

Northern Song’s Political Reform and the Development of the Study on the Book of Songs

【作者】 易卫华

【导师】 王长华;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 北宋是《诗经》汉学研究与宋学研究的分水岭,是一个承前启后的时期。北宋学者进一步强化了对《诗经》题旨的政治性把握和解读,《诗经》研究中的致用色彩更为浓厚,同时,疑古惑经和义理化的倾向也更为突出。本文在学界已有成果的基础上,将《诗经》学置于北宋政治和学术发展的大背景下进行讨论,希望能够更为深入地挖掘北宋《诗经》学的内涵,其中的主要观点如下。北宋《诗经》学的发展除受到北宋持续政治变革的影响之外,中唐即已开始的经学革新运动也构成了北宋《诗经》学发展的远源,韩愈、成伯玙、丘光庭等人对《诗序》和毛《传》等的质疑已经开启了北宋《诗经》学的疑古之风。同时,北宋庆历之前《诗经》学也已经表现出一定的革新动向。这些都为北宋《诗》学的发展与革新准备了条件。仁宗时期是北宋《诗经》学转变的关键阶段,欧阳修《诗本义》、刘敞《诗经小传》均完成于这一阶段。这种转变与仁宗对《诗经》的推崇以及士大夫阶层《诗》学观的成熟有着直接的关系。欧阳修的《诗经》研究以发现《郑氏诗谱》为界,分为前后两个时期。他将《诗经》的作用置于群经之首,当作习道明用的载体,认为求“诗人之意”、“圣人之志”是学《诗》的终极目的。同时,在《时世论》等作品中对《毛诗序》、《毛传》、郑《笺》等进行了批驳。刘敞《诗经小传》据《序》言《诗》常常讲明《诗序》所以美之、所以刺之的道理,填充其中的意义空白,借题发挥来做政治文章。他又大胆改易《诗经》中的文字和章句,对毛《传》和郑《笺》进行了批驳,一改汉唐学者以章句注疏为主的研究风尚,为北宋《诗经》学研究带来了新的思想和新的风貌。王安石的《诗经》研究通过对《诗经》政治性的解说,把诗歌的政治功用发挥到了一种极致。我们将其《诗》学思想的发展分为四个阶段。其中熙宁变法中王安石主持撰写的《诗经新义》以《礼》释《诗》、强化了对《毛诗序》政治化题旨的理解。同时,《新义》对君主、士大夫提出了具体的要求,并制定了一系列社会应当遵从的道德规范,希望以此来引导社会思想的进路,为政治改革创造了一个良好的社会基础。其后,蔡卞《毛诗名物解》运用比附的方法,借《诗经》文句来佐证所谓的义理,通过训释名物谈论礼法、阴阳、君臣等义理思想,通过名物研究为王安石《诗经》研究做了一个注脚。苏辙一生于《诗经》用力最勤,他早年的《诗》学思想较多地受到父兄的影响。同时,荆公新学的巨大影响力对苏辙《诗》学思想的成熟也产生了一定的影响。苏辙的《诗经》观包括“性情论”以及《诗序》乃毛公之学、卫宏集录等内容。另外,苏辙又与佛教人物多有交往,深受佛教思想影响,并借用其中的思想对“思无邪”进行了解读,体现出宋代经学研究一些新的动向。二程的《诗经》研究同样带有强烈的经世致用的价值取向,他们继承并整合了汉儒的《诗经》学成果,肯定了汉儒“《诗》教”的思想以及孔子对《诗经》所作的删改,对《毛诗序》基本持一种遵信的态度,对《诗经》在个人道德修养中的作用也更为重视,并且倾向于对《诗经》中“义理”内涵的挖掘,开启了南宋朱熹等理学家《诗经》学的先河。总之,北宋政治变革不断引发着《诗经》学发展的问题意识,从而使其在为回应现实政治要求的过程中不断更新自我,最终完成了庆历之后《诗经》学的复兴,并为南宋《诗经》学高峰的到来作了充分的准备。

