

Currencies Circulating in Local Areas and Rural Monetary System During the Republic of China

【作者】 陈晓荣

【导师】 戴建兵;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 小区域流通货币是一种代用货币或货币符号。其发行主体或为钱铺、钱庄、商号、工矿企业等商业部门,或为县级地方基层政权,或为社会团体等准权力部门;其流通范围一般限于一县之境,而且仅能部分地履行货币职能。小区域流通货币是在中国封建自然经济向近代资本主义商品经济演变过程中出现的阶段性货币现象,反映了从封建国家货币制度衰亡到资本主义中央银行体系建立之前的过渡性特征。民国小区域流通货币的职能因其发行主体的不同而不同。基层政权所发行之纸币在当地等同于法币,而商业部门所发行的商业票券则仅用于市场找零或工商业者之间的业务往来及票据清算,不是完全意义上的货币。不同政府部门所发行之政府票券的性质迥然不同。地方政府货币的垂直发行和商业票券的横向流通,导致了事实上的两个货币系列,二者相互依存,相互补充,共同构成了民国时期的乡土币制体系。这一现象,既与当时的军阀割据和地方财权独立直接相关,也与当时的乡村自治运动等密切关联。小区域流通货币的不平衡性既是货币实物化的表现,也是近代不同地区经济发展不平衡的反映。其发行和使用状况,既有南北之别,也有城乡之异,更有发达与欠发达地域间的不同。20世纪二三十年代北方与南方农村钱票的流通差异,是南北差异的最好例证,而城乡之间的差异,则反映了日益突出的城乡经济二元化倾向。乡村在金融机构、货币供需、经济发展水平等方面与城市的较大差距,决定了其独特货币体系存在的必然性和合理性。民国乡土币制,是在国家基本货币制度之下存在的相对独立的乡村纸币制度。首先,民国时期的乡村手工业因受洋货冲击而日益衰退,农民收入则因农村经济凋敝而急剧下降。由于无法得到国家银行的供给,小面额辅币券不得不依赖身处底层市场的商业主体来提供。其次,20世纪二三十年代的乡村建设运动,由于旨在加强中央对地方的控制,乡村贫、弱问题并未解决,农民负担有增无减,士绅则由过去的乡村维护者变成了上层政策的执行者。在此过程中,乡村钱票起到了推波助澜的作用。再次,国家货币制度不健全是乡土币制存在的币制基础。虽然民国小区域货币发行主体的多元化是一个现实存在,但货币发行的集中和统一是货币管理制度化的必然趋势。民国国家银行虽然垄断了货币发行权,但因统一的国内大市场并未形成,统一国币的流通也就无法实现。民国币制体系具有二维结构特征,即各级政府以财政为目的所创立的法定货币体系与商业机构以金融为目的所运行的非法定的媒介货币体系二者的共生并存。前者兼顾官僚资本企业的利益;后者反映了民族资本家和中小商人集团的利益诉求。在两者的对峙和博弈中,后者有逐步被压缩的倾向。

【Abstract】 Circulating-in-small-area currencies refer to the token or the symbol of money. The issuers included not only money shops, native banks, businesses, industrial and mining enterprises and other business departments, but also local political powers, quasi-power sectors and social organizations. They could circulate in merely narrow and fixed areas. Circulating-in-small-area currencies reflected the monetary phenomena happening during the course of evolution from China’s feudal economy to a modern capitalist economy. It also indicated the transitional stage and the whole process of financal development from the feudal monetary system to the establishment of the Central Bank with the capitalist system.Circulating-in-small-area currencies had different functions due to the different issuers. The notes issued by local powers indicated that those currencies at the local level had the same functions as legal tenders. Commercial bills issued by the business sectors had no such functions; they could be used only in the market through the trade and the liquidation between the businessmen, that is, it is not entirely currency in a sence. Notes issued by different government departments had also big differences in nature. The vertical circulating mode of notes issued by local governments is different from that of commercial bills flowing in a horizontal way. Thus it led to the formation of two series of money with two-dimensional structure. This system, compared to the national currency system, was independent to some extent, which was related to the warlords in the early Republic, and local powers and self-government movements.The imbalance of Circulating-in-small-area currencies is shown not only by the characteristics of the physical currency, but also by the regional imbalances of economic development in modern times. From a geographic perspective, the imbalances existed between north and south, urban and rural areas, as well as between developed and less developed regions. The differences were also reflected in financial institutions, money supply and demand, the level of economic development and so on. All of these were the reasons for the base of existence of rural monetary system. Cash notes were more widely used in the north than in the south in the 1920s and 1930s, which was the best example of North-South differences. The rural monetary system was a relatively independent monetary system under the state’s monetary system. First, from an economic perspective, the rural self-sufficient natural economy came into bankruptcy, and handicrafts gradually slowed down which was mainly affected by the squeezing of foreign goods. Depressed rural economy prompted sharp drop in the income of farmers. Fractional currencies with small denominations were unavailable due to lack of supply from the national banks.Second, the rural reconstruction and self-government reform, aimed at strengthening the governance and building of rural orders so as to change the poor, weak, scattered, chaotic situation, in fact increased the financial burden of farmers. The rural gentry changed from the past defender for the country into the implementators of the state policy. Third, the fact that the national monetary system was not perfect was the basis for the existence of rural monetary system. The multiple issue of Circulating-in-small-area currencies added the total amnout of money supply and broke the rigescent feudal monetary system. But it was the tendency that the monetary system moved to the centralized issue of money. The domestic big market was far from being achieved, and consequently no uniform national currency was in circulation.On the whole the monetary scheme during the Republic period had the feature of two-dimensional structure, that is, governments at all levels issued notes or bills as the legal tender in order to finance, while commercial institutions made it for the purpose of business which was often regarded as non-statutory. Circulating-in-small-area currencies in rural communities were particularly significant. National banks, Provincial banks serving as the center of national and provincial political system coexisted with the local currency issued by the old-style banks and institutions in the countryside. The former took into account the service of bureaucrat-capitalist enterprises; the latter reflected the interests and demands of national capitalists, small and medium business groups. In the confrontation between the two, the latter had gradually been compressed.


