

Cultural Approval and Cultural Control: A Study on the Folk Belief of Qin and Han Dynasty

【作者】 李秋香

【导师】 龚留柱;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 秦汉时期的民间信仰,作为秦汉文化史的重要组成部分,反映了当时民众对于宇宙和人生的理解及认识。对它进行深入研究,对于我们全面理解中国传统文化,具有民俗学、文化史、思想史、社会史和地域文化史等多方面的重要意义。所谓秦汉民间信仰,它的信仰者不仅仅包括处于社会基层的广大民众,而且包括一些地方官吏和皇室上层。秦汉民间信仰的形成有其特殊的历史背景,即稳定的农业经济基础、深厚的历史文化积淀和大一统的政治环境。在这样的背景下,秦汉民间信仰呈现出四个主要特点:即传统神祇与新造神灵并存;信仰对象等级性限制的减弱与世俗化特征的加强;神灵地域性特色的相对减弱与一统性特色的凸显;异地神灵与宗教神灵影响的逐渐扩大等。民间信仰具有重要的文化功能,而文化认同与文化控制便是其文化功能的重要体现。文化认同和文化控制是相互依存的两个方面。文化认同是文化控制的前提,而文化控制是文化认同的结果,两者又都是民间信仰所发挥的文化作用之重要组成部分。秦汉时期,民间信仰在大一统的文化背景下,在主流文化的强烈渗透下,其所发挥的功能主要是文化认同与文化控制。也就是说,民间信仰在促进文化认同、加强文化控制方面发挥着积极的作用。秦汉民间信仰的文化认同功能主要体现在四个方面:地域文化认同、族群文化认同、历史文化认同和异地文化认同。首先,秦汉时期,基层民众以所在地域的基层社神、两个或多个地域的民众以所在地的跨地域人神为信仰对象,围绕着此信仰对象的物化象征,通过对此类神灵的祭献及外在的仪式等群体活动,从而找到了人群的身份归属即实现了彼此的文化认同。此即民间信仰所发挥的地域文化认同功能。其次,秦汉时期的华夏—汉族群以始祖神为共同的信奉对象,围绕着信仰对象的物化形式,通过流播有关祖先的创世伟业等神话传说,从而实现了本族群的文化认同。此即民间信仰所发挥的族群文化认同功能。复次,秦汉时期的多个社会阶层以古圣贤为信仰对象,围绕着信仰对象的物化象征,通过对古圣贤事迹的重新构建和传播,从而实现了共同的历史文化认同。此即民间信仰所发挥的历史文化认同功能。最后,秦汉时期的各社会阶层对西王母这位来自异地的神灵不断进行加工改造,为我所用,随着信仰圈的扩大,西王母成为大家共同的信仰对象,成为正式宗教在中原诞生或普及之前对民众影响最大的一位民间信仰神灵,或者说西王母被异于自身的文化所接受和改造。此为民间信仰的异地文化认同功能。秦汉民间信仰的文化控制类型主要分为禁忌类、巫术类、儒家伦理类、宗教类等四大部分。它们分别在解除人们日常生活中的焦虑感、维护家庭和谐、保护个体生命及其身体健康、减缓社会矛盾、协调人与自然之间的关系、和合不同社会阶层地位的差异、明确家庭尊卑长幼的名分、实现对信仰群体的控制与维护社会稳定等方面发挥了积极的作用。秦汉时期民间信仰的文化认同和文化控制功能并不是一成不变的,而是随着时代的发展而变迁。此时期民间信仰的文化认同功能变迁总体上呈现出地域文化认同的由强变弱及族群文化认同和历史文化认同功能的渐趋增强等方面。民间信仰文化控制功能的变迁主要表现为:从先秦到秦汉之际,巫术类和禁忌类在文化控制中占据主导地位。但在西汉中期后,儒家伦理类文化所发挥的控制功能逐渐增强。随着西汉末东汉初佛教的东传和东汉末年原始道教的创立,宗教类文化控制在民间信仰中的地位逐渐突出。但新的文化控制手段的出现,并不意味着旧有的文化控制手段的迅速消失。相反,它们在新的历史条件下不断发生交融与整合,从而对民众的日常行为及精神世界发挥着强有力的文化控制作用。而国家政策法令的干预和主流文化的影响、人的社会化途径的多重作用、自然迫力的持续及生存危机感的出现、文化交流尤其是异文化对本文化的冲击和影响等,是导致秦汉民间信仰文化认同和文化控制等文化功能发生变迁的主要动因。简言之,文化认同与文化控制是秦汉民间信仰文化功能的重要体现,民间信仰的多种文化认同和文化控制功能不仅体现为共时性,而且随着时代的发展而变迁,而导致变迁的动因则与时代背景密切相关。

