

On the Poets Gathering Club Activities and Style Changing of Rhyme Poetry in Late Ming Dynasty to Early Qing Dynasty

【作者】 王雨容

【导师】 沈家庄;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 清词之盛,肈自明末。天启、崇祯时期,起废振衰,词风丕变。以陈子龙为代表的云间词派,异军突起。相邻的西陵(杭州)、柳洲(嘉善)、梅里(嘉兴)、阳羡(武进)等地词人,群起影从,桴鼓相应。从此风气遂开,形成了明末词坛初盛的局面,入清而此道益昌。称雄于清初的浙西词派,正是这种风会所趋和西陵、柳洲、梅里、阳羡等地词派融汇的一个直接结果。明清之际,词人社集频兴,词人们一起讨论词学、评论词作、填词唱和、编选词集。掀起了词学的又一次高潮,促进了清词的中兴。本文即以明末清初这近一百年时间为研究阶段,围绕当时的词人社集活动,全面考察这一时期词人社集活动的情况,探讨词人社集活动与词风嬗变之间的内在联系。本文首章为绪论。首先说明了选题依据,然后分析了当前的研究现状,最后提出了全文的研究构想;指出词人社集活动研究的缺乏,突破了词人社集活动被狭隘地理解为词人雅集唱和的观念,从三个方面揭示明末清初的词人社集活动:社集论词为理论指导,社集填词来繁荣创作,社集选词是巩固流传。正文重在探寻明末清初词发展的脉络,以词人的社集活动为研究对象,从词风的嬗变角度去着手,以时间为线索。共分五章,总的结构是总分总的结构:第一章,明末清初词人社集总论,从词人社集的渊源、影响词人社集的因素、词人社集的分类、词人社集活动与百派腾跃等几个方面,全面论述明末清初词人社集活动的情况。明末清初出现了许多地域性的词派或词人群体,如云间词派、柳洲词派、西陵词派、广陵词人群、阳羡词派等,这些词派的形成和发展都和词人社集活动有着非常密切的关系。本章在对词人社集的渊源、词人社集活动的形式、影响词人社集活动因素等几个方面进行阐述之后,重点考察各词派与词人社集活动的关系,如云间词派与云间词人社集活动、柳洲词派与“柳洲八子”社、西陵词派与“西陵十子”社、广陵词人群与广陵词人社集、阳羡词派与阳羡里中词社的关系。第二章至第四章为分论,按照时间顺序,将明末天启、崇祯时期到清初康熙末年这段时期的词人社集活动做一梳理,探寻词人社集与词风嬗变之间的内在联系。第二章,“主情”词风笼罩时期。“主情”词风笼罩时期指明天启、崇祯至清康熙四年这个时期。由云间词派开端,后来的柳洲词派、西陵词派到广陵词人群都受云间词派的影响。虽说这个时期是受云间词风的影响,但这个时期不完全是云间词风,都有不同程度的突破,但在“主情”这一点上是相通的,因此笔者意以为取“主情”词风笼罩时期较为恰当。第三章,“尚气”词风激荡时期。这个时期指康熙四年到康熙十八年,词作的题材范围更广,词的风格更为多样,最主要就是“稼轩风”的盛行。但光稼轩风也不能概括此段时期的词风特点,而明显一点是此时词人更注重了词的意义,所以以“尚气”词风来概括。第四章,“崇雅”词风一统时期。指康熙十八年至康熙末这一段时期,以朱彝尊为首的浙西词派开始统治词坛,朱彝尊倡导“醇雅”词风,而“醇雅”词风最主要的方面就是提高词的品格。第五章为总论,论述词人社集与众派合流之间的联系。到康熙十八年之后,由于清朝统治的巩固,清朝右文政策的实行,词坛由百花齐放逐渐形成了一枝独秀,即浙西词派占统治地位。本章在分析众派合流的因素之后,重点阐述了各词派汇入浙西词派的过程,而这一过程都伴随着词人的社集活动。这种总分总的结构也暗合了明末清初词坛的变化规律,即由云间词派一派开始,中间经历百派腾跃的过程,最后到浙西词派一统天下的结局。但是清代词学在百派归一之后开始走向了衰微,明末清初词学正如同世间任何事物一样,都摆脱不了盛极而衰的历史规律。结论部分从整体上论述了明末清初的词人社集活动经历了同里相聚、跨地唱和、同调相应三个时期,伴随着社集活动的变化,明末清初的词风也发生了三次嬗变。到康熙后期,词人社集失去了“倡”、“和”两个基本条件而逐渐冷落,词学也走向了衰微。

