

A Study and Application of the Method of Historical Materialism of Marxist Economics

【作者】 贾轶

【导师】 许兴亚;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 任何一门科学或学科,都存在着一定的方法论,马克思主义的经济学即马克思主义的政治经济学也是如此。马克思主义经济学作为一门社会科学和历史科学,与马克思主义的其他社会科学一样,其最基本的和灵魂性的方法就是历史唯物主义。对于马克思主义经济学的历史唯物主义方法和原理的研究仅限于概括性的讨论是不够的,还要在运用中进一步深化研究。只有通过运用,才能达到对于这一方法的更加深刻的理解和认识。而运用不是被动的,需要研究者主动设定研究范围,选择研究对象,展开自己的研究。历史唯物主义是实践的唯物主义、辩证的唯物主义、彻底的唯物主义。实践是历史唯物主义首要的基本观点,历史唯物主义科学说明了哲学的基本问题和认识论,把历史唯物主义作为辩证唯物主义在社会历史领域的推广的说法是不妥的。唯物史观消除了过去哲学和历史理论的包括最为隐蔽的缺点,是最有系统说服力的科学历史观。历史唯物主义的方法论意义既体现为历史唯物主义是一种不同于以前研究历史的新的并且是科学的方法上,又体现为历史唯物主义主要是研究的方法而不是研究历史的教条。马克思主义经济学同唯物史观具有紧密的内在统一性,相对于其他马克思主义社会科学学科,它同唯物史观的关系更为密切。马克思主义经济学和唯物史观的发展史表明,马克思经济学和唯物史观能够深刻揭示资本主义的历史性和人类社会历史发展的实质就在于两者的内在统一性。这种内在统一既体现在动态的学科发展史的过程中,也体现在静态的学科研究对象、研究内容和研究目的中。历史唯物主义方法是马克思主义各门科学包括马克思主义经济学的研究方法,它是事后的方法,即唯物史观在马克思经济学的研究中基本形成后,人们可以从中得到的方法论原则。马克思恩格斯在最初的经济学研究中不可能运用作为事后方法的历史唯物主义方法,但已明显体现出不同于资产阶级经济学唯心史观的新历史观,而历史观是历史的产物。从历史事实出发,不从既定理论出发,是唯物史观对理论研究包括经济学研究的根本要求,也是唯物史观经济学研究的根本出发点。唯物史观还要求经济学研究从物质生产实践这个人类社会最基本的经济事实出发。这两者都是历史唯物主义的要求,也是统一的。历史唯物主义方法还包括唯物史观的基本原理作为方法、历史辩证法、主体既定法、科学研究经济范畴和阶级分析法等方法。上述方法都是有联系的,可以形成一些基本的分析思路,比如我们运用从历史事实出发和生产实践出发的思路和方法来划分社会历史主体,然后对具体事物进行主体既定分析等,该思路体现在本文后两章中。历史唯物主义方法主要是一个从历史事实出发和从生产实践出发的研究态度和研究思路,并不神秘深奥,事前研究不要过于强调某些人们常说的原理,这些原理正需要我们以历史唯物主义方法和思路去研究。马克思主义经济学中还存在一般抽象思维方法以及抽象过程中的一些具体思维方法,如归纳与演绎、分析与综合、历史和逻辑相统一等,一些方法也是人类各门科学的基本研究方法。但马克思主义经济学和西方经济学方法论的发展史表明,衡量作为社会科学和历史科学的经济学的抽象法深浅和科学与否的根本标准在于历史观。错误的历史观导致或者一些方法本身就不是或不能成为真正的科学方法,或者一些本来是科学研究方法的具体方法失去了根本的意义。马克思主义经济学的研究方法主要分三层,第一层是历史唯物主义方法或简单地说即唯物的历史辩证法,但也包括了那些其本身并不是历史唯物主义理论特有的方法但被它科学说明了的方法,第二层是一般思维运动辩证方法,第三层是思维辩证运动中更加具体的方法。历史唯物主义或唯物的历史辩证法是在马克思主义经济学研究中运用后者的灵魂性方法。本文对历史唯物主义方法和原理的运用和进一步研究在广义政治经济学范围内进行。第四章基于人类社会生产活动的历史事实,从人类社会的生产实际出发,对人类生产什么、用什么生产、怎样生产进行历史考察,顺理成章提出对生产力、生产方式、生产关系、所有制诸范畴含义的探讨,而后以思想史实为基础,借鉴相关理论研究成果加以说明。随后在历史事实和理论研究的基础上,根据生产的特殊社会形式及其体现的生产关系对社会历史进行了一般阶段的划分,即依存关系的社会阶段、依附关系的社会阶段、资本所有的社会阶段,可分别称为原始社会、封建社会与资本主义社会。古希腊罗马地区还存在一种特殊社会形态,称为奴隶社会。随后本文在历史事实的基础上表明生产力决定生产方式进而决定生产关系的社会历史变迁原理,并借鉴相关研究进行理论说明,同时在各地区具体历史事实的基础上说明该原理和历史发展的辩证关系。第五章对农村公社、土地国家所有、合作社、股份公司等典型研究对象进行主体既定分析,表明和分析所选研究对象及其发展变化是不同历史阶段主要生产方式和生产关系及其发展变化的一个侧面或表现,进一步深化对社会历史主体的认识。

