

The Research on Human Resources Development in Farmer Professional Cooperative

【作者】 张美珍

【导师】 李录堂;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 农民专业合作社是世界合作社制度在农业生产经营上的推广应用,已经成为各国农民有效应对激烈的市场竞争,提高经济地位,发展农村民主,增进团结互助和邻里友爱的重要组织,并作为现代农业建设中一项十分重要的产业组织而被各国政府所重视。我国农民专业合作社起步晚,但起点高,在创新农业经营体制机制、建设现代农业、增加农民收入等方面发挥了重要作用。同时,由于它出现的时间还不长,人们对它的了解还不够深刻,在发展过程中也存在着不少的问题,而其中制约合作社发展的关键因素之一就是合作社人力资源开发与管理。根据《农民专业合作社法》规定合作社成员80%是农民,20%可以是企业、事业单位、自然人等等。因此,如何针对80%农民成员进行开发管理,又如何充分发挥其他20%各类成分成员的优势和积极性,就成为农民专业合作社取得法律地位之后规范迅速发展的一个重大问题。本文通过对人力资本理论、人力资源开发理论、团队理论等理论的运用,基于农民分类管理视角,对农民专业合作社应具备的人力资源进行分类,分析农民专业合作社目前人力资源的总量特征和结构特征。农民专业合作社成员中80%是农民,农民专业合作社人力资源开发,本质上是对农民的人力资本的投资开发,开发的主体主要是政府和合作社。政府的开发途径主要包括基础教育、职业教育和培训以及健康与卫生保健。通过对比分析,总结国外发达国家的成功经验,发现我国政府在农民人力资源的开发方面存在失灵。针对农民专业合作社成员中可以有20%的其他各类人员,基于博弈理论,合作社通过建立与企业家、龙头企业、科技人员的利益联结机制将外部优质人力资源引进合作社内部。这样,最终构建农民专业合作社的人力资本团队模型——以企业家为核心,以各类经营管理技术人才为骨干,以实用人才为基础的人力资本团队,运用企业人力资源管理方式对农民专业合作社人力资本团队进行培育与激励,从而实现农民专业合作社持续快速发展壮大。因此,本文可能的创新点有以下三点:一是从建立利益联结机制试图解决农民专业合作社人力资源开发中人才引进的问题;二是率先提出农民专业合作社的人力资本团队结构模型;三是首次提出开设“合作经济”自考专业,为合作社铺设人才管道。全文共分八章,各章研究内容及基本观点简介如下:第一章,导论。本章介绍了选题的背景、研究的目的与意义,对国内外研究动态进行了梳理,阐述了本文的研究思路与方法,形成了研究的基本架构与可能的创新点。第二章,理论基础。本章主要研究了农民专业合作社人力资源开发的三个基础性理论——人力资本理论、人力资源开发理论、团队理论。人力资本理论和人力资源开发理论的启示是要加大农村人力资本投资开发力度,注重人力资本的利用和团队合作,人力资本理论和人力资源开发理论的发展过程实际上也就是农村人力资源开发理论的发展过程;团队理论表明要组建和创造真实的、高效的团队,切实提高组织绩效并促进组织成员发展。第三章,以陕西省为例进行的实证研究。首先在阐述合作社发展现状的基础上,进行农民参加合作社需求和意愿的实证研究,指出农民参加合作社取得的成效和面临的问题。其次依然以陕西省调研的数据为基础,分析了农村人力资源结构与总量特征。最后得出农村人力资源的现状是制约农民专业合作社发展的重要因素之一。第四章,国外主要发达国家在农村人力资源开发的成功经验,以及国外农民专业合作社各种人力资本团队的运行和成功经验。本章总结日本、德国和美国在农村人力资源开发的经验和做法,同时以日本农协依托型人力资本团队,德国农业专业合作社型团队和美国新一代合作社人力资本团队为研究对象,重点研究了它们的运行情况,并总结了其成功经验,作为国内农村人力资源开发和合作社人力资本团队构建与运行的借鉴。第五章,以政府为主体的农民专业合作社人力资源开发。本章通过对政府在农村人力资源开发的三个主要途径的分析,包括农村基础教育、农村职业技术教育和培训以及农村医疗保健,发现政府在农村人力资源开发存在诸多问题,出现政府失灵现象。我国农村人力资本积累就处于一种落后状态。因此,必须规范政府行为,加大政府在农村人力资源开发的投入,为农民专业合作社储备和输送优良人力资源。第六章,以利益联结为机制的农民专业合作社人力资源。农民专业合作社人力资源开发中的利益联结机制实际上是农民专业合作社与相关主体如农民企业家、龙头企业和科技人才等的利益扭结在一起的博弈网络。本章分别分析了合作社与企业家、龙头企业和科技人才利益联结的优势、风险和意义,以及建立相应的利益联结机制,从而实现将外部优质人力资源顺畅引进合作社内部,优化合作社人力资源结构,壮大合作社的目的。第七章,农民专业合作社人力资本团队构建与管理。本章基于农民分类管理视角,将农村人力资源分为专业农民、兼业农民和专业农民,这种分类为农村人力资源分类培训、技能鉴定等活动奠定了基础,同时也为合作社将专业农民纳入组织体系,按照企业人力资源管理模式进行管理奠定了基础。通过对合作社企业家、各类经营管理技术人员和实用人才的培育和激励,最终构建合作社人力资本团队模型,即以合作社企业家为核心、各类经营管理技术人员为骨干以及大量的实用人才为基础的农民专业合作社人力资本团队。这是农民专业合作社人力资源开发的最终落脚点,也能令到合作社充分运用团队优势和力量,实现合作社发展壮大的终极目标。第八章,结论和展望。通过研究得出一些结论,并提出将来合作社发展趋势和进一步研究方向。

