

Eurasianism and the Renaissance of Russia

【作者】 李英玉

【导师】 李传勋;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 俄语语言文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 地跨欧亚的俄罗斯是世界大国,也是中国最大的邻国,中俄有着十分密切的地缘政治关系。历史上俄国就是一个扩张性的国家,俄罗斯的兴衰变化时刻引起世人包括中国的关注。在并不漫长的千余年历史中,俄罗斯在国家发展道路上始终在东西方摇摆中艰难前行。公元10世纪皈依源于西方基督教的支派东正教开始,拉开了俄国“西方化”的序幕。然而,从13世纪末至20世纪初,俄国发展道路却几经转向,十月革命后又走上了一条不同于以往的现代化新路,然而在这条道路上走过不足一个世纪的苏联,顷刻问突然解体,俄罗斯重新思考起国家的未来。始于19世纪的俄罗斯与东西方关系的争论,西方化与东方化道路的选择问题,困扰着一代又一代学者,他们不停地思索民族的命运,探寻国家的出路。不同思想流派的社会思潮对俄罗斯的现代化进程产生了深远的影响。俄罗斯独立以来,欲重新融入欧洲的进程未能实现,在社会转型和国家复兴全面受挫之后,俄罗斯思想文化界开始了又一轮的反思。基于民族传统与文化的欧亚主义,以其东西方平衡的独特内涵成为知识分子及政治家讨论的热点,也成为俄罗斯国家选择国家发展道路的指南。欧亚主义思潮作为一种宝贵的精神资源,为俄罗斯民族在对国家定位和处理国际关系等方面提供了重要的启示。

【Abstract】 Russia, a large country in the world, spans Europe and Asia. As China’s largest neighboring country, Russia has a close geopolitical relationship to China. In its history, Russia was a country of expansion, its rise and decline always arousing concerns in the world, and especially for China. In less than a millennium, Russia has pushed ahead, vacillating between the East and the West, in its development. Russia’s conversion to the Orthodox Eastern Church, which had its origins in Christianity in the West, in the 10th century AD, can be seen as a prelude to its westernization. From the 13th century, when Russia was under the control of Mongolian Tartars, to the beginning of the 20th century, when the October Revolution took place, Russia went through several upheavals, after which it commenced a period of modernization different from before. However, for less than a century, the Soviet Union collapsed, which caused Russians to re-examine their country’s future. The argument over Russia’s relationship to the East and the West started in the 19th century, and the alignment to either Orientalization or Westernization remains unresolved. These problems have perplexed several generations of scholars, who have explored the consequences of such an alignment and have come to various conclusions. Despite the diversity of viewpoint, the discussion has influenced in a number of ways the process of Russia’s modernization. Since Russia’s independence, the desire to reintegrate into Europe has not yet been satisfied; Russians have experienced an overall setback for the country’s renaissance and social transition. Thus, another round of rethinking wages in Russian cultural circles. The probe into the path of Russia’s development from the perspective of Eurasianism, based on traditional and cultural characteristics, is debated heatedly by intellectuals and politicians. The exploration into Eurasianism and the path to the country’s renaissance continues today in Russia. As a precious ideological resource, the Eurasianism trend of thought provides enlightenment in respect of Russia’s self-orientation, the selection of the paths to development, and the handling of international relationships.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

