

The Study on Market Development of Agricultural Insurance in China

【作者】 孙善功

【导师】 郑少锋;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 农业发展的高风险性以及解决“三农”问题的时代背景需要农业保险市场规模的扩大。改革开放30年来,我国从未停止过对农业保险的探索,但其发展严重滞后于保险业发展和农业风险管理的需要,事实上未能真正起到风险补偿、资金融通以及社会管理的功能。我国农业保险市场的运行效率仍然比较低下,供需双方的矛盾仍然没有得到解决,如何提高农业保险市场的运行效率,怎样在农业保险产品的开发方面进行创新,政府应该以怎样的方式和力度对农业保险进行扶持,实施有效的宏观调控,最终拓展农业保险市场成为理论界和政府部门关注的热点之一。在这一背景下,就我国农业保险市场拓展问题进行研究具有重大的理论和现实意义。本文以保险市场和农业保险市场的有关理论为指导,在对我国农业保险发展的历程进行总结回顾的基础上,对我国农业保险市场拓展所面临的行业背景进行分析;然后,分别从农业保险市场拓展的需求主体培育、供给主体扶持、产品开发策略以及市场体系建设四个方面系统阐述了我国农业保险市场拓展的基本策略;最后,以安徽农业保险市场拓展模式为例,论述了在我国这样一个地域差距较大的发展中大国,农业保险市场拓展区域性模式存在的合理性及一般规律。本文的主要研究结论如下:我国农业保险市场的需求主体具有风险意识低、救灾观念传统、保险知识匮乏、文化水平低、收入有限、不信任保险公司、具有“跟风”心理、经营规模小、对农业预期收益低等特征;而供给主体具有保险机构数量有限、开办业务经验缺乏、基层保险人员数量少且素质低、承担的经营风险巨大、开办农险意愿低、区域性强、公司间竞争不充分等特征,这些主体行为特征制约了农业保险的进一步发展。因此,要开拓我国农业保险市场,首先必须发挥政府对市场供求主体的支持与宏观调控作用,为农业保险市场的发展营造良好的外部环境;同时,政府要认真分析与总结目前形成的各种农业保险区域性经营模式的特点,对有较强借鉴意义与代表性的模式积极进行推广;保险公司自身也要积极采取多种措施,在政府的政策扶持之下,对保险需求进行深入研究,在市场细分的基础上选择好目标市场,创新市场理念,不断加快农业保险产品的开发,并运用灵活的保险价格、通畅的销售渠道、新颖的保险产品、有效的促销策略,不断提升服务手段,趋利避害,实现农业保险市场业务的跨越发展。本文从不同市场主体和市场体系要素的角度对我国农业保险市场进行研究;采用市场营销理论的有关方法,分析了具体的农业保险市场开发策略;从我国农村和农民的实际出发,确定了目标市场消费者的构成要件,并根据其需求特点,选择了具体的产品策略、价格策略、促销策略和渠道策略,无论是在内容的系统性上、研究范围上还是研究视角上都体现出一定的创新之处。

【Abstract】 High-risk nature of agricultural development, as well as the historical background to solve the“three rural”issue needs the size of the agricultural insurance market to expand. Since 30 years of reforming and opening up, we have never stopped to explore on agricultural insurance, but it is far behind the development of insurance risk management in agriculture needed in China. In fact it failed to play an effect on risk compensation, financial intermediation as well as the social management features. The operating efficiency in china’s agricultural insurance market is still relatively low. The conflict between supply and demand has still not been resolved. How to improve the operational efficiency of the agricultural insurance market? How to innovate in the development of agricultural insurance products? What kind of approach and intensity of the Government should adapt to support agricultural insurance and to implementation effective macro-control and eventually to expand the agricultural insurance market? That problem becomes one of hot spots theoretical circles and government departments which pay close attention to.This paper takes the relevant theory of the insurance market and agricultural insurance market as guidance and bases on a summary review of development of agricultural insurance since the founding of China and analyze major problems and their causes which expansion of China’s agricultural insurance market has faced; Then, from the main cultivation the agricultural insurance market development needs of, supply of the main support, product development strategy of regulation and market regulation system, in those four areas describe the strategy to expand China’s agricultural insurance market; Finally, the paper takes Anhui agricultural insurance market development model as an example to discuss the rationality of the agricultural insurance market development′s regional model in our country which is a large developing country and exists geographical gap.The main conclusions of this study are as follows:The characteristics of main body of the needs in China’s agricultural insurance market is low in awareness, traditional in the concept of disaster, lack of the knowledge, low literacy levels, limited in income, does not trust insurance companies, with a "me too" mentality, operating small-scale agriculture and low expected in return; The characteristics of supply body are a limited number of insurance institutions, lack of start-up business experience, small number of primary insurers with a low quality, bear a huge risk to run business ,is low in the willing of agricultural insurance, strong in a regional competition , inadequate in inter-firm competition, the characteristics of these entities constraints to further develop agricultural insurance. Therefore, in order to open up China’s agricultural insurance market, first of all, the government must play support and macro-control role in the main market supply and demand to create a favorable external environment for the development of the agricultural insurance market; At the same time, the government should seriously analyze and sum up the characteristics of the current business model of regional of a variety of agricultural insurance to promote the model have a stronger representation of ; Insurance company itself must be actively taking various measures to study the need of insurance deeply under the Government’s policy support. And on the basis of segmentation in the market select the right target markets, insurance company innovate the market ideology accelerating the development of agricultural insurance products and use a flexible insurance prices, smooth distribution channels, innovative insurance products, effective marketing strategies to improve our means to service continuously, avoid disadvantages, realize the development of agricultural insurance market business by leaps and bounds.This paper study China’s agricultural insurance market from the view of different elements of market players and market systems; This paper adapts marketing theory analyzing specific development strategy in agricultural insurance market; From the reality of China’s rural areas and farmers, this paper identify the elements of consumers in the target market and in accordance with characteristics of their needs to choose a specific product strategy, pricing strategy, promotion strategy and channel strategy. Whether on the content of systemic or on the scope of the study or research perspective, it all reflects a certain degree of innovation.


