

Study on the Theories and Methods of Agricultural Land Price Evaluation

【作者】 陈常优

【导师】 苗长虹;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 人文地理学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 农用土地作为一种重要的土地利用类型,具有经济、社会、生态功能;同时,农用土地也是一种重要的土地资产,具有经济、社会、生态价值。在快速的城市化及新农村建设的背景下,农用土地的流转、征收、转用等现象越来越普遍。为了更好地保障农民的切身利益,建立完善的农用土地市场,提高农用土地的使用效率,就必须建立合理的农用土地价格体系、评估方法体系。本文在对国内外农用土地价格评估分析和总结的基础上,采用理论分析与实证分析相结合、定量分析与定性分析相结合、多学科综合分析研究等方法,对农用土地的属性和权属及其对农用土地价格的影响因素进行了全面系统的分析,构建了农用土地价格评估的理论体系,归纳了不同农用土地的各种价格评估的方法和过程,深入分析了农用土地的经济、社会、生态价值及价格构成,提出了农用土地流转价格、转用价格、征农价格、征转价格的价格体系,并以河南省济源市为例,基于开发的农用土地估价信息系统进行了实证研究。本文主要包括以下几个部分:第一部分是绪论。主要在分析了农用土地价格评估背景、目的和意义,并对国内外的研究进展及存在问题进行了详细的分析和说明。第二部分是农用土地的属性和权属分析。农用土地具有经济属性、社会属性和生态属性,不同的属性决定了农用土地不同的价格构成;农用土地的权属包括集体土地所有权、集体土地承包经营权、国有农用土地使用权、“四荒地”产权,不同的农用土地产权具有不同的价格。第三部分对农用土地的价值构成、价格构成、价格体系及其影响因素等进行了系统分析。农用土地的价值由经济价值、社会价值和生态价值构成,与此相对应,农用土地的价格包括经济价格、社会价格、生态价格;由此,农用土地的价格体系包括农用土地流转价格、转用价格、征农价格、征转价格;影响农用土地价格的因素包括经济因素、社会因素和生态环境因素,各种因素对农用土地价格有着不同的影响。第四部分重点探讨了农用土地价格的理论基础,并分析了各种理论对农用土地价格评估的作用。农用土地价格评估的理论基础主要有农用土地效用理论(包括地租理论、区位理论、土地肥力理论)、农用土地成本理论、农用土地供求理论等,这些理论是构建农用土地价格评估方法、建立农用土地评估模型的理论依据。第五部分在总结国内外有关土地价格评估方法的基础上,结合农用土地的特点,提出了各种农用土地不同价格的评估方法,并根据农用土地价格评估的需要,探讨了农用土地估价信息系统的设计与实现。农用土地经济价格主要是由农用土地的经济价值决定的,其评估的主要方法有收益还原法、市场比较法、成本逼近法、剩余法、收益倍数法等;农用土地社会价格是由农用土地的社会价值决定的,即农用土地作为农民生存保障功能、社会福利功能和保障粮食安全功能的社会价值,包括农用土地社会保障价格及社会稳定价格,并分别通过养老保险金、耕地开垦费等替代方法予以评估;农用土地的生态价格是由农用土地的生态价值决定的,即农用土地的净化空气、减少污染、保持水土、维护物种多样性等功能的生态价值,主要通过假设市场评价法、费用支出法、恢复和保护费用法、收益还原法、影子工程法等方法予以评估。农用土地评估离不开GIS技术的支持,本文具体探讨了农用土地估价信息系统的总体设计、数据库设计、详细设计及主要功能的实现,并以MapGIS作为基础平台,基于类库的方式进行二次开发予以实现。第六部分以河南省济源市为例,基于农用土地估价信息系统,在对农用土地进行综合级别划分的基础上,采用本文设计的评估方法,对各种农用土地的不同价格进行了评估,并对评估结果的进行了分析。研究结果表明,在各级别经济价格中,园地价格最高,耕地价格次之,林地最低,同一地类价格随着级别降低而降低:在各级别社会价格中,耕地最高,园地次之,林地最低,同一地类随着级别降低,价格也逐渐降低;在各级别生态价格中,林地最高,园地次之,耕地最低,同一地类价格随着级别降低而降低;在各级别综合价格中,耕地价格最高,园地价格次之,林地价格最低。这些变化规律符合济源市实际。第七部分是结论与建议,对全文进行总结,指出了本文存在问题及今后的研究方向。

