

On Yuexi’s Regional Culture and Poetry in Tang and Song Dynasties

【作者】 钟乃元

【导师】 张明非;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 粤西是古代广西的别称之一。目前对粤西地域文学的研究较为薄弱,从地域文化与地域文学互相关联的视角来对粤西古典诗歌进行宏观、整体的研究还是学术空白点。唐宋两朝是粤西地域文化逐渐形成并获得初步发展的时期,其契机是粤西逐步成为独立的行政区划;粤西诗开荒拓土并迎来发展的第一波高峰也是在唐宋时期。研究唐宋粤西地域文化与粤西诗的意义正在于此。诗歌是客观环境与诗人主体双向作用的结晶。在强调粤西地域文化对诗人的影响的同时,也应当注意诗人对粤西地域文化的能动作用。论文即以此为逻辑起点,探讨粤西地域文化与粤西诗之间的关系,以便对唐宋粤西诗有较为完整和清晰的认识。第一章探讨唐宋时期粤西生态环境对诗人心态以及诗歌题材的影响。粤西生态环境的特点是:地理区位的偏僻遐远,山川地貌的奇丽秀美,气候的炎热多瘴,物产资源的丰饶。诗人因地理偏僻遐远而产生沦落心态;因炎热多瘴而有忧惧心态;因奇丽秀美的山水风光而产生喜山悦水心态;因宜游宜赏的生态景观而产生乐游心态。受粤西生态环境所影响的诗歌题材有山水诗、岩洞诗、边疆诗、花木诗、物产及气候题材。第二章探讨粤西文化环境与诗歌创作的关系。唐宋时期粤西文化形成以中原文化为主导,土著民族文化与其他外来文化多元共存的局面,其发展靠外来先进文化的推动以及文化交流过程中文化间互相冲突、融合所形成的张力。中央朝廷在粤西地区所实行的以羁縻为主、武力征讨为辅的民族政策,粤西以文治教化为主要方式的文化整合过程,粤西文化景观中的聚落景观、农业景观、民间文化景观和宗教景观等,这些对粤西诗的题材内容、主题思想等有重要影响。第三章探讨唐宋时期粤西交通与诗歌的关系。粤西交通状况既影响诗人的活动范围与流动走向,也影响着诗歌的内容、题材、创作方式、创作地点。唐宋时期出入粤西的交通孔道有东北部的全桂走廊与潇贺古道,东部的西江水路,南部的钦、廉海路,西部的郁江河谷;有桂州——梧州——钦州、桂州——柳州——邕州、桂州——象州——郁林州三大南北交通主线。在粤西交通线上活动的诗人有流贬、行役、游历、避乱等。与粤西交通有关的诗歌题材有纪行诗、馆驿诗、关津与古迹吟咏、送别诗、寄赠酬唱诗等。第四章探讨各类诗人对粤西地域文化的不同反应以及由此产生的创作上的区别。贬谪诗人有着复杂的生命体验,他们对粤西地域文化的体验片面突出了其中的负面因素,对诗歌的意象、情感等有重要影响。宦游诗人以一定的文化策略对粤西地域文化进行干预和改造,其创作的基本特征是借咏粤西山川风物之美来写宦游生活之自足自乐,突出了粤西地域文化的正面因素。幕僚诗人则因自身处境的缘故,对粤西地域文化多采取较为客观、冷静的态度,这对他们的诗歌创作也有影响。本土诗人则普遍对中原文化有强烈的认同感,同时他们的本土文化意识也开始觉醒。最后是结语。第一,总结唐宋粤西诗的概貌及特征。创作队伍:从作家构成来及作品比重来看,以外来诗人为主体,未到过粤西的外地诗人和本土诗人为辅。空间分布可以概括为:一个中心,一条纽带。一个中心指桂州;一条纽带指全州——桂州——昭州——梧州——藤州——容州——白州——廉州——钦州这一条南北交通线。粤西诗的地域特征主要表现为作品中与粤西地域文化有关的语言、意象、意境等。第二,唐宋粤西诗的发展于曲折不平中逐渐上升,其发展脉络是:初唐拓荒期,盛唐低谷期,中唐上升期,晚唐五代平稳发展期,北宋初复为低谷期,北宋中期、后期至南宋前期持续强劲上升,南宋后期略微下降。诗歌的嬗变主要表现在题材、体裁、风格三方面。第三,分析唐宋粤西诗的影响。其影响主要表现在:诗人在粤西的事迹和文化遗址成为后来诗歌创作的触发点;诗歌的表现领域为后来诗人所继承并拓宽;诗歌的艺术成就与经验为后人所取法;诗人在粤西的文化活动和诗歌创作,促使后世粤西本土诗人的地域文化意识进一步增强。

