

Psychological Dredge Research

【作者】 付喜凤

【导师】 佘双好;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 党的十六届六中全会通过的决议《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》,在论述构建和谐文化,巩固社会和谐的思想道德基础时明确提出要“加强人文关怀和心理疏导,引导人们正确对待自己、他人和社会,正确对待困难、挫折和荣誉”;党的十七大报告又明确提出,“加强和改进思想政治工作,注重人文关怀和心理疏导,用正确方式处理人际关系”。这是“心理疏导”连续两次出现在党的重要会议报告当中,标志着我们党对新形势下如何进一步做好思想政治工作有了新的思考和认识;进一步丰富了思想政治工作的内涵,拓宽了思想政治工作的视阈;也更突出了新形势下心理疏导的重要作用与地位。实际上,心理疏导在心理学、医学领域一直在广泛应用。但在我国,从思想政治教育角度来进行心理疏导研究是一个较新的概念与课题。本文以马克思主义理论为指导,以现代社会环境为背景,以现代社会需求为出发点,立足于思想政治教育要关心人、爱护人、体贴人的宗旨;从思想政治教育的视角,以心理疏导作为客观研究对象,对心理疏导的产生,心理疏导的要素、特征与结构,心理疏导的作用机制,心理疏导的具体方法以及心理疏导的应用进行系统探讨,目的在于探索一种基于思想政治教育基础之上的心理疏导模式与方法,以期通过这些研究能更好地促进思想政治教育方法的创新与发展,促进思想政治教育的科学性与有效运行。文章的第一部分在借鉴已有关于心理疏导的研究成果的基础上,厘清了学界目前对于心理疏导概念的模糊认识,从思想政治工作角度出发,对心理疏导的涵义进行了界定:心理疏导是指思想政治教育工作者遵循人的思想活动形成与发展规律,对人们的思想认识问题通过疏通引导,创造条件,让其充分表达,又善于引导,从而帮助人们理顺思想障碍,提高思想认识,选择正确行为方式的一种方法。在此基础上,进一步将心理疏导和心理咨询、心理治疗等相关方法进行了系统比较,将思想政治教育视域中的心理疏导和心理学、医学上的已有和相关概念区别开来,拓展了思想政治工作视域中心理疏导的内涵与外延;论述了心理疏导研究的基本思路与方法。文章的第二部分论述了心理疏导的要素、特征与结构。心理疏导作为思想政治教育传统方法的一种突破与创新,它有着自身的基本组成要素,主要包括心理疏导主体,心理疏导客体,心理疏导目标,心理疏导内容,心理疏导情境等。心理疏导的主体是掌握相关理论与方法并能对其加以熟练运用的思想政治教育工作者,心理疏导客体主要包括思想认识、行为表现存在问题的人;思想认识和行为表现正常,但是有可能受某种环境和群体不良思想感染的人;处于发展时期的青少年;经历危机的人群以及边缘客体。心理疏导目标主要有促进个体的全面发展、维护社会的稳定与健康发展以及促进个体和社会的和谐发展相统一等三个方面。心理疏导的内容主要有认知疏导、情感疏导、思想疏导、社会适应的疏导,社会环境的宏观疏导等。心理疏导情境包括实际情境,虚拟情境,想象情境。心理疏导的这些基本要素之间相互影响和联系的不同方式,使心理疏导表现出不同的结构面貌。心理疏导的主要结构有:咨询——指导结构,说理-开导结构,对话-分享结构,启发——引导结构等。其中,启发——引导结构是较为正确与合理的结构。心理疏导作为思想政治教育的一种崭新方法,与思想政治教育的其他传统方法以及其他的一些方法相比,它具有自身独有的一些特征,主要有主动性、共情性、双向性、动态性、方向性以及亲和性等。在文章的第三部分,具体阐述了心理疏导的作用机制。心理疏导不仅要面对个体的思想问题,也要面对群体和社会的思想问题。因此,本文从个体和社会两个方面对心理疏导的作用机制进行探讨。从个体方面来看,心理疏导主要是通过情绪宣泄,心理修通,认知促进,价值导向与行为调适等机制来消除个体的心理积淤,畅通个体情绪阻塞,解决个体的思想困惑;从社会层面来看,心理疏导主要是通过对社会舆情的汇集和反映,社会情绪的宣泄与预警以及社会心态的调适与平衡等作用机制,在全社会形成良好的心理疏导氛围,促进社会心态的健康发展。文章的第四部分具体探讨了心理疏导的具体方法。心理疏导实际上是众多方法的集合体,它自身包含了多种具体的方法。本文主要详细探讨了咨询指导性心理疏导,说理分析式心理疏导,生活对话式心理疏导,精神渗透性心理疏导,情感感化式心理疏导等几种具体方法。并对每种具体方法的产生、特点、技巧与策略等等作了详细探讨与研究,以其能使思想政治教育视角中的心理疏导方法更为具体和适用,增加其在思想政治教育实际工作中的可操作性。文章的第五部分深入探讨了心理疏导的应用。具体探讨了心理疏导的应用范围和适用对象,心理疏导应用的原则以及具体的实施步骤。从心理疏导对象的类型来看,心理疏导可以适用于个体心理疏导和群体心理疏导;从需要进行心理疏导的思想问题的性质来看,它可以适用于常态问题的心理疏导和非常态思想问题的心理疏导;从进行心理疏导问题的阈限来看,主要可以应用于危机发生现场的心理疏导和日常生活中的心理疏导。心理疏导的基本原则主要有平等民主、真诚一致、同感理解、双向互动和科学引导;应用步骤主要包括测查问题、疏泄情绪、化解矛盾、引导启迪、反思与调整。在文章的结语部分,对心理疏导的研究进行了总结与展望。心理疏导作为思想政治教育的一种科学方法,它具有传统方法所没有的很多优势。比如,心理疏导更有利于发挥教育对象的主体性,更能体现思想政治教育对教育对象的关爱,有利于拉近教育者和教育对象的距离,有利于提高思想政治教育的亲和力与感召力,增强思想政治教育的接受度等等。但到目前为止,对于思想政治教育视域中的心理疏导的研究才刚起步,因此,新形势下对于思想政治教育视域中心理疏导的研究应该具有开放性的视野,勇于探索与创新,构建基于思想政治教育的心理疏导的模式与方法。

【Abstract】 The resolution adopted from the Sixteenth Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China "the decision of the Central Communist Party of China on building a harmonious socialist society decisions on major issues", on building a harmonious culture, consolidating the ideological and moral foundation of society, explicitly put forward "strengthen humane care and psychological dredge, guide people to correctly deal with themselves, others and society, treat correctly the difficulties, setbacks and honor"; the report of the Seventeenth Party Congress proposes clearly, "strengthen and improve ideological and political work, focus on humanistic care and psychological counseling and correctly deal with interpersonal relations". It is that "psychological dredge" appears twice in the important report of the meeting of the party, which is a sign of our party have new thinking and awareness on how to further improve the ideological and political work in the new situation; further enrich the connation of the ideological and political work, and widen the vision of the ideological and political work; also more highlight the important role and status of psychological dredge in the new situation.In fact, psychological counseling has been widely used in psychology, medicine. But in China, the psychological dredge research from the perspective of ideological and political education is a relatively new concept and subject. This paper on the guidance of Marxist theory, adheres