

Study on Delopment of Agricultural Modernization in South Korea

【作者】 强百发

【导师】 樊志民;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业与农村社会发展, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 朝鲜半岛北部矿产丰富而南部资源相对贫瘠。殖民时期朝鲜半岛的近代工业主要集中于北方,南方仅有部分轻工业分布。半岛南部主要为农业区,水稻种植条件优越。南北朝鲜形成后,韩国成为纯粹的农业国。由于多山少地、人口稠密、资源匮乏,韩国一度曾经是世界上人口密度最大而资源最短缺的国家之一。韩国地处东亚,与我国有着相似的国情、农情。由于殖民统治和朝鲜战争的影响,20世纪50年代韩国曾为世界上最贫穷的国家之一。从殖民时期的农业近代化的起始,经历韩战期间的停滞与破坏,到20世纪60年代以后的飞速发展,韩国成功地实现了农业现代化。他们在推行新村运动,统筹城乡发展,缩小贫富差距等方面的实践,可资中国农业现代化借鉴。殖民时期,是韩国农业近代化的起始阶段。日本在占领与掠夺韩国农业资源的同时也带来了近代农业的某些因素。日本出于殖民之目的,对韩国的农地和林地进行调查;推行稻米增殖计划;加强农田基础设施建设;成立近代农业教育、科研机构;改善农业经营方式;推广西方农业科技。殖民统治与近代农业起始的同步性,在世界范围内都是一个颇具政治与民族情感的敏感话题,但是农业历史的学术研究与表达只能从客观实际出发。土地改革对农业现代化的推动作用。大韩民国成立后,韩国按照美国人设计的路线图,处理了归属土地问题并进行了土地改革。通过土地改革使“耕者有其田”,同时也使地主阶级逐步转变为新兴的工商资本家,为韩国工业发展与上世纪七十年代开展的新村运动奠定了基础。朝鲜战争前后韩国农业政策的调整、农村劳动的转移以及美援对韩国农业发展的作用。由于战争的影响,韩国经济濒临崩溃的边缘,粮食问题成为民生头等大事。韩国政府实行了比较积极的农业政策,加上美国的经济援助,渡过了当时的难关,稳定了国内社会秩序。民族工业在外国信贷的支持下也得到迅猛的发展。这一时期韩国采取非均衡发展战略,优先发展劳动密集型工业和重化学工业,为韩国民族工业打下了基础、提供了大量的就业机会,具备了农村富余劳动力转移到城市的客观条件。韩国新村运动、绿色革命与韩国农业现代发展。韩国工业化初期的二元经济结构矛盾已经比较突出,城市与乡村、市民与农民、工业与农业的社会地位、收入差距进一步拉大。韩国政府在并不富裕的情况下,较早启动了新村运动。他们实行粮食的双轨价格、加大对农村的投入力度;采取优惠的信贷政策和土地政策,使韩国的农村面貌得到改善;加上工业的进一步发展,农村劳动力成功地转移到城市。韩国二元经济结构问题基本得到解决,步入了农业现代化之路。随着农村劳动力向城市转移的速度加快,韩国开始推进农业的机械化生产,到20世纪80年代基本实现了农业机械化。利用比较先进的工业手段武装农业,是促进农业发展,消弥城乡差距的有效措施。在农(渔)业机械化的带动下,20世纪80年代以后韩国农(渔)业开发能力得到提升、生产稳步发展、粮食基本自给,生活水平得到很大提高,提高农业竞争力,应对WTO规则的农业政策变化。随着加入WTO,韩国面临开放农业市场的压力。韩国进一步调整农业政策,提倡发展环境友好型农业、加快农业信息化建设、发挥农协在现代农业中的作用,是新时期提升韩国农业现代化水平、增强农业竞争力新战略与新举措。本文研究的新意在于:比较客观地反映了日本殖民统治与韩国农业近现代化的同步性;分析了美国在韩国策划的土地改革与美国援助,对韩国农业现代化的推动作用;研究了韩国新村运动的历史进程,它不仅推动了生产发展、改善了农村环境、缩小了城乡差距,缓解了社会矛盾,最重要的是改变了人们的精神面貌。韩国农业现代化的历史告诉我们:工业反哺农业并非具有非常强大的工业基础时候才能进行,韩国是在工业化初期注意到工业反哺农业、减少农民数量等问题的,较好地解决了农业机械化和农村劳动转移的矛盾,达到了共同发展、相辅相成的效果。庞大的农村人口并没有成为经济发展的障碍,而为工业发展提供大量的劳动力;农业组织化是农民利益和农业有序发展的保证,农协在韩国农业生产、农民生活与农民利益保障方面的地位与作用值得我们借鉴。但是韩国的农业现代化进程,也存在着自身的矛盾与问题。韩国土地改革形成的小农经济,为农业规模经营造成障碍;20世纪60年代美国的PL480援助计划和其他外援计划保证了韩国粮食的安全,使韩国度过了艰难期,但外援也损害了农民的利益,挫伤了农民种粮的积极性;20世纪70年代发动的新村运动和城市化进程之间的矛盾。进城大潮造成了韩国“空壳村”的出现,而新村建设花费了国家巨大的财力;韩国农业现代化,或是世界上许多发展中国家,特别是人口密度大、资源匮乏的国家学习和借鉴的成功范例之一。但韩国农业现代化的模式不能照搬,要根据各国国情走自己特色的农业现代化发展道路。