【Abstract】 As an important component of the Qin and Han Dynasty’s cultural history, the folk belief of the Qin and Han Dynasty had reflected the people’s understanding and regarding for the universe and the life at that time. Conducting the deeper research to it has the folklore, the cultural history, the thinking history, the social history and the region cultural history and so on various important meanings for us to understand China traditional culture comprehensively.The votaries of the so-called folk belief of the Qin and Han Dynasty not only included the general public who were in the basic social units, but also including some local government officials and some members from imperial families or upper classes of the society. The Qin and Han Dynasty’s folk belief played the positive role in the aspects of promoting culture approval and strengthening cultural control.The formation of the folk belief had its special historical background in the Qin and Han Dynasty, namely stable agricultural economy foundation and the deep historical culture accumulating and universal political contexts. Under such conditions, folk belief of the Qin and Han Dynasty presented four main features, namely traditional god and new-molding god coexisting; rank limit of belief object weakening and common custom characteristic enhancing; the regional characteristic of belief object relatively weakening and universal characteristic highlighting; god from different places and religious god’s influence expansion gradually.The folk belief has very important cultural function, and the cultural approval and the cultural control are the important manifestations of its cultural functions. The cultural approval and the cultural control are two aspects which depend on each other mutually. The cultural approval is the premise of the cultural control, the cultural control is the result of the cultural approval. Both are also the important component of the cultural function which the folk belief displays. The function that folk belief displayed in the Qin and Han Dynasty was mainly culture approval and cultural control under universal cultural contexts and the mainstream culture’s intense seepage. That was the folk belief playing the positive role in the two aspects of promoting culture approval and strengthening cultural control.The cultural approval function of the folk belief of the Qin and Han Dynasty mainly manifested in four aspects: region culture approval, ethnic group culture approval, historical culture approval and different cultural approval. First, in the Qin and Han Dynasty, the people in basic units took the regional society god as the belief object, or two or more regional communities took cross-regional person god as the belief object. Revolving their belief object’s transformation symbol, by offering sacrifices and holding external ceremony activity and so on, the public thus had found their status ownership, namely having realized each other’s cultural approval. This was the region culture approval function which the folk belief displayed. Next, the Qin and Han Dynasty’s Huaxia - Han ethnic group took the first ancestor god as common belief object. Revolving the belief object’s transformation symbol, by drifting myth and fable of creating the world by ancestor, the group thus had realized their cultural approval. This was the ethnic’s group approval function which the folk belief displayed. Again, many social strata of the Qin and Han Dynasty took ancient saints and sages as belief objects. Revolving belief object’s transformation symbol, by reconstructing the facts of the ancient saints and sages and disseminating it, the public thus had realized the common historical culture approval. This was the historical culture approval function which the folk belief displayed. Last, the various social stratums of the Qin and Han Dynasty carried on the processing creation of the West Queen the God who was from different place, being adopted by them in their understanding foundation. Along with the belief circle expansion, the West Queen became the belief objects of many social stratums, being the biggest God of folk belief for many people before the official religion birth or the popularization in China. It was also the West Queen that was been accepted and transformed by different culture. This was the cultural approval question of the folk belief.The cultural control types of the Qin and Han Dynasty folk belief were mainly divided into the taboo kind, the witchcraft kind, Confucianism ethics kind and the religion kind and so on. They played the positive role separately in relieving the anxious feeling of the people’s daily life, maintenance family harmonious, protecting individual life and health, slowing down the society to be contradictory, relating between humanity and nature, reducing the difference of different social class stratums, clearing the status of the family members between high and low or old and young, realizing control to believes community, maintaining social stability and so on.The cultural approval and the culture control function of folk belief of the Qin and Han Dynasty were not still. They were changing along with time development. In this period, the folk belief’s cultural approval function vicissitude presented as a whole the form of weakness of the region culture approval function and tending to be enhancement of the ethnic group culture approval function and the historical culture approval function and so on. Main performance of the vicissitude of the culture control function of the folk belief was, from pre-Qin to the Qin and Han Dynasty, the witchcraft class and the taboo class occupied the dominant position in the cultural control. But after the Western Han Dynasty intermediating stage, the Confucianism ethics class displayed the control function strengthens gradually. Along with Buddhism’s east-pass-in in the late western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty firstly years and the primitive Taoism establishing in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the religion kind culture control highlighted gradually in the folk belief’s status. But the appearance of the new cultural control methods did not mean the vanishing of the old some cultural control methods. On the contrary, the former blended with the conformity unceasingly under the new historic condition. Thus they played the powerful culture control action to people’s daily behavior and their inner world. Main agent causing vicissitude of cultural functions of folk belief of the Qin and Han Dynasty was, the intervention of national policy law, the influence of mainstream culture, the multiple actions of human’s socialized way, the continuing of nature oppression strength and the appearance of survival crisis feeling, cultural exchange and particularly the impact and influence of different cultures to this culture.In brief, cultural approval and cultural control were the important manifestation of folk belief’s culture function of the Qin and Han Dynasty. The folk belief’s many kinds of cultural approval function and culture control function not only existed together in some time interval, but also changed with time pass. The function vicissitude was to be related with the history background.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】K232
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2647

