

On Research Methods of Phenomenological Pedagogy and Its Application

【作者】 王萍

【导师】 王北生;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 教育领域存在两种相背的倾向:一方面教育理论不断玄思化、抽象化,另一方面教育实践越来越操作化、技术化,教育理论与实践按照各自不同的思维模式与运行方式发展,二者之间的鸿沟越拉越大。寻求教育理论与实践之间的结合是教育研究者不懈的追求。教育现象学是教育研究的一种新视域,其理论在具体的研究中生成,理论与实践本然一体。因此,做教育现象学研究则会带来融合教育理论与实践关系的可能,而对“教育现象学方法及其应用”的研究,将促成这种可能的实现。教育现象学是一个新生领域,人们认识相对多元,对教育现象学进行本真追问,将澄明教育现象学的基本问题。因其鲜明的实践性、浓郁的人文性、至高的规范性,以及强烈的反思性等特点,教育现象学成为一个独特领域。其独特不仅仅在于自身的特点,也在于其自下而上生成的状态,在于其是实践之学。作为实践之学,教育现象学方法非常重要;而作为新生之学,教育现象学方法的研究也非常必要。同时,对教育现象学移植的中国土壤的追寻,将使在中国语境中研究教育现象学方法及其应用获得意义与价值。对教育现象学方法哲学方法论的探讨是对其方法及应用研究的理论基础。现象学运动为教育现象学方法提供了理论滋养,悬置与还原、直观、描述、反思、解释等现象学方法对教育现象学方法具有方法论意义。作为哲学基础,现象学为教育现象学提供了“回到事物本身”的基本原则,决定了教育现象学研究的范式;作为方法论,现象学方法为教育现象学方法提供了普遍原则,决定了其超越于归纳与演绎之外,决定了其研究教育生活实践及教育生活体验。教育现象学方法的研究是其应用的关键。通过对已有教育现象学作品的文本分析,感性地提炼出教育现象学的部分方法要素,并对其主要方法,如对话式访谈、教育学观察、趣闻轶事的改写、追溯辞源、主题或意义分析、文本写作等,进行理性阐释。这些方法将教育现象学方法与教育叙事、教育人种志等质性研究方法区分开来,在方法辨析中,进一步凸显教育现象学方法的独特。方法只有在具体实践中才是鲜活的,对我国教育情境中普遍存在的中学生厌学体验进行研究,从选取问题、搜集并整理厌学体验故事、分析厌学体验及故事、追溯厌学的辞源、探寻厌学体验的意义,以及厌学体验研究的文本写作等六个方面,逐步展示了教育现象学方法的具体应用。任何方法都不可能放之四海而皆准,教育现象学方法也有其自身的适用范围与局限。通过分析已有教育现象学研究的主题,归结出教育现象学方法可应用于空间、时间、主体性、以及关系等体验研究中。同时,作为一种具体方法和作为一种生活态度,教育现象学方法分别有不同的应用范围。教育现象学方法作为一种独特的教育研究视角,不仅丰富了教育研究的方法体系,而且,其长期充分应用,将有可能变革教育研究的思维、融合教育理论与实践的关系、坚持教育的本真。当然,教育现象学方法的研究及应用任重而道远。

【Abstract】 There are two opposite trends in education: one is the theory becomes more and more abstract, the other is the practice becomes more operational and more technical. The theory and the practice update themselves according to different model of thinking and running, and the wide gap between them changes wider. It’s the untiring pursue of educational researchers to find the way to integrate theory with practice. The phenomenological of pedagogy is a new field which theory comes from its practice, and the integration of theory with practice will come true if we have done more researches of phenomenological of pedagogy. That is why so important to research the theme of“research methods of phenomenological pedagogy and its implication”.It’s necessary to clarify some fundamental issues about the phenomenological pedagogy because there are different viewpoints on it. The phenomenological pedagogy is a unique field. Its uniqueness lies on not only its stressing on practicality, humanity, normality, and reflection, but also it’s a kind of practical knowledge from the bottom-up. As a result, the issues of research methods of phenomenological pedagogy and its implication are important. It will make research on“research methods of phenomenological pedagogy and its implication”sense to find the importing foundation in China.It’s the theoretical foundation of research methods of phenomenological pedagogy inquiring its philosophy and methodology. To phenomenological pedagogy, the phenomenology movement is fertilization of it, and some phenomenological method, suspending, reduction, intuition, description, reflection, interpretation and so on, are its methodology.“Back to things themselves”is the fundamental rule of phenomenological pedagogy, which decides its paradigm. The phenomenological methods are the general principles of phenomenological pedagogy, which decide it beyond the induction and deduction, and decide it research lived experience in education. Investigating the research methods of phenomenological pedagogy is the key to its application. We sum up and illustrate research methods of phenomenological pedagogy by text analysis. Research methods of phenomenological pedagogy consist of depth interviewing, educational observing, anecdote editing, etymology tracing, to theme or meaning analyzing and text writing. There are differences between research methods of phenomenological pedagogy and the narrative research of education, and the differences also exist in research methods of phenomenological pedagogy and the ethnography of education.The method is alive in practice. We choose“the experience of learning-disgust in middle school”and to demonstrate the research steps, such as how to choose the title, how to collect, edit and analyze the stories, how to trace the etymology of disgust, how to seek the meaning of learning-disgust, and how to writing the essay.No method to be applicable everywhere and research methods of phenomenological pedagogy have its field and limits of application. After analyzing some researches of phenomenological pedagogy, I conclude that research methods of phenomenological pedagogy are valid in researches in space experience, time experience, subjectivity experience, and relation experience. It will have different field of application when we regard the research methods of phenomenological pedagogy as attitudes toward life.Research methods of phenomenological pedagogy are unique and additional perspective in education research. The new prospects will open up for us if we have done more researches of phenomenological pedagogy, which contain changing the model of thinking, integrating educational theory to practice, persisting in the reality of education. While the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】G40
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2239