【Abstract】 The North of Korean Peninsula is rich in industrial resources, but South Korea is relatively short of any industrial resources. During colonial Korea, most of heavy industries were in north part of Korea Peninsula, only part of light industry was in South Korea. South Korean is agriculture region which has good condition for planting rice. After the formation of South and North Korea, the industrial foundation in South Korea (south of north longitude 38°) was very weak, South Korea became a typical agriculture country. Furthermore, South Korea is a country with many mountains, high population density, deficient resources, so South Korea became one of countries with highest population density, shortest in resources in the world.South Korea is located in Eastern Asia, and shares similar cultural background and agricultural situation with China. Because of colonial domination and Korea War, South Korea became one of poorest countries in the world in 1950s. Began from colonial domination, South Korea experienced stagnation and damage caused by Korean War, and take_off in 1960s, South Korea realized agricultural modernization successfully. It is valuable for China to learn the practice of Saemaul Unodong, balanced development of urban and rural areas,narrowing the increasing disparity between urban and rural areas, the rich and the poor in South Korea.Colonial Korea is the beginning of Korean agricultural modernization. Even though, Janpan’s colonial domination was predatory,but some modern agricultural technologies was introduced into South Korea.For the purpose of Colonist, the land census,rice reproduction programs, infrastructure in agricultural land and establishment of agricultural education and research institutions, extension of western agricultural technology etc. Colonial domination synchronized with beginning of modern agriculture, this is a sensitive topic of political and national feeling in the worldwide, but academic study of agricultural history must be done based on the reality.The role of Korean land reform in the Korean agricultural modernization. After the founding of Republic of Korea, South Korea followed the route chart designed by American authority; the vested land was sold and began its land reform. After land reform, Korean people realized the“land to the tillers”, the grand land lards declined, but they became the newly industrial capitalists, and laid the foundation for industry development and the Saemaul Undong in 1970s.The role of adjustment of agricultural policy,labour force migration from rural areas and U.S. aid to South Korea.Because of damage of Korean War, Korean economy had been in the fringe of collapse, food shortage became the most important problem to been solved. South Korean Government carried out very positive agricultural policy, the US government also gave strong assistance to South Korea, so South Korea passed the severest stage of short of food and stabilized domestics situation. National enterprises supported by foreign loans developed rapidly. At this period, Korea made most use of the opportunity of industrial development, and used strategy of unbalanced development to give priority to developing industries of labour intensive, heavy and chemical industries. Under the strategy of unbalanced development, South Korea laid foundation of national industry. The development of industry provided many jobs for people, so this made the extra labour force to migrate to urban area smoothly.The effect of Saemaul Undong, Green Revolution and agricultural mechanization on Korean agricultural modernization. At the beginning of South Korean industrialization, the dual structure in Korea was severe, the gaps between urban and rural areas, citizen and farmers, industry and agriculture were increasing. Even though, Korean government is not so rich at that time, but Korea Government launched campaign of Saemaul Unodong early in 1970s. South Korean Government carried out food policy of double prices, inputed much funds, positive loan and land policies, the infrastructure and living standard in rural areas was improved greatly; meanwhile, industry developed fast, the labour force in rural area was migrated to urban areas successfully, Korea solved the problem of dual structure, and stepped into the road to agricultural modernization.With the fast migration of labour force to urban areas in 1970s, Korea began to promote agricultural mechanization, and realized agricultural mechanization in 1980s.Pushed by development of agricultural mechanization and Green Revolution, Korea was self-sufficient in grain at the end of 1970s. After 1980s.On the basis of strong industry foundation,South Korea carried out serials of agricultural support policies and development programs for improving rural and fishery villages, Korean agriculture developed smoothly, farmers’living standard was increased greatly.For increasing agricultural competition in the world after entering WTO, the change of agricultural policies. With admission to WTO, South Korea had to face pression of opening its agricultural markets to the outside world,South Korea adjusted its agricultural policies, advocated the development of environment-friendly agriculture, quickened its steps for agricultural information, used multi-function of agriculture, made use of the role of agricultural cooperatives, so as to increase its competition of agriculture in the world.After the above study, the following innovative conclusion was came into.the dissertation objectively descried the synchronization of colonial domination with agricultural modernization;analysed the promotion role of land reform and American aid in Korean agricultural development; studied the processing of Saemaul Undong, Saemaul Undong pushed the agricultural development, improved rural environment, narrowed the income disparage of urban and rural areas, relieved social contradiction, the most important thing was farmers’minds were changed. The history of Korean agricultural modernization told us that it is not must for industry to nurture agriculture while cities support rural areas when the industry has strong foundation. At the beginning of South Korean industry, South Korea paid attention to the problem of industry nursing agriculture while cities supporting rural area, decreased rural population and realized industrialization, they solved the contradiction of agricultural mechanization with labour force in rural area migrated to urban , realized industry and agriculture developed and supported each other.Large agricultural population had not became the constraint for economic development, it provided more labour force for industrial development,agricultural organization is the guarantee of farmers interests, the role of Korean Agricultural Cooperative in agricultural production, farmers’life and guarantee for farmers interests should be very useful reference to our country. But in the processing of Korean agricultural modernization, there were many problems and contradictions.Land reform caused the formation of petite peasant economy, it limited scale production in agriculture,historically,land reform had some fault and negative influence; agricultural and industrial policies carried out in 1960s, PL480 aid program and other foreign aid programs guaranteed the food safety, and helped Korea to pass its hardest period, but the foreign aid injured farmers’interests, dampened farmers’enthusiasm for growing grain crops; Saemaul Undong improved rural environment, but Saemaul Undong was contradictory to urbanization, it caused the appearance of Empty Villages, much of funds inputed in rural areas was wasted;Generally,Korean model of agricultural modernization has regarded as the most successful model for many countries with high population density and insufficient resources, however, we cannot copy it, different county should take its road with characteristics of their countries.

  • 【分类号】F331.26
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】2681

