

Study on Constructing Mechanism of Respecting the Principal Position of Party Members

【作者】 杨东广

【导师】 王凤鸣;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 尊重党员主体地位是马克思主义经典作家一以贯之的重要思想,但他们并没有使用这一概念。“党员主体地位”课题的提出是中国共产党对马克思主义党建理论和实践的重大突破和创新。党员主体地位,是指广大党员是政党政治体系中的角色主体,在政党党内生活和党的建设实践中居于主体地位,发挥主体功能。其主要特征可以概括为需求性、能力性、自由性、能动性和实践性。要使党员在党内真正居于主体地位,必须构建尊重党员主体地位的机制。本文以马克思主义党建理论为指导,运用政治学的分析框架,把党员这一政治角色放在执政党政治体系的视域下来分析,在此基础上,按照为什么要构建机制、构建什么样的机制和怎样构建这样的机制、怎样评价这样的机制的思维逻辑,分四章构建了全文的框架结构。第一章主要阐述了尊重党员主体地位机制构建的理论基础。为将尊重党员主体地位机制构建问题的研究置于科学的基础之上,本文首先从历史唯物论的基本观点出发,以马克思的主体性理论为基础,界定了党员主体地位的概念内涵和主要特征。通过对马克思、恩格斯和列宁关于党员主体地位理论的梳理,总结出民主建党的价值向度、民主集中制的组织原则、政党结构中党员角色的平等模式、组织框架下发挥角色作用的独特思路、发挥制度功能的基本理念等这些经典作家的基本思想。为了扩大视野,总结规律,本章还放眼世界,深入分析了不同类型国家政党尊重党员主体地位的内在规律,总结了其有益经验,这对于我们党尊重党员主体地位具有重要的理论和现实意义。最后,我们得出结论:任何政党只有尊重党员主体地位才能增强“执政合法性”,才能防止“寡头政治”,才能发挥“政党功能”,才能创新“善治”理论。这是政党生存发展的根本规律,也是人类政治文明的共同成果。所有这些构成了尊重党员主体地位机制构建的理论基础。第二章主要阐述了尊重党员主体地位机制构建的实践基础。本章从四个层面作了详细论述:一是通过考察我们党尊重党员主体地位的历史,使我们认识到:不尊重党员主体地位,政党发展就会遭遇挫折;而尊重党员主体地位,政党就会蓬勃发展。二是把视线聚焦现实,分析构建尊重党员主体地位机制在新的历史条件下的现实意义。这是保持“先进性”、提高“执政能力”、跳出“历史周期率”并最终完成“执政使命”的必然要求。三是理性分析当前尊重党员主体地位存在的理论研究滞后、主体意识不强、动力机制缺失和制度供给不足等现实问题,旨在说明尊重党员主体地位机制构建所要克服的障碍因素。四是客观论述当代社会给我们党尊重党员主体地位机制构建所提供的有利民主条件,包括主体条件、经济条件、文化条件、政治条件、法治条件和国际条件等,这些条件体现了“存量”与“增量”的统一。这四个方面构成了尊重党员主体地位机制构建的实践基础。第三章主要阐述了尊重党员主体地位机制构建的主要内容。尊重党员主体地位是一项复杂的系统工程,如果只有一个个单项制度,还不能完成这项系统工程。必须把这些单项制度联结在一起,形成一个完整的制度链条,即运行机制,这些制度功能才能实现,制度权威才能增强。从尊重党员主体地位的视域分析,我们要构建七种机制:一是构建意识激活机制,主要是从加强意识形态建设、构建发挥作用平台、重塑政治文化、完善社会主义市场经济体制等几个方面培育党员主体意识。二是构建素质提升机制,主要是从连续和强化教育、提供物质基础、健全党员“吐故纳新”管理制度、在学习和实践互动中全面提高党员素质。三是构建知情机制,主要是从党员知情的规律、内容、形式、保护救济等方面确保党员有效行使权利。四是构建民主授权机制,主要是从完善候选人提名、扩大直接选举范围、扩大差额选举、引入竞争选举、改变候选人介绍方法、完善选举法规等方面确保党员政治参与。五是构建民主决策机制,主要是从借鉴协商民主理论、完善集体决策制度、健全党员利益表达制度、发挥党代表和领导干部在民主决策中的主体作用等方面来畅通党员利益表达渠道。六是构建民主监督机制,主要从创新党代会常任制、改革纪检监督制度、加强党政领导干部选拔任用监督、完善党内民主生活制度、建立党员权利保护和救济制度等方面确保党内权力有效运行。七是构建党内激励、关怀、帮扶机制,主要是从增强领导干部主体意识、强化基层党组织服务、创新党内民主制度等方面激发党员主体活力。这七种机制构建了一个从意识到素质、从选举到监督、从激励到关怀、从党员到制度的完整体系。第四章主要阐述了尊重党员主体地位机制构建的评价体系问题。尊重党员主体地位机制构建得如何,政治效能怎样,是否达到政治预期,都要建立评价体系,进行科学的评价。这需要两方面的评价:一是从是否统一了党员主体地位的理想与现实,是否拓展了党员主体地位的广度与深度,是否兼顾了党员主体地位的普遍性与特殊性,是否实现了党员主体地位的当前目标与长远目标,是否统一了党员的主体地位与主体作用等五个方面来评价党员主体地位机制构建的成效;二是从主体意识和主体素质是否同步提高,行使权利和履行义务是否高度统一,政治参与和制度构建是否平衡协调,理论创新和实践创新是否互动发展,个体作用和组织功能是否双重发挥等五个方面来评价党员是否成为了主体。最后,我们强调:真正对构建的机制进行评价,必须要遵循一定的原则,制定一套可操作性强的评价标准,选择合适的评价主体和正确的评价方法,这样才能保证评价结果的全面、公正、客观。

【Abstract】 Marxist classical writers always attach importance to respect the principal position of party members, but they don’t use the concept. Posed problem of respecting the principal position of party members is crucial breakthrough and creation for theory and practice of Marxist parties building. The principal position of party members mean that Party members act as principal role in the political system of a party in power, stand on the principal position and fulfill the principal functions in the inner-Party life and activities. The semantic features of the principal position of party members are generalized as follows:necessity, ability, freedom, activity and practicality. Mechanism of respecting the principal position of party members should be constructed in order to make Party members in principal position. This paper tries to give an angle of orienting the political role of party members in the political system of a party in power by taking theory of Marxist parties building as the guide and establishing an analytical framework of politics. On this basis, the paper is divided into four chapters to analyze why we should construct mechanism, what mechanism we should construct, how to construct mechanism and how to evaluate the mechanism.Chapter One mainly discusses the theoretical basis of constructing mechanism of respecting the principal