

A Study of Social Power in Contemporary China

【作者】 王宝治

【导师】 张继良;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 自从有了人类,就有了权力现象。作为权利得以实现和保障的工具,权力亦如权利一样,也是人与生俱来的,是随着人自然的成长而不断壮大的。但是作为一种能力和力量,人们之间的权力却不是平等的,存在着能力大小、力量强弱之分。当个人的能力和力量无法抵御来自自然界和他人的侵害与威胁时,无法满足自身对利益和欲望的诉求时,人们就会结合起来组成社会,于是社会权力和国家权力就应运而成了。由此可知,社会权力是随着人类的形成而形成的,是一种原始的权力形态,也是贯穿于人类整个发展过程的权力形态。随着社会化程度的提高,每个人对社会权力的依赖程度会越来越高,社会权力将成为实现和保障人们权利与自由的必要因素。国家权力的出现,导致社会权力所固有的领域不断地受到挤压和侵蚀,社会权力的地位与作用开始微弱,但是,作为一种权力形态,社会权力从未消失过。随着人们民主和权利意识的增强,人们逐步认识到国家权力的异化,意识到国家是一种必要的恶,意识到社会权力在制约国家权力、促进社会治理、维护个人权利等方面的重要性。于是,一种社会与国家相分离、个人与国家相分离的理论开始形成,社会权力的地位与作用日益引发社会各界的高度关注。独立且与国家权力并存的社会权力问题,真正进入到中国理论视野,是近几年的事。随着中国市场经济的建立与健全、民主宪政的进步、多元文化格局的形成以及全球化潮流的蔓延,社会权力对国家、社会、个人的影响力日益明显,影响范围日益扩大,如何认识、对待社会权力问题成为摆在整个社会面前的重要课题。本文正是在这种背景下展开对社会权力问题的思考。全文主要由引言、主文和结论三大部分构成。在引言部分,主要说明了选题的意义,并在分析国内外研究现状的基础上,阐明了本文研究的路径和方法、介绍了文章的基本框架,之后,对本文的创新和不足之处进行了客观性梳理。主文主要由五章组成。第一章,社会权力的理论界定和类型划分。本章首先通过对学界关于社会权力理论观点的回溯,提出重新界定社会权力概念的必要性。然后,对社会权力的两个基本构成要素,即“社会”和“权力”进行了界定。以此为基础,提出了作为本文研究对象的社会权力的概念。所谓社会权力,是指在社会关系中,社会组织和社会群体以其所拥有的的社会资源对社会所产生的影响力,亦指公民社会的权力。这里的“社会”是指公民社会,“权力”是指能力和力量。就其属性而言,社会权力具有公私二重属性。也就是说,从权力的外部规定性来看,具体的社会权力相对其他组织、群体、乃至国家和整个世界,具有私人性;从权力的内部规定性来看,相对于其成员,社会权力则具有公共性,是成员权力的有机集合。为了更好地理解社会权力,文章就社会权力的类型进行了学理划分。以主体形态为标准,将社会权力划分为组织型社会权力和群体型社会权力;以价值取向为标准,将社会权力划分为正义性社会权力和非正义性社会权力;以权力资源为标准,将社会权力划分为政治权力、经济权力和文化权力。第二章,社会权力与国家权力、个人权力的关系。该章的目的在于进一步明确社会权力在社会发展、公民权利保障等方面的地位与作用,以便全面了解和把握社会权力问题。为此,以权利与权力的关系为切入点,把社会权力置于权力的关系网络之中,通过理论和实证两个角度展开问题的分析与论证。本文认为,一切权力都是围绕利益而生,但是,利益并不都是正当的。只有权利才具有正当性。所谓权利,就是指道德、法律、习俗赋予人们取得与保障自己正当利益的资格。权力不同于权利,权力只不过是实现和保障权利的工具。权力与权利之间是互为条件、相互制约的,是手段与目的的关系,二者既对立又统一。在实现和保障权利的过程中,权力的存在与运行是必要的前提。在权力的诸多形态中,个人权力是最基本的,是原权力。但是个人权力面对强大的自然力量和外部社会力量往往显得十分乏力,无法满足自身需求。于是,诸多个人将自身的力量进行联合就十分必要,这样,社会权力就产生了。社会权力的产生无疑有效地弥补了个人权力在保护权利时的不足,为人们获取更大的利益提供了可能。但是,社会权力却无法解决不同社会利益集团之间的冲突和矛盾,为此,就必须有一个代表更为广泛的共同体的存在,这个共同体就是国家。国家的产生不等于对社会权力的取代,为了防止国家权力的肆意扩张和滥用,社会权力的存在更具必要性。当然这种认识,是经历了早期立宪主义、国家干涉主义、社会民主理论的不断争论与发展而形成的。随着理论认识的不断深入,社会权力的地位和作用日益得到普遍的认可与肯定。由于特殊的社会条件,中国社会权力自古就没有得到应有的重视,或处于国家权力的附庸地位,或势微力薄,或杂乱无序,根本无法起到制约国家权力、保障公民权利的作用。第三章,社会权力运行的学理分析。本章主要分析和论证了社会权力运行的条件、原则和规则三个问题。关于社会权力运行的条件,本文认为:市场经济的发展促进了政治国家与社会的分离、催生了各种社会组织和社会群体的产生、为社会权力的运行提供了自由平等的外部环境和足够的物质动力,因此,市场经济是社会权力运行的决定性条件;民主为社会权力的产生与运行提供了制度前提,宪政为社会权力的产生与运行提供了法律保障,因此,民主宪政是社会权力运行的保障性条件;文化是人群形成的动因和纽带,多元文化是引发权力多元化的重要原因,因此,多元文化是社会权力得以运行的必要条件。关于社会权力运行的原则,本文认为:社会权力的运行必须遵循正当性、合法性和公益性原则。所谓正当性原则,就是要求一切社会权力的存在与运行都必须具有正当性;所谓合法性原则,就是要求社会权力的存在与运行不得违反法律之规定;所谓公益性原则,就是要求社会权力的存在与运行都必须有利于公共利益的实现。关于社会权力运行规则,本文认为,社会权力在与不同的对象之间,其运行规则也是不同的。与国家权力之间,表现为独立与自治的运行规则;与其他社会权力之间,表现为竞争与合作的运行规则;与个人权力之间,表现为交涉与互动的运行规则。第四章,社会权力的培育:基于中国现实的考量。本章首先从理论上分析和论证了社会权力的功能,认为社会权力有助于对国家权力的制约、有助于社会治理的促进、有助于个人权利的保障。其次,对中国当前社会权力发展的现状及价值发挥进行了现实考量。认为,伴随着改革开放,中国社会权力得到了应有的发展,但是发展状况尚不如人意,其社会功能还没有得到应有的发挥,而中国正处于一个大发展、大进步时期,社会条件和社会环境为社会权力的发展既提供了机遇也提出了挑战。因此,有必要大力培育社会权力,引导其向健康、有序的方向发展。最后,就如何培育社会权力提出了几点建设性意见。即坚持党的领导,发挥党在社会权力培育过程中的引领作用;转变政府职能,明确政府在社会权力培育过程中的主要地位;健全法律制度,为社会权力的培育提供可靠的制度保障。第五章,社会权力的规制:基于中国转型期的特殊性。本章首先从理论和实证的双重角度,运用辩证的方法对权力属性和人性进行了深入剖析。认为:权力既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面;人性,既有善的一面,也有恶的一面。这就决定了社会权力并不都是正义的,社会权力运行也不总是健康、有序的。因此,社会权力有可能为国家、社会、个人带来消极的影响,甚至产生破坏力,有必要对社会权力进行规制。在对社会权力进行规制的办法中,法律规制是最佳选择。但是,这里的法律,并不单指国家法律,而应当从广义上理解,是指包括社会法则在内的一切强制性规则。就国家法对社会权力的规制而言,中国当前还存在着诸多问题,还不能有效发挥国家法对社会权力的规制作用,应当进一步加强立法、行政和司法的作用;就社会法对社会权力的规制而言,中国当前社会法的规制作用发挥亦不尽人意,社会法本身还存在着诸多不利于社会权力规制的因素。因此,引导社会法本身的健康发展,对保障和促进社会权力的健康有序发展至关重要。在结论部分,回顾并总结了论文的主要观点,在此基础上,本文认为,社会权力固然存在着消极性,但总体而言,社会权力对国家、社会、个人的发展具有积极的作用,而且一个健康、有序的社会权力是实现国家、社会、个人三者和谐互动的前提。

【Abstract】 The phenomenon of power has existed since man appeared. Power, as a tool of carrying out and protecting the right, is inherent like the right , was born with the birth of a man and is strengthening with his growth. But as a capacity and strength, power is not equal for people because of different levels of ability and strength. When an individual’s ability and strength cannot resist the threats and invasion of the nature and others, or cannot meet their own demands on their interests and desires, people will be combined to form the community, so social power and state power are therefor born. Due to dual properties: natural property and social