【Abstract】 Agricultural land has economic, social and ecological functions as an important land use type; agricultural land is also an important land asset with economic, social, and ecological value. Under the background of rapid urbanization and new rural construction, the phenomenons of Land circulation, acquisition, and conversion have become increasingly common. In order to protect the vital interests of farmers better, establish a sound agricultural land market and improve the agricultural land’s utility efficiency, rational price system and evaluation methodology system of the agricultural land must be established.Based on the analysis and summarization of domestic and foreign agricultural land prices, this paper use several methods such as the combinations of theoretic analysis and empirical analysis, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, and multidisciplinary research to make an overall analysis of the property and ownership of the agricultural land as well as its impact factors on the agricultural land price, build the theory system of agricultural land price evaluation, conclude the methods and processes for evaluation of the agricultural land’s various prices, analyze the economic, social, and ecological values as well as its price structure deeply, propose the price system of agricultural land’s transfer price, conversion price, acquisition price as well as acquisition transfer price, and take Jiyuan City as an example for empirical study based on the agricultural land evaluation information system. This paper includes the following sections:The first part is an introduction which mainly analysis the background, purpose and significance of the agricultural land price evaluation, and make an detailed analysis and explanation of the study progress and existing problems.The second part is an analysis on the ownership and property of the agricultural land. Agricultural land has economic attributes, social attributes and ecological attributes. Different attributes determine the different price composition of the agricultural land; Ownership of the agricultural land includes collective land ownership, collective land management rights transfer, state-owned land use rights and "4 moorland" property. Different property rights of the agricultural land have different ownership prices.In the third part, value composition, price formation, price system and its influencing factors are analyzed. The value of the agricultural land include economic value, social value and ecological value, while the agricultural land price includes economic price, social price and ecological price; Correspondingly, the price system of the agricultural land includes transfer price, conversion price, acquisition price and acquisition transfer price; the factors affecting the price of the agricultural land include economic factors, social factors and ecological factors. Different factors have different effects on the agricultural land prices. The fourth part focuses on the theoretical basis of the agricultural land prices, and also analyzes the effects of various theories on agricultural land price evaluation. The theoretical basis of agricultural land price evaluation mainly include agricultural land utility theory (including land rent theory, location theory and land fertility theory), agricultural land cost theory, agricultural land supply and demand theory. These theories provide theoretical basis for construction of agricultural land price evaluation and establishment of agricultural land evaluation model.In the fifth part, the evaluation methods for all kinds of agricultural lands are raised based on the summarization of the land price evaluation methods at home and abroad as well as combination of the attributes of agriculture land. Meanwhile, the design and implementation of the agricultural land evaluation information system are also discussed in accordance with the needs of agricultural land price evaluation. The economic price of the agricultural land is mainly determined by the quality value of the agricultural land. The main evaluation methods include income approach, market comparison approach, cost approach, residual method, earnings multiple methods and so on.The social price of the agricultural land is decided by its social value which refers to provide living protection, social welfare for farmers and provide food security for society. The social price of the agricultural land is composed by social security price and social stability price, and is assessed by the means of matured endowment, land reclamation costs and so on; the ecological price of agricultural land is determined by the ecological value of agricultural land which refers to the ecological values of the clean air, reducing pollution, soil and water conservation, maintenance of the species diversity and so on. It is primarily evaluated through contingent valuation method, expenditure restoration and protection method, capitalization of earnings, shadow project and so on. Agricultural land price can’t be evaluated without the support of GIS technology; this paper discussed specifically the overall design, database design and detailed design of Agricultural Land Evaluation Information System as well as the implementation of its main features. MapGIS is used as a basic platform to achieve secondary development based on the class libraries.In the sixth part, Jiyuan City of Henan Province is taken as an example to evaluate different prices of different types of agricultural lands with the method which is designed in this paper based on Agricultural Land Evaluation Information System as well as to explain the application of the evaluation results. The study results show that the price of the garden plot is the highest in all levels of economical prices, followed by farmland price, and the woodland’s price is the lowest. The lower the level for the same land type, the lower the price; about all levels of social prices, the price of cultivated land is highest, followed by garden plot and then woodland; about all level of ecological prices, woodland price is highest, followed by garden plot and then cultivated land; refering to the composite price of all types of lands, the cultivated land’s price is the highest, followed by garden plot and then woodland. Such variation laws are applicable for the actual line of Jiyuan City. The seventh part is for the conclusion and recommendations which includes a summary of the text, the defects of this paper and the future research directions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1518