position of party members. In order to make it being based on scientific research, the paper tries to define what is the principal position of party members and its semantic features on the basis of Marxist subjectivity theory and from the point of historical materialism. Through collecting the theory about respecting the principal position of party members of Marx, Engel and Lenin, we should summarize Marxist classical writers as follows:the democratic value structure of building the Party, principles of democratic centralism, a equal pattern of the party structure for party members, unique way of existing function in framework of the organization and the basic idea of making full use of the system. The chapter makes a profound analysis on the inherent law of respecting the principal position of party members about different types of parties in world and sums up its useful experience, that have important theoretical and practical significance for the C.P.C. to respect the principal position of party members, in order to broaden our horizons and summarize disciplinarian. In the upshot, We come to a conclusion that the principal position of party members must be respected in order to keep obtaining legality of ruling party status, to prevent oligarchy, to perform a function of the party and innovate theory of good governance, that is the objective law of survival and development of the party and is the common result of the human political civilization. All these are the theoretical basis of constructing mechanism of respecting the principal position of party members.Chapter Two mainly discusses the practical basis of constructing mechanism of respecting the principal position of party members. The Chapter is divided into four Parts. first Part, through the observation historical process of respecting the principal position of party members, bring home to us that if not respecting the principal position of party members, the party should encounter a setback; on the contrary, if respecting the principal position of party members, the party should develop vigorously. and the second Part give the facts that it, when facing reality, is of great practical importance to construct mechanism of respecting the principal position of party members, that is the inexorable requirements for maintaining the Advancement of the Party, improving the administrative ability of the party, avoiding periodic law of history, accomplishing mission of remaining in power in the end. The third Part analyze the actual problems of respecting the principal position of party members existed as the lags in research, the low subject consciousness, absence of the dynamic mechanism and lack of carrying system. The fourth Part mainly discusses democratic requirement that are favorable to respect the principal position of party members. These democratic requirements include subject, economy, culture, politics, the rule of law and international condition, etc, that are the unification of "the storage" and "the accretion". All these are the practical basis of constructing mechanism of respecting the principal position of party members.Chapter There mainly discusses the main contents of constructing mechanism of respecting the principal position of party members. It is a complicated system engineering to respect the principal position of party members. The complicated system engineering should not be fulfilled if only holding single system. These system should perform its function and establish authority upon the condition that single system become joined together and get a systematic systems——the operation system. From angle of view of respecting the principal position of party members, we