property, one belongs to the society when he was born. Therefore, social power, formed with the formation of the human beings, is a primitive form of power and goes along with the entire process of the development of the human beings. With the increase in the level of socialization, each person’s dependence on social power will be increasingly higher. Social power becomes the essential element to carry out and protect people’s rights and freedom.After the state power has arisen, the inherent field of the social power has been constantly compressed and invaded, the status and role of social power has begun to be very weak, but as a form of power, social power has never disappeared. With the improvement of people’s awareness of rights and democracy, people come to understand the alienation of state power, realizing that the country is a necessary evil, social power plays an important role in restrainting state power, promoting social governance and protecting individual rights. Then a theory appears: society and man should separate from states.The position and role of social power have caused the great concern of all sectors of society.In recent years ,the matter of social power comes into the vison of theorists, which is independent and co-existent with state power With the establishment and the integrity of China’s market economy, the progress of democratic constitutionalis, the formation of multi-cultural patterns as well as the trend of globalization, the influence of social power on the state, the society and the individual is increasingly evident. How to comprehend and deal with social power has become an important issue and has been placed in front of the whole community. It is just in this background that this paper is carried out under the thought of social power. The whole paper mainly includes three major sections: introduction, body and conclusion.The introduction mainly explains the meaning of the topic and on the basis of the analysis of the status quo of the domestic and foreign research.It sets out the methods of study in this paper, introducing the basic framework of the paper, and then have an objective conclusion of innovation and weakness of the paper.The body composes of five chapters.Chaperter one testifies the definition of the theory of social power and the division of the type. This chapter begins with the recall of the academic point of view on the theory of social power and puts forward the necessity of redefining the concept of social power, then defines the two basic elements of social power, namely, "society" and "power". On this basis, the concept of social power, as an analytic object of this paper , is advanced. Social power refers to the influence that social organizations and social groups have on the society due to their social resources in social relations. It also refers to the power of civil society. Here the "society" refers to the civil society, the "power" refers to the ability and strength. With regard to the properties, social power has public and private properties. In other words, from the point of view of the external prescription of power, the specific social power has the private nature ,compared with other organizations, groups, or even a country and the world; from the point of view of the internal prescription of power, with the public property, social power is the organic collection of mumbers’power, compared with other mumbers. In order to get a better understanding of social power, the paper makes a theoretical division on the type of social power. By the standard of the main formation, social power is divided into the organized social power and mass-based social power; By the standard of the value orientation, social power is devided into the just social power and injust social power; By the standard of the power resources, social power is devided into the political power, economic power and cultural power.Chapter two demostrates the relations among social power , the state and individuals. In order to have a fully grasp and understanding on the issue of social powew, the purpose of this chapter is to get a future