

Gender Criticism of Movies & TV Culture

【作者】 李东

【导师】 王春荣;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 影视文化与性别之间有着极为深刻的联系,“性别批评”是对影视文化传播中不平等现实的直接揭露,是将先进的社会性别文化意识向主流意识的直接注入,是对两性和谐的影视文化氛围的建构,是文化研究的一种重要方式。新时期以来,随着“性别批评”的影响,我国的影视文化研究开创了新的审美视角,无论是在影视传播方面,还是在电影理论方面,都取得了新的收获。“性别批评”使得跨学科、综合性影视文化研究的努力成为可能,并且为当代影视文化研究的发展揭示了一种崭新的路径。影视文化语言定义性别,传统的性别话语认定了所谓“男尊女卑”,历史的规制遮蔽了女性的话语权;在当下的影视文化传播领域,男性话语仍然占据着主要的地位,两性的话语权仍处在不平等的状态之中。影视文化中充满了“性别成见”,这些成见表现为:“议程设置”功能的实施与女性的边缘化;文化陈规的散布与女性主体价值的缺失;男权规范的强调与女性审美取向的偏差;男性气质的宣扬与女性生命感觉的弱化。影视文本是一种叙事性文本,影视叙事是一种人类的文化建构。研究影视文化的性别叙事模式,其手段是对大量叙事文本的具体叙事方式进行类别归纳与内核抽绎,提炼出若干的“叙事模式”,进而在对模式的解析与探讨中厘清影视文化与性别关系建构之间的内在联系;然后深入关注影视文化与意识形态、视点运用、权力话语、修辞策略、叙事操纵等问题的联系,尝试揭露影视文化是如何表达性别并建构性别文化的。以男性为主体的叙事模式主要包括:神话叙事(“母亲范式”与“菲勒斯英雄”);爱情叙事(“凝视的快感”与“爱的拯救”);伦理叙事(父姓权威与家庭秩序构筑)。以女性为主体的叙事模式主要包括:欲望叙事(女性自我意识的表达);情感叙事(女性心灵世界的还原)。在影视文化中,从“声音表达”的角度看,在男权社会中影视传播的主要内容仍然是男权社会的主流价值观,主流话语一直是以男性的声音为主,造成了女性为第二性声音的历史状态。真正的“女性自己的声音”生成与表现是随着20世纪70年代以来女权运动和女性主义思潮的发展而浮出历史地表的。影视文化中女性话语的影像转换主要表现为:“过自己的生活”的诉求;“知识”与“艺术”的救赎;“时代新人”与“半边天”的偏颇;“花与花联合起来”的自救。影视文化的历史演进,为人们留下了不计其数的银幕形象。大量的研究表明:一方面,在描绘男性和女性形象时,影视文化首先反映和维持的是传统的性别观念;另一方面,影视文化对两性形象的刻画凸现了传统的性别角色和性别权力的不平等。男性审美定势塑造的女性“客体”形象主要包括“白玫瑰”与“红玫瑰”两个意象系统。女性审美重构下的女性“主体”形象主要包括“哑女艾达”、“末路狂花”、“达威罗夫人”等意象表征。在当代影视文化中,女性再一次沦为了“色情”和“暴力”的牺牲品,成为了“色情”和“暴力”笼罩下的“第二性”。影视文化中“性别暴力”的根源还是缘于性别关系领域中的权力统治格局。必须对影视文化中出现的诸如“身体消费”等现象保持足够的警惕和性别意识上的敏感,必须揭露深深卷入市场利益和消费洪流中的、以所谓“身体叙事”的名义的文化表征对影视文化的伤害,必须随时警醒影视文化的消费主义、商业主义对女性的异化,必须随时警醒对个体肉身的欲望性、物化关注所造成的使影视文化走向片面、狭窄的欲望呈现的趋势。在全球化时代,影视文化的发展出现了多种趋向,好莱坞的文化工业给世界影视文化的发展带来了巨大冲击,文化工业的利与弊逐渐得到了理性认识和科学把握。处于“后现代”语境下的中国影视文化面临着时代的挑战,“后殖民话语”的影响和中国影视文化中“逢迎他者”心态必须得到克服。时至今日,“双性同体”的概念已经随女性主义的发展和社会性别意识的进步而成为历史旧题,它正在被一种更为理性、科学的观念所替代,即“两性和谐”。“两性和谐”的一个方面是“两性平等”,另一个方面是超越两性对立的二元论。“两性和谐”的最终目的是“不仅实现男女两性的真正平等,而且实现所有个人在地位上的完全平等。同时最大限度地保留个性的差异,让每一个人都不会因为自己的性别感到任何一点压抑。”21世纪很快就要走完它的第一个十年,信息时代的绚丽画卷已在我们身边铺展开来,我们有责任通过理性科学的文化实践去开创影视文化美好的明天。

