

Media Culture and Condition of Contemporary Life

【作者】 葛彬超

【导师】 陈立新;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 媒介文化作为一种新的文化形态已经跃入后现代视野当中,并在后现代社会中的各个领域愈发彰显其活力与魅力,当然它也为当今社会人们的生活带来了一些不可忽视的问题。媒介文化的到来与现代性息息相关,我们可以从物质和精神两个方面来理解,进言之,就是以资本和现代形而上学为原则展开分析,客观分析当代人的生活是如何受惠于媒介文化,又是如何受制于媒介文化的,集中讨论以何种态度认识和面对媒介文化、怎样构建积极向上的媒介文化等问题。本文首先深入浅出地阐述媒介文化的内涵。通过分析文化的性质与内容,启明了马克思主义作为一种文化现象所蕴含的文化精神,肯定了后现代马克思主义的文化批判功能。后现代视野中的文化涵义已经相当广泛,而这一时期的文化亦已走出过去国家权力控制的范围,取而代之的是新兴的大众消费产业,文化已从过去那种特定的文化圈层中扩张出来,进入了人们的日常生活,成为了消费品,而媒介文化正是乘文化转向之际应运而生的。文章立足本体论角度,通过对媒介文化逻辑起点的追问对其进行了概念上的辨析,做出了对“媒介文化”这一概念的确切解释,并从不同角度分析了媒介文化的三重属性,即文化属性、商品属性和政治属性。第二,媒介文化作为新兴的文化形态,为当代人的生活带来了福音。马克思的时空观为媒介文化研究提供了启示,一切形式的文化传播和社会互动都意味着某种程度的时空距离,而传播媒介的使用则能够在不同程度上弥补这种种距离。在这样一个高度进步的文化背景下,人的价值的实现程度超越了以往的任何时期,媒介文化提高了当代人们生活的效率,缩短了人与人之间的距离,但是却使人们在同样的时间里实践更多的活动,实现更多的价值。文章还借助吉登斯和汤普森的研究成果,进一步发展了马克思的时空观,以帮助理解媒介文化与主体的人之间跨越时空的互动。此外,这一部分还详细探究了网络空间,触及了网络空间的秩序与活力。媒介文化在当今社会中还扮演了当代人的生活导师的角色,具有传播知识和教化大众的作用。作为当代人的精神娱乐场,媒介文化极大地丰富了人们闲暇时光的文化生活。这一切都是媒介文化为当代人的生活带来的福音。第三,媒介文化在给当代人的生活带来福音的同时,也使当代人的生活在很大程度上陷入了困境。在市场经济中,媒介文化所提供的产品和服务成为大众消费的对象,它通过传播消费理念、主导消费趋势来影响受众的消费心理。媒介文化之所以能够极大地推动消费主义,在于其背后的推动力是资本逐利的商业逻辑。这种商业逻辑使大众合理、正当的消费需求异化为盲目地、膨胀的消费欲望,带来了一系列的负面影响。大众传媒是现代社会中文化的生产与传播的重要途径,也是社会文化领域中争夺文化霸权的重要场所,尤其是当代西方发达资本主义国家把持着话语权,使得媒介文化成为了传播资本主义意识形态的话语。信息时代传媒与技术的合谋,使得技术理性渗透到媒介文化中,在使媒介文化如虎添翼的同时,也破坏了当今社会人们生活方式的多样性。第四,媒介文化之所以为当今社会人类生活带来了如此巨大的影响,是因为其与生俱来的复杂的社会关系,其与整个社会的经济基础和上层建筑都有着割舍不断的联系,同时它也肩负着艰巨的社会责任。经济的发展决定了大众传媒必然走向产业化经营,而传媒的产业化经营链条对媒介文化的价值走向有着深远的影响,与此同时,传媒以其特有的方式反作用于现代社会的经济活动,成为了当今社会所特有的文化现象。媒介文化所构建的文化价值观念是现代社会的意识形态的集中体现,它既具有一般社会意识形态所具有的独立性,又以其特有的方式发挥着自身的能动性。因此,我们需要处理好媒介文化复杂的社会关系,努力构建积极向上的媒介文化,要紧密关注传播环境的新变化,客观地批判消费主义的商业逻辑,坚决消解消费主义的神话,因为这是文化舶来品对我们本土文化构成的最大的威胁,厘清媒介文化的价值定位,积极利用媒介文化弘扬社会主义核心价值观念。