clarification of the the position and role of social power in social development, civil rights protection and so on. Therefore, focusing on the relations between right and power and putting social power into the network of rights relationships, this chapter makes an analysis and argument through theoretical and empirical aspects and believes that all powers were born with benefits, but the benefits are not all legitimate. It is only right that has the legitimacy. The so-called rights, refer to the people’s qualifications which are empowered by ethics, law and customs to achieve and protect their legitimate benifits. Power, differing from rights, is just a tool to carry out and protect rights. The power and the right are interdependent and mutually constrained. They are means and purpose, they are both antagonistic and unified. In the process of the carrying out and protecting of the rights, the existence and operation of power is a necessary prerequisite. Among many other forms of power, individual power is the most fundamental and it is the original power. However, facing to the great natural power and externally social power, individual power seems quite weak and cannot satisfy his own needs. So, it is necessary for many individuals to conduct a joint on its own strength , and therefor social power arises. Undoubtly, the emergency of social power effectively makes up for the individual power’s lack of protection of rights and provides a possibility for people to obtain greater benefits. However, the social power fails to resolve the conflicts and contradictions between different social interest groups, so, an existence of a representative of the wider community is necessary, this community is the state. With the appearance of the state, state power cannot replace the social power. In order to prevent the wanton expansion and abuse of state power, the social power is more needed. Such understanding is formed through development of the ongoing controversy of early constitutionalism doctrine, the state interventionism and social democratic theory. With the further development of theoretical realization, the position and role of social power increasingly get the widespread recognition and affirmation. Because of the special social conditions, the social power in China has not received its due attention since ancient times, it is either disorder or in the subordinate position of state power, simply can not play a role to constrain state power and protect civil rights .Chapter three is a theoretical analysis of the operation of social power. This chapter mainly analyzes the condition, the principle and the rule of social power operation. With regard to the conditions of social power operation, the paper believes that the development of market economy promotes the separation of political state and society, promotes the birth of several social organizations and social groups and provides the free and equal external environment and sufficient physical power for the social power operation. Therefore, the market economy is the decisive conditions of social power operation, democracy provide the institutional premise and legal guarantee for the creation and operation of social power respectively, therefore, democracy constitutionalism is the protective condition of social power operation. Culture is the link and motivation of population’s formation. Multi-culture is an important reason for multi-power. So multi-culture is a necessary condition of social power operation . With regard to the principle of social power operation, the paper believes that the operation of social power must follow the principle of justice, legality and public welfare. The so-called the principle of justice requires that all the existence of social power must be just; the so-called principle of legality requires that the existence and operation of social power should not violate the provisions of the law; the so-called principle of public welfare requres that the existence and operation of social power must be conducive to the realization of public interest. With regard to the rules of social power’s