of the forest resource programming and the comprehensive managing informatics Tupuiv Analyzes the Four-dimensional structure of regional forest resource digital planning concerning about the environment factor. The system external environment, especially the environment of technical combined with internet has seriously effect on regional forest resource programming. Combining with the meaning of digital programming of regional forest resource, this paper proposes the fourth dimension on the basis of the Hall three-dimensional structure in the purpose of enlightening the importance of external environment to digital programming. The digital programming and approval essentially is a comprehensive office system based on GIS which concerning on MIS, GIS, OA, work flow and web as well as the integrated technical among them. By taking the forestry information software as the developing practice and Small forest management as a link, the paper has changed from planning and approval into on-line IDSS by combining human resources, financial, and materials.This paper is composed of 7 parts.i As the introduction, the first chapter introduces the background and significance as well as the main contents of this paper. It also comments the overview research of regional forest resource planning and management both in domestic and abroad, elaborates the necessity and possibility of regional forest resources planning study, discusses the main problems existing in nowadays regional forest resource and proposes the solutions.ii The second chapter is mainly about the concept and frame discussion of regional forest resource planning concept and frame. From the point of regional forest resource planning and management, this paper analyzes the meaning of the basic concepts such as region, forest, forest resource, regional forest resource planning and management It mainly analyzes the development process of forest resource planning and management and the dynamic planning ideas of regional forest resource and the theoretical basis of forest resource digital planning from the aspects of systems engineering, information theory, control theory, geo-spatial information science and knowledge engineering, etc. it proposes the spiral model describing dynamic planning process and elaborate the concept and basic principle of digital planning including meaning, characteristics and composing frame and it lays the basis for the following theory and technical realization as well as the applications in regional forest resource planning practices. It is the starting point of research.iiiThe third chapter is about the study of prerequisite and manifestations of digital planning corresponding to the background of digital planning frame based on spiral model. It mainly analyzes spatial data types, data sources and data collecting methods of regional forest resource planning and provides the base for building digital planning. It proposes the concept, design and building process of forest resource planning and management informatics Tupu by applying the theoretical method of Geo-information to the practices of forest resource planning and management.ivThe fourth chapter has taken a practical research. It mainly analyses one of the key technical—spatial predicting model of forest management in programming process corresponding to the programming based on spiral model. It also discusses the dialectical relationship between regional forest resource planning predicting and decision. It analyzes the self-adaptive, spatial, dynamic and multipurpose of the forest resource system by using CAS and points out that forest harvesting model and planning are the core problems in forest planning programming through illustrating the characteristics of resource utilizing spatial optimization model from the point of regional forest resource management. By using multi-Pareto genetic algorithms and the maximum Timber harvest and accumulation, it can realize the adjustment and harvesting arranging problems to the principle of sustainable forest management and be adjusted to achieve the solution process of forest harvest prediction model by multi-objective planning. Besides, it offers the basically model chart of regional forest resource programming and advances intelligent spatial decision making support system based on work-flow which serves the prediction, evaluation, decision making and approval of the regional forest resource.v The fifth chapter is also about practices. It analyzes the on-line IDSS in planning implementation and approval in correspond with the planning practice of digital planning frame based on spiral model. It also discusses the system frame of spatial IDSS based on work flows by illustrating the concept, character and realizing methods of regional forest resource digital planning implementation and approval as well as elaborating forestry comprehensive office transmission system functions under the frame of forest E-Government. Besides, it Expands theory and factor analysis of forest resources control system and proposes the system structure of the system based on GIS. What more, it also analyzes the monitoring system and feedback ways of the present forest resource as well as the forest sub compartment monitoring and information updating ways based on temporal GIS.vi The sixth chapter is examples of application according to the No2-5 chapters. First of all, it describes the concept and structure of digital forest farm, then, it analyzes the applications of the forest management plan preparation process diagnostic maps, sign maps and implementation maps on the basis of building the web and data environment to the principle of forest sustainable management by taking a forest farm as an example. Next, it discusses the solving process of multi-purpose harvesting and adjustment by adjusting the harvesting areas of different periods so as to solve the harvesting arrangements and realizes on-line intelligent decision making process of sub compartment design and budget according to the work-flow mechanism. Finally, taking the 2nd Forest Resource Inventory Data, it realizes the monitoring and updating management of sub compartment data by using ArcSDE and ArcInfo.ⅶThe final chapter is the conclusion of the paper as well as the further study problems

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