【Abstract】 There is a very profound relationship between movies & TV culture and gender. Gender perspective is essential to culture studies, which reveals the fact of inequality in the culture communication, adds advanced gender consciousness to mainstream ideology and constructs gender harmony of movies & TV culture.Critical movies & TV cultural studies under the gender perspective make it possible to study interdisciplinary general culture, which analyzes the gender attributes of communication, corrects the errors in the movies & TV culture gender image, transfers the narrow-mindedness of movies & TV culture gender narration and contributes to the justice of the concept of gender in movies & TV culture. The gender studies, which is interdisciplinary and integrated, attempts to break the traditional academic boundaries, open communication and culture, culture and gender, gender and social relations, social relations and communication and other related fields and complete the new study of movies & TV culture in the theoretical background of overlapping, ferment and integration.Gender is defined in Movies & TV culture, and traditional gender discourse firmly believes that male superior to female so that female discourse right is covered with the regulations of history. Male discourse still occupy the main status in the contemporary area of movies & TV culture communication while gender discourse right is still in the state of inequality. Gender stereotypes, which movies & TV culture is flooded with, is characterized by the implementation of "Agenda setting" and the marginalization of females; the dissemination of traditional cultural stereotypes and missing female subjects values; emphasis on social norms of male and deviation of females’aesthetic orientation; promotion of male quality and the crass feeling of females’life.The movie and television text is one kind of narrative text, and the movie and television narration is one kind of humanity’s cultural construction. To research gender narrative patterns of movie and television culture, the method is to carry the category induction and the essence on the specific narrative modes of massive narrative texts, and obtain some narrative patterns. Furthermore, inner link between movie & TV culture and gender relations construction is observed in pattern analysis and discussion. Then attention focuses on the relationship between movies & TV culture and the problems such as ideology, the viewpoint utilization, the authority discourse, rhetoric strategy, narration manipulation etc., then attempt to reveal how to express the gender and construct the gender culture in movies & TV culture. Narrative patterns which take the male as the main body mainly includes:Myth narration ("female mythology" reconstruction and revival of "phallus hero"), love narration ("staring pleasure" and "Love rescue") and ethic narration (family order and main body authority).Narrative patterns which take the female as the main body mainly includes:desire narration (stink of female independent consciousness) and emotion narration (female subjective spirit capture.In movies & TV culture, from the viewpoint of "voice of the expression", the main elements of movies & TV discourse in male-centered society is still the mainstream values of male-centered society, the mainstream discourse has been dominated by male voices, resulting in the voice of females’of secondary status. Male discourse in movies & TV culture is mainly expressed in words "Phallus Center" and "The Second Sex"; the object of "be seen" and the "empty signifier." Generation and characterization of real "females’ uttering the voice of their own " has been visible in history with the development of the feminist movement and feminist thought since the 1970s. Female discourse in movies & TV culture is mainly characterized by the appeals for "to live their lives", salvation of "knowledge" and "art", bias against "new era" and "half the sky" and self-help of "flowers and flower Joint up ".Countless screen images have been left for the people with development of the movie and television culture in the past one hundred years. The massive research indicates that the movies & TV culture first reflects and maintains the traditional gender idea when describing male and feminine images. On the other hand, the depiction of images of both sexes shows the unbalance between the traditional sexual characters and sexual right in movies & TV culture. The female images in the male aesthetic standard are mainly including "White Rose" and "Red Rose" etc. The female images in the female aesthetic standard are mainly including dumb girl-Ada in " The Piano. ""Thelma & Louise", Mrs. Dalloway in "Go to London", etc. In today’s contemporary movie culture, female has become the victim of the "pornography" and "violence" once again, and the "secondary " in the shadow of "pornography" and "violence". "Gender-based violence" of movies & TV culture mainly comes from the power rule structure in the sexual relationship area. "Body consumption" in the movies & TV culture must be kept vigilance and sensitivity in the gender consciousness. It is necessary to expose so-called "body narration" hurt movie and television culture, which is involved in the market benefit and the consumption torrent deeply. It is necessary to avoid the disassimilation of the feminine from consumerism, commercialism of the movies & TV culture, and the present tendency of movie and television culture moving towards one-sided, the narrow desire caused by the individual mortal body desire and the materialization attention.In the era of globalization, the development of film culture is various. Hollywood’s cultural industry brings a great impact on development of the world of film culture. Cultural industries’advantages and disadvantages have been gradually acknowledged rationally and mastered scientifically. In the post-modern context, Chinese film culture is faced with the challenge of the times, the influence of "post-colonial discourse" and the mental attitude of flattering others in Chinese film culture must be overcome.Today, the concept of androgyny has been the old subject in history with the development of the feminism and the progress of gender consciousness. It is to be replaced by a more rational and scientific concept of "gender harmony". An aspect of "Gender harmony" is "gender equality" and the other is the dualism beyond gender antagonism. The ultimate aim is not only to achieve real equality between male and female, but also the full equal status of all individuals while maximizing the retention of individual differences so that no one will feel depressed due to their own sex. The first decade of the 21st century will soon come to an end and the splendid picture of the information age has been unfolded. We have responsibility to bring movies & TV culture to a better tomorrow through the culture practice of rational science.

【关键词】 影视文化性别批评两性和谐
【Key words】 movies & TV culturegender criticismgender harmony
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

