

Divisio of Beier Depression Petroleum Systems

【作者】 李椿

【导师】 卢双舫; 吴河勇;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 油气田开发工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文利用沉积学、石油地质学、层序地层学、地球化学等理论,结合区域地质概况及构造演化过程,对贝尔凹陷地层层序、沉积特征、生储盖等条件进行分析,认为南屯组为主要生油层段,其次为布达特群,主要生油区为贝西洼槽。南屯组和大磨拐河组及布达特群为含油气层。大一段、南一段和伊敏组为主要盖层。其成藏主控因素有(1)源岩控制着油藏的分布。本区主要的生油区为贝西洼槽,围绕它形成四个含油气区块。(2)良好的生储盖组合控制着油藏的形成。(3)浊积扇、扇三角洲、冲积扇是油气成藏的有利环境。它们多处于深洼中或其边缘,砂体直接与烃源岩接触,有利油气运移和富集,是主要的储油气相带。(4)有效圈闭的形成发育控制成藏。贝尔凹陷发育构造、地层、岩性、复合等多种圈闭,且多早于主要成油期形成。(5)断层的形成和发育是最重要的控制因素。贝尔凹陷内断层比较发育,分析认为,断层的封闭与否、走向,断距大小及其与储盖层厚度的关系是该区断层控制圈闭形成与油气聚集的主要因素。含油气系统划分:结合分割槽理论及油源对比结果,并按照如下划分原则:(1)以聚油单元为核心,运移通道为主线,以供源区为边界进行含油气系统划分。(2)在断层十分发育的复式油气聚集区,烃源岩分布于下伏层系,油气主要富集于其上不同层系,很难在纵向上将其截然分开。一般,可笼统地将某一运聚单元作为一个系统。该区含油气系统划分结果:贝尔凹陷以贝西洼槽为油源区,苏德尔特、霍多莫尔、呼和诺仁和贝西斜坡为油气聚集区为一含油气系统。并将其进一步划分为四个含油气子系统:苏德尔特、霍多莫尔、呼和诺仁和贝西斜坡含油气子系统。

【Abstract】 In this text we do researches in stratigraphic sequence、deposit feature、source bed、reservoir bed and capping formation of Beier Depression, combined geology survey and structural evolution process by the use of sedimentology, structural geology, petroleum geology, geochemistry and other theories as the guide, We believe Beier Depression main hydrocarbon source rocks in the main longitudinal group, secondery is Budate swarm and the important oil generation zone is sub-sag in Beixi.Longitudinal group, Damoguaihe group and Budate swarm are the main oil and gas province. Nantun2 group, South Sec reservoirs and Yinmin group are the main longitudinal group。The characteristics of the oil and gas accumulate control is:(1) The source rocks control the distribution of oil deposit.The main oil generation area is sub-sag in Beixi, forming four oil area around it.(2) The good condition of source bed、reservoir bed and capping formation control the formation of oil and gas accumulation。(3) Turbidite fan, delta fan and alluvial fan are enabling environment for hydrocarbon accumulation。They are always in deep subsag or at the fringe, sand body directly contact with hydrocarbon source rock, it is favorable for migration and accumulation of oil and gas, and they are the main reservoirs of oil and gas。(4) Hydrocarbon accumulation is in the control of development and formation of the effective traps。Beier depression develop many traps such as structure traps, strata traps, lithologic traps and compound traps, and these traps are formed more earlier than the main period of oil generation。(5) The reservoir is controlled by faults。The faults develop well in Beier depression, by analysis, the faults closed or not, the direction, fault throw, and the relationship between he fault and the thickness of the reservoir, are the major factors of oil and gas accumulation-Combined division trough theory and the result of oil source contrast, progress hydrocarbon system division according to the following principle:(1) Take oil-accumulation unit as the core, the migration pathway as the main line, and the source area as the boundary for oil and gas system division; (2) In the multiple oil and gas accumulation area where faults developed well, the hydrocarbon source rock distributes in the underlying formation and the oil gas mainly concentrates in different formation above the hydrocarbon source rock, so it is very difficult to divide oil and gas system clearly in longitudinal general. In general, take a migration and accumulation unit as a system。The result of hydrocarbon system division in this area is:Beier sag to Beixi depression for the oil source area, Sudeerte、Huoduomoer、Huhenuoren and Beixi slope are the oil and gas accumulation area belonged to petroleum system。And it can be further partitioned four petroleum systems:Sude erte, Huoduomoer、Huhenuoren and Beixi slope。

  • 【分类号】P618.130.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】160
  • 攻读期成果