【Abstract】 Methodology is an important research topic of Marxist economics.Historical materialism is the soul of Marxist economics as a social science and historical science. The research on methods and principles of historical materialism of Marxist economics is not limited to general discussion, we need to deepen the cognition in use. The methodology of historical materialism is essentially a train of thought. Moreover, one of the purposes of methodological research is to use,we need to take the initiative to study.Historical materialism is practical materialism,dialectical materialism and radical materialism, the practice is the primary viewpoint of historical materialism,historical materialism explain the basic problem of philosophy and epistemology. historical materialism is not the dialectical materialism which is applied to the field of society and history. Materialism historical view is the most scientific historical view. materialism historical view as a new methodology in historical research is not religious dogma.The unity between materialism historical view and Marxist economics is inherent.History of the development of Marxist economics and historical materialism show that Marxist economics and historical materialism could reveal the secrets of human history,which lies in the inner unity. The inner unity is reflected in the dynamic history of development and the static features of subject. idealism historical view which embodied in western economics prove the inner unity from the opposite side.The methodology of historical materialism is the research methods of all the Marxist discipline including economics, it is an approach after the event. We could derive the methodology when the historical materialism in the study of Marxist economics reached maturity. It is impossible that Marx and Engels should use the the methodology of historical materialism in the initial economic study.But it had reflected a new historical view which was different from the idealism historical view of bourgeois economics. The historical view is a product of history. The fundamental starting point and thinking of the methodology of historical materialism of Marxist economics is“starting from the historical facts”and“starting from production practice”. Other methods include the basic principles of historical materialism as methods, established social formation analytic methods,historical dialectics, economic category analytic methods, class analytic methods, etc.it can form some idea of fundamental analysis. The methodology of historical materialism is essentially a train of thought. The principles of historical materialism need to be studied by the methodology of historical materialism.Marxist economics method also includes some general abstract thinking method and specific thinking methods, such as induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, the unity of history and logic, and so on, The history of the development of the methodology in Marxist economics and western economics show that the critical standard in accordance with abstract method is historical view. Some methods can not become a real scientific method or some scientifical method become meaningless because of the wrong view of history. Marxist economics research methods can be divided into three layers, the first layer is the method of historical materialism or historical dialectics of materialism, the second layer is the dialectical method in general thinking movement, the third layer is more specific approach in dialectical thinking movement. The first layer is the soul of the whole approach.We use and research the methods and principles of historical materialism in the range of the general political economics .The fourth chapter start from production practice and explore production of human society in history,study some category,such as productivity, mode of production,relations of production,ownership and so on.We divide human history into three stages named primitive society,feudal society and capitalist society according to social form of production and relations of production. We discuss principles of social change on the basis of historical facts. We show the dialectical relationship between the relevant principles. The fifth chapter analyse objects by established social formation analytic methods and show that the development and changes of objects is one side of social change. The specific research process and research finding on land state ownership, rural commune, cooperatives and stock company,see text.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

