

Study on Superstitions of Yihetuan and Its Social Reaction

【作者】 刘宏

【导师】 董丛林;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 义和团运动带有浓厚的迷信色彩,这既有着客观的社会环境条件,也有复杂的社会心理因素。就其客观的社会环境条件而言,与晚清民俗关系至为密切。从相关心理因素来说,义和团“降神附体”之类的“神术”,不排除在心理暗示作用下,确能使人体达到超常状态,产生奇特而明显精神作用的情况,这使团民对“神术”更加深信不疑,幻想利用它抵挡和战胜洋人。而团民不断制造迷信借口,则与其自我辩解的心理动机有直接关系,这是为减少认知不协调而采取的自我保护。义和团利用迷信进行宣传动员,确实收到某些实效,对推动义和团运动的发展壮大起了一定积极作用。但是,其相关舆论宣传和自我辩解的迷信借口,多为不实之词,虚妄荒诞,其负面影响也是明显的。对于义和团迷信,相关各社会群体和阶层从不同的利益和需要出发,也作出各种不同反应:在义和团运动高潮时期,非团民众对义和团迷信的反应,以“崇信”与“盲从”为主要特征,而至义和团衰落时期,他们认识到义和团并不真正具有奇异超凡的“神术”,遂对其由先前的信从转变为怀疑乃至丧失信任。以慈禧太后为首的清廷“守旧派”,出于所谓“借拳剿洋”的政治需要,曾“认可”义和团“神道”,幻想利用其“神术”灭洋,也试图“利用”义和团的迷信弱点,对其加以限制和约束,及至最后清廷转向对义和团进行严酷镇压,自然也就割断了此前“守旧派”与义和团连结的纽带。“一般”官绅对义和团迷信的反应颇为复杂,大致可分为“迎合”与“反对”两个方面。所谓“迎合”又分两种情况:一部分官绅出于仇教排外心理,肯定义和团神道灭洋;另有部分官绅则在逢迎心理驱使下,附和义和团迷信。反对义和团仇教灭洋的官绅,则无例外地也反对其神道,视之为“邪教倡乱”,斥其“邪术不可恃”,其中所包含的政治用意十分明显,当然,也有从纯文化的角度否定义和团迷信的,显示出深受儒家思想的影响而以“雅”辟“俗”的文化倾向。庚子年及20世纪初年的报刊舆论,也对义和团迷信作出反应。尽管各报的政治倾向不同,如有的站在义和团的敌对立场,有的则对义和团起事给予某种程度的同情和支持,但当论及义和团迷信时,几乎无例外地都给予否定,显示出相当的趋同性。报刊舆论通过对义和团迷信的反思,倡导“破除迷信”而广开民智,这与义和团迷信给予它的警示直接相关,这种舆论成为20世纪初年启蒙运动的先声和前奏,显示出义和团事件给予国人的深刻启示。

【Abstract】 The Yihetuan Movement is marked with strong superstitions, which was determined by both the objective social environment and the complicate social psychological factors. In terms of the objective social environment, it was deeply related with the folk custom in the late Qing Dynasty. As for the social psychological factors, the psychological hint, which is produced by the incantation of Xiang Shen Fu Ti (Make the ghost combine with the physical body by magics), did usher the people into a supernormal state, resulting in a special and obvious spiritual effect, which deeply convinced Yihetuan members of the magic power that they could use to resist guns of the Westerners. In addition, their constantly-made superstitious excuses were directly related with their psychological motives for self-explanation, which, in fact, was a self-protection to reduce the unbalanced cognition.Yihetuan made use of the superstitions for propaganda and mobilization, which was rather effective and played an active role in motivating and developing the Movement. But their propaganda and superstitious excuses were mostly untrue, thus with an obvious negative effect.Considering different interests and needs, the relevant social groups and classes made different reactions to Yihetuan’s superstitions.When the Yihetuan Movement was at the prime period, the reaction by the non-members was featured by worship and blind submission. When the Movement was declining, they realized that Yihetuan had no fearful magic, so their worship and submission turned into doubt and unbelieving. But for the conservatives headed by Cixi, mother of former emperor of royal court, they showed the attitude of acceptance and utilization. Considering the political needs, they accepted the magic power of Yihetuan and dreamed of driving the Westerners by Yihetuan’s hand. And they also tried to utilize the shortcomings of Yihetuan’s superstitions to restrict Yihetuan Movement. The common officials’ reactions were mainly featured by catering and opposing. In terms of catering, some held the affirmitave attitudes towards Yihetuan’ s actions to drive the westerners by use of the legend of ghosts due to their hatred to the exteriors while some just believed in the Yihetuan Superstitions due to their catering psychology. In terms of opposing, all of them opposed the legend, regarding it as evil heathendom, in which an obvious political intention was hidden. Certainly some held a negative attitude towards Yihutuan Superstitions only form the view of absolute culture, indicating a political incline of opposing-vulgar-by-tites which was greatly influenced by the Confucian ideology.The media in 1900 and early 20th century denied Yihetuan’s superstitions without exception. And through reconsidering Yihetuan’s superstition, they called for educations for the people and getting rid of superstitions. These public opinions became the harbinger and prelude of the enlightening movement in early 20th century, indicating the deep reflection on the Chines by the Yihetuan Movement.

【关键词】 清末义和团迷信社会反应报刊舆论
【Key words】 late Qing DynastyYihetuanSuperstitionsreactionsmedia