operation, the paper believes that the rules of social power’s operation are different according to the different objects. This paper argues that among different objects, rules of the social power operation are different as well and their expressions are competitive and cooperative rules of operation. Rules of the operation between social power and state power are independent and self-controlled; rules of the operation among other kinds of social power are competitive and cooperative; rules of the operation between social power and individual power are negotiate and mutual.Chapter four mainly talks about the cultivation of social power: based on the facts of China. This chapter begins from the theoretical separation and demonstration of the function social power and believes that the social power will contribute to the constraints of state power, the promotion of social governance and the protection of individual rights. Secondly, the chapter goes on with a practical considerations of status quo and value of the development of social power in China. With the reform and opening up, China’s social power has been properly developed, but the state of development is not satisfied because its social function has not been due to play, while China is in a period of great development and great progress, social conditions and social environment provides both opportunities and challenges for the development of social power. Therefore, it is necessary to vigorously cultivate social power, and guide them to develop on the healthy and orderly way. Finally, the chapter puts forward some constructive comments on how to cultivate social power. They are to insist on the leadership of CPC and carry out the leading function of CPC in the process of nurturing social power; to transform the governmental function and make clear that the main position of government in the process of nurturing social power; to improve legal system to provide reliable constitutional protecting for the nutrition of social power.Chapter five proves the regulation of social power based on the particularity of China’s transition. From the theoretical and empirical aspects, the chapter begins with a deep analysis of the property of human and power by means of dialectical method. Because power has both positive and negative sides, human nature has both the good and bad sides, social power is not always just, and the operation of social power is not always healthy and orderly. Thus, social power may bring a negative impact or even generate destructiveness to the state, society and individuals, it is necessary to regulate the system of social power. Among the method of social power’s regulation, the legal regulation is the best option. However, here the law is not just referred to national laws, in a broad sense, it is defined all the mandatory rules, including social laws. In terms of the regulation of constitution of state on social power, there are still many problems in our country, the regulation of national law on social power can not be effectively carried out, the function of legislative, executive and justice should be further strengthened; In terms of the regulation of social law on social power, the function of social law’s regulation is also available to play a role of less satisfactory in nowaday’s China, social law itself still has a lot of factors which are not conductive to the regulation of social power. Therefore, the healthy development of social law itself is essential to protect and promote the healthy and orderly development of social power.The conclusion mainly reviewed and summarized the main points of the paper. On this basis, this paper believes that social power has played a positive role in the state, the society and individual development, although the inherent negativity is existed. A healthy and orderly social power is the prerequisite to achieve the harmonious interactions of state, society, and individuals.

【关键词】 社会权力国家权力权利个人权力规制
【Key words】 social powerstate powerrightindividual powerregulation
  • 【分类号】D621;D920.0
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1950
  • 攻读期成果