【Abstract】 The thriving rhyme poetry in Qing Dynasty originated from the late Ming Dynasty. In Tianqi and Chongzhen period, the poets select the essence and discard the dross of the early heritage, the prose style changed radically. Among the poets, Yunjian School represented by Chen Zilong, sprung up and exerted the leading influence. Poets from the adjacent place such as Xiling (Hangzhou), Liuzhou (Jiashan), Meili (Jiaxing), Yangxian (Wujin) followed and echoed in corresponding. From then on the trend gradually resulted in the budding prosperity of rhyme poetry in ending Ming dynasty. In Qing Dynasty, the rhyme poetry blossomed. The dominating school in this period, Zhexi, is formed under this tendency and combined by Clubs of Xiling, Liuzhou, Meli.The rhyme poets in Ming and Qing dynasty assembled and gathered frequently to discuss, comment, chant, or even collect the fine poems. They initiated another climax of rhyme poetry and restored the thriving situation of it. The essay mainly explores the rhyme poetry in this period, focusing on the poets’club activities and gatherings, aiming at revealing the correlation between the change of rhyme poetry style and the gathering club activities.The first chapter on this essay is the introduction part. The author first accounts the reasons of topic-choosing, then makes a detailed analysis on the present researching situation, and outlined the researching frame of the whole essay.The author puts his emphasis on the developing clue of rhyme poetry, researches the club activities of the rhyme poets and the poetry style changing in late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty according time development in body part of this essay. The whole essay is divided into five parts.In chapter one, the author has a general introduction on the club activities of the rhyme poets. The introduction ranges from aspects such as the orignation, influential factors, classification, activities of poets clubs to the co-existing situation.During the peroid from late Ming Dynasty to early Qing Dynasty, there were large quantity of original poetry schools or groups, such as, clubs of Yunjian, Liuzhou, Xiling, Guangling and Yangxian etc. The author lays his emphasis on the strong correlation between the formation and development of the schools and the gathering club activities, for instances, Yujian Poetry School and its club gathering activities, Liuzhou Poetry Schooland the Liuzhou Eight Poets Club gathering activities, etc.The second chapter to fourth chapter are arranged in chronological order on the club gathering activities from Tianqi Mingzhen Period in Ming Dynasty to Kangxi Period in Qing Dynasty. The author got a clear xlue about the inner relationship between the poetry club gathering activities and the poetry style changing.In the second chapter, the author analyzes the poetry of“love theme”. In this period, the rhyme poetry was mainly infulenced by Yunjian Group. Though the styles may be different in subtle forms, the poetry in this period shares the same theme--- love. Thus, the author named the style in this period Love-themed.In the third chapter, the author analyzes the Variou-style period, this period extended from the fourth year to eighteenth year in Kangxi Period in Qing Dynasty. In this period, the rhyme poetry displays various styles on various themes, mainly because of the influence from Jiaxuan Style. However, the most obvious character of the rhyme poetry in this period is that the poets stess much more about the meaning of the poems.This period canbe called as“Shangqi”. The fourth chapter was mainly about the quality-oriented period. It is from the eighteenth year to the end of Kangxi Period in Qing Dynasty.During this period of time, Zhexi Poetry School represented by Zhu Yizhun played a leading role in the rhyme poetry. Zhu Yizhun advocated pure and elegant poetry style. Such style relys on poetry quality improving.The fifth chapter is the conclusion, revealing the correlation between school combination and the gathering club activities. After analyzed the causing factors of school combining, the author mainly accounted the penetrating process of Zhexi School. The process all along was accompanied with the gathering club activities. The stystematical structure employed by author is in accordance with the poetry style changing process in late Ming Dynasty to Early Qing Dynasty.The last chapter analyzes the declining development in Qing rhyme poetry after all schools combined, and its declining reasons. The developing result is just the same development rule of everything, that is, from zenith to the wane.

  • 【分类号】I207.23
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1154