【Abstract】 In relation to The Book of Songs, Northern Song dynasty is a watershed between Sinological poetry and poetry study in Song dynasty. It is also a transitional period. In this period, the scholars further strengthened the grasp and explanation of The book of Songs’ theme. It stressed the application of The Book of Songs to the society. At the same time, it attached importance to the doubt and confusion on classics and poetry, and meanings and arguments. On the basis of the prior research foundings, the present paper attempts to explore the intension of The Book of Songs in Northern Song dynasty with the political and academic development as the background. The main points are as follows:The development of The Book of Songs was affected by continuous political reform in Northern Song and the classics reform since middle Tang. Han Yu, Cheng Boyu, Qiu Guangting’s criticism of The Preface to Poetry and Mao Biology began the doubt and confusion on classic and poetry. At the same time, the study on The Book of Songs had displayed a certain trend of innovation before Qing Li. What is said above paved the way for the development of the Book of Songs.The ruling period of Emperor Ren is a critical stage in The Book of Song’s change in Northern Song. During this time, Ouyang Xiu’ Poetic Originality and Liu Chang’s Poetic Biography were completed. The transformation is closely related to the admiration of Emperor Ren to The Book of Songs and the maturity of the scholars’ poetic thought. Ouyang Xiu’s study on The Book of Songs was divided into two parts with Zheng Shi Poetic Register as a dividing line. He arranged The Book of Songs as the top of all classics and therefore gave a practical meaning to the traditional classics. He claimed that the final aim of studying poetry is to seek the poet’s intention. Meanwhile, he criticized The Preface to Mao Poetry, Mao Biology, and Zheng Jian in his works. Liu Chang explained the theory in The Preface to Poetry. He changed the research style with emphasis on the annotation by the scholars in Han and Tang dynasty and brought new thought and appearance to the poetic study in Northern Song.In the study on The Book of Songs by Wang Anshi, he developed the poem’s political function fully through the political interpretation toThe Book of Songs. We may divide the development of poetic thought into four stages. In the XiNing political reform, Wang Anshi dominated the writing of The Book of Songs’ New Meaning, explained Poetry with Etiquette and strengthened the political understanding to The Preface to Mao Poetry. Meanwhile, in the New Meaning, it put forward the concrete requirements to the ruler and scholars, and laid down a series of rules that should be followed by the society in the hope of leading the society thought and creating a good foundation for political reform. Afterwards, Cai Dian employed ’Bi’ ’Fu’ to prove the so-called meanings and arguments by the lines in The Book of Songs. He discussed the meaning and arguments such as etiquettes, Yin and Yang, and the ruler and official etc. by the explanation of the objects’ names. In addition, he made the footnotes for the Wang Anshi’s research on The Book of Songs through the study on the objects’ names.Su Zhe devoted his lifetime to the study on The book of songs. In his early years, his poetic thought was greatly influenced by his father and brother. Furthermore, under the great influence of JingGong’s new study, Su Zhe’s poetic thought gradually matured. Su Zhe’s explanation of the poetic study also included human feelings discussion, The preface to Poetry, Wei Hong’s works collection. Su Zhe kept close contact with Buddhist. For this reason he was deeply influenced by Buddhist thought. Therefore he interpreted ’Si Wu Xie’ by the use of Buddhist thought and it reflected some new trend in the Song dynasty’s classics study.. These two Cheng’s study on The Book of Songs also had a strong value orientation on its application to the society. They inherited and collected the Han Confucian’s achievement of the study on The Book of Songs. Moreover, it affirmed the thought of Han Confucian’s poetry teaching and the deletion and change to The Book of Songs by Confucius. They held a respectful attitude toward The Preface to Mao Poetry. In addition, they attached importance to the individual’s moral cultivation and had a tendency to explore the intension of meanings and argument in the interpretation of The Book of Songs. This started a trend for the study on The Book of Songs by some scholars, like ZhuXi, in Southern Song dynasty.In short, the Northern Song’s political reform continuously stimulated the development of question consciousness in the study on The Book of Songs, which in turn renewed itself in response to the political requirement in reality. In the end, it achieved the revival of the study on The Book of Songs after Qing Li and made full preparation for the coming of the peak of the study on The Book of Songs in Southern Song dynasty.