【Abstract】 Yuexi was the name of today’s Guangxi in ancient times. The current research on Yuexi literature was weak and there was even no such work on its classic poetry from the perspective of the local culture’s correlation with its regional literature. Tang and Song Dynasties saw the gradual formation and its initial development of regional culture in Yuexi, as Yuexi became an independent administrative division. Since the first appearance and its early advancement were in the Tang and Song Dynasties, here lies the significance of the study of Yuexi regional culture and its poetry in Tang and Song.Poetry is the product of the interaction between the objective world and the subjective poets. The dissertation is based on the thesis that the dynamic role of the poets cannot be ignored while importance is attached to the regional culture in Yuexi. It tries to explore the relationship between local culture in Yuexi and its poetry, aiming to reach a clear and complete understanding of Yuexi Poetry in Tang and Song.The first chapter discusses the effect Yuexi’s ecological environment in Tang and Song Dynasties had on poets and the topics they chose to write poems. The characteristics of Yuexi’s ecological environment were: remote geographic location, beautiful landscape and mountains, hot and humid climate, and rich natural resources. As a result of the complicated environment, the poets there felt either depressed or pleasant, either fearful or enjoyable. Under the influence of Yuexi’s ecological environment themes of poetry varied from mountains, caves, flowers, trees to products and climate.The second chapter discusses the relationship between Yuexi’s cultural environment and the creation of poetry. Yuexi’s culture in Tang and Song dynasties centered on the culture in Central Plains, together with the policy taken by the central imperial court, diversified by the native culture coexisting with alien cultures. Yuexi experienced the cultural integration, which exert great effect on the topics and the themes of its poetry.The third chapter discusses the relationship between Yuexi’s traffic in Tang and Song Dynasties and its poetry. Yuexi’s traffic not only affects the flow of range and direction of the poets but also affects the contents, themes, means and sites of their creation. In Tang and Song Dynasties the accesses to Yuexi were: in the northeast Quangui Corridor and Xiao Gui Trail, in the east Xijiang Waterway, in the south Qin and Lian Sea Route, in the west Yujiang Valley. The three major traffic lines included Guizhou - Wuzhou - Qinzhou, Guizhou - Liuzhou - Yongzhou, Guizhou - Xiangzhou– Yulinzhou. The poets traveled on the lines are in different moods for different purposes and it was quite natural for them to create various kinds of poems.The fourth chapter discusses the great differences between the reactions of the poets to Yuexi’s local culture. Banished poets had a complex life experience, leaving negative influence on their poems’images and emotions, etc. Officially designated poets positively sang high praise for the beauty of Yuexi mountain scenery to portray their self-sufficient life. Some common intellectuals took a more objective and calm attitude towards Yuexi’s local culture, while local poets generally identified with the culture in the Central Plains, and their awareness of local culture began to awaken.Finally comes the conclusion. First, it sums up the general picture and characteristics of Yuexi poetry in Tang and Song. The major focus falls on the writers coming from other regions, supplemented by those who never went to Yuxi and the local writers. Spatial distribution can be summarized as: a center, a belt. A center was Guizhou and a belt referred to Quanzhou - Guizhou - Zhaozhou - Wuzhou - Tengzhou– Rongzhou - Baizhou- Lianzhou - Qinzhou. Yuexi poetry’s geographical features were presented in the language, images, mood and so on related to Yuexi’s local culture.Second, it highlights the spiral development of Yuexi poetry in Tang and Song: pioneering period in Early Tang, trough in Prosperous Tang, rise in Middle Tang, stable development in Late Tang and Five Dynasties, another trough in Early Northern Song Dynasty, dramatic rise in Middle and Late Song Dynasty until early Southern Song Dynasty, and slight decline in the late Southern Song Dynasty. Evolution of poetry mainly fell into three categories: subject matter, genre, and style.Third, it analyzes the influences of Yuexi poetry in Tang and Song: the deeds and cultural sites of Yuexi poets became the trigger point of later poetry; the ranges of the topics of the poems were accepted and further broadened by the later poets; the achievements and experiences were emulated by future generations; Yuexi poets’cultural activities and creation of poems helped to enhance the later local poets’awareness of Yuexi’s local culture.

【关键词】 唐宋粤西文化诗歌研究
【Key words】 Tang and Song DynastiesYuexi’s culturePoetryReserch