to the modern social environment as the background, regards the needs of modern society as a starting point, bases on the purpose of the ideological and political education showing care, love, consideration to human; regards psychological dredge as an objective study from the perspective of the ideological and political education;. systematically explores and studies the generation, the elements, characteristics and structure, the mechanism the specific method and application of psychological dredge. The purpose is to explore the psychological dredge model and methods on the basis of ideological and political education, to better promote the innovation and development of the ideological and political education method, and the promote ideological and political education more scientific and effective operation through these studies.The first part of article to clarifies the current ambiguity of the concept for the understanding of psychological dredge on the basis of the results of research about psychological dredge, define the meaning of psychological dredge as from the perspective of ideological and political work,:psychological dredge is a method which the workers of the ideological and political education follow the law of formation and development of the human ideological activities, on the issue in people’s minds through the clear guidance, to create the conditions allowed full expression and at boot, to help people straighten out the ideological barriers, enhance their understanding, choose the correct behavior of a method. On this basis, further compare systematically psychological dredge and related methods which psychological counseling, psychotherapy, distinguishes psychological dredge as the domain of the ideological and political education from medical and related concepts, expand the connotation and extension of psychological dredge of the ideological and political work’s domain; discusses the basic ideas and methods of the psychological dredge.The second part discusses the elements, characteristics and structure of psychological dredge. Psychological dredge is a breakthrough and innovation from the ideological and political education in the traditional method, and it has basic elements which include the subject of psychological dredge, the object psychological dredge, the goals of psychological dredge, the content of psychological dredge, the situation of psychological dredge and so on. The subject of psychological dredge is ideological and political education worker to master the psychological dredge theories and methods and to use skillfully, the object of psychological dredge include the people whose understanding, behavior are error; thinking understanding and behavior to appear normal, but there may be some kind of bad thinking environment and groups of people infected; adolescent in the period of development; edge object. The goals of psychological dredge cover three areas:to promote the comprehensive development of individuals, to maintain social stability and healthy development and to promote the harmonious development of individual and social unity.The content of psychological dredge include cognitive dredge and emotional dredge, ideological dredge, social adaptation dredge, the macro social environment dredge and so on. Psychological dredge situation include the actual situation, the virtual context and imagine situations. These basic elements of psychological dredge interact and contact between the different ways, forming the psychological outlook of the performance of different structures. The main structure of psychological dredge include:counseling-guiding structure, and reasoning-enlighten structure, dialogue-share structure, inspire-guide structure. Among them, the inspire-guide structure is more accurate and reasonable structure. Psychological dredge is a new ideological and political education method, which has its own unique characteristics, mainly initiative, empathy, bidirectional, dynamic