【Abstract】 Farmer professional cooperative is the popularization and application of the world’s co-operative system in agricultural production and management,which has become an effective organization response to the fierce market competition,improve economic status,to develop the rural democracy,promote solidarity and neighborhood friendliness by the peasants,and has been valued by governments as a very important industrial organization in modern agricultural construction. farmer professional cooperative in China started late,but had the high starting point,has played an important role in the innovation of agricultural management systems and mechanisms,building modern agriculture,increasing farmers income. At the same time,we should also see that People understand it not impressive enough because it appears not a long time. There are also a lot of problems in the development process,of which the key factors constraining the development of cooperatives is human resources development and management of co-operative.According to "Farmers Professional Cooperatives Act," provides 80% of cooperative members are the farmers,20% can be enterprises,institutions,natural persons and so on. Therefore,how to develop and manage the farmers,and also give full play to advantages and enthusiasm of the others,became a major problem after farmer professional cooperative get the legal status.Through human capital theory,human resource development theory,team theory and other theories,this paper classified the right human resources in farmer professional cooperative,analyzed the total characteristics and structural features of current human resources in farmers cooperatives. Human resource development in farmers cooperatives is farmer’s investment in human capital development in essence. The development subject is the government and cooperatives. The Government’s development ways include basic education,vocational education and training,as well as health and health care.By summing up the successful experiences in developed countries,we found that the development of human resources of the farmers has government failure. Based on game theory , co-operatives through the establishment interests linking mechanism with entrepreneurs,leading enterprises,scientific and technological personnel,introduce them in the co-operatives.In this way,eventually building a farmers cooperative team of human capital which entrepreneurs is the core,all kinds of management and technical personnel as the backbone,practical people as basement in human capital team,train and incentive the human capital team of farmers cooperative, to achieve sustained and rapid development and growth of farmers professional cooperative. Therefore,this paper may have the three innovations as follows: First,the establishment of a interests linking mechanism could resolve talents introduction in the human resource development of farmers professional cooperatives; Second,be the first to propose the structure model of human capital team in farmers professional cooperatives; third , propose firstly to set up "cooperative economy" of teach-oneself exam,lay professional talent pipeline for cooperatives.Full-text is divided into eight chapters,content and basic ideas of each chapter research are briefly described below:The first chapter is introduction. This chapter describes the background,the study purpose and meaning,domestic and foreign research of the topics. We also elaborated ideas and methods of this research,formed the basic framework and the possible innovation.Chapter II is the theoretical basis. This chapter mainly studies human capital theory,human resource development theory,team theory which are the three basic theories for human resources development of the farmers professional cooperative. The revelation of human capital theory and human resource development theory is to increase investment efforts in human capital development in rural areas,focusing on the use of human capital,and teamwork; the development process of human capital theory and human resource development theory also is the development process of the theory of rural human resources development in fact; team theory that should be set up and create real,efficient team,and effectively improve organizational performance and to promote the development of organization members.Chapter III is to empirical research of Shaanxi Province. First described the development of cooperatives,then is empirical research on the needs and wishes of farmers in cooperatives,and pointed out the effectiveness and faced problems in cooperatives. Secondly,based on data of Shaanxi Province,analyzed the total and structure characteristics of rural human resources. Finally found the one important factor which restricting development farmers professional cooperative.The fourth is the successful experience of the major developed countries in the rural human resource development,as well as variety of human capital teams of foreign farmers professional cooperative. This chapter concludes rural human resource development experience and practice of Japan,Germany and the United States,focusing on their operation and summarizes the experiences of its success,as take examples by the country’s rural human resources development and cooperative team.Chapter V is human resources development of Government-led farmers professional cooperative. This chapter analyzed three main ways of rural human resource development by the government,including rural basic education,rural vocational and technical education and training,and health care,we found many problems of rural human resource development,especially the government failure. China’s rural human capital accumulation is in a state of backwardness. Therefore,we must regulate government action to increase government investment in rural human resources development,and distribution of professional quality human resources for farmers cooperatives.Chapter VI is the interest linkage mechanism of human resource development of farmers professional cooperatives. The interest of linkage mechanism is actually the farmers cooperatives and related subjects,such as farmers entrepreneurs,leading enterprises and scientific and technological talents linked the game network. Were analyzed benefits,risks and significance of linkage between cooperatives and entrepreneurs,leading business and technology professionals , and the establishment the corresponding interests bonding mechanisms,in order to achieve external quality human resources within the introduction cooperatives,optimize the cooperative structure of human resources,strengthen cooperative. Chapter VII is building and management of farmers cooperatives human capital team. This chapter divided rural human resources into professional farmers and industry farmers,which laid the foundation for rural human resource classification training,skills for identification and other activities,but also made the farmers professional cooperatives as part of organizational system,in accordance with corporate human resources management model. Through nurture and encourage of cooperatives entrepreneurs, all kinds of business management and technical personnel and practical talents,the ultimately build cooperative human capital model. This is the ultimate end result of farmers cooperative human resources development,but also brings the advantages of team strength,to achieve the ultimate goal of development and growth of cooperatives.Chapter VIII is conclusions and prospects. By studying we draw some conclusions and recommendations for the future trends in the development of cooperatives and further research directions.


