

Research on Brand-Building of Agricultural Products Based on Culture

【作者】 陈令军

【导师】 王礼力;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国市场经济的发展,农产品市场化程度的进一步提高,农产品的竞争性也表现得越来越明显。农产品怎样更好地走向市场,才能使生产经营者获得满意的利润与提高生产经营的积极性,成为值得关注与研究的问题。实践证明,品牌化经营是实现农产品差异化经营的必要手段,品牌农产品不仅能够有效提高产品的竞争力,而且往往能够给经营者带来稳定可观的利润。越来越多的企业及农业合作经济组织已开始关注品牌。与此同时消费者的需求正呈现多样化,不仅追求物质需求的满足,而且也追求心理需求的满足。品牌可以使消费者对产品产生信赖感,文化则有助于增强消费者的认同感,品牌与文化的耦合,使品牌价值易于得到实现,并且在一定程度上获得倍加与放大效应。充分发挥文化的作用,可以更好地为农产品走向市场服务并有助于创造经营的佳绩。目前国内围绕农产品品牌的研究取得了一些成果,关于在农产品品牌构建过程中应重视文化要素的提法也不鲜见,但系统性加以研究的很少,因而本文的研究具有一定的理论与实践意义。本文结合管理学、心理学、市场营销学、品牌管理学、农业经济学、文化经济学及消费者行为学等多学科的理论与知识,并运用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,着重从文化的视角探讨了我国农产品品牌构建问题。本文研究的主要目的在于,通过增强农产品品牌内涵,树立良好的农产品品牌形象,以便获得市场认同,更好地提高产品价值及提升农产品的市场竞争力。本文研究的基本思路与逻辑是,通过对农产品品牌相关文献的梳理以及对农产品品牌发展现状的分析,在探讨农产品品牌形成的影响因素基础上,提出文化在农产品品牌构建中的作用与价值,并通过探讨文化对农产品品牌的作用机理,提出基于文化的农产品品牌体系与模型,以期对农产品品牌形象树立及品牌资产增值有所裨益。文中对农产品品牌发展现状从数量与质量两个方面加以分析并总结了存在的一些问题,对农产品品牌形成的影响因素则主要从资源禀赋、生产技术与方式、市场环境、政府行为及产品质量、市场营销等角度加以概括,以上因素又集中反映到文化上。本文的文化视角包含了文化理念、文化资源与文化创设这样三层内涵,农产品品牌构建中的文化影响、文化作用机理及文化耦合问题是重点探讨的几个方面,农产品品牌构建体系也作为一个重点问题从品牌要素、品牌沟通及品牌形象三个相互联系的方面分别加以探讨,最后提出了基于文化的农产品品牌模型作为全文研究的汇总与提升。通过理论研究及与实践相结合,本文取得了一些有意义的结论:农产品品牌化经营具有多重意义与价值;农产品走向市场需要重视与文化的结合;文化能够提升农产品品牌价值及市场竞争力;农产品品牌需要系统化构建以及地域品牌是农产品品牌构建的重点。为了搞好农产品品牌构建,进一步提出相关对策建议:对生产经营者而言需要树立持续经营的理念、以竞争为导向及增强营销观念、提高农产品营销能力,加强企业文化建设也是必要的环节,以及加强政府对农产品品牌建设的支持与引导等。本文的创新之处主要在于以下几个方面:提出了“农产品的二元性”观点,即对农产品来说,物质性与文化性蕴含其中,而且文化性是逐渐增强的趋势;从文化对农产品品牌的载体、客体及经营主体的作用入手,分析了文化对农产品品牌的作用机理;构建了农产品、品牌与文化三者关系的“金三角模型”,即三者是一个紧密联系的整体,品牌给农产品施加品牌力,文化又对农产品与品牌施加文化力,三力合成于是成为一个“金三角”,并在结合有关理论基础上提出了“基于文化的农产品品牌模型”。以上观点的提出与模型的建立充实了农产品品牌理论,并有一定的实践应用价值。

【Abstract】 With the development of market economy of our country, market-oriented agricultural products increase furtherly, which have also become competitive apparently. It has been a big problem about how to get into the market for agricultural products well, so as to attain more profits to companies. It has been proved that branding is necessary means to realize the differentiated operation for agricultural products, branding products not only can effectively improve competitiveness, but also bring substaintial profits. More and more enterprises and agricultural economic cooperation organizations have begun to pay attention to brands. Meanwhile, the demand of consumer is diversified, who are pursuing for the demand of material as well as psychological. Brand can make consumers produce trust, and culture can enhance identity, brand value is implemented in a certain extent and gain more amplification effect through a combination with culture. By means of culture, it helps to get into the market for agriculture and creat greater successes.Currently some achievements of research on agricultural branding has been acquired, the proposals that culture in agricultural brand-building should be emphasized are not rare, but systematic research is poor, therefore this paper has certain theoretical and practical significance.This paper mainly discusses agricultural brand-building based on culture linking with management, psychology, marketing, brand management, agricultural economics, culture economics and consumer behavior science theory, and by use of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis methods. The research aims to enhance brand connotation of agricultural products, establish good brand image, and to improve the product value and the market competitiveness of agricultural products.The basic thinking and logic of this research is to propose the value and role of culture in the course of agricultural brand-building through the related literature and analysis of the current development of agricultural brand, and following the influence factors on the formation of brand, then put forward the system and model of agricultural brand based on the culture through the discussion of the function mechanism to agricultural brand for culture, so as to help to improve the brand image and brand asset value. The development status and some existing problems of agricultural brand from two aspects of quantity and quality are summarized, and the influence factors of agricultural brand are mainly from the resource predominance, production technology, market environment, government behavior, and the product quality and marketing aspects, but all kinds of factors above mentioned may concentrate to culture. The cultural perspective of this paper means cultural ideas, cultural resources and cultural creation. Cultural influences, mechanism and coupling in agricultural brand-building are discussed from several aspects as a key problem, and agricultural brand-building system is also analyzed from brand elements, brand image and brand communication respectively, and finally the model of agricultural brand based on culture is put forward as collection and ascension of this paper.Through the theoretical research combining with practice, many significant conclusions have been made: agricultural branding with multiple significance and value, agricultural products into market need to combine with culture, and culture can improve agricultural brand value and market competitiveness, and brand-building needs to be systematic and regional brands is especially important. In order to improve agricultural brand-building, this paper puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions furtherly, that is, to establish continuous operation concept, enhance competition oriented and improve agricultural marketing ability, and strengthen the enterprise culture construction, at the same time the support and guidance coming from government is necessary.The innovation of this paper mainly lies in the following aspects: firstly, putting forward“duality”of agricultural products, namely physical and cultural property is contained within it, and the cultural property is strenthenning gradually. secondly, analyzing the mechanism to agricultural products for culture, from the carrier, object and operators of agricultural brand. moreover, building“golden triangle model”among agricultural products, brand and culture, which is a close contact, and brand exerts to agricultural product, culture exerts to brand and agricultural product, thus becoming a“golden triangle”, and finally establishing“agricultural brand model based on culture”in conjunction with relevant research. The above ideas and models enrich the theory of agricultural brand and have some certain practical values.

  • 【分类号】F326;F203;G127
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2205
  • 攻读期成果