nature, direction and other affinity, when compare the ideological and political education of other traditional methods and some other methods.In the third part of the article illustrates the mechanism of psychological dredge in detail. Psychological dredge not only face the individual’s ideological question, but also face ideological question of groups and the community. This article studies the mechanism of psychological dredge from two aspects of individual and social. From the individual perspective, psychological dredge mainly through catharsis, psychological through, and awareness promotion, value orientation and behavioral adjustment mechanisms and so on, to eliminate the psychological product of individual silt, smooth block of individual feelings, ideas to solve individual confusion; from a social point of view, psychological dredge primarily through the community together and reflect public opinion, testing of social psychology, assessment and early warn, exchange of flow of social mood and the social psychology of adjustment and balance mechanism, forming a good psychological dredge environment in society,to promote the healthy development of social psychology.The fourth part of the article discusses the specific psychological dredge. Psychological dredge is actually a collection of many ways, which contains a variety of specific methods. This paper discusses several type specific methods:the guidance counseling psychological dredge, analytic reasoning psychological dredge, live interactive psychological dredge, spiritual permeability psychological dredge, and other emotional influence psychological dredge in detail. Discuss and research the generation, characteristics, skills and strategies of psychological dredge. Expecting psychological dredge approach in view of ideological and political education is more specific and applicable, to increase their practical work in the ideological and political education in the operability.The fifth part of the article discusses in great depth the application of psychological dredge. Specifically discusses the scope, the objects of application, the application principles and implementation steps of psychological dredge. Psychological dredge can be applied to groups psychological dredge and individual psychological dredge from the view of the type of object; it can be applied to the psychological dredge of the normal problem and abnormal state of ideological problems in view of the problems nature; it can be applied to in crisis and in daily life psychological dredge from the psychological threshold of view The basic principles of psychological dredge mainly include equality and democracy, in good faith consistent, shared understanding, mutual interaction and scientific guidance; application steps include measure the problem, emotional catharsis, resolve conflicts and guide the inspiration, reflection and adjustment.In the conclusion of the article summarizes and prospects psychological dredge. As a scientific way of the ideological and political education, psychological dredge has many advantages, which the traditional methods do not have. For instance, psychological dredge play more beneficial to the main object of education, to better reflect the love to the object of the ideological and political education, to narrow the gap between educators and target groups, help to improve the ideological and political education’s influence and affinity, and enhance the acceptance of ideological and political education and so on. But so far, the psychological dredge research from ideological and political education is just beginning only. Therefore, the psychological dredge research in ideological and political education in new situation should have an open vision, the courage to explore and innovate, to build the model and methods of psychological dredge based on the ideological and political education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