should construct seven mechanisms as follows:(one) constructing mechanism of the activating subject consciousness. This can be related to promoting ideological form, building the platform for playing a role, reestablishing political culture and improving the socialist market economy. (two) constructing mechanism of the enhancing subject quality. This refers to strengthening education, providing material foundation, improving the management system permeating with vitality and enhancing quality acquired by study and practice. (there) constructing mechanism of the getting the picture. There were concerns about the Law, Content, Form and the Protection that can guarantee the rights of party members. (four) constructing mechanism of the delegation of party members. This can be related to improving system nomination, enlarging direct election, extending competitive election, varying method of candidates introduction, improving electoral system. (five) constructing mechanism of the democratic policy making. This refers to learning from deliberative democracy, improving collective decision system, improving the system of expression of Interest, exerting the principal role of party representative and leading cadres in democratic policy making and so on. (six) constructing mechanism of the democratic supervision. This refers to innovating the system of Party congresses with regular annual conferences, consummating the system of party discipline inspection, implementing the regulations on the selection and appointment of leading cadres, improving the system of inner-party democratic life, setting up the system of Rights Protection for party members that can ensure efficient and effective inner-party power operations. (seven) constructing mechanism of the incitement, care and aid. This can be related to raising subject consciousness of leading cadres, enforcing service of Grass-roots Party Organizations in the Countryside, innovating the system of inner-party democracy that can enliven the creativity of the principal position of party members. Seven constructing mechanisms construct a system combined of subject consciousness and quality, election and supervision, incitement and care, party members and system.Chapter Four mainly discusses the evaluation system of constructing mechanism of respecting the principal position of party members. We must set up the evaluation system and evaluate scientifically if we want to know that how about constructing mechanism, political effect and anticipated purpose. We should pay attention to evaluation of these two aspects. First, we should evaluate effect of constructing mechanism of respecting the principal position of party members from the perspective of the unity of the ideal and the reality, expanding of the broadness and depth, dialectical unity with universality and particularity, achievement of current objective and long-range objective, the unity of the principal position and the principal role of party members. Second, we should evaluate effect of respecting the principal position of party members from the perspective of synchronous improvement of subject consciousness and subject quality, the high integration of exercising rights and fulfilling commitments, coordination of political participation and institutional supply, the inter-development with theoretical innovation and practical innovation, excreting function of individual and the party organization. In the end, We should place emphasis on this problem that we must follow the principle, set up a operating evaluation standards, choose the right evaluation subjects and evaluation method that can ensure all-round, impartial and objective the evaluation results.