【Abstract】 As a kind of new culture, media culture has jumped into the postmodern visual field, and exhibit its energy and glamour in every field in the postmodern world, However it bring some unnegligible problems to human beings. The coming of media culture has close relationship with modernity, we can comprehend this in two ways, they are matter and spirit, furthermore, they are capital and modern metaphysics. We should analyze how present-day life was granted and how was restricted by media culture objectively. We also talk about how to affront and how to build the energetic media culture.It give the connotation of media culture in the front of the paper. It open out Marxism containing culture spirit as a kind of cultural phenomena. Gives credit for postmodern Marxist culture critical function. It is broad of the meaning of the culture in the postmodern visual, and the culture at that moment has walked out the control of the state, the age of mass consuming domain comes. The culture has extended form the given culture field which is bypast, and stepped into people’s daily life, it becomes consumable. The media culture comes by the time of the culture’s turning. The paper is at the angle of ontology, discriminate the concept of media culture through the way of making a detailed inquiry of its logistic origin, give an exact explain for media culture, and open out its property in three angles, they are culture, commodity property and polity property.As a kind of new culture, media culture brings evangel to people. Marx’s view of time and space gives hint for the studying of media culture, all kinds of cultural diffusion and social interaction mean the distance of space and the length of the time in some degree. The media can fetch up the distance and the length in different degree. In the context of a highly advanced culture, the degree of people’s value realizing has surpassed the past time. The media culture in crease of efficiency and close the distance for people, people can do more things during the same time and make more value come true. With the aid of Giddens and Tompson’s theory the paper bring along Marx’s view of time and space. It gives help for understanding the interaction between media culture and human beings. It also study on internet space, touch its order and vigor. The media culture also plays the part of life tutor, it can spread knowledge and educate the mass. As the spiritual recreation ground the media culture make people’s leisure time colorful. All these are goods which are from media culture.Media culture can throw present-day life into a dilemma while bring evangel. In the market economy, the production and serving from media culture were consumed by people, it makes effect on people’s mind by the way of spreading consumption idea and leading the consumption trend. The reason of media culture can force consumerism is the business logic behind it. The business logic change people’s consumer demand into their desire bulging, and a list of adverse impact behind it. The mass media is an important way of producing and spreading culture in modern society, and it is also an important ground of struggling for culture hegemony. Most of all, the power of discourse is in the hands of the westerns, and this make the media culture speak for capitalism. The media conspire together with technology in the information age, this makes the technological reason infiltrate into media culture. This makes the media culture is like a tiger who has got wings, at the same time it destroys modern people’s life style.The reason of media culture bringing powerful influence to present-day life is complex social relations inherent, it has relationship with economic base and superstructure, it also has a great weight of responsibility in the society. The economic development determines the mass media’s point, that is industrialized operation, at the same time, the mass media can react up on business activities by its own means, become the proper phenomenon in modern society. The sense of worth produced by media culture reflects the ideology in modern society, it has independent character such as generic ideology, it can also exert dynamic role in its own way. So we should deal with the complex social relations of the media culture, make efforts to build an active media culture, pay close attention to the information circumstance, animadvert on capitalistic business logic objectively, destroy the myth of consumerism with a firm hand, that’s because this is the most powerful threaten from western products. Position the value orientation of the media culture, and make use of it to carry on and promote socialistic central values.

【关键词】 媒介文化马克思主义当代生活
【Key words】 media cultureMarxismcontemporary life
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

